Her Wanton Ways [Notorious Nephilim 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Her Wanton Ways [Notorious Nephilim 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She’d filled out a ten-page questionnaire before coming here. It was required of each of their guests, but she’d never mentioned Scott’s name. It hadn’t seemed relevant. She’d checked the “never married” box because it was true. The form hadn’t asked about broken engagements, only current ones.

The air around Joelle grew chilled again, so she linked her arm in Cristian’s, and this time didn’t question the warmth that spread through her body. There would be time later to ponder that phenomenon. Right now, she had to figure out what to do about Scott. That fucking bastard. Why this place? Cristian was right—he was only trying to get his name in the papers—not to mention crawl up the ass of everyone in Washington. He had his sights set on the White House one day, after all.

She recalled a conversation she’d had with him shortly before breaking off the engagement, where he’d gone on and on about the decline of morality in the country. He had told her there were places right in Illinois where people were allowed to carry on with indecent behavior, unrestrained and unchecked. He was going after them, one by one.

His dark eyes had shone with sinister light as he talked about the campaign he’d lead, straight to the White House. When he’d asked her how she’d feel about being the First Lady, she’d nearly retched. The idea of standing by Scott’s side on the White House lawn was so ludicrous she couldn’t even look him in the eyes.

A sudden horrible thought occurred to Joelle. Did he already know she was here? She’d only told Peggy where she was going, and Peggy would never say a word to anyone, especially not Scott. No, it wasn’t possible. If he knew he’d have telephoned or shown up by now.

But why this place? And how was he getting information about it? She hadn’t been able to find anything about this resort other than the article in
. It was as if the place didn’t really exist. A shudder ran through Joelle, and she gripped Cristian’s arm tighter. “It’s not fair.”

“What isn’t fair?”

“That an alderman from Chicago has any power up here to harass you and your family about this resort.”

Cristian stopped walking and gave her a curious look. Joelle averted her gaze. Could he read her thoughts? If they found out she’d been engaged to Scott, would they send her packing?

“Thank you, Joelle.”

“For what?”

“For caring about our business.”

“You’re welcome.” She should tell him. But he might assume she was in league with him if she did. The guilt coursing through her body was worse than any feeling she could imagine at that moment. She shivered again.

“Are you cold? Want to go back indoors?”

She didn’t want to, but suddenly felt exposed and vulnerable outdoors, as if Scott were hiding in the trees with a telephoto lens, just waiting to ruin this resort and discredit her.

“Yes, let’s go back inside. There are plenty of places inside the resort I haven’t seen yet. Will you give me a tour?”

She smiled into Cristian’s face, and the lust rolling off him nearly knocked her to the ground. Erotic images of them naked and fucking in front of a roaring fire filled her head. Her nipples tingled, and her clit began to throb. She didn’t want to worry about what Scott might or might not do. She wanted to have fun with this gorgeous man on her arm.

“Would you like to see the billiards room?” he asked. “Last year we decided to close the nightclub because it wasn’t very popular anymore, and we’re building a billiards room in its place.”

“I’d love to see it. Could we play a game as well?”

Cristian’s laugh was easy and carefree. “If you want to be humiliated by my expertise, sure.”

“Oh really? You know, I just happen to be pretty good.”

“We’ll see about that.”

The billiards room was the size of a dance hall, tucked into a corner of the basement. Most of the pool tables were still covered with thick plastic. Racks of cue sticks lined the walls. At one end, a gleaming mahogany bar ran the entire length of the room.

Cristian pointed to an area walled off by large sheets of plastic. “Over there we plan to put in card tables.”

Joelle walked around an uncovered pool table and ran her hand over the green felt. “Why do you not advertise? Seems to me an attraction like this would rake in the dough.”

“Like I said, we don’t want the wrong kind of attention. Our guests are our best advertisement. We’re always full.”

She spun to face him. “Really? That’s amazing.”

Cristian grinned in a way that made her panties flood. “Word gets around.”

The room was so quiet she could hear him breathing. “When do you plan to open this?”

“We’re at least six months away. Finding contractors to trust has proven to be a challenge. It wasn’t always like that.”

“Why is no one working today?”

Cristian grinned. “They don’t work on Saturdays or Sundays.”

Joelle laughed. “I’ve totally lost track of time. It’s Saturday, isn’t it?”


“That means we won’t be disturbed down here, right?” She slipped her arms around Cristian’s waist, moaning softly as she pressed against his erection.

His grin lit up the room. “Joelle Albright, you are a wicked woman. Or is this just a ploy so I won’t beat you at a game of pool?”

“Are you complaining about my wickedness?”

He shook his head. “Not even close.” He bent his head to kiss her and fireworks exploded inside Joelle’s head. The man knew how to use his lips and tongue. She opened her lips and rolled her tongue against his. His scent filled her head until nothing else existed.

She caressed his hair and back then grabbed his ass and giggled into his open mouth. He responded by grinding his bulge against her until she was ready to explode with need. He released her mouth and pulled off her sweater set in one fluid motion. She was glad she’d worn her lacy bra when he caressed her nipples through the fabric.

“Joelle, you excite me beyond all reason.”

She smiled at him and reached behind to unhook her bra. As it fell to the floor, she pulled his jacket off and then removed his shirt and undershirt. Goose bumps broke out all over her body but not from being cold. She’d never had sex in a place where there was the potential of being caught by someone, and the excitement coursing through her body was like nothing she’d ever experienced.

He squeezed her breasts and moaned. Joelle threw back her head and sighed, then ran her thumbs over his nipples.

“Oh…that feels so fucking incredible.” He released her breasts and kissed her again, his tongue ravishing the inside of her mouth. She clung to him, rubbing her nipples against his chest. She was already so close to coming.

Cristian released her mouth and a wicked grin spread across his handsome face. He lifted her onto the pool table and pushed her back against the felt. Joelle giggled as he pulled off her dungarees and panties then buried his face between her legs. She cried out as his tongue lapped her wet pussy and teased her clit. When the orgasm crashed over her, she screamed, bucking against his face. She never wanted this to end.

Cristian finally released her then pulled off the rest of his clothes. He climbed on top of the pool table and pulled her into his arms, kissing her face, neck, and her breasts. Joelle’s skin was on fire. She could barely think or breathe. All she wanted was this strong, sexy man to take her—claim her as his own—and never let her go.

When he slid inside her pussy, she cried out as wave after wave of passion coursed through her. He lifted her legs and put them over his shoulders, which let him further inside. Each stroke massaged her clit until another orgasm began to build. Joelle clung to his muscled arms and gazed into his eyes, so full of light and lust.

Just as she was about to come again, he pulled out and flipped her over so she was flat on her stomach. He caressed her ass cheeks, lightly slapping them, then plunged into her pussy from behind. The climax tore through her with so much intensity she screamed again, grasping for something to hold onto but finding nothing.

Cristian thrust so deep and fast Joelle could barely catch her breath, but she didn’t want him to stop. She’d never felt anything so intense and delicious. He spanked her ass cheeks as he fucked her, and soon her ass was as sore and swollen as her pussy.

When he pulled out, she thought he was going to put her on her back again, but he climbed off the table and walked toward the wall. Joelle rolled over and sat up to watch him. He took a pool cue off the rack then reached underneath the sticks. As he walked back toward the table, his cock pointing straight up and slick with pre-cum, Joelle glanced toward the hand that wasn’t holding the stick. He held a cue ball in it.

She laughed and started to scoot off the table but he was faster. He climbed on top of her and kissed her until she could barely breathe. Then he picked up the cue ball and ran it over her nipples. The hard coolness sent shivers up and down her spine. He rolled it lower and lower while Joelle moaned in anticipation.

When he reached her pussy, he gently ran the ball over her clit. Joelle covered his hands and pushed harder. The smooth, cold surface felt so good against her swollen nub. “I’ll let you do this,” he said, placing the cue ball in her hands. He picked up the stick. “Roll onto your side a bit.”

Joelle moved onto her left hip and yelped when the pool cue struck her ass cheeks. She kept up a steady rhythm, pushing the ball against her clit, and Cristian continued paddling her with the stick, though not as hard as he’d spanked her the night before. It still stung, but both sensations together were so arousing she nearly passed out.

She writhed and moaned as her ass burned and another climax grew. Cristian played with her breasts, rolling her nipples between the thumb and forefinger of his free hand. “This is so fucking boss,” he said. “I love watching you come.”

That was all it took. Joelle cried out as a blinding orgasm shot through her. Cristian stopped paddling her and took the cue ball from her, lifted her leg, and plunged inside her pussy. She clung to the edge of the pool table while he fucked her, hard and fast. His thrusting prolonged her contractions, and when he finally came, he collapsed behind her, wrapping her in his strong arms.

Chapter Seven


Cristian sat up with a start and glanced down at Joelle. She was almost asleep.
. How long before she realized he’d never worn a rubber?
. He’d screwed up again, big time. He hated using his powers to persuade women that they didn’t have to worry about getting knocked up. He hated using his powers, period. Most of the others loved it, but not Cristian. It felt like cheating. He’d never once had to enhance the environment to seduce a woman. All he had to do was look into their eyes and grin.

Joelle stirred and Cristian braced for it, but all she did was curl into a ball. She was probably cold. There was no heat on down here. He climbed off the table and draped her coat over her, then sat on the floor to think. He’d have to tell her something—anything—because she would ask. She didn’t miss much.

He stayed there for half an hour before he heard her stir. He got to his feet, still clueless about what he’d say to her.

“I don’t suppose there’s a bathroom down here, is there?” she asked.

“Sure. Come on. I’ll show you where.”

She pulled her coat around her shoulders and picked up her clothes and shoes. After he’d shown her to the bathroom, he went back into the billiards room and got dressed. From the look on her face when she returned to where he waited, he knew she’d finally realized it.

“Cristian, I’m not sure how to ask this—”

“Don’t worry,” he said, pushing just a little. “I can’t knock you up.”

Her eyes narrowed, and he didn’t like the fear that passed through them. Didn’t like it one bit. He’d never been as good at persuading women as the others.

“Blade said the same thing. He didn’t use one this morning either.”

Cristian kept his face neutral and tried not to dwell on the fact that she’d fucked Blade this morning. The jealousy coursing through him stung like nettles under his skin. Why hadn’t he stayed in her suite last night? “What Blade said is true.”

“But he said he only used them last night so you wouldn’t feel like an oddball. If you can’t knock me up either, wouldn’t he know that? What the hell is going on here? What kind of game are you two playing?”

Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Cristian ran a hand through his hair, struggling to keep his composure. “Joelle, I swear to you we’re not playing a game with you. We can’t get anyone pregnant. Why would any of us lie about something like that?”

“Any of us? What does that mean?”

He was just digging a deeper hole. There was no way out of this. “I mean just what I said. None of us would take a chance like that.”

She looked like someone had struck her in the face. Cristian tried to get a sense of her thoughts, but they were all jumbled up. The name “Scott” kept cropping up, along with confusion and anger. Was she still worried about the politicians from Chicago?

“Oh, I see.” She grabbed her coat and gloves. “Of course. That’s why we come here, after all. And you’re all so
That’s sick and twisted, Cristian.”


“That you would all get”—she pointed toward his crotch, her cheeks pink with embarrassment—“fixed. That all of you would do that. It’s…bizarre.”

“We aren’t…” Cristian stopped, but not before her eyes narrowed again.

“Don’t you stand there and lie to me. At least give me that much respect.”

She turned on her heel and stomped out of the room. Cristian knew he should go after her, but he had no clue what the hell to say. The compulsion to find her and tell her the truth—tell her everything—was so strong he forced himself to stay in the basement until it finally began to subside. He’d never betrayed their secret, not once since they’d started this resort over thirty years earlier, and he wasn’t about to do it now. Not even to Joelle.


* * * *


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