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Authors: Melody Carlson

Hidden History (28 page)

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“But, you see,” said Alice, “it’s like Scripture says, God really does work things together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes.”

“I suspect that Father wouldn’t have been the man he was if his life had been completely easy and normal,” said Jane.

“And we wouldn’t be who we are,” said Alice.

“It is fascinating to see how we are all interconnected by family ties and history,” said Louise. “It makes me see why it is important to understand these things better.”

“But as Father would say,” added Alice, “it’s more important to understand that we’re all part of a much bigger family. That way, despite whatever life brings our way, whether it seems to be good or bad, we’ll always have a Heavenly Father to take care of us.”

“Amen,” said Cynthia.

Alice closed the journal and smiled. “Now that’s a promise you can take to bed with you.”

Tales from Grace Chapel Inn

Hidden History
by Melody Carlson

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Once you visit the charming village of Acorn Hill, you’ll never want to leave. Here, the three Howard sisters reunite after their father’s death and turn the family home into a bed-and-breakfast. They rekindle old memories, rediscover the bonds of sisterhood, revel in the blessings of friendship, and meet many fascinating guests along the way.

Melody Carlson is the author of numerous books for children, teens and adults—with sales totaling more than two million copies. She has two grown sons and lives in central Oregon with her husband and chocolate Lab retriever.

BOOK: Hidden History
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