Her Viking Lovers

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Authors: J. A. Bailey

Tags: #Ancient World Romance, #Viking, #Vikings, #Historical Romance, #Romance, #Love Story

BOOK: Her Viking Lovers
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Her Viking Lovers
J. A. Bailey
Ancient World Romance, Viking, Vikings, Historical Romance, Romance, Love Story

When her husband fails to return from an expedition, Esa turns to her husband's closest friend, Alrek. The injured Viking takes it upon himself to take care of Esa and the rest of the village. They grieve together but even as they grow closer, both know there will be no moving on for them. Alrek could never live up to Rennir's memory and he respected his friend too much to try to bed Esa, no matter how much he desires her.
He knows full well an injured Viking isn't good enough for the beautiful Esa.

But a rainy day soon changes that. Desire becomes too much and they give in to their attraction...
and eventually their love.

When it appears Alrek and Esa have finally moved on, they are shocked by the return of Rennir. While Esa knows she must return her husband and the man she loves, her heart still longs for Alrek. It seems Esa's love may be divided between the two men, but will either accept that they must share her?
And can they work together long enough to protect her from the raiders threatening their settlement?

Contains strong, virile Vikings and MFM content.

Viking Lovers

J.A. Bailey
Copyright 2014 © J.A. Bailey

All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
articles and reviews.

This is a work of
fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organisations, or persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter One

paused outside Alrek’s hut as a masculine groan echoed through the wooden
walls. She dropped her hand away from the door and held her breath. Sure
enough, a woman answered his groan with a cry of her own. Esa’s body clenched.
Desire stirred in her blood. Alrek was well known for his lovemaking skills—not
that she had ever experienced them—but the women spoke of them often. By the
sounds the woman was making, the rumours were not unfounded.

shrouded their settlement. Many were abed, ready to be up with the dawn. The
gentle slosh of waves could be heard but Esa’s hearing remained focused on the
couple. Aware of the occasional stick crunching under her feet, she tiptoed to
the rear of Alrek’s home and pressed her eye to a gap in the wood. The glow of
candles disorientated her for a moment but eventually the copulating couple
came into view.

was Yrsa, an attractive widow whose husband had no returned, much like herself.
Why then did Alrek turn his attentions to Yrsa and not her? But Esa knew well
they were both still too honour and love bound to Esa’s partner, Rennir. Her
heart beat heavily at the thought of never touching her Viking warrior again.
As Rennir’s dearest friend, Alrek loved him too and they had shared their grief
together when he had failed to come back from the latest expedition. Injured
long ago, Alrek no longer took part in the expeditions but he remained a strong
protector of their settlement and many of the women relied on him—especially

summers and the grief had barely dulled, yet she had needs. She longed for
strong hands upon her and a warm chest beneath her cheek. Something to ease the
loneliness. With no children to keep her occupied, her life seemed empty at
times, in spite of her duties keeping her busy. As a Viking woman, she had to help
look after the animals and her home as well as help the other women.

skin glistened in the candlelight. She thought it strange he had not taken a
partner yet. Many women would have him though she suspected his leg injury held
him back. From the way he drew Yrsa back and settled behind her rear, she knew
his fears were unfounded. She had seen Alrek fight and even his lovemaking
skills were not hindered by the damaged muscle. 

cried out and Esa drew in a sharp breath as Alrek plunged into her from behind,
hands firmly grasping the woman’s hips. Her heart thrummed against her chest
and moisture gathered in her sex. The ache increased when Alrek plunged again. Yrsa’s
breasts swayed and, as if they invited his touch, he leant over and cupped one
breast, pinching her nipples. Esa moved a hand to her own breast and plucked
her hard nipple through the woollen fabric of her dress. She closed her eyes
and imagined Alrek’s coarse fingers upon them. Then she slipped a hand
underneath her skirts. Arousal made her slick. She traced her folds and found
her nub. With small flicks, she teased her clit. Alrek’s increasing grunts drew
her eyes open once more and she bit her lip to keep from moaning.

two fingers, she thrust them into her wet pussy and mimicked his movements. How
she wished she were the one on her knees, taking his thick glistening cock.
Flutters met her fingers and she pushed harder. Esa had to grip the wood to
keep herself from slipping to the floor as heat gathered between her thighs.
She withdrew her fingers and went back to touching her clitoris. In frantic
presses, she increased the pleasure, switching her attention from Alrek to Yrsa
when their expressions contorted with gratification. Yrsa’s cry rent the air
but it was only when Alrek thrust several more times did Esa come apart with
him. He withdrew and spilled his seed onto Yrsa’s back. Esa imagined the hot
feel of it and the salty tang while her climax shuddered through her, leaving
her breathless but still wanting.

Alrek’s cock would satisfy her fully. She sighed. But that would never happen.
They both simply loved Rennir too much to betray his memory.

Alrek helped Yrsa clean up, Esa readjusted her skirts. She couldn’t leave quite
yet. A few more peeks of those wide shoulders, that crisp golden hair and still
slightly aroused cock might at least sustain her fantasies for a while. If she
were brave, she’d knock on the door and offer to totally satisfy him, but,
alas, she was not. Alrek would likely reject her and she depended on him too
much for companionship and assistance when the strong arms of a Viking man were

offered Yrsa a kiss as he wrapped a woollen blanket around his waist. It was
too much. Tears stung her eyes. How she longed for a kiss again—from Alrek or Rennir
she wasn’t sure. The lonely ache in her chest promised to remain. Rennir was
dead and Alrek out of bounds.

she snatched her skirts and scurried away before she sobbed aloud. As she
hastened around the corner, the door to Alrek’s hut swung open and Esa
barrelled into a wall of glistening muscle.

firm around her upper arms, Alrek held her back to study her. “Esa, what brings
you out at this time?”

me, Alrek.” Her voice came out tight, grief stifling it in her throat.

have been crying,” he stated gruffly.

not crying.” Not yet, at least.

glanced over his shoulder, clearly wary of Yrsa’s presence in his hut. Did he
believe she would be jealous? He could not be concerned for his reputation. The
entire village knew Alrek to be a generous lover and none begrudged him his
spoils for he worked hard to protect them all.

the flutter in her belly told her she longed to be in Yrsa’s place.

you need something, Esa?”

drew in a breath and met his grey gaze. “I… a leak in my roof. I was hoping you
might fix it.”

is not raining.”

she angered him by interrupting his liaison? He normally treated her with such
kindness but this night he seemed curt and annoyed. “
, b-but it

shall come by on the morrow unless it is urgent. The night is not cold and it
is surely too dark to be fixing roofs.”

are right, Alrek. Forgive me. I simply worried you would not have time.”

not, Esa, I shall always make time for you.” His furrowed brow softened.
“Return now and dream well.”

look in his eyes made her frown. Did he know what she would dream of this
night? Strong hands, firm muscles and Alrek’s cock sinking deep into her. Her
fluttering belly swooped and she fought the need to clench her legs together as
desire renewed.

night, Alrek,” she replied before she could make an even greater fool of
herself. Esa hurried away, the scent of sex and Alrek’s musk lingering in her
nostrils. She held onto the aroma, knowing it would fuel at least another
climax as she lay in her bed that night.

Chapter Two

the sun peeked over the horizon and cast the straw rooftops in an orange haze, Alrek
climbed onto Esa’s roof. After sending Yrsa on her way, he had thought of
nothing else but Esa’s cursed roof and the shimmering sorrow in her eyes. Had
she heard him with Yrsa? He made no secrets of bedding the widows of the
village. He brought them as much pleasure as they did him. But Esa had no such
man to keep her company. Perhaps it saddened her to have no lover. However,
she’d shown little interest in remarrying after Rennir and no man would
consider taking his place.

had been the best of men and a bold warrior. That he had not returned from the
expedition shocked the village to the core. None could fill such a man’s shoes,
not even Alrek, no matter how much he longed to. Alas, his injury made sure of

he could not satisfy Esa’s needs physically, he would at least help her in any
way he could. He had tended to her animals and home ever since Rennir had left.
In many ways, he was a husband to Esa, protecting and taking care of her as Rennir
once had. But he would never cross that line. He doubted Esa would welcome any advances
from him anyway but neither of them could taint Rennir’s memory like that.

released a long, low breath. No matter how tempted he was. Esa had always been
a beautiful woman. Many had envied Rennir when he had married her but it had
only been right. The strongest warrior gained the beauty of the settlement.
While longing panged in Alrek’s gut, it pleased him that his closest friend had
found happiness with a kind and dutiful woman.

never intended to find such happiness. No woman could come close to Esa and the
perfection that had been their marriage. He envied that—wished to emulate it.
Besides, with his injury he was half a man. How could he take a woman to be his
when he could not protect her properly?

across the roof, sure enough he found the gap Esa had spoken off. The straw was
particularly thin. He proceeded to remove some of the old straw and froze. Alrek
gulped, blinked and peered through the gap once more.

sat in the small wooden tub, wet and naked. It was a sight he had dreamed of
yet his dreams had never done her justice. Shadows caressed her skin but he saw
enough. Round, succulent breasts, tight nipples, flowing hair now darkened by
the water. Usually it reminded him of the sunset—a glowing yellow tinged with
red. He longed to thrust his fingers into those wet locks and massage away her

leaned back and stared up. He jumped back before tentatively shifting forward.
It appeared she either hadn’t noticed him or couldn’t see him in the gloom of
the hut for she grabbed a washcloth and began scrubbing her arms and across her
breasts. Alrek let out a hiss as his cock tightened and he imagined using his
hands to scrub her soft skin.

held his breath when she moved the cloth lower over her stomach and finally
between the shadows at her thighs. He silently cursed the lack of light. What
he would not give to see her spread open for him, to taste her luscious cream. Esa
began to move the washcloth and his raging erection lengthened. By the gods,
she was pleasuring herself.

stab of something akin to sorrow tore at his gut. She should not have to
pleasure herself. Her small gasps clutched at his heart. If only he had the
will to tear himself away and not watch the torture that was a lonely woman
seeking meagre gratification. Or better yet, the courage to tear down the door,
spread her thighs and lose himself in her.

happened. Instead, he watched her other hand caress one full breast as she
brought herself to a gentle climax. Bitter regret burnt in his mouth. If he had
been with her, he would have given her such pleasure, the rotten straw would
have dropped from the roof with her cries.

drew back when she sagged against the wood. How could he bear to see her so
unsatisfied? With the sun fully up and peeking between the thick clouds, Alrek
set to work on the roof. When all the rotten straw was removed, a woman called
to him, voice curling around his gut. He slid from the roof and climbed down to
greet her.

morrow, Alrek. I did not think you would be here so early.”

promised I would see to your roof.”

so early an hour? You have clearly been working for some time.”

graced her smooth cheeks and Alrek forced his expression to remain neutral. Did
she wonder if he might have heard her? Little did she know, even now he
pictured her as she had been. Wet, lush and ripe for a fucking. He clenched his
jaw and forced aside the image.

looks as though Freyr is going to bless us with rain today. I would not see you
wet—” He cursed his words and their double meaning silently. He had seen her
wet. He would kill to see her wetter. To part her creamy thighs and see those glistening
folds. To make them wetter by running his tongue over them. With the scent of
her in the air, his mouth grew dry at the thought. “I mean your home wet.”

up at him, a small smile teased Esa’s lips. Whether she understood his meaning
or was amused by his discomfiture, he did not know, but he enjoyed her smile
nevertheless. The woman did not smile enough in his opinion.

I shall leave you to your work, Alrek. Be assured I shall prepare you something
hearty for your midday meal in repayment.”

need never repay me, Esa. You know I do this—”

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