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Authors: Kristi Rose

Her Wounded Warrior

BOOK: Her Wounded Warrior
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Title Page

He Wounded Warrior

Blurb for The Girl He Knows



About Kristi Rose

Her Wounded Warrior

Copyright 2014 Kristi Rose

Published by Kristi Rose at Smashwords

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Her Wounded Warrior

Bittersweet was how Kelly defined today. Five years working for The Veterans Administration rehab department and she couldn’t recall any other day where she felt such conflicting emotions.

Today, Jeff was going home. She remembered the day he arrived, how easy conversation had been between them. How quick they were to become friends.

His six months of difficult rehabilitation had paid off, success achieved. It was time to start his life anew without the Navy. A life with a new arm and leg.

Throughout rehab, Jeff exhibited nothing but professionalism and determination; if he knew she was half in love with him, he could easily question her professionalism and ethics. Kelly could only imagine the embarrassment she would feel, the horror at his disappointment in her behavior.

Kelly sighed sadly; today would be her last time going to Jeff’s room. She’d promised to walk with him out the front doors, to see him off. She sought comfort knowing he was now able to complete all his dressing, grooming, and hygiene needs independently. He could cook, drive a car, and work with tools. Kelly had even taught him to dance again in preparation for his sister’s wedding in a few weeks.

She knocked lightly and waited for his invitation. When she entered, Jeff stood at the end of his bed, packing his suitcase.

“Are you ready?” she asked, smiling. Looking at him made her heart leap and flutter. She wasn’t sure when she fell for him. She just did.

“This is it. What all the hard work was for.” He stopped packing and smiled, “Have I said ‘thank you’ today?”

“No, but it’s early. You have time.” Together they laughed. Kelly wished for something more than gratitude in his eyes. “Where’s your brother?”

“He went to get coffee.” Jeff zipped his suitcase closed.

Kelly searched the empty room for any missed items, it was strange without his personal effects, and swallowed back her tears. “Have you been given your discharge papers?"

"Yep, just waiting on Shane to get back and we can walk out." He shook his head slightly, "I never thought this day would come. It's been a long journey."

She could only imagine, considering she'd only been a part of the latter half.

He took a step towards her, moving his prosthetic leg with ease and familiarity.
"I'm so glad you were part of the ride. I wouldn't have wanted anyone else."

Tears threatened to escape. She wanted to tell him she'd miss him.
Miss their conversations and playful banter. Miss how easy it was being with him even on the hardest of days. She felt certain, if she said anything remotely close to how she felt, it would tarnish what they had.

"Let's do this," Shane called as he entered and grabbed Jeff’s bag, "Hey Kelly,” he said. “I'll go pull up the car. Mom wants pictures." He smiled, pulled out a camera, snapped a few pictures and was gone.

Kelly and Jeff walked into the hallway and towards the elevator. It was a long process with farewells stopping them along the way. Inside the elevator, Jeff extended his hand, "May I hold your hand for the last part?"

She answered by entwining her fingers with his.

The elevator doors opened and slowly, they walked towards the hospitals front sliding doors, now opening to his new life. Jeff turned to face her, "I'm excited to no longer live in a hospital. But I'm going to miss you. Best part about this whole experience? Meeting you."

"I feel the same way," she whispered, "Now go before I get all sappy."

He pulled her into a hug and held her tight. Slowly, they came apart.
Kelly sucked in a breath before looking up at him.

"I'll be back," he said, before he turned and walked out the door, his brother capturing every step on film. But Kelly knew it was unlikely he would come back to visit. His life was in front of him, not behind him at this hospital.

Kelly went through the motions of the day. Thankfully she had more paperwork than patient visits because her heart wasn't in it. When it was time to leave, she couldn't get out fast enough, afraid she might not make it to her car before the tears would overcome her.

She walked out the same doors Jeff did earlier and nearly started sobbing.

"Excuse me?"
A voice said behind her.

Kelly turned and gave a start, surprised to see Jeff standing there.

"What-" She wiped at her eyes.

"My name’s Jeff; I use to be a patient here. I've seen you in the halls. I know this is awkward since we don't know each other." He gave her a wink. "But I was wondering if you might go out with me? My sister’s wedding is coming and you look like you know how to dance."

Kelly couldn't contain herself; she rushed to him and buried her face in his chest. She felt his arms come around her, "I thought you'd never ask."

Hi, I hope you enjoyed this short-short story. I originally wrote it for submission to a magazine. If you’re interested in some of my other work I have a ‘first chapter’ available on Wattpad and a book, THE GIRL HE KNOWS, available online. I’ve included the blurb and the first chapter of my book. Hope you enjoy.

Happy reading. ~Kristi


Waking up naked next to a good looking man is not a bad way to start the day. Especially since Paisley missed all those opportunities in college, when she was too busy supporting her no good, thankfully now, ex-husband. The problem? This hottie is Hank, her best friend’s older brother, a guy she’s known her entire life.

Stopping after one night is the right thing to do. Being with him clearly breaks the best friend code, and from his career as a Naval officer to his Boy Scout reputation, everything about him screams monogamy and commitment. Two things Paisley has had enough of.

When Hank presents a “no strings attached” offer, it’s too good to be true. She can enjoy him while still embracing being single. But, poor choices force her to confront old fears of love and loss, and Paisley has to decide if Hank is worth the risk. The alternative is never experiencing the real deal. Or far worse, settling for less.



A No Strings Attached Novel








An imprint of Kensington Publishing Corp.



Excerpt From: Kristi Rose. “The Girl He Knows.”

Chapter 1

“Hank, honey. Time to get up.” Hank’s mom, calling through the door, wakes me from my sleep.

Disorientated, I sit up with a jerk. The blanket falls, exposing my bare breasts. Gasping, I pull the sheet up to my chin, squint, and do a long blink. My contacts are dry, which makes them feel stiff and scratchy and my vision blurry. Each blink offers a short snapshot of my surroundings.

I know where I am. Mortified, I drop my head and cover my eyes with the sheet. Why had I agreed to come here? What would make me throw caution to the wind and risk ruining a friendship?

Lust. That’s what.

“Hank, Dad says you have a tee time in one hour. Time to get up, sleepyhead,” his mom calls.

“Sweet Jesus,” I whisper. Panic seizes me as I glance to my left. Lying next to me is my best friend’s older brother, Hank. I’ve known Gigi and Hank my entire life. This is her childhood bedroom, now a converted guest room, and the voice on the other side of the thin door is their mother, Ms. Becky. I’d rather face all of hell’s demons than have her find me here, in her guest bed, naked, with Hank.

“Hmmphh? To slee....” Hank mumbles and his warm body rolls away, exposing his firm, well-defined backside. I close my eyes and count to ten. Now is not the time to get distracted by his assets or lost in the memory of how wonderful last night was. Now is the time to get the hell out of Dodge. I clutch the sheet to me as I shake his shoulder.

“Wake up,” I whisper. When he doesn’t move, I lean close to his ear. “Wake. Up. Your mom is at the door.”

He opens his eyes, or at least the one eye I see as he’s lying on his stomach.

The doorknob rattles, and I fling myself back, pull the covers up over my head, and try to burrow underneath him.

“I’m up, Mom,” Hank says, not even moving an inch.

“Well hurry. Dad’s anxious to get to the course.” Her voice fades, indicating she’s moving down the hallway.

“You can come out of hiding,” he says.

I flip the covers off my face, then clench them to my chest, “Hush. I don’t want them to know I’m here.”

“I figured. I don’t think they’ll care if they find you here.” His voice is a low baritone and I worry it will carry.

“Whisper,” I say. “I don’t care what you think. I don’t want them to know. I don’t want Gigi to know. I don’t want anyone to know.” Just saying it makes my stomach clench with apprehension.

“I don’t see the big deal.”

I sit up, rest on my elbow, and face him. “Of course you don’t. Let me tell you how it will go down if anyone finds out about last night.”

“This should be good,” he mumbles.

I continue, “I’ve been divorced a year now. Everyone wants to set me up because they think I need to be getting serious again. If our family gets wind of this...they’ll go nuts.” I shake my head. My mother would put an announcement in the social page of the paper, the engagement section, not five minutes after gaining this knowledge.

“I’m not so sure they’ll react like you think.” He’s a guy so he doesn’t understand the way a mother’s mind works, or his sister’s for that matter.

“You tell no one.” I point to emphasize my words.

“How do you figure you’re getting out of here if not through the front door? Dad and I are headed to the golf course. My mom is staying home.”

I give the room a quick scan. I want to leave unseen.

“There’s my exit.” I point to the window. I roll away and sit up again, tucking part of the sheet under my arms and wrapping the rest around my backside. I search for my clothes.

“The window? Really?”

“Sure. Trust me, it’s easy. I’ve done this before. Lots.” I wave my hand to emphasize that it’s no big deal.

Hank raises a brow. “You’ve done...what before?”

“Oh my God, not that. I mean, I haven’t done this”—I point to him—“but I’ve snuck out the window. With Gigi.”

His lips twitch. I’m prepared to slap my hand over his mouth should he start laughing.

“What if someone goes outside and sees you? It’s”—he turns to look at a clock— “eight-thirty.”

“They won’t know I’ve come out the window. They’ll think I’m coming from the back.” Gigi’s bedroom is on the side of the house. Gigi and I have run every possible scenario. This is something I’ve done often enough I could label it a skill. “And you’ll be in the kitchen distracting your parents. Close your eyes.”

“Huh?” He rests his arms behind his head and yawns. It must be nice to be so relaxed.

“Close your eyes. I want to get out of bed and get dressed.” I’m not ready to be naked in front of Hank in broad daylight. I’m pretty confident my backside isn’t as well defined as his.

“Do you not remember last night?”

“Just shut up and do it.” When he closes his eyes, I toss my pillow over the top of his head. I swing my feet out of bed and lower them to the ground. The crinkle of a wrapper halts my flight.

I peer over the edge of the bed where condom wrappers lay scattered.
“Holy shit,” I whisper and look over at Hank to find him smiling.
The light of day casts a whole new perspective on last night’s choices, and even though I thought I was making a sound decision, it’s obvious now I was conned by lust...and alcohol. Enough to impair my common sense and my moral compass, but not so much I can’t remember.

BOOK: Her Wounded Warrior
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