Her Vigilant Seal (22 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn O'Leary

BOOK: Her Vigilant Seal
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“Have some Chianti,” Tony suggested as he poured a glass. “Here, it helps with digestion. You’ve hardly eaten anything.” He turned to Mason. “You need to watch her, when she gets nervous she doesn’t eat.”

Frannie pulled Sophia’s plate and gestured to all of the dishes around the table. “What do you want sweetie, because you’re going to eat something.” Sophia knew she was out gunned. Only Darius and Tony had come back for seconds of Frannie’s Hungarian goulash, so it was an easy choice.

“You’re right Frannie, I did get nervous, but I’ve been really wanting more goulash and sour cream and some of your homemade bread.” Frannie beamed. She got a bowl and dished out a huge helping that Sophia wouldn’t be able to eat even if she had gone without food for three days.

“Save room for Tony’s cannoli,” Frannie warned her.

“I will.”

“I can’t believe you organized all of this, honey,” Mason whispered in her ear. Sophia looked at him.

“What makes you think I couldn’t organize something like this?” She’d been taking care of her mom for over two years. She was more than capable of throwing together a party.

“Honey, I’m not talking about putting it together and the surprise part. I’m talking about how much this really means to me and the guys. Having Tony, Margie and Frannie cook us a home cooked meal means a lot.”

Sophia looked around the tables and saw the pleasure on the other men’s faces and saw Mason was right. It was what she’d hoped for. What’s more, she could see the contentment the older people were exuding at having contributed.

“Mason, as long as you and I are dating let’s continue to do this,” she said with an excited smile.

Mason gave her a long look, and then finally nodded.

“I agree, this should become a tradition for us,” he said as he put his arm around her shoulder.




Mason realized she hadn’t even heard what she had said. As far as Sophia was concerned there was going to come a time when they wouldn’t be together. She was positive he would abandon her much like her father left her mother. Mason was having a hard time figuring out how to convince her otherwise. He sure as hell didn’t want to be on his twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with his wife still wondering when he was going to leave.

Sophia was taking small bites of her goulash, determined to eat as much as she could to please Frannie.

“Honey, you’re not going to hog all of that, are you?” Mason said as he picked up his spoon. He took a big bite of the succulent dish, and immediately went in for more. Soon his and Sophia’s spoons were clicking as they both fought over the drops at the bottom of the bowl.

Sophia then picked up a piece of homemade bread, broke off half, swiped up some of the soup and held it out to Mason’s lips.

“Here, try this.”

He took the offered bite, making sure to taste the tips of her fingers.

“It’s delicious.” He loved watching the blush bloom under her golden skin. It made her freckles stand out even more and made her even more beautiful. Sophia glanced across the table to see if anyone was looking at them, but he didn’t care, he continued to keep his eyes on her.

“I have to go get the desserts,” she whispered.

“I’ll help.”

“Don’t help too much. We want the desserts to eventually arrive,” Drake teased good-naturedly. Sophia’s blush turned neon as she scurried into the house. Mason just shook his head, realizing she was going to have to get used to being around his friends.

“You shouldn’t do that to her, Drake,” he heard Margie chiding his friend as he followed Sophia into the door.

Sophia was pulling out a tray of cannoli from the fridge. He took it from her and put it on the counter.

“Look, chocolate cream. I know you always order it at the diner.”

“Hmmm. You’re taking care of me again.”

“It’s becoming one of my favorite things in the world to do.”

Why the fuck were there so many people at his house? He needed Sophia. Shoving his fingers into the silk of her hair, he positioned her head and swooped in for a kiss. She opened up, and he was lost in the warmth, taste, and texture of Sophia. His thumbs traced her cheekbones and he was once again awed at the soft feel of her skin. She slid her tongue against his and pressed her body closer.

His heart was beating so loud he thought he must be having a heart attack.

“Mase, desserts? Remember?” Drake. How could he have been so caught up in Sophia he hadn’t realized Drake was pounding on the kitchen door? He brushed back Sophia’s hair and gave her one last kiss.

“No,” she protested as he broke away.

“Drake’s here, honey,” he whispered against her temple.

“Don’t care.” He stared into her passion glazed eyes and swept in for another kiss. He didn’t care either. She slid her tongue along his bottom lip, and then thrust inside his mouth. He felt claimed by the small dynamo in his arms. She pushed her breasts hard against his chest and then grabbed his hand and pulled it away from her waist and up to her chest.

“You have company here in the kitchen…” Fuck. He cupped her cheeks and pulled away so that he could rest his forehead on hers.

“Tonight, honey. We’ll get rid of the riffraff tonight.”

“I resemble that comment,” Drake said as he bit into a cannoli.

Sophie turned in his arms and stared at Drake. “Those are for everyone. How many have you had?”

“You were kissing for a long time. You were in front of the silverware drawer, and I couldn’t cut into the pies so I had to make due.”

“Dammit Drake, after all the food you guys just consumed you’re going to eat this much dessert too?” Mason grinned. She sure had come a long way in her dealings with Drake since they’d first met.

“Only if everything tastes this good,” Drake said reaching for another treat. Sophia sped over to him and slapped his hand.

“You’ve had more than enough. Take the tray out to the others. Mason, you take the pies. I’ve got to rustle up a few more things.”

Mason watched as she looked around the kitchen. He waited until Drake left and then looked at her.

“Sophia, this will be more than enough. You don’t need to stress about anything.”

“I’m not stressed. I made a few other things for Billy to take home to the Bards, and for you to have next week while I’m working at the diner.” He watched as she opened the breadbox and pulled out a stash of cookies and then went to the pantry and pulled out the rest of the strudel. He wondered if there had been more. He waited, hoping. She then pulled out a tin of brownies. Score!

“I see that look. That was supposed to be the big surprise.”


“Yes, they have pecans.”

“Please put them back in the pantry, I’m begging you,” Mason said as he snagged two of the treats out of the tin.

“Nope, they are going to the hungry horde out in the yard.”

He loved it when she got that bossy, pissy voice. It was such a turn on.

The kitchen door opened. “Since you’re not kissing what’s taking the food so long?”

“Carry this, asshole.” Mason shoved the two pies at Drake, but made sure to keep the tin of brownies in one of his hands as he carried the strudel in the other. Sophia followed with the cookies. Boy did this woman know how to spoil the people she cared about.


Chapter Seventeen



The party couldn’t have been more of a success. The seniors and the SEALs were thrilled and they all seemed to think it was her doing. But she had done very little. Before her face turned permanently red from the compliments, she took the opportunity to drive Billy home.

“I can do it,” Drake offered.

“No, I want to spend as much time as possible with him,” Sophia said with all sincerity. Drake smiled and nodded.

“We’ll do it together,” Mason said, giving her hand a squeeze as she stood to wave Billy over to her. “Drake, can you handle clean-up?”


Mason, Sophia, and Billy said their thanks and goodbyes to everyone. Billy was on cloud nine. He talked about surfing and the great dinner all during the drive back to his foster parents.

“When can we go surfing again?” Billy asked.

“How about next weekend. As long as I’m in town that should work.”

“That would be great! Don’t worry, Soph, I’ve been mowing yards. I’ve saved up enough money to rent my wetsuit this next time.” God, she loved her little brother.

“That’s great, but why don’t you keep your money? I’ve got it covered. Margie gave me a raise since I’m now supervising employees.”

“That’s awesome but I’m still paying,” Billy insisted.

Sophia opened her mouth to disagree again but Mason reached over and squeezed her thigh. She looked up and he gave a quick shake of his head. She thought it over and realized he was right. It would be good for Billy to take responsibility.

“Thanks, I really appreciate you chipping in.”

Billy beamed.

By the time they dropped him off he’d wound down a little, and Sophia hoped he could sleep.

When they got back to Mason’s house everyone was gone, and there was no sign a party had ever taken place.

“What the hell? How is this even possible?” Sophia said as she looked around the kitchen.

“You put a Navy man in charge things get done,” Mason said. “Do you know how great today was? I haven’t seen the team this happy in ages. It was especially meaningful to Finn.”


“He’s really missing his grandfather, and I could see him soaking up the time with Tony.”

Now Mason mentioned it, Sophia had noticed Finn and Tony talking a lot.

“You Sophia Anderson are one special lady.” Where the praise had been embarrassing earlier from the others, from Mason it just warmed her.

“I was pretty sure it would be a success but part of me was nervous. I didn’t want to screw up in front of your friends.”

“My friends love you.” She was beginning to feel settled in this new belief system and it really felt good. Mason’s eyes shone, and he seemed to understand exactly what she was thinking.

“Come here.” She walked into his arms. “I think we got interrupted earlier when we were in the kitchen.” She burst out laughing.

“We did not get interrupted. We were in the middle of a party doing inappropriate things.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. Nothing we do is inappropriate.” He drew her even closer, lifting her up so she was nestled against the ridge of his cock. She wiggled and he groaned. Reaching up, she touched those shoulders that beckoned, reveling in the hot strength. The man felt so good.

“I love the sounds you make when you get aroused.” He was right, she was humming, but who wouldn’t be? He had her in his arms and down the hall in record time.

He set her down beside the bed and she had her hands underneath his T-Shirt in a nano-second. “Lift up your arms.” He did, but she soon saw it didn’t help. He was too tall. “Take it off.” He huffed out a laugh.
As soon as the shirt was off it was like she had her own personal playground. The man was gorgeous.

“Now you.”

“No, I want you naked and me dressed for a change.”

He gave her a considering glance and nodded. He undressed and she grinned, pushing him down on to the bed. Of course it only worked because he allowed it. The man was covered in muscles and Sophia was determined to touch, lick, and kiss every one of them. Finally she’d touched everything but his cock and he was straining upwards, a fine sheen of sweat covering his body.

“You’re killing me, honey.”

“You’re young, you can take it.” She gently grasped his shaft.

“Do me a favor, I’m begging you.”

“What?” she asked, unable to take her gaze away from his flesh.

“Take off your blouse. I want to see your breasts.” Sophia looked at Mason’s face, and saw he was serious. She pouted at having to stop touching him, but she did as he asked, throwing her blouse and bra over the side of the bed.

“You’re staring.”

“Well d’uh, you have these.” He cupped her breasts in his hands and she arched up. Then he thumbed her nipples and she grabbed his wrists, trying to pull him away.

“No, it’s my turn.”

“Multi-task,” she watched in wonder as his abdominal muscles rippled and he curled upwards to suck the tip of her breast in his mouth. His tanned, muscled shoulder was right there in front of her and she kissed and licked it. As he suckled harder she cried out and bit into his hard flesh.

Somehow she was on her back, and Mason was unzipping her shorts and pulling them off along with her panties. He had her legs over his arms and his hands on her ass, pulling her towards the edge of the bed where he was now kneeling. She had two seconds of brain cells left and she used them.

“I thought I got to multi-task.”

“You do, you provide feedback so I know I’m doing things right.” Smartass.

His thumbs parted her sex. At the first brush of his tongue all thought of providing feedback left her mind. Then Sophia lost all brainpower to the sensuous strokes that brought her right to the edge of climax.

“More, do you need more?” he teased as he crawled up onto the bed and caged her body.

Once again, she sighed with relief when she saw he was wearing a condom.

“Mason, now,” she begged.

“Now what?”

“Oh God, we’re doing the talking thing again?” she wailed.

“Specifics, honey. I respond well when I receive detailed orders.” He was going to turn her brain to mush, and her body into a puddle of needy goo.

“I need your cock. I need it inside me. Now!”

Mason slid slowly inside her, filling her up, proving every single nerve in her body was connected to her core. But it wasn’t enough. She didn’t want slow, she didn’t want gentle. She needed hard, she needed fast. His hands cupped her face, and his eyes were alight with laughter. The bastard knew.

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