Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC) (21 page)

BOOK: Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)
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It was mid-morning by the time JD and Jasmine pulled up in front of the motel. Both of them had slept late and were still tired after making love most of the night. The sun was shining brightly and it matched Jasmine’s mood. She was delirious with happiness. She was officially JD’s old lady now and she couldn’t wait to tell Lori all about it.

Mick came walking out when he heard the motorcycle pull in. From the deep frown on his face—along with his lips pressed hard together—Jaz knew he wasn’t happy. She just hoped they wouldn’t fight again, the two men she loved. It would break her heart.

“You could have at least called me, Jaz, and let me know you were all right. I was worried this guy abducted you or something. I see from the smile on your face that I shouldn’t have worried, though.”

Oh no, this isn’t good. Not good at all
. Jaz opened her mouth to say something, anything to diffuse the situation.
That damn Mick!
But before she could say a word, JD walked over to Mick and stood head to head with him.

“You and me. We’re gonna talk. Jasmine, go inside.” JD waved his hand toward the motel door.

Right. Like that’ll ever happen
. “No way. You two want to talk, I’m right here, too.”

JD shook his head exasperated. His mind was made up. He was going to find out just what the fuck Mick was really doing here and why he was stuck to Jasmine’s side like glue. JD was sure he knew the reason, but wanted to know where Mick fit in with the missing money.

“We do need to talk.” Mick looked pointedly at Jaz, “but now is not the time or place.”

JD knew what needed to be said was better said in private. He nodded his head agreeing, looking back over at Jasmine. “It better be soon,” was all he said to Mick before leaning over and kissing Jasmine. “Gonna take off now, babe. I’ll be back for ya later.”

Jaz watched JD get back on his Harley and ride away and wondered what was going on now? But before she had a chance to ask Mick, he turned and walked away, too. “Great! Just fucking great!” Shocked by what came out of her mouth, she thought—
damn, now they have me cursing

JD swung by the motel later that night to spend time with Jasmine. She wasn’t dancing so he was taking her to his clubhouse for a few drinks. He also wanted Jasmine to get used to being around his biker brothers. He knew being his old lady would be a big adjustment and he wanted to help ease her into his lifestyle slowly.

Jasmine was very apprehensive when she got off JD’s bike outside of the clubhouse. She knew some of his brother bikers and they seemed okay, but she couldn’t help being nervous anyway. She really hoped Roach was around tonight. He was older than the others and seemed much more relaxed in his attitude about things. Plus, she was still in awe of the way he took care of Susanna when she was alone and desperate.

JD swung his arm around Jasmine’s neck and whispered in her ear, “It’s gonna be all right, baby. Trust me to take care of you.” Jasmine just nodded, biting her lip.

When they walked inside, JD saw it was pretty crowded. He took Jasmine over to the bar, sat her down on a stool and took the one next to her.

Spokes was behind the bar and he came right over. “Well, lookee here. Who’s this, JD?” He spoke while eyeing Jasmine up lewdly, thinking she was a new club slut.

JD saw Jasmine’s face go slightly pale. “This here’s my old lady, bro. So you might want to direct that look somewhere else,” JD stated in a cold, hard voice.

Spokes tried to hide the shocked look that came over his face. JD was a major player with the club sluts. He wondered how the hell this came about—she didn’t even look his type. Snapping out of it, he apologized. “Sorry darling, my mistake. What’ll ya’s have to drink?”

“Two Buds and a shot of the usual for me,” JD answered.

He was interrupted by Jasmine adding, “and a shot for me, also.”

JD couldn’t help but tease her when he looked at her. “You sure, babe? I don’t feel like taking a fist to my jaw tonight.” He smiled when he saw her face flush a light pink. “Just teasin’ ya.” JD gave Jasmine a little squeeze. “Spokes, a shot for Jasmine here.”

Striker was sitting at the end of the bar with Holly watching what was going down. Holly heard JD announce that Jasmine was his old lady and she was secretly thrilled. She hoped she and Jasmine would become friends. Holly didn’t have too many friends—only a few old ladies and they weren’t allowed in the club by their old men. That was so their old men could screw around with the club sluts. Holly hated seeing it, but one thing she learned early on was that you kept your mouth shut. She remembered one old lady telling another that her old man had banged a slut and the next day, she was sporting a black eye and a busted lip. Holly just hoped JD’s old lady was made of sterner stuff.
She’d have to be if she wanted to survive in here
, Holly thought.

Striker wanted to talk to JD about his old lady and wanted to do it now.

“Holly, I gotta talk to JD. When I take him on the side, sit with his old lady for a bit. You can talk about all that girly shit you’re always babbling to me about.” Holly was only too happy to talk to her. She didn’t let on to Striker because he liked to think he was the boss and order her around. “Sure, honey. I guess I could.”

They walked over to JD. “Let Holly meet your old lady, bro.”

JD knew Striker wanted to talk so he said to Jasmine, “This here’s Holly. She’ll keep you company for a little bit. She’s Striker’s old lady.”

Jasmine knew she didn’t have much of a choice. She didn’t like this Striker’s attitude, but kept quiet. JD got up and Holly sat down. Jasmine felt anxious to be left alone and took a drink of her beer, trying to think of something to say.

Holly didn’t have that problem and started right in, talking up a storm. She looked at Jasmine with a comforting smile. “What’s your name?”

“Jasmine—or Jaz if you like,” Jasmine answered back in a shaky voice. She took a good look at Holly. She was really pretty, but looked kind of young to Striker’s more mature age. Jaz wondered how she ended up being an old lady to him…

“Jaz, I like that name…so ask away,” Holly coaxed, “I can see the questions in your eyes.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think I was so obvious,” Jaz smiled back, instantly liking Holly’s friendly vibes. “This is all new to me and I’m glad to meet someone friendly. I’m very nervous, you probably can tell.”

“Nah, just because your coaster is shredded to bits, that doesn’t mean anything,” Holly joked. “I met Striker here in the club. I was hanging around with some friends, but truthfully, it was just a lark. I was bored with life in general and hated dating silly boys my age. So I set out for a little excitement—you know—something different. Sleeping around with the bros’ never interested me so I mostly just hung out to drink and dance. From time to time, I’d catch Striker watching me, like a predator sizing up his next meal,” Holly giggled.

Jaz leaned in a little closer when Holly stopped talking. “Oh no, you don’t. You can’t stop now,” she urged Holly to continue.

“Well, let’s just say he gobbled me up and here I am, his old lady with his kid.”

Jaz didn’t know if she should voice her opinion but, “He seems kinda…”

“Controlling,” Holly finished her sentence. “He is, with the club. Make no mistake, he can be a mean prick when he needs to be, but I know how to handle him,” she confided with a wink.

Striker didn’t look too happy and JD knew what was coming. “Did she know anything about her father skimming from Carlo and his boys?”

“No and she still doesn’t,” JD admitted.

“When you gonna tell her? When Carlo is holding a fuckin’ knife to her neck?” 

Striker was pissed and JD knew he was right. Jasmine needed to be told, but he wanted to hear what Mick had to say first.

“I’m gonna talk to Mick and see what the deal is with him. From the way he’s guarding her, he knows all about it—but first, I want to find out if he knows where that money is.”

“You taking her for your old lady—that serious or you just want the club protecting her?” Striker was never one to beat around the bush.

JD looked him straight in the eye. “I’m serious, bro. She
my old lady. I’d never drag the club in this mess if I wasn’t serious about her.”

Striker nodded, satisfied with JD’s answer. “Take my advice, brother. Tell her and do it soon.” Striker’s voice was grim when he added, “She needs to know.”

JD knew he had to tell Jasmine and soon, but he also knew he was going to shatter her world.

Before Jasmine could comment back to Holly and ask her what her secret was to control these biker men, JD and Striker returned. If the deep, furrowed frowns on their faces were any indication, Jaz knew they’d had a serious conversation. So she did the only thing she could think of to settle her nervous stomach—she ordered another shot of Jack Daniels for her and one for Holly.

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