His Angel (10 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cole

BOOK: His Angel
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“What was that about?”

Grinning, he shook his head. “Nothing for you to be worried about…yet.” He took the pen and contract she handed back to him, placing them on the reception desk. “One of the submissives who worked the desk will file this later. This last page is a general contract. We'll go through it and sign it later. For now, let's get on with the tour, shall we?"

Trying to keep his vow not to touch her, he opened one of the double doors and gestured for her to precede him. Angie's jaw dropped in astonishment two steps over the threshold. The currently empty club was gorgeous and the décor from the lobby extended into the great space before them. The huge 'U' shaped upper floor they were on overlooked the floor below. There was a curved dark wood bar along the base of the ‘U', or horseshoe, and at the other ends, there was a small store and offices. Down the sides of the balcony were numerous sitting areas against the walls and pub-style tables and chairs at the brass railing so people could observe what was happening on the first floor. Across the carpeted floor from the bar was an elegant grand staircase leading downward. In the center, hanging from the ceiling above the first floor were three large wrought iron chandeliers which matched the sconces on the walls. "Wow, Ian this is beautiful. It's something out of an old French castle or someplace. I don't know what I expected but this wasn't it."

"Thanks, I'm glad you like it." He was obviously proud of the place. “A lot of hard work went into making The Covenant the premier place to practice BDSM in the Tampa area. Devon and I toured a few elite clubs in the U.S. with our cousin, Mitch, and some in Europe before deciding on the final plans. We found and consulted with designers who had experience in the lifestyle before we settled on this look. New members and guests tend to have the same reaction you did. The door next to the bar over there leads to staircases into the locker rooms below and there are entrances downstairs too. Some people come straight from work or some other place, and this way they can change into their club wear here. Come on, let me show you the pit."

"The 'pit?'" she asked curiously.

He chuckled. "It's what we call downstairs."

"I would think you'd call it a dungeon."

Looking at his watch, he picked up his pace and led her down the grand staircase. She was wondering what the hurry was.

"It was called the dungeon in the beginning but members who like to watch from up above dubbed it the 'pit' not long after we opened and the name stuck." They reached the bottom of the stairs and he watched her face as she took in the large playing area with a mixture of awe, curiosity and even a touch of eagerness.

All along the walls were individual scene stations, each blocked off with velvet red ropes and brass stands normally used at a theater. Because of the square footage, they were able to put ten large roped off areas on each side under the straightaways of the upstairs horseshoe. The locker rooms were located under the stairs and bar. Down two separate hallways on the far end of the pit, under the store, offices and storage areas, were twelve suites and theme rooms for private play. Inside the downstairs ‘U’ were numerous sitting areas. Some of them had couches, wing-back chairs and chaise loungers, while others consisted of small tables with matching chairs where conversations and/or sexual play could take place. All the furniture was either leather or wood, which was easy to clean.

But the pièce de résistance of the club was the large St. Andrew's cross atop a small two foot high stage in the center of the pit. The seven foot tall medieval torture device was covered in black leather, and had wrist and ankle restraints at the ends. And it was where Ian was leading her to now. "We use this for demos and commitment or collaring ceremonies like the one Kristen and Devon had a few months back. Step up on the stage, sweetheart."

His voice dropped to that whiskey-laced tone she was starting to recognize as his Dom voice and her eyes widened. She only hesitated a brief moment before taking the two steps up and saw his gaze trail up and down her body. “I love the knee high leather boots. Those you can keep on. As for the sweater and skirt...undress to your bra and panties, Angel."

"I-I thought we couldn't play?" She was nervous and excited at the same time and the statement came out as a question. Ian's mouth turned up into the evil grin he liked to give her–the one which made her body shudder and her pussy lips quiver with anticipation.

He crossed his arms over his chest and spread his legs shoulder width apart. "Just because we won't be playing or touching, doesn't mean I don't get to see the pretty lingerie you have on. I've been fantasizing about it all day. Now, either undress or say your safe-word."

Angie gulped, but she grabbed the bottom of her sweater and pulled it over her head, tossing it to the floor next to her. Her nipples tightened under the sheer lace of her bra at his heated stare and she felt a gush of her juices flood from her pussy, soaking her little thong. Her eyes latched on to his as she reached behind her, releasing the catch at the top of her skirt and pulling down the zipper, feeling each tooth release from its mate. When the garment fell to her feet in a puddle, she stepped out of it and kicked it over to join her top on the floor of the stage.

"You're beautiful, sweetheart. Absolutely exquisite. Turn around slowly for me, all the way…holy fuck! I should fall to my knees to thank the Lord above for bestowing such beauty on your backside, Angel. I want to bite down on that little pink bow and rip those off you with my teeth.” His words made her heart beat faster. She wasn’t used to a man being so vocal about her body. When she completed the rotation, he pointed the cross behind her. "Step back against the cross. Lift your arms up and grab hold of the wrist restraints then stay like that."

She'd just taken hold of the second Velcro cuff when they both heard the upstairs double doors open and the sounds of men's voices. Angie was about to bring her hands down to either cover herself or dive for her clothes when he stopped her. "Uh-uh, Angel. Unless you want to use your safe-word, stay the way you were. I've decided to push your limits a little more today. The team and I need to have a meeting, and afterward, I'll show you the rest of the compound. Of course, I'll let you get dressed again before we go outside." Turning his head he raised his voice so the others could hear him. "Stay upstairs for a count of thirty."

The voices went quiet and he looked at her again. "You have twenty of those seconds to use your safe-word. If you do, then you can get dressed and have a seat on the couch over there for a few minutes until we're done. I won't be mad or disappointed at all. If you don't use your safe-word, then my men and I will have our meeting while you give us something beautiful to look at. No one will touch you or say anything which will make you uncomfortable. They'll just admire your lovely body like I'm doing."

As Ian checked his watch, Angie's mind raced. She'd never been undressed in front of more than one man before. While the thought of it made her nervous, it aroused her even more. She swallowed and made her decision known. "I'll stay where I am, Sir."

He smiled and her heart squeezed knowing she pleased him.

"Damn, she makes a pretty ornament. We should have all our meetings this way."

Angie gasped and her cheeks burned red but she stayed where she was and didn't utter a word. She hadn't realized how fast thirty seconds would be. The five other members of his team, including her next door neighbor, had come down the stairs and approached the two of them. She wasn't sure who made the comment since they were all staring at her–not lewdly but appreciatively–and it made her feel beautiful, sexy and downright naughty. Here she was in her underwear, looking like a dancer in a strip joint, and she wasn't embarrassed. Crap! She was an exhibitionist. How come she never knew that?

She saw Jake break away first, smiling and shaking his head before taking a seat in a wing-back chair. The rest all smiled or winked at her before also sitting down until Ian was the only one still standing in front of her. "You please me, Angel, very much." She glowed under his praise. "I'd like you to keep your arms up for now, but when it gets uncomfortable, just let me know. Understand?"

When she nodded, he shook his head with a frown.
Oh yeah!
"Yes, Sir. I understand."

"Good girl. This will take about fifteen or twenty minutes, but I suspect you'll tire way before we're done. Don't worry about interrupting since you're already a delicious distraction."

He turned and took the last seat facing her. From how they were all situated, they could look up and see her easily, except for Jake whose back was to her. She thought it odd he wasn't looking at her like the others were, but it didn't bother her. In fact, she was getting wetter by the second and she clenched her thighs together. Devon had started whatever meeting they were having but her eyes remained on Ian's face. When he saw her squirm, he pointed at her feet and indicated with his hands that he wanted her to spread her legs wide. Shit, the thong gave her limited coverage in her crotch and they'd all be able to see most of her glistening pussy. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before spreading her legs and looking at Ian again to see his approving nod. She then stood there, in her underwear, while the men had their meeting, all but ignoring her except for the occasional glance, grin or wink.

Devon opened a file in his hand. "We've narrowed the new team of six down to fourteen candidates. Eleven men and three women, all highly recommended by their superiors, or in some cases, their subordinates or protected assets. Four are with the FBI with military background. Seven are recently retired or about to be retired from various Special Forces, one of whom was a P.O.W. for a week in Afghanistan. Two are from SWAT teams–one in L.A. and the other from Chicago. The last one is from the Secret Service and has experience with high level targets. He was the one who personally, and single-handedly I might add, prevented the kidnapping of the House Speaker's young daughter on a family vacation to Jamaica last year. I'm sure everyone remembers the incident." Three low-level and over-zealous members of Al Qaeda tried to take the twelve-year old girl from the hotel her family was staying at. Two other Secret Service agents were shot to death, and if it wasn't for Cain Foster, the child might have been beheaded at some point for a videotaped jihad.

Ian took over, his gaze flicking to her every few moments to make sure she was okay. "We'd like to try and get at least one of the three women on the team if we can, but not at the expense of passing over a better qualified asset. Having a woman on-call for an op, if one is needed, keeps us from having to track one down through our contractors. We are considering hiring one of the women for reasons other than the Omega team, which is what the second team will be called."

Boomer snorted. "As long as they know they're not the Alpha team, which is what I just decided our team is going to be called." The group of men chuckled at the pun since they were all alpha-male Doms at the club and, prior to adding a new team, they'd never needed a team name for themselves.

"What's the extra position?" Jake asked.

Devon grinned like a guy with a new toy. "Chopper pilot."

"Holy shit, we're getting a helicopter?" It was Boomer's turn to sound like a kid in a toy store...or a Dom in a sex toy store, because he looked like he was ready to blow a load and it wasn't because there was a woman in sexy lingerie standing less than ten feet away from him.

Ian nodded. "Yup, I've got a line on one and I'm hoping we can work out a deal by the end of the month. As you know, we purchased the ten acres north of the compound last month and that's where the helipad will be built. Polo, I know you have plenty of flight time, and we'll use you as back-up, but I don't want an empty spot on the team if you have to stay behind with the bird on an op."

Marco nodded his head. "Fine with me. I'll take it up and do some training with the new pilot in case I need to take over in an emergency."

“Good idea.” Ian paused when he glanced over at Angie. "Excuse me a second," he said to his team as he stood and approached the stage. "Are your arms tired, Angel?"

Her arms were a little uncomfortable but she was doing her best to keep them up. She shook her head, not wanting to disappoint him. "No, Sir, not really."

His eyes narrowed, his expression stern. "You're squirming and I can tell by looking at your face you're not comfortable. Now, would you like to try answering the question again, this time honestly, and not with what you think I want to hear?"

Damn, she should have told him the truth the first time he asked. "Um, sorry Sir, but yes my arms are tired."

"The apology better be for not telling me the truth and not because you're sorry your arms got tired in that position. You lasted longer than I expected. You may bring your arms down." He walked a few feet away and returned with a wooden straight back chair, spun it around and placed it on the stage so if she sat on it properly she'd be facing the cross behind her. "Straddle the chair, Angel, and rest your hands on your thighs."

Angie didn't know what shocked her more, the position he wanted her in so they'd all have a view of her crotch through the narrow slats of the chair, or the fact she obeyed him without hesitation. After she'd done as instructed, he told her to spread her knees wider. When he was satisfied, he went back to his own chair and continued with his meeting while she sat there, her juices dripping from her slit. She didn't want to look down but she was certain she was making a puddle on the seat under her pussy. Her walls clenched with need for a cock to fill her. And not just any cock, her sex wanted only one...Ian's. She was so high on lust, she was tempted to interrupt their meeting and beg him to fuck her right there in front of everyone and, of course, that thought inflamed her desire even further.

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