Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1)
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“I like to loosen my tie every now and then.” Nathan laughed, but his laughter quickly faded as his eye caught something from a distance and he was out of his chair. My lip twitched in amusement. Only Nathan could spot the one potentially gay man in this little bar.

Mitch sat on the now empty stool that was next to me. The course fabric of his jeans touched my bare knee, causing me to cross my legs away from him. There was no need for touching, especially when we both had been drinking.

“You’re the only person who could get Nathan anywhere he doesn’t want to be.”

“He was fine with it,” I lied.

“Are you kidding? This is a dive bar.”

I laughed. “I love this bar. It’s quaint and small and has a ton of beers to choose from,” I added as I waved my hand in the direction of the different taps.

“Let me refill your glass.” Mitch nodded to the bartender to come in our direction. She was a tatted up bleach blonde girl who looked like she didn’t take shit from anyone.

“What do you need Mitch?”
Hmm, she knew his name.

“A refill for the lady in red,” Mitch asked pleasantly. “Another for me, and whatever the finely dressed gentleman and his friend are having.” Mitch motioned in Nathan’s direction on the opposite side of the bar. Nathan looked like he had the young kid already eating out of the palm of his hand. I shook my head, knowing he’d most likely not go home with him. That young gun looked way too easy.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I said casually as I swirled the remains of my first beer at the bottom of my cup.

“Don’t worry, I felt obligated.”

“Ha ha ha. I can’t imagine that line working well.”

He leaned closer. “You want a line?”

I laughed louder this time, causing a few others who were sitting at the bar to look in our direction. “Mitch, you text me your lame ass pick-up lines daily. I’m sure you don’t have any new ones.”

Mitch spun so he was facing me, his arm resting on the bartop. “Sounds like a challenge.”

My brows rose.
Bring it.

“Have you been to the doctor lately? Because I think you're lacking some vitamin me.”

“Heard it,” I said, not showing interest.

He shifted in his seat, his mischievous grin inching farther up his cheeks. “Are you a banana?”

“Why, because you find me a-peeling?” I cocked my head.

Mitch rested his head on his hand as though he were thinking. “I think you have something in your eye?”

“You mean a sparkle?”

Mitch rested both his elbows on his knees as he leaned closer to me. “Okay, how about this one. My buddies over there thought I wouldn’t be able to start a conversation with you. Guess I won. Want to spend their money with me?” My jaw dropped as Mitch pointed behind him with one hand and held a twenty with the other. As though the bartender were in on the joke, she walked over and took the twenty, placing a fresh beer in front of me.

Mitch leaned so his back was resting on the bar. “Winner.”

I looked down in my lap with embarrassment as I watched the gentlemen he pointed at laugh with each other
. What a jerk.
But I wasn’t one to just let a man make a fool out of me.

“Seems fitting. You’d never afford my attention otherwise.”

“Oh, I could afford you, darlin’. Although, you seem like one who wouldn’t want to be bought.”

“Don’t worry, sweetie, those aren’t really his friends,” the bartender assured as she took the cap off Mitch’s new bottle. “He does use that line a lot, though.”

Mitch scowled. “Now, Tori, you know that’s not true.”

“What, that those aren’t your friends?” The snottiness in my voice was beyond my control.

“Wow, that really hit a nerve, didn’t it? Actually, I was referring to both comments. The only person I use cheesy lines on is you.”

“I’m so flattered,” I grumbled into my beer, taking a rather unladylike gulp. I was relieved he didn’t really know the few guys he’d pointed to earlier.

I felt Mitch’s soft green eyes examining me. When I finally set my beer down, I noticed his bottom lip caught between his teeth. That look made me feel like this evening could take a turn in a direction I mentally wasn’t willing to go. My body, on the other hand, might fight my brains wishes.

Mitch’s eyes met mine as his teeth released his bottom lip. “Why do I feel like there’s a party girl under that deliciously form-fitted dress?”

My heart pounded rapidly as he leaned closer. A promiscuous, no attachment romp session with this incredibly attractive construction worker sounded right up my alley.

I leaned forward, my body betraying me as my face became barely inches from his. “Maybe there is.” My voice was sultry as my tongue traced my bottom lip. My eyes found the stubble of his jaw, my fingers now curious to touch the texture. His arm slid over the bar, making a shield between us and the busy workers. Calloused fingers gently brushed my forearm sending shivers of expectations throughout my entire body. There was no stopping what might happen next.

“What the fuck, Mitch?” Nathan barked, causing me to jerk out of the haze Mitch created between us.

I quickly spun away so I was facing the bar, grabbing my beer and downing the rest of its contents.
Fuck, that was close
. I needed to order a water and then find my way home,
. No way was I going to let anything happen between us.

“What?” Mitch asked, craning his head toward Nathan in annoyance.

“I just got off the phone with Kobiashi.” My head whipped in Nathan’s direction. His brows were crinkled and his face was red. “Did you really get arrogant with him?” Nathan shouted so the entire bar could hear him.

Mitch stood from his stool. He crossed his arms and glared down at Nathan. Mitch looked like a giant compared to Nathan’s thin frame. By outer appearances, they were from different worlds, one impressively put together while the other comfortable and at ease.

“No, he got in my face first,” Mitch growled. “He was being the arrogant one. He was being adamant and making unrealistic demands.”

“He owns half of Miami. He can say whatever the hell he wants.” His finger pointed at Mitch’s face. “Don’t EVER get in his face again, do you understand?”

“Don’t talk to me like I’m one of your low henchmen, Nathan.”

“Then don’t act like one.” Nathan roared. “What am I going to do with you? You’ve already made a mess of Grand Rapids. Are you trying to sabotage everything I’ve worked for in Miami, too?”

“You have no idea what’s going on in Grand Rapids. And I’m not going to kiss some bullshit company owner’s ass just to gain his business. We’re better than that, Nathan.”

“When are you going to grow up?”

“When you pull your head out of your ass!”

Mitch slammed his beer down and barged out the back door. Once the door swung shut, Nathan turned to the bar top, placing both hands on the edge as his head tipped down.

“He can’t fuck this up,” he muttered through gritted teeth.

The scowl on my face was in full form. Kobiashi was being a jerk, and Mitch shouldn’t have talked to our biggest client the way he did, but Nathan also didn’t need to yell at him.

Without thinking, I climbed off my stool and went out the back door.

A breeze brushed against the bareness of my arms as I searched the back porch. A few smokers were chatting quietly on the deck. I found Mitch resting on the banister facing the beach. The moonlight reflected off the water, and the sound of the gentle waves was soothing.

I leaned against the banister. “Well, that was awkward and embarrassing.”

A low, frustrated sigh escaped Mitch’s mouth. “I don’t need your sass right now, Jamie.”

His reaction to my smart comment made me wince. I hadn’t meant to fuel his anger. My intentions were to defuse the situation. “I thought you liked when I was feisty?”

My recovery was quick, and made his lip twitch upward. We stood silently under the stars for a few more moments. Normally, silence like this was extremely uncomfortable for me, but tonight, it was calming. Finally, Mitch stood tall from the banister, his hands gripping the wood frame tightly.

“I really didn’t mean to piss Nathan off like that.”

“Nathan will get over it,” I said, brushing it off as though it was no big deal. “You know he can talk his way out of anything. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Kobiashi has a crush on him.”

That statement got a slight laugh from Mitch. “I’m sure Nathan would give him a chance if it meant he’d get what he wanted.”

I shook my head. “He’s not his type.”

Mitch’s eyebrow rose in question. “Are you his type?”

“I’m missing a few key components to his usual preference.”

“And what would that be?”

I laughed. “Well, a penis, for one.”

Mitch threw his head back and joined my laughter. His cool green eyes caught mine. “Want to get out of here?” Licking his lips, he leaned in, “I promise it’ll be a night you won’t forget.”

My teeth caught my bottom lip as I contemplated his invitation. “That’s an overused line,” I whispered as my body instinctively moved closer to him. He shifted slightly, moving his arm across my stomach and to the other side of the banister, caging me with his body. My heart raced with his proximity, the urge to reach my hands onto the collar of his shirt and yank his mouth down to mine was overbearing.

“You know you want to. Your body is practically begging to touch me right now.”

My lip twitched as I shook my head. “I’d never admit that.” The cockiness in his voice made me want to slap him then rip his shirt off and lick his chest.

“Let’s go,” Nathan’s voice vibrated from the back door to the bar. Mitch moved his head, his nose brushing against the shell of my ear. Shivers ran down my neck all the way to the pit of my stomach and lower as he let out a slight breath.

“Jamie,” Nathan commanded again, completely breaking my trance with Mitch.

My trembling hands gently pushed Mitch’s chest so I could move in Nathan’s direction. The irritated breath Mitch released didn’t go unnoticed by Nathan or me.

“What?” I snapped, my head whipping in Mitch’s direction.

Mitch slowly turned so his back was leaning against the banister, his arms wide. His demeanor was smug, causing the shivers that traveled down my body to turn into fire. I hated his cocky side.

“Nothing. Go be with Daddy. I’m sure he’ll satisfy the flame I just lit inside you,” he teased.

“You’re a prick,” I muttered, my face burning with embarrassment. His head cocked to the side as though he were daring me to say more.

“Let’s go,” Nathan grabbed my bicep and tucked it under his arm. “I’ll see you in my office on Monday in Grand Rapids,” Nathan added sternly toward Mitch.

“Wouldn’t miss it, big brother,” Mitch mocked as we walked out the door.

I shrugged my arm from Nathan’s the second we got out of the bar. Nathan calmly walked next to me, his long stride keeping up with my quick pace to his yellow Spider Ferrari. Holding my tongue was nearly impossible as he opened my door.

Our ride was silent until we were halfway home, then our festered anger got the best of us.

“Don’t get caught up with Mitch.” The temper that Nathan was trying to hold in still seeped through his words.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” His grip on the steering wheel caused his knuckles to turn white. “He’s not stable right now. Tyler and I think he’s using again.”

I scoffed. “I know users, I’ve seen them one too many times, and he is
using.” I closed my eyes, trying to erase the memories from my head.

“Oh really?” His tone pissed me off.

“Yes, Nathan. I did a work study program at a police department my junior year of high school. I’ve seen junkies strung out on all sorts of drugs.” I hated talking about that time in my life, a time I so desperately wished I could take back.

“You lied to me today,” Nathan said as we arrived at the condo.

He shut off the car and opened his door, slamming it shut. I huffed and reached for the handle, wanting to open my own door. I met him head on, the only object between us being the door.

“You lied. You told me everything went fine today,” Nathan growled. I scrunched my eyes in confusion. “About Mitch and Kobiashi!” Nathan shouted in frustration.

I rolled my eyes and walked around him, slamming the door in the process. “Don’t ignore this. That was a poor decision not to tell your CEO that his site manager mouthed off to his biggest client.”

I stopped in my tracks, halfway up the steps to the condo. My hands found my hips as I stared down at Nathan. “One, don’t turn this into any bullshit job situation, and two, Kobiashi was a dick to your brother. He could use some harsh words sent in his direction.”

“No, and no.” Nathan scolded. “This IS work related. We may be friends, but we will always be work associates. As long as you’re working under me, honesty is crucial. If I can’t trust you’ll tell me the truth, especially when it deals with our biggest client, don’t think I won’t get rid of you.” His blue eyes were as cold as ice.

BOOK: Hide: Part One (The Black Letters Series Book 1)
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