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Authors: Jennifer Haymore

Highland Heat (22 page)

BOOK: Highland Heat
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Her reaction shocked him. He'd expected her to cry out in denial, perhaps to cover her ears, even if his assumptions were true.

Grinning wickedly, he continued, “Mrs. Trickelbank was giving you the grand tour, in a manner of speakin', to ensure your commitment to this course of action, when she was interrupted by the unfortunate incident with Mountebank.”

Esme's lips twitched in the semblance of a smile. A smile! Again, it was unexpected. And it thrilled him. And her lips…God. They were lips that begged for a man's mouth on them. His mouth.

“You tell a good story, sir,” she murmured in that soft, sweet voice.

“Hmm. Do you ken what I think?”

She bit her lower lip. Lust coursed through him at that glide of teeth over her bottom lip.

“I think,” he said slowly, “ye need to be tried. Mayhap you dinna possess some o' the subtler attributes required of the ladies of this establishment. I think there was no unfortunate incident with Mountebank. I think Mrs. Trickelbank brought you to me to be tested.”

“Do you?” she breathed. Her eyes were so wide. So bright and clear, with those burning amber flecks…

He'd snared her in the trap of his gaze, and he wouldn't let her break away. A primal triumph rushed through him.

He had her now. He could loosen the reins on his control. Not all the way…but a little.

He nodded sagely. “Aye. Mrs. Trickelbank allows no lass to join her household until she has passed my test.”

Her throat moved as she swallowed. And then…she licked her lips, swiping her tongue over them in a quick motion that left her plump lower lip glistening.

Holy hell. Cam took in a shuddering breath. This woman had no idea how sensual her every movement was to him. She had no idea what kind of a man he was. She had no idea of any of the debauched things he'd like to do to her.

It had been a long time since he had encountered an innocent. And he'd never encountered an innocent who intrigued him like this one did.

He curved his lips, knowing his smile was a feral, hungry one. But he didn't care. “Do ye think I'll be kissing you now, Esme?”

She didn't break her gaze away from his. “I…I don't know.”

He leaned forward, until he could feel her quick breaths puff over his cheek. “Do ye want me to kiss you? Are your lips tingling with the anticipation of mine pressing against them?”

“Yes,” she whispered, her voice a mere tremble.

“Good. Because I want a taste.”

Her breath caught audibly, a small choke. He didn't let her think about it for another instant. He hauled her into his arms and slammed his lips down upon hers.

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BOOK: Highland Heat
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