Her Rebellious Heart: A Scottish Historical Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Her Rebellious Heart: A Scottish Historical Romance
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Chapter 4


              In the early afternoon of a cold January day, Bridget entered Ty-Runach, her future home where she was to face a new challenge. She carried a light portmanteau as she walked in and surveyed the goings on. Apparently, the house had seen a lot of activity during the past few days. Furniture was moved, rugs rolled back, and two long tables set up, that had been taken down from the storage garret.

As she started up the stairs, she heard the sound of chattering voices coming from the direction of the kitchen where Besse and two women helpers were busy with preparations for the dinner. When she heard her own name mentioned, stopped for a moment to listen.

Mary Burnett’s voice was the loudest. “I think it’s a shame, Besse, bringing that girl here. What is he thinking of after all you have done for him?”

Besse’s answer was inaudible, but Elizabeth MacPherson laughed. “He’s taking an awful chance having the lassie here with that Aidan MacLeod in the same house. Everybody knows his reputation with the ladies. The old man is making it very easy for him.”

More muffled laughter and talk ensued, causing Bridget’s cheeks to burn. She thought,
Those gossipy old women, how I’d like to go tell them a thing or two, but it might cause a scene and spoil Robert’s big night

Then Mary’s voice came again, “If I were you, I’d see to it she doesn’t stay here too long.  There are ways you know.”

“Oh, maybe it will no be so bad,” said Besse. “She seems a nice enough lassie.”

“Well, suit yourself Besse, but here’s what I would do.”

Then, there was more low talking and much giggling. Angry at what they had said about her grandfather, Bridget ran upstairs, stamping her feet louder than was necessary to let them know they were not alone in the house.



The talking stopped suddenly; it was replaced with dead silence and consternation on three faces. Elizabeth MacPherson’s eyes popped wide and she clapped her hand over her mouth.

Besse whispered, “The lassie has come to get ready for the party. I wonder if she heard what we were saying.” She also wondered what Robert would say or do if Bridget should repeat anything to him she might have overheard. Robert MacDonald was a fair man but not one to tolerate talk like that about his favorite granddaughter.



Up in her room, Bridget burned with indignation, and now worried that she may have made a mistake in deciding to move in with Robert.

“Silly old party,” she thought,  “I wish now he had not asked me to be his hostess.”

Then, she heard him call to her from the foot of the stairs, “Are ye here, lass?”

The happy tone in his voice filled Bridget with a different kind of warmth. She knew right then she would do anything within her power to make him happy.  All her had to was ask.

“Yes, Robert, I’m here. I came early so I can be ready in time to greet your guests with you.”

With a wide grin on his face he said,              “That’s fine, lassie. “I’ll see you in a little while then,”

and off he went to his bedroom, through the hallway from the dining area, humming happily to himself.

              Bridget heard Besse’s voice giving orders to her helpers. The ensuing rattle of dishes as they set the long tables came to her ears as she started to unpack.

“What angels they are when the man of the house is around,” she murmured to herself.

Opening her portmanteau, she began putting most of her belongings into the long storage drawer under the mirror on the wardrobe. Finishing quickly, she bolted the bedroom door, disrobed completely, then pouring the tepid water from the pitcher on the chiffoneer into the deep basin, she bathed and dried herself. Donning her warm dressing gown, she lay down across the bed to relax a bit before starting to dress.

The glow and warmth from the fire burning in the room made everything feel cozy and snug. Soon, Bridget felt all tension and bitterness leave her. This was Robert’s big night, and she must not let anything spoil it for him.



Walking downstairs some time later, dressed in the lovely gown Robert had asked her to wear, taffeta skirts rustling and swaying with the movement of her body, she was fully aware how attractive she looked.  Robert and Aidan looked around as she came towards them, admiration and pleasure showing on their faces.

Both men were dressed in kilts, complete with sporrans and velvet jackets; Robert wore the red MacDonald tartan while Aidan was clad in a dark green and purple blend with narrow light blue stripes throughout. Black buckled shoes and knee high argyle socks, completed their outfits.

“Robert,” cried Bridget coming towards them, “how handsome you look in your clan dress. I have never seen you in a kilt before.”Her eyes shone in admiration.

              Robert’s face beamed at her praise. “I only wear them for special occasions, lassie, but they do  make things look more festive, don’t you think?”

“Indeed, I do, Grandfather, and looking at you now makes me proud that I too have MacDonald blood in me.”

Robert flushed saying, “Ah, ye’re a braw lassie, Bridget.”

Turning to Aidan, she smiled, “Your tartan is very unusual, Aidan, with the blend of colors it has. It is very beautiful too, I must say. MacLeod no doubt?”

“What else would I wear, Bridget?  I am a MacLeod,” he answered quietly.

Looking from one to the other with genuine admiration, she remarked, “Well, you certainly are a handsome pair tonight, and I hope I can get to dance with both of you later on.”

Aidan smiled broadly, a smile that completely transfigured his usually harsh countenance. She thought,
That face is made for laughter, not scowls. Wonder why he doesn’t do more of it?
Then, turning to Robert she went on with her animated talk, “The tables look so lovely. Besse and her helpers have done a find job, and I am going to tell them so, right now.”

And leaving the two men to their task of seeing that everything was in order for the festivities, she went swiftly to the kitchen door and peeped in.

“Oh, Besse, that heavenly smell makes me so hungry, I could sit down and eat this very minute, and the tables, ladies, how nice you have made them look.”

Flushed and excited at Bridget’s praise, Besse answered, “Thank you, Miss Bridget, but I couldn’t have done it without my two good helpers you know.”

The other two women looked a little sheepish as they smiled their thanks.

“How bonny you look, lassie, just like your grandma in that dress,” said Mary.

“Did you know her Mary?”

“Aye, lass, that I did, and a finer lady never walked the earth. She was a grand person.”

Before Bridget could answer her, Robert called out that the first of the guests were arriving, and               With a smile, she hurried away to the front door to be with him.

As the guests arrived by twos and threes, Robert greeted them cordially, and then introduced them to Bridget, who promptly forgot most of the names she heard. Some of the people she already knew, but many she did not.

Amongst the later arrivals was a young woman, a few years older than Bridget by the name of Elsie Carlisle. She arrived alone and apologized for her parents, who she said had realized at the last moment that they couldn’t come. They requested she come in their place.

Bridget noticed that Elsie was very attractive, with brown hair and eyes, and wearing a gown that showed all the curves allowable. Elsie merely nodded to Bridget as Robert introduced them, and then her eyes swept the room as if in search of someone. As she spied Aidan, she excused herself to Robert, and hurried over to greet him.

“Ah, Aidan,” she cooed, “how very nice to see you again. You are looking well, but why haven’t you been to see me?”

She held out her had to him as she spoke. He smiled and raised it to his lips.

Bridget couldn’t quite determine if the look of pleasure on his face was genuine or just put on for Elsie’s benefit,  but for some reason there was a feeling of jealousy nagging at her as she turned her eyes away from them. She couldn’t understand why.

Her parents' voices broke in on her thoughts and she turned to greet them. “How bonny you look, lassie,” breathed her mother, who had never seen her daughter in such a dress. “That dress looks like it was made for you, but be sure and keep that tartan scarf draped across the front. The neckline is terribly low cut.”

“Dinna worry, Mum, I will.” Turning to her father, she kissed him warmly. He smiled proudly, squeezing her hand.

Most of the guests had already arrived when in came big James Tosh, a mountain of a man, resplendent in red kilts, florid face beaming with pleasure. When Robert introduced him to Bridget, he said, “Faith, and Robert was right, ye are a bonny lassie,” and without ceremony put both hands around her waist, lifting her up until her face was on a level with his own, and kissing her soundly, set her back on her feet.             

Bridget, face burning with embarrassment, but not to be out done, answered demurely with a mock curtsey, “Thank you, kind sir.”

James guffawed loudly, throwing back his head and shock of white hair as he walked away to greet others of his friends.

Aidan, still being monopolized by Elsie and her animated talk, nevertheless had seen what had happened and seemed highly amused at Bridget’s embarrassment.

The hubbub of voices was getting louder by the minute, as friends greeted friends who seemingly hadn’t seen each other for some time. In the midst of it all, Besse came to Robert saying excitedly, “Better get them all seated, sir, I wouldn’t want my dinner to spoil,” and off she hurried, back to the kitchen.

Robert motioned to Aidan to come and help get everyone seated. Amidst the commotion and laughter, the thirty or more guests were finally in their places around the long table.

Robert sat in the center of one side with Bridget on his right and Aidan on his left. Elsie had managed to get a seat right next to Aidan, and seemed bent on monopolizing him for the evening.

To start festivities, Robert got to his feet and gave a short welcoming speech to his assembled guests, which was met by cheers and hand clapping. Before sitting down again, he turned to an old friend Sandy Stuart, saying, “Sandy, will you do the honors and say the Selkirk grace?”

“Aye, Robert, that I will.” He then solemnly repeated the age old poem of Robbie Burns.


                            “Some hae meat and canna eat,

              some wad eat that want it;

              But hae meat, an we can eat,

              Sae let the Lord be thank it.”


              The group chorused, “Amen.” Grace and answered amens over, Besse and her helpers quickly set bowls of steaming Scotch broth in front of each guest. This was quickly savored and demolished in anticipation of the traditional dinner to follow. In a few minutes, from the direction of the kitchen, came big James Tosh, playing a marching song on the bag pipes, with Besse stepping out proudly behind him, holding aloft a large platter where on rested a Scottish haggis.

Twice around the table they marched, and then stopping at Aidan’s left, Besse placed the platter on the table in front of him.

Robert poured four drams of whiskey: one for the piper, one for Besse the cook, another for himself, and one for Aidan, who was to address and slice the haggis. These were bolted down in double quick time. Robert drew the Skaen-dhu from its sheath at the top of his knee high stocking, wiped the blade with a clean serviette, and then handed it to Aidan, placing the hilt of it in hand.

BOOK: Her Rebellious Heart: A Scottish Historical Romance
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