Highland Rake (25 page)

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Authors: Terry Spear

Tags: #historical romance, #highlands, #highland romance, #highland historical romance, #highland paranormal romance, #scottish romance, #medieval romance, #scottish, #highland, #terry spear, #highland ghost romance

BOOK: Highland Rake
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"I would have wanted
before long."

She smiled up at him, and she was certain her look was just as wickedly bad as one he would give her when he had been interested in making love with her.

"My mistake, lass," Dougald said, and swept her up in his arms, making her squeak from his sudden and impetuous action as he strode out of the great hall to the stairs that would take them back to the bedchamber.

When they were beyond his brothers' hearing, he said, "I truly do worry about how you would feel, Alana. You need no' concern yourself about me seeking pleasure elsewhere."

"I want this, husband."

"You do realize you are setting a precedent."


"I wake early."

She grinned up at him. "I will look forward to it."

He didn't give her much of a chance to change her mind. Which was fine with her! As soon as he reached the bedchamber and slammed the door shut with his backside, he set her on the floor. As she held onto his broad shoulders, he crouched and slipped one of her shoes off, then the other. After that, he was in a rush to remove the rest of her clothes. She realized he hadn't been fabricating how much he had wanted her, and it truly was the reason for his staying away! She loved him for it.

But when he removed her
, he stared at her naked body, his lips parted, and he didn't say a word. Then he raised his brows as his dark, heated gaze met hers.

"What?" she said, thinking in the light of day he was not as pleased with the way she looked as he was when it was dark and she was half covered in blankets.

"Where is your chemise, my lady? And your stockings?"

She grinned. That was the only matter. She tugged at his plaid. "Hurry, husband. I didna want to fully dress when I would have to undress all over again."

He began tearing off his plaid and tunic, walking forward as he forced her to move backward. "You were half naked in front of my brothers and the others?"

"No' that they could see," she said, smiling up at him, loving how he teased her, while she yanked at his plaid to try to assist him in removing
clothes faster.

The chamber
chilly. Despite attempting to act as though being naked with him was perfectly normal, she still felt self-conscious. Particularly because the last time they had made love, they had both been fully dressed until he undressed her to sleep naked with her. But then furs and covers had buried them. And he had left the chamber this morn before she woke.

She wanted to get a peek at him when he'd removed all his clothes, but he kept his hot, hard body pressed close to hers as he continued to move her back toward the bed, his hands on her shoulders, guiding her. He was smiling wickedly down at her as if he thought she was just as sinfully intrigued as he was. And she

His hard as steel manhood was pressed against her. He was huge and she wondered how he'd managed to get such a big staff inside her. He had just a small amount of dark hair trailing down his broad chest, enough to appeal and make her want to run her fingers through it and to see just how low it went. She ran her hands over his hips and back and felt they were very smooth, no hair at all.

When her backside touched the mattress, he began to kiss her, his mouth warm and insistent, his hands cupping her face, his hard body pressed deliciously against hers.

She melted under his touch and forgot all about their nakedness as she felt the heat pool low in her belly, lower still into that place where he had been before. And the need returned, her breasts swelling, the area between her legs aching just as much. She craved the release she knew he could give her.

Somehow between his kissing her, and his hands molding to her breasts, caressing, lifting, his thumbs stroking her nipples, she ended up on the bed. She wasn't sure how it had happened, but all that mattered was that he was kissing her senseless, his body moving against hers, his staff rubbing her thigh and oh how she wanted him inside her.

She moaned as he moved his hand to stroke that part of her, and she felt the chilly room no longer too cool, but way too hot. Wonderfully hot.

His tongue licked down her stomach, tickling, heating her. Between that and the way his fingers were stroking the flame lower, when he pressed them into her womanly folds, she felt the pleasure wash over her in such a rush, she was heady with joy and cried out.

He smiled in a lusty way and moved slowly between her legs as if he couldn't wait any longer, but was careful not to rush in case she was sore. He pushed into her tight sheath, deeper, filling her with his staff all the way to the hilt.

Then he began kissing her again, rubbing against her, thrusting deeply, and she felt herself rising to that high place above the clouds, reaching, stretching until she shattered again.

"Alana," Dougald said, his voice raw with lust, as he came into her, having wanted to do this every time he woke last night with her sleeping in his arms.

The lass was so perfect for him, he couldn't believe how much she pleased him. He slid off her and pulled her into his arms, then shifted the covers over them.

He would never have left her this morning if he had known she could be ready for him again this soon. He loved her and smiled as she snuggled against him. His brothers and cousin and Gunnolf would have a fine time talking about Alana coming down to get him, and how she hadn't wanted just to speak with him of some matter. He was so surprised when she said she wanted him to make love to her. Even then, he still hadn't been sure she was ready for him, or just had felt the need to ensure he did not stray.

But she had no need to worry about such a thing. No' that the lasses who still might be interested could cause him difficulty, he thought grimly. He'd have to make sure Alana knew he wouldn't succumb to a woman's wiles, unless they were his wife's.


James had a maid carry a tray up to their chamber with a word to Alana and Dougald that they were not to join the clans until they were good and ready. But Dougald knew it would be harder for Alana to face his people and hers the longer they were absent.

When they finally called on a maid to plait Alana's hair and make his bonny lass look presentable after their last bout of lovemaking, he escorted her to the great hall where the conversation soon died down.

Then smiles and welcomes greeted the recently wed couple and the feasting continued—to honor the Cameron clan, as far as the Cameron himself and his men were concerned, while they rested up for the return journey home. After eating boar stew and venison, Alana danced with Dougald, and he was pleased the way everything had turned out. Not that he was unconcerned about the prospect of living among those of the Cameron clan. He'd heard some of the laird's men grumbling about Dougald being just like Alana's brother, that he would come to no good end, either. Which made him wonder if someone had plans for him, if they had also plotted Connell's murder.

He'd released Alana so she could dance with his brother Angus with a look that told his brother the lass was a married lady and
. Dougald realized then that was the first time he'd ever felt possessive about a woman. He liked the feeling as he folded his arms and watched her dance. Angus had been highly amused.

Dougald was still watching them as his cousin Niall took a turn with the lady. She was in high spirits and seemed so at ease with his kin, he almost wished they could remain here. But he knew it was not in the Cameron's plans, and Dougald would do everything he could to make this work both for the unification of their clans and to make Alana happy.

"I told ye she would spread her legs for any, but I hadna expected it to be one of the men of our enemy clan," a man said bitterly somewhere behind Dougald.

His anger stoked, Dougald had his
sgian dubh
out at once. He whipped around and grabbed the man closest to him by the throat—who he believed had been speaking—so fast, the blond-haired man didn't have a chance to defend himself. Not that any of the Cameron's men were armed, per James's orders. Only the Cameron himself was allowed to wear his sword as a matter of honor.

The man's face was turning red, his green eyes bulging as he squeaked, "I didna say it. 'Twas him." He quickly motioned to the other man with a wave of his hand.

"Yet you said naught to defend the lady," Dougald growled. He shoved the blond aside and stalked toward the other man, turning his fury on him. This one was black-haired, his blue eyes narrowed in hatred. Dougald seized him by the throat and said in a manner that was low and threatening, "You will apologize at once."

"I am saying only what every man here is saying," the black-hearted knave croaked out.

"Mayhap," Dougald said, gripping the man's throat even tighter, "but I hear only you speaking such foul words. To speak thus so that I might hear means you dinna value your life overmuch or that you are verra brave or verra foolish. Which is it?"

"'Tis your right to deal with him as you see fit," Cameron said, laying his hand on Dougald's shoulder in a way that said he agreed with Dougald's being furious over the matter, yet he wished to have a say. "But 'tis your wedding celebration. I would have you enjoy it as I take care of him. If it pleases you."

Dougald wanted to deal with the vermin himself, but Cameron was right. It would not begin good relations with his newly acquired Cameron kin if Dougald killed one of their men so soon after he married his niece.

"Aye. Do what you see fit, but I will have no one speak ill of Lady Alana." Dougald looked fiercely from one Cameron man to the next. They glowered back at him, but not a one spoke his mind.

Cameron grabbed the man's arm and hauled him out of the great hall. Dougald looked for Alana and saw James had his hand on her arm, holding her in place across the hall, her face and his filled with concern as they furrowed their brows. The music had stopped and every eye was trained on him and the Cameron men behind him. He crossed the floor to Alana, took her shoulders in his hands and kissed her soundly. He motioned for the men to begin playing on their lyres again, and he began to dance with Alana once more.

"That was Gilleasbuig," Alana whispered. "He didna have a broken nose."

"I could have fixed that for him," Dougald said, his blood still cold with outrage, although he tried to rein in his temper as he danced with his wife.

"What did he say that riled you so?"

"Naught that would interest you."

She glanced back at her clansmen. "You wouldna have nearly strangled the man if he hadna said something that infuriated you so."

Dougald wasn't about to share the vulgar words the man spoke, afraid she'd hear them at some other time, but he wasn't going to repeat them here, not at their celebration.

"We were no' supposed to keep secrets from one another," she scolded.

"All right," he said, "the moment I saw you sitting on your horse on the hilltop, I wanted you for my own. I fought the notion, of course, the rake that I was. But I wanted you just the same."

She smiled up at him and he was glad he could get her mind off the subject of Gilleasbuig. "When I first saw you, I was shocked to say the least."

"Yet you didna ride away that instant," he teased.

Her cheeks blushed beautifully. "I was too shocked to move, at first."

"You were a vision. I had to see for myself if I could catch the vision. And then I didna want to let you go."

"I think my uncle likes you," Alana admitted. "I think he believes you are good for me."

"He is right."

"You are so conceited. I shouldna have said as much."

He smiled down at her, wishing he could steal her away to his chamber again.


Early the next morn, Dougald met with his brothers, Gunnolf, and Niall before Dougald left with the Cameron and Alana to reside at Braniff Castle, wondering just how well he was going to be accepted. "I will take Gunnolf with me as he has already vowed to go," Dougald said to James as the others looked on.

"I wish to go as well," Niall said in a hurry, as if he might be left behind this time.

James pondered the situation. Angus looked like he wished to go as well, but he admitted, "I just arrived. I will stay with you if Niall wishes so badly to leave with Dougald and Gunnolf this trip."

"Two of Eilis's maids said she'd accompany you and Lady Alana. And Tavis and Callum wish to go with you to serve you as you need," James said.

"Aye. The two lads will be welcome. I suspect they are more interested in serving Lady Alana. And I wish ten more men. Most, if not all of our men, can return with the maids later."

"Granted," James said. "When we get word of Rob MacNeill, we will send it to you."

Dougald hoped they'd learn sooner rather than later who was involved in the lass's leaving Braniff and the reason why.


Not too long after their journey began to Braniff Castle, Cameron said to Dougald, "Come, ride with me."

In the worst way, Dougald wanted to ride alongside Alana. He was a warrior, who in the past on a journey like this, would have been happy to be with the men. Before he'd wed Alana, he'd seen her as his responsibility when he had thought to turn her safely over to James. The manner in which she had objected to everything about him had made him smile and even want to prove she was wrong, when he wouldn't have cared what some other lass might have thought of him.

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