Hero of a Highland Wolf (16 page)

BOOK: Hero of a Highland Wolf
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She realized she'd never really talked to anyone about her father like she had with Grant. Her cousins had been terrified of him; her mother covered for him.

“Nay. Five men stick with Archibald. He and his father and grandfather never had a following. So if he mated with you and took over the properties, he'd be the owner and tell me what to do.”

She shook her head, not even considering the possibility. “And make life miserable for you.”


“But you and your pack could leave,” she said, just speaking in general. Not that they would have to.

“And go where, lass? This is our home. This is what we know how to do well.”

Grant looked as though they would fight and die before they'd leave their home. Colleen thought about that as she stared into the golden flames and realized this really
their home. Not just a place they managed. But theirs. And had always been.

Between the fire, the stew, and tea, and Grant's knees brushing against hers, she was getting hot. But she wasn't backing away from him as much as she knew she should, while she wickedly enjoyed the intimacy of their touch. Wishing in a naughty way that they could do more.

“It will never happen,” she said emphatically.

“I don't want you to leave,” Grant said, his voice somber, his eyes dark.

He sounded so sincere that she was really taken aback. He really must have had a change of heart.

She smiled a little. “I have nearly a year before I do. Maybe in that time you'll change your mind.”

“Nay. I should have gone to America and brought you home to Farraige Castle so you could have been with your grandmother,” he said, again so serious, as if they'd finally made a connection—a tentative friendship.

“You should have,” she heartily agreed. “I wish I'd known her.”

“Then I wouldn't have wasted all that time not getting to know you.”

She raised a brow. Was he serious? “And you wouldn't have tried to scare me off when I first arrived,” she teased.

“I never expected you to stand there recording us, or that my brothers would join you as if they were your bodyguards. I should have known I'd already lost the battle.”

She smiled. “You had. As soon as Julia gave me a heads-up, you had lost. Well, except when it came to the whisky, but that was my fault. I should have known better.”

He shook his head. “I'm sorry about not welcoming you like I should have,” he said again, his voice full of regret.

“Truly, I don't believe we'd be here like this today if you hadn't. I might have thought you were terribly dull.”

He chuckled.

“I would love to run in the glen over the hills as wolves sometime.”


She wanted him to know from the bottom of her heart that she would never have replaced Grant or his pack. She reached over to pat his hand. “Archibald would never have run the estates.”

Grant rose from his chair and took her hand gently and pulled her from her seat. “You can't know how I felt when I saw you and Ollie in the sea.”

She swore Grant's eyes misted with tears. And she hugged him to say she was sorry for his losses, and to thank him for saving her and Ollie.

For a long time, he held her close, rubbing one hand down her back, his other lying gently on her hip. His head rested on the top of hers, her cheek pressed against his chest. He smelled of his shower, of spices, and more—an interested male wolf.

“I nearly had a heart attack seeing the two of you in the water like that.”

Then she realized how deeply affected he had to have been, with the memories of his mother and father drowning off those same cliffs, and his inability to save them. “You were so brave to jump in after us.”

“I acted on instinct,” he said.

“Just like I did,” she said, sighing against his chest, listening to his heart racing, smelling his hot wolf interest.

He cupped her face and lifted it so he could gaze into her eyes. “Next time…”

She heard the scold in his tone of voice. “Let's not let there be a next time.” And this time, she initiated the kiss—but not on his cheek.

The pipes grumbled in the bathroom, and she cast Grant an elusive smile before they got back to kissing—the hot, heavy, and needy kind.

Grant rubbed his body affectionately against hers, tantalizing her, making her body heat and tighten and moisten just for him.

Tongues came into play, and with the fire and their kissing, she was burning up. She didn't figure it would go any further than some really hot kissing, but the next thing she knew, he was stroking his hand down her back, and she had her arms about his neck while she gyrated against him. She hadn't meant to, not the way she was dressed, but it just seemed like a natural thing to do with him.

All she could think about was him in a kilt, and then him without, and how his very hard body was making her feel hot and desirable. She couldn't help but want to rub up against him in a wolf's courtship kind of way. Did he know how much his touch affected her?

Yes. He could smell her turned-on scent just like she recognized his. So it had been just as much of a turn-on for him.

What was it about the alpha Highland wolf that made her lose her business sense and want to take this in a different direction?

“Lass,” Grant groaned against her ear as his body moved against hers.

She loved the way he sounded like he was dying to have her. He cupped her velvet-covered breasts, caressing her mouth with his, their breath coming quickly.

He slipped his hand inside her robe to touch her breast and froze.

“I didn't expect company,” she said and sucked on his tongue, not about to apologize or be embarrassed. Even if she was.

He reached for her tie and smiled such a wolfishly wicked grin that she quickly stayed his hands. “Not too far.”

“Agreed,” he said, his voice rough with need.

As wolves, mating was for a lifetime. If they were careful, fooling around was the only alternative for sexy wolf loving without the forever commitment. Not that wolves took even this kind of sexual play this far unless they believed they might have something to build on.

Then he untied her robe and parted it. She heard his intake of breath before he murmured, “Beautiful.”

“You probably say that to all the women you rescue from the sea,” she said.

“Since you are the only woman I've ever rescued from the sea, aye,” he said, smiling.

He leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth as his hand stroked the other, making her wrap her leg around his calf and rub. She would leave her scent on him, like a wolf claiming him, even if this wasn't forever.

Her fingers slipped under his shirt, and for the first time, she was able to lightly scratch his back, running her fingers up and down his skin, adoring every bit of him.

Every part of him was sexy. His mouth was made for kissing, she decided as she combed her fingers through his hair and kissed him back, feathering, nipping, licking, pressuring. Before she knew it, she was on his bed—the laird's bed—their pulses racing to the moon, the heat flaring between them.

She hadn't been with a man like this in a very long time, and their passionate touches were wilder and more intimate then she had ever experienced.

He stroked his hand down her belly.

Her body pulsed with excitement as he nibbled her ear, his hand drawing lower, through her curls, and then between her legs. She barely breathed as she anticipated his fingers stroking her, slipping inside her, plunging deep.

She wished they could make love all the way.

She couldn't resist touching him any more than he could her, but this time, Grant was fully dressed. Did he feel they were safer that way?

Burning with unquenchable need, she sucked in her breath as his fingers stroked her, just as she'd imagined they would, his gaze steady on hers, watching her reaction, adjusting to the way his touch made her feel.

She wanted to jerk his shirt off and yank down his pants, but he was stroking her into submission. As much as she couldn't believe she would submit to an alpha male, she couldn't think or feel beyond the pleasure of his…touch.

And then she had the sensation of being lifted heavenward as he renewed his kisses on her mouth. They were insistent, bold, and hungry, until she couldn't halt the wondrous feeling carrying her away. She cried out, loving the way he'd made her come, the intimacy, and passion unlike anything she'd experienced before.

She pulled at his pants again and tugged at his shirt, but he kissed her softly on the mouth and then the forehead, saying it was over in a maddeningly frustrating way. She wanted to pleasure him as he had her.

He let out his breath on a sexually unfulfilled sigh. “I'll let you get your rest now.”

He closed her robe. He wanted more. He wanted her touch. She knew it. Why was he holding back? Because he didn't want her to get the idea that he wanted her in a more permanent way?

In disbelief, she stared at him. She didn't want to rest. She wanted to feel every naked bit of him. She'd seen him that way enough times, and every time she'd wanted to touch and stroke all those glorious muscles.

“What's wrong?” she asked, unable to hide feeling a little bit rejected. She knew that he was right. That this was the best thing to do. But she felt it was like offering a secret to a friend and the friend not offering one in return. She felt vulnerable, exposed.

He took her hand and kissed it as if he was trying to appease her.

She didn't want to be appeased. She pulled her hand free.

“You should rest.” His voice was husky with unfulfilled need. “I'll…see you in the morning.”

That was it?

“Are…” She frowned, then folded her arms. “Don't tell me you're afraid of me.”

He smiled, and the look was pure alpha wolf—the hot, sexy male variety who was not afraid of anything. Least of all her.

“How did you guess?” Then he was off the bed and heading for the door.

Wait. He was going to leave her on his bed after what he did to her?

He didn't say good night, and she didn't either. They looked at each other with considering gazes, a million thoughts running through her mind, and then he shut the door on his way out.

She was so frustrated, she could scream. She threw his pillow at the door. Then feeling half-aggravated and half-satiated, she curled up on his mattress, smelling the sexy alpha wolf and wishing they could have snuggled together in the big bed for the rest of the night.

And knowing just why he chose to leave her alone. Neither of them wanted a mating. So why was she wishing otherwise?

She heard the shower going in the bathroom adjoining hers, and she wondered if Grant was taking care of his own unfulfilled sexual frustrations. If she'd wanted a mating, she told herself, she'd have joined him in the shower and let her feelings be known.

She stared at the bed canopy for what seemed like forever. She definitely couldn't sleep in his bed sober and smell his scent all over the sheets all night long. Grumbling, she left his bed and returned to the lady's chamber. She retrieved her phone from her purse and called Julia. What she needed was someone to talk to. Someone who knew her. Someone who could tell her that she had to get her mind on track.

“I want to get together with you tomorrow. Would that be all right?”

“Absolutely. We'll have our girls' day out party. Can you stay overnight?”


“Good, but here's what I want you to do. Don't let anyone catch you at it,” Julia said with a conspiratorial challenge to her tone of voice as she explained what she wanted Colleen to do.

That's just what Colleen needed to hear. They were going to have fun.

Here Grant thought being rough and gruff with her would have chased her away. Sharing one-sided intimacies had done the trick better than anything else he could have done to make her want to leave and never come back.

“Is everything all right?” Julia suddenly asked.

“I'll talk with you tomorrow.” No, everything wasn't all right.

Chapter 16

Grant didn't want Colleen to feel he was leading her on, coming on too strong, or creating a problem for them both with the direction they were headed. But damn if he didn't want more. All of it. Her, the mating, the whole savory, sweet pastry that was Colleen—a feast he couldn't get enough of.

She had been just too enticing sitting in her robe and slipper boots, her knees brushing against his. He had tried to stick with the conversation, one that had been well overdue.

When she told him that she had thought he had come for her at the airport when it had been Archibald, he wanted to show her just how much he regretted not coming for her instead.

Grant had pulled back, wanting to see her reaction. Still wondering about the kisses they'd shared in the glen and later in the keep. She hadn't pulled away either, and he kept thinking about kissing her again. Just…kissing her. One thing led to another, and before he could stop himself, he was stroking her to completion.

He told himself it couldn't be helped. How was he to know that when he slipped his hand inside her robe, he would connect with flesh, feeling no barrier between them, no nightshirt covering her breasts or anything else beneath the robe?

She had a drugging effect on him. That was the only way he could explain his reaction to her—because he'd had no intention of taking it that far with her. Ever.

Even a cold shower had done nothing to alleviate his need for her. He couldn't stop thinking of the wounded expression she wore when he ended the intimacy between them, but if he'd stripped, he would have wanted to take it all the way. Neither of them was ready for that kind of long-term commitment.

So why was he becoming aroused all over again, just thinking of her naked body lying on his bed and her responsiveness to his touch? And why did he want to join her in his bed in the worst way?


A small bag in hand the next morning, Colleen hurried to find Lachlan and ask for the keys to Grant's car. She had gotten up really early, hoping Grant was still asleep so she wouldn't run into him.

She wasn't sure what was going on with Grant's clansmen, but many had made a special effort to go out of their way to say good morning to her while performing their various duties. As if they'd known Grant had nearly made love to her last night, and they thought maybe she would be his mate soon. Like that would ever happen.

Grant better not have thought that pleasuring her was like a payment for her having saved Ollie. And that was all there was to it.

Frederick was the only one who hadn't seemed pleased to see her. He had immediately disappeared when she caught sight of him, before she could even wish him a good morning.

Darby had asked if she'd needed anything. Maynard had wanted to fix her a special breakfast. But all she had wanted to do was leave. She couldn't deal with Grant this morning. Not after the way he'd left her last night as if he'd made a horrible mistake. She couldn't imagine sitting next to him at a meal, thinking about the way his hands had been all over her, his mouth on her breasts, her tongue in his mouth. She groaned.

She was torn between regretting the intimacy between them and wanting a hell of a lot more.

Which was just why she needed to see Julia and get her head on straight.

Two men offered to take her bag to the car while Lachlan watched, looking damned concerned. Enrick had hurried to speak with someone, but neither of Grant's brothers went to see him, so she assumed they knew he had no problem with her leaving.

And nobody asked where she was going, which was just as well. Because truthfully, it was no one's business—specifically, none of Grant MacQuarrie's.


Grant woke to the sound of someone knocking on the guest-room door, and he was instantly wide awake. Colleen had awakened a need in him he hadn't felt in a very long time. Something deeper than wanting just sexual fulfillment.

He'd never considered the possibility that he might care for the lass. Not after the way her father had behaved toward him and his clan. He hadn't thought she would risk her own neck for one of his people, or love the castle and the lands surrounding it like he did. He'd never thought she would have despised her father as much as he did.

Someone knocked again. “Aye,” he called out and pulled on a pair of trousers.

Lachlan opened the door and said, “I thought you'd want to know that the lass took your car out for a spin.”

“What?” Grant said, his voice verging on a growl. He couldn't even imagine such a thing. He'd expected her to still be asleep in his bed, like he'd been in the guest bedroom. Or maybe looking again at the finances if she'd decided to get up early.

“It's all right,” Lachlan said. “Enrick sent two men to follow her. They're reporting back to him as soon as they know where she's going. You did say she could drive your car anytime she wanted to if she wished to go somewhere.”

Grant frowned at him. “One of you gave her the spare keys to my car without asking me?”

Sounding exasperated, Lachlan said, “You told her she could use your car, Grant. If you hadn't really meant it, you should have let us in on the secret.”

Grant knew his brother was right, but he wasn't about to admit it. He threw on a shirt. “Who went after her?”


“Our cook?” Any number of men who seemed better suited to the task should have gone in his place.

“It's his day off.”

“Who went with him?” Grant shoved his feet in his shoes.

“Darby volunteered. Well, actually, several did, but Darby and Maynard were so adamant about going that Enrick chose them.”

“When did they leave?” Grant stalked out of the chamber.

“Twenty minutes ago.”

Grant glowered at his brother. “Why didn't you tell me that she'd left

“We were trying to get someone to follow her pronto before we lost sight of her.”

Grant let out his breath in exasperation.

“They'll watch her, Grant. She'll be all right.”

“Give me the keys to your car,” Grant growled, thrusting his hand out.

Lachlan's brows rose in surprise. “You want to go, too? Isn't that kind of overkill?”

“Last night we talked about her father possibly being responsible for our father's death. That Archibald might have known something about it,” Grant said in a rush, feeling panicked when he rarely felt that way. But he didn't want her anywhere near the bastard.

“Bloody hell. You think she's gone to talk to Archibald? I'm going with you.”

Enrick stalked toward them as they reached the foyer of the keep. “Darby called and said the lass is still driving.”

“Has she gone in the direction of the village where Kelton's Pub is located?” Grant asked.

“It's a long way to the village. She might take any exit way before that and—” Enrick said.

“We're going. You take care of the place while we're gone,” Grant said.

Enrick looked a little surprised, then he smiled.

“What?” Grant asked, annoyed, stalking out of the keep.

“I didn't expect you to chase the lass down
. Again.”

“If she's seeing Archibald and he causes her any trouble, she needs protection. If his buddies are with him, Darby and Maynard won't be any match for them.”

Enrick swore under his breath. “She is still seeing that bastard?”

“Maybe. Maybe not. I don't want to risk it.” Grant climbed into his car, Lachlan slipping into the passenger's side.

“I thought you and the lass were getting along last night—”

“She knows Archibald may have inside knowledge about our father's death.”

“She can't mean to question him,” Enrick said, his eyes wide. Now he realized the concern Grant had for the lass.

“We don't know, Enrick. But what if she did? I'll keep in touch.” Grant and Lachlan drove out through the gate and down the road to the one the lass and the others took.

He couldn't believe that Colleen would do this. Or that his people wouldn't have stopped her before she left. Or that he felt sick to his stomach that she could be in a world of danger.

“He wouldn't harm her,” Lachlan said as Grant drove way over the speed he normally did. “He needs her if he's thinking of getting hold of her properties. He can't force himself on her.”

Grant gave him a cutting look.

“Okay, he could try. But he knows it wouldn't work. He's got to encourage her to agree or we'd kill him. Every last one of us would. Saving Ollie was all it took to pull the pack together to get behind her. She's no longer an outsider, Grant. Our people have accepted her.”

He knew they would. He wondered just what had been said at the meal while he had pleasured the lass last night.

Lachlan pulled a sheet of paper out of his pocket and said to Grant, “Darby initiated this. Every adult man and woman in our clan agreed to sign this. The women did so electronically. Everyone else signed on the paper. And one teen also affixed his signature.”

“Let me guess. Frederick, our new dog obedience trainer.”

Lachlan smiled. “Aye. So if Archibald has any designs on the lass, she has our whole pack at her back. We're only waiting for one thing.”

“What's that?”

“For you to tell the clan you and she are mated.” Lachlan gave him another smile. “Ian warned you where this would lead, you know.”

Yeah, he had, and despite Grant trying to tell himself it wouldn't work, he was already trying to figure out a way to convince the lass it would.


Colleen wasn't sure how long it would take her to reach Argent Castle. Thankfully, Lachlan hadn't seemed to mind—too much—that she was taking Grant's car to make the trip. No one had attempted to stop her, change her mind, or escort her there.

After last night and the incredible way Grant had made her feel, she had to know what Julia thought of the situation. Colleen wondered if she had anything to discuss at all—if Grant was pulling back and not interested in anything further to do with her beyond strictly managing the property. Still, Julia was an American wolf and had mated a Highland wolf. She had some insight into their thinking.

She half expected Grant to avoid her today. And she was feeling the same way.

Julia called, and Colleen fumbled to get the phone. “You got the items, right?” Julia asked.

“I did.”

“Good, we'll have fun playing some games during our ladies' day out. We'll have an all-girl themed party, but I'm including a few guy games. Not that the guys are actually included. Just some of their unmentionables. You didn't get caught, did you?”

Colleen said, “No, and boy, am I glad for that. I can't imagine what Enrick or Grant would have said, had they caught me in their underwear drawers.”

“They know you're going to be here, right?”

“Nope. No one asked and I didn't offer.” Wasn't that the way it was supposed to be? The owner didn't have to explain her every move to those who managed and worked her estates. She didn't think they really cared. And she was fine with that. She wasn't used to anyone watching every move she made. She needed some space. Especially right about now.

“Hmm,” Julia said, “all right, but I'm certain Grant will be upset that you left without saying…”

“Uh, no. He's not in charge of me.”



Julia let out her breath. “All right. But I suspect if he didn't know you were leaving and where you were going…Well, maybe I'm wrong. We're more than thrilled about your visit. We've made all kinds of plans for when you arrive, and the ladies are all in a tither. We'll do a sleepover, movies, pizza, ice cream, ride horses. You name it, we'll do it.”

“That sounds like fun.” Though Colleen had never ridden a horse before. “I didn't mention to anyone that I was going away overnight.” Not when she was in such a rush to leave before having to see Grant, but she hadn't thought about keeping his car overnight. “I guess I will need to let Grant know I'm going to have his car for longer than anticipated.” She was glad she'd have that much of a reprieve.

“No worries. Ian can give him a call.” Julia sounded much relieved that Grant would be told where Colleen was going.

“Thanks,” Colleen said, not really wanting to talk to him after what happened between them last night.

Not until she had time to think over what they were doing without his indomitable presence. She wasn't used to dealing with an alpha male like him. She really had to get her emotions under control and quit thinking about him in terms of…well, anything to do with his hot, sexy, kilted or naked body. She had to think of him as if he were her manager wearing a business suit and tie.

“Got to go and watch my driving,” Colleen said, still uncomfortable driving on the narrow roads and in the wrong lane.

“All right, see you in a bit.”

Colleen glanced in her rearview mirror and swore the car behind her had been following her for the last hour. Having no place to pull over where there was safety in numbers, she continued to drive to Argent Castle.

Suddenly, the car slowed down and some maniac raced around it and sped toward her. She slowed way down also, pulling over as far as she could on the practically one-lane road. He passed, honked at her, and slowed in front of her, flashing his brakes.

“What the…” She couldn't see the driver through the tinted windows. But he had to be drunk or some kind of nutcase. Her stomach clenched with annoyance.

Then she noticed that the car behind her had sped up to block her in. Panicked, she stopped the car suddenly, and the driver almost rear-ended her. Before she could get out of the car, a furious-looking Grant climbed out of the vehicle in front of her and headed for her.

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