Read Highland Sparks (Clan Grant #5) Online

Authors: Keira Montclair

Tags: #Highlander, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance, #Historical, #Adult

Highland Sparks (Clan Grant #5) (6 page)

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When she neared the end, he apparently couldn’t contain himself any longer and jumped out of his chair. “Duff? Duff Erskine kidnapped you? And he put you on a boat? Why?”

“For the same reason, Rab.”

“What same reason?”

“You recall when he shot Da and Gordon? He had a cargo of women in his cart.”

“For what? What were his plans for you?” Rab’s eyes grew wide as he spoke.

“His plan was to send me to the East, along with several other women.”

Rab sat down and placed his head in his hands. “Good Lord. How could he do such a thing? My Gwynie…”

She finished her story, and he promptly begged her not to travel.

“Rab, please. I need to do this for my friend, Caralyn.”

“Gwyneth, how can you consider traveling all the way to the Highlands with several men? ‘Tis unseemly, not to mention dangerous. I fear for you.” Rab fingered the cross around his neck as he spoke, glancing at the cross on his wall for comfort. He closed his eyes and prayed, as Gwyneth knew he so often did.

“I will be much safer with Logan Ramsay and the Grant warriors than I was here,” she said gently. “Look at what happened to me right outside your door. I was kidnapped from the side of the Kirk.”

“I know, Gwyneth, and this whole time I have been sick with worry. I cannot lose you, too. Please don’t go. Stay here with me.”

“And what if Erskine still searches for me?” While she hated the forlorn expression on her brother’s face, she was not about to sit here waiting for Erskine to strike again. If she stayed, it would be to go after him.

Rab mopped his brow with a linen square and paused for a moment, sighing. “You could be right. Gwynie, you look terrible, all bruised and beaten. I will say many prayers for you. Perhaps it would be best if you went away to heal. I hear the Grant warriors are strong and honorable. I don’t think even Duff Erskine would dare to tangle with them.” He wrapped his arms around her again, then stood back, holding her at arm’s length. “Stay for a bit first? I would love to talk to you. You have no idea how worried I have been.”

“Rab, I’m sorry, but I must go now. Two lassies are depending on me. I cannot, in good conscience, send them off alone with the men. I go to protect them and ease their journey. I love you and I will let you know as soon as I return.”

With that, she departed, in part because she couldn’t stand to see her brother so tormented.

Her next stop was to visit her supervisor, Dougal Hamilton, assistant to the steward Alexander of Dundonald, whose job it was to ferret out important information for the Scottish Crown. Gwyneth had spied for him for the past year, covertly following men of interest to see whether or not they were loyal to the Crown. Her position had been arranged through the priests at the Kirk, though her brother had only agreed because of Hamilton’s importance and persistence.

When Hamilton had first approached her, he had been hesitant. Word had reached him about her prowess as an archer and he had been searching for another spy. Word of unrest among the Western Isles and the King of Norway had spread through the land like wildfire, but the information was rumor, at best. He had wanted someone he could trust to sneak covertly into areas of interest around certain people.

Her first assignment had sent her to the royal burgh at Ayr in search of a traitor selling information. Gwyneth had discovered his identity within a sennight. He had been arrested and hung by the sheriff of the burgh.

Hamilton had smiled when she returned to him in Glasgow. She had passed her test because no one had suspected her role due to the fact she was a woman. Gwyneth had just shrugged her shoulders as he chuckled in delight.

Her final test had been to demonstrate her prowess at the butts, Hamilton claiming to want to guarantee she was capable of protecting herself in the field. Dougal had guffawed in delight every time she struck her target and hired her without hesitation.

With the Norse fleet coming closer, she had been on continuous assignment. One of her ongoing tasks was to find Duff Erskine and discover his activities. Hamilton had encouraged her to follow him along with three others. Gwyneth had been successful in uncovering the underhanded actions of the other three traitors, but Erskine was as elusive as ever.

Her latest assignment had been to follow Duff Erskine and to learn his current pursuits. The government had known of the previous doings with women, but was unaware of any recent activities. No missing women had been reported. He was a primary suspect in selling information to the Norse, but they had been unable to prove it.

Dougal Hamilton would be shocked to learn what she had discovered…and that she had been part of Duff’s cargo.

As soon as he noticed Gwyneth in the castle, Dougal Hamilton motioned her into his solar. “Tell me everything. Rab had contacted me about your disappearance and I have men searching for you. Where did you get those bruises?”

Gwyneth filled him in on the details.

“My apologies. Erskine needs to be stopped. I had wanted to catch him selling information, but selling women to the East is beyond heinous. We need to take him out now. You will finish your mission?”

“Nay. I have something I must do for a friend first.” She panted, out of breath from tearing across the countryside. Somehow, she would have to convince him how important this task was to her. The lassies needed her and she wouldn’t desert them, even if it cost her time she could have spent pursuing Erskine. Robbie had been right. The weasel could wait. “I am to escort two wee lassies to the Highlands with Captain Robbie Grant of the Grant warriors and Logan Ramsay of Lothian. If I don’t go, there may be trouble for the bairns. And Ramsay is overbearing and stubborn; he would be slow to let it go. I will be back to complete the assignment as soon as possible.”

“Gwyneth, I can see the marks on your face. You have much that needs tending and that is the only reason I am agreeing to this journey. You also look exhausted. Please go slow so you can heal. I will assign two others to him in your absence, but I suspect this issue will not be settled by your return. Erskine is now aware of your activities. I’ll feel better knowing you are healing away from the area. I hope you are headed out of Glasgow.”

“We travel to the Highlands guarding two wee lassies.”

“Do what you must. But I want this completed within a moon. You understand the need better than anyone, Gwyneth.” He nodded to her. “Remember, time is of the essence.”

Gwyneth heaved a sigh of relief. She had to do this first.

Little did she know that Logan Ramsay had just been by to update Dougal Hamilton with the same exact information.


Chapter Seven


Tomas walked into the clearing with the two girls in tow, a stunned expression on his face. “Did I just see Gwyneth with your plaid on, Ramsay?”

“Aye, but she apparently doesn’t know what it means, so be quiet about it. ‘Twill be a cold ride and you know it.” Logan said, stooping to pick up wee Gracie.

Robbie chuckled. “I doubt you gave Gwyneth your plaid just to protect her from the cold. Didn’t think I’d see the day, but I am enjoying the two of you together. Gwyneth is indeed unique and your response to her is even better. Always wondered what kind of woman would catch your eye.”

Logan bounced Gracie in his arms until she smiled. “Had to be someone special, didn’t it, Gracie? Gwyneth will definitely light up this journey.”

Robbie sent Tomas back to town with instructions while Gwyneth headed home. “I don’t want to wait long, Tomas. Find some provisions and the guards fast and get back. We probably only have a few hours until Murray discovers the girls missing. He may send guards out right away.”

Logan said, “Don’t worry. We’ll lose them if they do.” Since Malcolm Murray used the girls to blackmail Caralyn into being submissive, he wouldn’t be happy when he discovered the lassies missing. Bastard needed to be stopped. He wondered what Robbie’s intent was toward the lass.

After Tomas left, Robbie smirked again at Logan. “Quade will love to hear this.”

“Aye, I meant what I said in the cottage. She’s mine and no one touches her. The plaid will guarantee that your guards know their bounds.” Then he snickered. “Just don’t inform her of its meaning. I don’t understand why she doesn’t know, but mayhap they don’t do this in the Lowlands to the west of Glasgow. And I’ll tell my brother when he needs to know.” He mounted his horse and yelled, “Grant, I’ll be back shortly. One errand to do before we leave.”

Logan knew Robbie could handle the weans by himself. He had to see Dougal Hamilton and inform him of his pending journey.

A few hours later, he managed to make it back to the clearing before Gwyneth. Tomas had returned and they waited for her. As soon as she arrived, Logan strode over to help her dismount. “Where’d you have to travel to that was so important?”

“‘Tis no concern of yours, Ramsay. I have to travel with you, but I don’t have to like it or answer to you. Do your job, and I’ll do mine.”

Hell, but she looked mighty nice with his plaid over her shoulder. The blue was a nice match with her blue eyes, though her eyes were a bit lighter. She also could sit a horse well, too. He found himself wondering about her background—he’d never met a lass anything like her, and he wanted to know what made her so unique and strong. He watched her bum as she strolled over to the two lassies.
One sweet bum, you have, lass.
Aye, he was looking forward to this trip.

In a short time, the group was saddled and ready to go. Right before Gwyneth was about to mount, a somber-faced Gracie ran over to Robbie and held her arms up to him. Robbie picked her up and she whispered in his ear, “Pweez save my mama.” She cradled his face in her wee hands and gave him a kiss before hopping down and running back to Gwyneth.

Logan had never heard Gracie speak a word before today. Captain Grant had a tough road ahead of him.


Logan searched the hills but saw nothing. He had to admit that protecting three lassies did force him to be more on the alert than usual, if such a thing were possible. They didn’t linger at all since Logan and his four men were worried about being followed by Murray. He sent two ahead and the other two brought up the rear, just to be safe.

Autumn was definitely in the air for their journey. Logan took a deep breath just to enjoy the crispness of the Highland day. How he loved the outdoors, especially playing outside with Lily and Torrian. Now that they were well, he could chase them about—a game all three of them enjoyed. The leaves were just starting to turn. Fortunately, they hadn’t had a hard frost yet, so the ground was still soft, there were still plenty of leaves on the trees, and there was still food available for picking and digging. The squirrels were busy hiding their winter stores, and the rabbits hadn’t yet gone into hibernation, so at least their trip should be fruitful. The lassies were too thin, and could use some meat on their bones.

Since they were all on horseback, they made good time the first day, which made him relax a bit. He had taken a couple of different turns off the main path to confuse anyone who might be following them, and he often sent one of his men behind to clean up their tracks. It was a good sign that they’d made it through the first day without any sign of pursuit.

He found a clearing and signaled for the group to stop around dusk, hoping there would be enough light to hunt. He was ravenous after consuming a strict diet of oatcakes during the day, so the others must be as well. After he helped the bairns down, he reached for Gwyneth, but she shoved his hands away.

She hopped down with a short, “I can handle myself, Ramsay.”

“I see you can,” he said with a grin. “I was just offering a kindness.”

Gwyneth snorted, and he laughed. She was quite entertaining, though he had to contain his attraction to her around the lassies. Logan sent two men out to watch and two to hunt. “Lass, do you wish to hunt or stay with the girls?”

Gwyneth grabbed her bow and headed out after the two hunters, yelling over her shoulder, “Hunt. Can’t count on a man to get enough.”

Logan chuckled, eager to see what she could do with her bow and arrows. He knew one of Robbie’s men to be a good archer, so the challenge was on. “Ashlyn, will you and Gracie gather some sticks for me so I can get a fire going? ‘Twill be chilly tonight.”

Gracie raced outside the clearing just as Logan whistled. “Not too far, wean. I want to be able to see you.” They collected branches and twigs enough to get the fire going. Watching Gracie at work was definitely entertaining. She would find one twig, then come back and carefully place it on top of the growing pile before racing off to find another. He laughed as he watched her, but rather than suggest that she try to carry more than one at once, he said, “Good lass, you’re a great helper.” Must be she had some energy to burn from being on the horse all day. At least her rags gave her some padding to keep her bottom from getting sore. Naught seemed to bother her.

He started the fire and waved the flames to build it up, throwing Gracie’s kindling in to get it roaring, when Neil and Gilroy each returned with one rabbit each.

“What the hell, Gilroy.” Logan stared at him as he spoke. “Do you think two wee rabbits will feed eight of us? I thought you were supposed to be an accomplished bowman.”

Gilroy gave him a sheepish look. “Och, the lassies won’t eat much.”

Neil stood beside his comrade. “There aren’t many rabbits out there this time of year, Ramsay. You try your luck.”

A rustling in the trees made them all turn in time to see Gwyneth stride into the clearing with four rabbits hanging from her belt. She tossed them near the fire and said, “Do you want more?”

Logan quirked an eyebrow at her. “Well done, lass.” He turned to Neil and said, “Not enough rabbits out there?”

Neil’s brow furrowed. “Aye, she got them all.”

Giving them each a rabbit to skin, Logan took one to work on himself. “Six should be enough. Get cleaning. I’m starved.”

Ashlyn turned her head as soon as they started slicing, but Gracie stood right next to him, her eyes on the rabbit, a wee hand on his leg. She pointed to the rabbit. “Eat?”

Logan smiled at her. “Are you hungry, lass?”

Gracie nodded. “I hungry.” Then she patted her belly before patting Logan’s belly. “You hungry?”

Logan laughed. “Aye, I am, but I will save you some. Can you be careful with the bones?”

She nodded, her gaze catching his before it returned to the rabbit.

Poor lass was hungry. Probably hadn’t been fed much by the fools who’d held them captive. Both girls needed fattening since their cheeks showed dark hollows. Hellfire, but he would give the girls his portion. The wee one was almost salivating, and though Ashlyn wouldn’t look at the gore of the rabbits, he could tell she was just as starved. Logan directed his question to Ashlyn, “Did they feed you at the cottage?”

Ashlyn stared at the dirt while she shook her head. Poor thing was embarrassed to be so hungry. “Not much. Only stale bread. I had to give mine to Gracie because she was so hungry.”

Logan raised an eyebrow at Gwyneth, nodding at her bow. Hellfire, how long had it been since Ashlyn had eaten if she kept giving her food to her sister?

With a return nod, Gwyneth stood and stalked back out of the clearing. A few minutes later she returned with several apples, some with her arrows still in them. She sat on a log and pulled them off, offering one to Ashlyn. Gracie ran over and folded her hands in front of her, asking, “Pweez?” before she leaned on Gwyneth’s leg and grabbed a piece of fruit, her wee hands gripping her tightly.

Gwyneth glanced over her head to Logan and said, “If you hadn’t killed the two louts, I’d go back and kill them with my bare hands right now. Neither one of the brutes looked like they’d ever missed a meal.”

As soon as they finished cooking the rabbits, Logan handed meat to Gwyneth to dole out to Gracie and gave some to Ashlyn as well. He then left the clearing with an empty sack he pulled out of his satchel. “I’ll be back. Don’t kill the fire.”

“Where are you going?”

He glanced over his shoulder. “To find dessert.”

Gracie clapped her hands.


The girls had eaten everything they could get their hands on. Logan couldn’t stand to see wee ones go hungry. He remembered all too well the same haunted look in his nephew’s eyes that had come from going without eating for so long. Food had made him vomit, so the poor lad had given up all but the thinnest gruel until Brenna came along and realized the problem—the boy and his sister could not stomach wheat.

Hungry bairns were something he could not handle. He’d find supplies for them to carry on their trip…enough so that the wee ones would never go without food again. Wandering through the thick forest, he searched in cracks and crevices and climbed tress to see what was available for foraging. A few moments later, he smiled. He had found just what he had been looking for—hazelnuts. He filled his sack and continued to look in the usual hiding places. He found mushrooms, the perfect kind for eating, and some pea vines. He cut down as many as he could and took them back along with some of the wild kale. He sent a blessing to Brenna—not only had she cured his brother’s bairns, but she’d taught him enough of the vegetables that grew in the wild that he’d be able to fill the lassies’ tummies.

When he came back into the clearing, Gracie ran over to him, her gaze hopeful.

“Hold out your hands, lassie.” Logan beckoned Ashlyn over as well. Gwyneth came up behind them to see what he had found. As soon as he saw two wee sets of cupped palms, he filled them with peapods and a couple of hazelnuts each. Gracie’s face lit up and Ashlyn said, “Gracie, peas. Your favorite,” a smile lighting up her gaunt face.

Gwyneth said, “Well done, beast.” She gave him a nod and a smile.

Logan smirked and held his hand out to her with an innocent look on his face. “Nut, Gwyneth?”

Gwyneth coughed and said, “Nay, my thanks, beast.”

The two little ones sat near the fire and opened their pods, chewing their treats carefully. To his surprise, after Gracie ate the sweet peas from inside the pods, she chewed on the fibrous outsides too, crunching away as if she hadn’t been fed for days. Logan smashed the hazelnuts so they could dig the sweet meat out of the shells.

“Are you sure you don’t want one, Gwyneth?” Logan asked.

“Nay, beast.”

“Gwyneth, why do you call Logan a beast?” Ashlyn peered up at her.

Gwyneth scowled and turned away, not knowing how to answer that. He answered for her. “That’s her endearing term for me, Ashlyn. It means the opposite.”

She swung around to face him, her eyes in a fury as she glowered at him.

He held his hands up. “Sorry. I promised, didn’t I? It won’t happen again.”

Gwyneth stomped off into the bushes, a low growl coming from her.

Logan laughed.

“I think she really likes you, Logan. Don’t feel bad,” Ashlyn said.

“I think you’re right,” he whispered.

A squeal came from the trees not far away. Logan laughed again. “Not my words, Gwyneth. Just a bairn’s observations.”

After eating her treasures, Gracie walked over to Logan and kissed him on the cheek after patting her belly. What better reward could one ask for?

His biggest challenge in keeping the lasses safe and comfortable would be the cold nights in the Highlands. He had a couple of furs and two plaids, but the air would soon be quite chilly. All three of the lasses were too thin to stay warm, another reason for him to speed up their journey. He had to get them to the Grants without delay.

He decided to settle in for the night and check on Gwyneth. As soon as he laid his plaid on the ground, Gracie waddled toward him with her arms raised and a big smile on her face. “You wish to sleep with me, lassie?”

Gracie nodded and plopped down into his lap. She peeked up at him and said, “He save my mama?”

BOOK: Highland Sparks (Clan Grant #5)
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