Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia (111 page)

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Arab nation:
broken promises to, 506, 697
independent, as goal, 41, 259, 260, 262, 266–67, 456, 467, 696
and Jewish nation, 399–400, 465–68;
see also
Palestine; Zionism
nebulous concept of, 260–61, 266, 268
not ready for independence, 484, 517
and Paris Peace Conference, 100, 474
ruler planned for, 277–78
and Sykes-Picot Agreement, 39, 81–82, 276, 277–78, 361, 413, 436, 465, 486, 505
United Arab Republic, 697
Arab Revolt:
amnesty proposal for, 360–61, 398–99, 400
British agencies involved in, 11–12, 45–46, 104, 284, 483
British financial support for, 20, 32, 59, 62, 69–70, 87, 109, 110, 112, 259, 285, 292, 296, 302, 375, 376, 378, 500
British policies inconsistent in, 12, 82, 88
and British promises broken, 40–41, 304, 377, 378, 401, 436–37, 465, 486
early days of, 18–21
films of, 480, 691, 692
flag of, 272
Lawrence’s fame in, 80, 296–97, 301, 321, 361, 377, 382, 493, 499, 532, 570
Lawrence’s strategies in, 81, 83, 297–303, 518, 530–31, 696
laying groundwork for, 10, 40, 61–62, 256, 259–61, 268, 284
leadership needed in, 13, 32–38
motor vehicles used in, 357–58, 359–60, 377, 396, 408–9, 580
outbreak of, 270, 291–93
positive publicity about, 361, 387
Arfaja, journey to, 86–87
Aristophanes, 401n
Turkish genocide of, 37, 221, 223, 263, 304, 373, 398, 475–76
U.S. lack of interest in, 476
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 136, 141, 155, 165, 182, 222, 223, 225, 675
Asquith, Herbert H., 1st earl of Oxford, 59, 399n
Astor, Lady Nancy:
background of, 644
and Lawrence’s death, 679, 680
Lawrence’s friendship with, 134, 607n, 644–45
and Lawrence’s mother, 490
political contacts via, 652, 674–75
socializing with, 644, 648, 650, 656
Astor, Waldorf, Viscount Astor, 644
Auda Abu Tayi, 70, 85, 393, 608
at Abu el Lissal, 99–100
and Aqaba, 81, 89–90, 106, 238
in Damascus, 431, 432
as Howeitat tribal leader, 68–69, 81, 87, 99, 301, 330
journey to Aqaba, 82, 84, 86, 87, 92, 95, 100, 239
journey to Azrak, 330, 331–32
journey to Damascus, 428
military strategies of, 81, 311, 357, 394, 417
negotiations with the Turks, 301–2, 304
personal traits of, 68–69, 90
Seven Pillars
, 69, 80–81, 499
at Tafas, 419, 420, 421
and Tafileh, 360, 365, 366, 367
and tribal rivalries, 92, 100
and Turkish retreat, 428–29
Ault, W. O., 156
Australian Mounted Division, 333–34, 414, 429, 433, 480
Austro-Hungarian army, in World War I, 10, 232
Austro-Hungarian Empire:
collapse of, 468
surrender of, 453
war declared by, 242
Aziz Ali Bey el Masri, 13, 17–18, 19
Aziz el Masri, 259
headquarters in, 340–41, 402, 405
journey to, 89, 327, 328–35
attempts to capture, 5, 290–91
British occupation of, 40, 268, 398
Baker, Sir Herbert, 497, 499, 638, 673
Balbo, Italo, 648–49
Baldwin, Stanley, 447, 590–91, 602, 603, 674–75
Balfour, Arthur J., 39, 440, 461–62, 463, 467, 468, 475
Balfour Declaration (1917):
controversial nature of, 261, 329, 352, 519–20
and Feisal, 306, 399, 697
and McMahon-Hussein correspondence, 453
and Palestine, 519–20
planned adjustments to, 269n
Sykes’s input into, 272, 280, 306
and Zionism, 306, 399, 453, 454, 519–20, 531
Barr, James,
Setting the Desert on Fire
, 69
Barrie, J. M., 205
Barrow, Sir G. deS., 414, 423, 425–28, 432
British occupation of, 5, 40, 257, 259, 268, 398
military intelligence in, 273, 284, 286–87
Beach, W. H., 289, 290
Beauforte-Greenwood, W. E. G., 653
Beaumont, Thomas, 394
Beaverbrook, William M. Aitken, Lord, 564
Becket, Thomas, 405
Bedouin tribesmen:
in Arab army, 14, 19–20, 31, 54, 65, 68, 299, 306, 310, 357, 360, 370, 374, 394;
see also
Arab army
and Arab regulars, 375, 401–2, 424
British army confusion about, 380
camels of, 24, 331
characteristics of, 57, 69, 87, 94, 95, 187, 212, 296, 301–2, 311, 316
clothing of, 22
desertions of, 60, 395
food of, 26–27, 84
and guerrilla warfare, 57, 58, 306, 358, 417
guide services of, 24
Hejaz dominated by, 260, 307, 625
hostility toward Europeans, 403
intimidated by modern war instruments, 14, 19
Lawrence’s leadership of, 187, 296, 356, 367, 395, 518–19, 522
and spoils of war, 63, 66, 94, 100–101, 102, 317, 318, 339–40, 364, 380, 395, 412, 417, 427
support for Arab Revolt, 85, 91, 375
and Thomas’s film, 387
tribal animosities of, 313, 332–33, 367, 404–5, 415, 424, 425, 430–33, 518
Beecham, Sir Thomas, 480
Beerbohm, Sir Max, 153
Allenby’s attack on, 331, 333–34, 352, 406
as military goal, 111, 297–98, 323
Beeson, C. F. C. “Scroggs,” 141, 142, 144, 148, 150, 156
Beirut, Lawrence’s travels in, 169, 179
Belgium, German invasion of, 242, 246, 249
Bell, C. F., 165, 178
Bell, Gertrude, 140, 516
and Arab Bureau, 273, 284
and British intelligence activities, 252, 283
death of, 626
fame of, 194
Lawrence’s friendship with, 242, 513
and Lawrence’s postwar activities, 477, 512–13, 558
personal traits of, 194, 626
and postwar diplomacy, 471, 506, 512, 517
tribal information gathered by, 242, 283, 286
visit to Carchemish, 192, 194–95
Beni Ali, Turkish massacre of, 37
Beni Sakhr tribe, 332–33, 360, 364, 391–92
Beni Salem, as date growers, 30–31
Benn, Tony, 118
Betjeman, John, 155n
Billi tribes, 65
Bir el Sheikh, journey to, 22, 26–27
Birkenhead, Lord (formerly F. E. Smith), 271, 650
Biscayne “Baby” speedboats, 649
(speedboat), 649–51, 652
Blake, William, 630
Blandford-Baker, Mark, 162n
Blériot, Louis, 171
Bliss, Howard S., 472n
Blumberg, Lillian, 691n
Blumenfeld, R. D., 564, 568, 630
Blunt, Wilfred Scawen, 506
Boer War, 57
Bolt, Robert, 692
Bone, Reginald, 627–29, 631
Bonham-Carter, Ian Malcolm, 550–51, 553
Borton, A. E. “BiÃy,” 606–7
Bowra, C. M., 661
Boyle, William “Ginger,” 43–44, 56, 59, 64, 65–66, 90, 301
Brando, Marlon, 692, 693
Bray, Sir Denis, 634
Breese, drill adjutant, 551–53
Brémond, Édouard, 48, 52, 60, 67, 70, 298, 458, 463
ambitions for Middle East, 38–40, 42n, 60, 81–82, 83–84, 89, 92, 112, 253, 261, 270, 277–78, 284, 303, 504, 505, 533, 697
and Arab Revolt,
Arab Revolt
army of,
British army
and Balfour Declaration, 261, 269n, 272, 280, 306, 329, 352, 399, 453
class distinctions in, 443, 493, 535, 536, 540, 547, 584
colonial system of, 48, 686, 697, 698
the Establishment in, 182
events leading to World War I, 13, 242
Feisal’s visits to, 462–68,
, 486–87, 511, 610
French rivalry with, 48, 270, 275, 453, 456, 460–61, 474
German rivalry in archaeology with, 184
and gold standard, 619
and the “great game,” 631–32
honors and awards to Lawrence from, 112–13, 373, 383, 384, 447–50, 486, 516, 518
Intelligence Department, Cairo, 252–55, 257, 258, 273, 284, 291
libel law in, 592, 598, 600
MI7 in, 444
and negotiated peace, 303–6, 398–99
and Palestine Exploration Fund, 63, 83, 232–41, 246
and Paris Peace Conference, 439–40, 453, 456–59, 462, 469, 475–76, 510
promises broken by, 14, 92, 378, 398, 401, 436–37, 444, 450, 452–53, 462, 506, 564, 697

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