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Authors: Tamsin Baker

Her One and Only Dom

BOOK: Her One and Only Dom
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Copyright© 2015 Tamsin Baker



ISBN: 978-1-77233-357-2


Cover Artist: Jay


Editor: Katelyn







WARNING: The unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All
names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






To all
the beautiful ladies at





Tamsin Baker


Copyright © 2015






Six Months Before


swayed and reached out to grip a nearby chair. She had made it. She had
graduated university and she was now at her graduation ball. The object of her
obsession sat only a few short steps away and, if she could concentrate long
enough to talk to him, then she would finally be able to propose more than a

white wine she had spent the night drinking almost made her forget who she was,
but it did nothing to diminish her feelings for one of her professors.

, the man who made her heart
almost to a complete stop every time he looked at her with those cool blue
eyes. She’d met him on the first day of her third year, standing up in the
front of a lecture theater teaching microbiology. The tone of his voice had
made her belly clench and when he smiled at her, she felt special. No one else
had ever done that for her before.

took a deep breath and steadied herself. This was it. Up to the eyeballs in
Dutch courage and she was going for it.

took a step forward and fell to the right, grabbing hold of another reception
chair and then another. One hand at a time, she pulled her way toward her
perfect professor, licking her suddenly dry lips and wobbling on her too-high

turned suddenly and she gasped, his eyes pinning her in place. Her knees gave
out and she fell into the chair next to him, bumping her shoulder into his
side. Her head was spinning and a giggle rose in her throat.

Simone, you okay?”

cleared her throat and straightened up in her chair. A much harder feat than
she had originally guessed, but looking lady like while this tipsy was quite
“Yeah, of course, Professor.
Just had a little
... too much wine ...”

turned his body around so that he could look
straight at her and Simone’s cheeks flushed with heat. Her arms and legs didn’t
feel attached to her body, and she didn’t know where her hands were. Why was

can drop the professor title. Patrick is fine, Simone. You’re graduated now.”

...” Simone rolled the name around with her tongue, loving the feeling of being
able to say it out loud, to the man himself. She giggled again, swaying on her
seat in time with the music.

home, in her dreams, and occasionally out loud while living out one of her
fantasies, she had said his name plenty of times. But getting permission from
him was another feeling entirely. Her belly clenched tight as she took a quick
breath and forged forward with her plan.

you for the last few years, Patrick. You’ve been a great teacher.”

smiled kindly at her, his blue eyes looking wary, even to her drunken ones.

welcome. I’ve really enjoyed our little chats.”

lips pulled up high as she suppressed the hiccup that rose by putting a hand on
her sternum. Those few minutes before class, in the café or during an exam when
she could look at him without fear were moments of pure bliss. “Well, we can keep
chatting, can’t we? I mean, now that you’re not my lecturer, we could go out
for dinner ... or

was slurring and bit her bottom lip hard.
This is important.

full lips pulled into a thin line as his forehead creased into a frown. Why did
he do that? He looked much older now.

shouldn’t do that Patrick. You’ve got wrinkles now.” She lifted her hand and
smoothed his forehead line with her thumb, leaning forward until she was so
close she could see the flecks of silver in his blue eyes.

bit her lip and stared at him. He was so beautiful.

don’t think that would be a good idea.” Patrick grabbed her wrist and pulled
her hand down as he slid back in his chair, making space between them again.

No, please don’t
pull away.

let go of her wrist so she slid her hand over onto Patrick’s rock hard thigh.
It was warm, and thick with muscle beneath her palm. Heat curled low in her
belly and her breath hitched in her throat. She wanted this man so much.

“Why not Patrick?
If you aren’t my teacher anymore.”

don’t have relationships with students. And to be honest, Simone, you’re too
innocent for me.”

chest tightened, hot tears burning at the back of her eyes. She blinked
rapidly. “But that’s not fair, Patrick. Please, give me a chance to show you
that I can be more than you think.”

squeezed his leg, her finger tips pulsing with heat. She had no idea what she
was doing and she didn’t care.

you could just take me home with you ... I want you to.”

part of Simone’s brain registered the fact that she was being too
aggressive ,
but her body stayed where it was, and her need
to kiss this man overwhelmed her. She slid onto the edge of her stool and
pursed her lips. If only he would just lean forward a
bit ...

fingers gripped her hand and removed it from his thigh. Simone’s eyes opened
wider, a cold shivering down her spine. She sat back and waited, a fuzzy glow
surrounding her perfect man.

a beautiful woman, Simone, but I can’t. I won’t. Sorry.”

ribs squeezed tight and nausea rolled in her belly. She glanced away to hide
the tears that gathered in her eyes and swallowed the heavy lump in her throat.

her brilliant, hot professor, stood up and moved away. Simone didn’t care where
or to whom. She choked back a sob and pushed herself to her unsteady feet, her
ankle rolling on her heels. She clenched her teeth as pain spread through her
heart and her head began to throb. She needed to get home. Whoever said it was
better to have loved and lost had obviously never been rejected to their face.

Chapter One


best friend of more than ten years had promised her a surprise, but this was
the last thing that she had been expecting.

the hell are we doing here, Nic?” Simone shook with trepidation as she followed
her best friend through a heavy steel door, and into the inner sanction of a
BDSM club.

foyer was immaculate.
Shining white tiled floors, pale blue
walls, and a white ceiling.
Completely at odds with
the young woman wearing a leather collar and several facial piercings who sat
behind the reception desk.

card please.”

turned around with a smug smile as she handed the woman a card, then pointed to
some paperwork on the desk beside her.

this and sign here.”

glanced down at the piece of paper that pretty much said that what she saw at
the club she wasn’t allowed to disclose to anyone. There were some other rules
that didn’t make a lot of sense, stuff about blood and laws of consent. Others
were just common sense, like not interrupting someone when they were in the
middle of a session. Why would anyone do that?

signed her name and dotted
the I
with a heart. That
was easy enough, but what else would she need to do once she was inside? She
presented her license to the attendant in black, her heart racing in her chest.

tattooed woman made a few notes and handed it back to her.

your night.”

the size of elephants took wing inside Simone’s belly. Was she really going to
do this? As she took her license back and automatically put it away, she
realized she was. Smiling gamely at the woman, she followed Nicola through the
red door to the right of the desk and proceeded down the steps.

was getting warmer and darker the deeper she went, until she was cocooned by a
dimly lit hallway. With its black walls and ceiling, and intense warmth, it
felt like an intimate hug, squeezing her tight so that she couldn’t breathe.

Calm, stay calm.

are you seriously a member here?” Simone asked her friend as she trailed

would shock her about Nicola. She had always been adventurous and confident
when it came to men and sex, yet this wasn’t something Simone had seen coming.

stopped outside one of the blood red doors and eyed her. Simone couldn’t stop
the tightening of her belly as she realized they might actually be going in to
one of the rooms.

I am, but that’s another story. There’s a specific reason I brought you here
tonight. Do you remember Professor Drop Dead Gorgeous?’

went still, did she remember him? How could she not?


gave her a devilish smile that made Simone clench her teeth.
Cocky woman!


Simone’s cheeks heated at Nicola’s
mocking tone.
had been the biggest crush of
Simone’s life, and also the hardest to get over. She still preferred him to
every other man she had ever met.

year she had graduated from university and had thought her infatuation with
Patrick would pass quickly. It had been over six months and she still thought
about him every time she put her hand between her legs at night.
His intense eyes and beautiful mouth, the object of her fantasy.
Why was Nicola bringing him up now?

about him?”

smiled again and folded her arms across her abundant chest. “Tell me again why
you never tried anything with him.”

leather clad woman walked past them with a man on a leash and Simone’s mouth
gaped open. She tried to speak and just couldn’t. She was both horrified and
aroused. Heat pooled between her legs as she watched them walk away. She wanted
to be cherished by someone like that. Her eyes slid up and down the people in
front of her, her jaw clenching as she rejected the idea of being restricted in
such a way.

woman slid her hand over the man’s hair and tilted his face up to look at him,
bending down to drop a kiss on his lips. Her eyebrows rose at the tender
gesture. So maybe she didn’t want a leash and a collar, but to be loved and
trusted like that would be a wonderful thing.

was the question again? Oh yeah.
“Because he didn’t want me.”

snorted inelegantly as she leaned against the black wall. “You don’t know

narrowed her eyes at her best friend. How would Nicola know? They’d never
really talked about it.

do. He told me I was too
someone like him. He obviously thought a virgin soon-to-be ex-student was too

sprang to her eyes and she swallowed down the lump that had risen in her
throat. When she had approached Professor Patrick
at her graduation, half-intoxicated with champagne, he had turned her down
flat. She had dismissed it at the time, but later she had been horrified. His
rejection had sent her diving under the covers with a box of chocolates for a

stepped closer and slipped her warm, soft hand into Simone’s. It was reassuring
and kind, reminding Simone how much she missed her friend. Between full-time
work, paying bills, family commitments and keeping house, she didn’t make time
to just hang out with her friends anymore.
Growing up sucked

tribal music was playing softly in the background and Simone found
focusing on it as Nicola tightened her hold on her

wasn’t the reason at all. Come with me.”

head came up with a start and she yelped as Nicola dragged her down the hall.
Where were they going now? People were everywhere, milling around a large
common area with a bar and lounges. Some were standing, others were kneeling.
Just about everyone was wearing leather and had piercings of some sort. One
woman had what looked a type of corset on her back. The rings were piercing her
skin and a black ribbon ran through them like an old fashioned corset would. It
looked beautiful, though painful.

were more red doors off the room and screams of pleasure and pain echoed
throughout the club over the music. Simone flushed again and dropped her eyes.
She may as well have painted “first timer” on her forehead. Ever since she had
Fifty Shades of Grey
, she had
been intrigued by the lifestyle, but that didn’t mean she was ready to
experience it. When she had mentioned it to Nic in the course of conversation,
her friend had promised to take her to a BDSM club she knew of. Never in her
wildest dreams did Simone think Nic would actually do it.

breath caught in her throat, making her gasp. What was she doing here?

on sweetie,” Nicola urged. “I really need to show you something.”

tugged down the black top she had worn over black pants. Nicola had told her
not to display her boobs or her knees, and to wear all black. She was there to
blend into the walls, as though Simone needed to be told that. Blending in to
the background was her way of life.

are we going?”

grabbed her hand and tugged. “A man’s doing a scene that you just have to see.”

frowned, perverse excitement and downright terror fighting each other for
supremacy in her head. Her heart rate had almost doubled and a fine sheen of
sweat covered her face and the back of her neck. Fear of the unknown may have
won out if it weren’t for the reassuring press of her best friend’s hand in

let’s go.”

stepped over to one of the red doors and opened it. At once a wave of heat hit
Simone’s face, reminding her of an intense summer’s day. The room was darker
than the foyer and she blinked a few times, waiting for her eyes to adjust to
the dim light.

she could finally see well enough, she looked up to see why Nicola had been so
insistent that they come into this particular room. Heat flooded her entire
body, followed by a cold flush as a gasp escaped her. The man, who was the main
focus of the room, was Patrick. Her ex-professor wore tight leather pants that
clung to him in an almost indecent way. He was shirtless and had what looked
like a flogger in his hand. He looked in control, powerful and magnificent.

was with a young male who was tied to a cross and crying out his pleasure.

stood immobile, shocked. Nicola stepped close and whispered into her. “This is
why he didn’t take you up on your offer. He didn’t think you could handle

fell back against the wall, her knees threatening to give out as the scene in
front of her was memorized by her horrified brain. She was watching her
university lecturer, who was almost twice her age, clad in leather, his bulging
muscles flexing as he flicked the flogger over and over onto the male tied up
in front of him. The target was mostly his ass and thighs and the skin was
visibly red even from where she stood.

is called a scene. Patrick is the Dom and the man with him, Alex, is the Sub.”

nodded but couldn’t take her eyes off the scene in front of her. Her response
to him had always been visceral and completely out of her control. The familiar
belly curl was back as she watched Patrick. He was spectacular.

anyone had told her that she would have enjoyed watching such a thing, she
would have laughed at them. But she was. Her pussy was throbbing, aching for
her touch. The only touch it knew.

was a virgin by choice, not from necessity. She had gotten close a few times
and knew enough to be confident around most men. But she had yet to find a man
worthy of her body. She knew how to come, had made herself do so many times
before, but never had the need been so great than at this moment.

submissive man screamed “Yellow,” and Patrick changed his stance.

means slow down. Red means stop immediately. In this world, the Sub has all the
power because the Dom must follow the Sub’s rules, not the other way around.”
Simone’s education continued as Nicola continued to whisper to her.

slowed down his arm motions and moved the flogger up to the man’s shoulders and
upper back. He slowed down the strength and speed of his strikes until he was
barely moving his arm, using the flogger to caress the man instead. Then he
walked up to his partner and soothed him with his hand before untying him and
wrapping a towel around his shoulders.

watched in awe, unable to look away as most of the people walked out of the

was focusing on his Sub, but he looked up and caught her eye.

shoulders went rigid and his whole body seemed to tense, yet he didn’t move
toward her.

stayed with the other man and talked to him, stroked him. It was rather
beautiful to see the care. He picked up a towel and wiped his hands and face,
slipping a loose white shirt on over his body. He looked toward her again and
gave her a small smile of recognition, before he sat down in a nearby chair and
began touching the male Sub again.

belly flipped and her legs propelled her out of the room before she consciously
decided she wanted to leave.

... my ... fucking
. ..

fell against the wall just outside the room. Nicola appeared in front of her.
Her eyes wide and her face shocked.

are you doing? Get back in there and wait for him to finish!”

her usual inappropriate response to something
completely out of her comfort zone. “Why? You’ve shown me what he needs and I
can’t let him flog me! We may as well go home.”

grabbed her by the arms and shook her. “Are you kidding? You have no idea what
sort of pleasure you can get from a man devoted to giving you what you need.”

stared up at her friend with new appreciation, but knew that she didn’t need
that. “I know it’s not all whips and chains …”

laughed and let go of Simone’s arms. “I know you’re feeling overwhelmed but I
know a lot about this lifestyle. I’ll help you through it. Patrick’s been a Dom
for more than ten years so he knows what he’s doing. He’ll never harm you,

narrowed her eyes at her friend. How long had Nic known about Patrick?

well do you know Patrick, Nicola?”

shook her head rapidly, her long silver earrings swinging madly. “Never like
that, I’ve just spoken to him a couple of times. He has a good reputation and
is really approachable.”

sighed and laid her head against the wall. She had to close her eyes against a
wave of light headedness and welcomed the mentally blank feeling that shock
brought with it.

BOOK: Her One and Only Dom
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