Her Lion Guard 2 (Paranormal Shifter Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Her Lion Guard 2 (Paranormal Shifter Romance)
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Mary-Lou did not like what was going on, and not just because she was currently being held like a child in the lap of a bloodthirsty Wolf Shifter. Anxiety gripped her chest; what had happened, while she was stuck in a golden-tinted trance? Had her family been hurt? And where, for the love of all, was

Mary-Lou knew Jonas would not be separated from her by choice, would protect her and their pack at the cost of his life. The thought left a cold numbness in her mind, made the human woman speak even as fear of her captors shook her weakened body.

“Wiley, what did you do to Jonas?” The Shifter who held her tightened her grasp about Mary-Lou’s wrists, grinding the fragile bones within against each other. Mary-Lou refused to whimper, glaring up at the smirking woman instead.

Wiley chuckled, the sound nasal and not at all pleasant. “Why should I tell you?” the Alpha taunted. He was well aware of her panic – enjoyed it, likely, the smug bastard. Mary-Lou bared her teeth, not paying the warning growl the female Wolf let out any mind.

“You hurt him, didn’t you?” Mary-Lou snarled. “You hurt a man whose only wish was to protect his family. You hurt your
, and for what? Status? Power?
What an
man you are!”

Wiley laughed over the female Wolf’s sharp,
Shut it
, the sound subsiding behind a nasty grin.

“My friend? Human, Jonas and I were
.” The poisonous grin disappeared as Wiley’s face twisted in a snarl, dark and malicious. “Will be once again, once all is right.”

“Once you kill all he holds dear, you mean,” Mary-Lou snapped back. She twitched as a clawed hand grasped her throat, sparing a slanted glare for the female Wolf to which it belonged. “Wiley,” she tried again, voice more level and controlled, “You are not stupid. You know there is only one way this will end, and it won’t be with everything going back to how it used to be.” Whatever that was. How Mary-Lou wished she had pressed Jonas for the story of his and Wiley’s time together!

Wiley said nothing. Mary-Lou stared at the back of the man’s head, astounded at the sheer level of self-delusion the Wolf was exhibiting.
How easy you must be to manipulate
, she thought,
And how obvious in the fact that you are running errands for someone else.
Why would she, the symbol of all Wiley detested in this world, still draw breath otherwise? Someone had wanted her alive.

Mary-Lou wondered who, exactly, was pulling the brute’s strings – which powerful being fed the Alpha blood-soaked fairy tales and pretty lies – and felt exhaustion weight her very soul. Wiley had taken on the role of the bad guy, fit in it easily enough to allow for a quick resolution to the problem he posed: Incapacitate him, and the Alpha will no longer be a threat to Mary-Lou and her family. The shadows that lurked behind Wiley’s brute strength, the manipulative machinations at work somewhere out of view – how was Mary-Lou to bring
to justice? Not for the first time, Mary-Lou wished Fate had handed her a guidebook to account for all the twists and hidden turns Life had laid in her path.

All had to be brought to light, Mary-Lou thought, if any of it was to change. Wiley was but a part of a larger issue.

However, as he was her immediate situation… Well. First things first.

“Stop the car,” Mary-Lou said. She had no intention of meeting Wiley’s masters as she was – dirty and bloody and reeling from mental wounds she had barely begun healing. Mary-Lou was ready to fight, ready to push the two Wolves to their limit before she let them take her away.

Ready, indeed, for everything but the car’s sudden, screeching stop.

Mary-Lou spared Wiley’s surprised face but a glance before she was
. The female Wolf had hit her head during the car’s unexpected maneuver; she did not have much time to rid herself of the disorientation that followed as a bony elbow slammed into her right eye, bruising the tender organ and slamming her head into the back window in a single motion. She howled, claws grasping for Mary-Lou even as the human woman slipped out of her grip and the car altogether. The human ran off the road and into the dark forest which surrounded it, pale flesh melting into the shadows of the woods.

“Stay here!” Wiley growled. The female Wolf turned to regard her Alpha, a slow smile stretching her mouth wide. The man was grinning, eyes blood-red as he stared in the direction Mary-Lou had disappeared; it was full moon tonight. Hunter’s moon.

“Enjoy the chase,” she purred, her own eyes glowing yellow-green beneath heavy lids.

“Oh, I will,” Wiley snarled back, muscles tensing and then releasing as he shot off toward the woods.

Mary-Lou ran. She ducked low branches, evaded the gray shadows of tree-trunks and thanked her lucky stars that the moon shone full and bright above her. A mere human, her senses were limited at the best of times; in the pitch black of an unknown forest, she would have been the easiest of prey without the aid of her sight.

Mary-Lou knew it was only a matter of time before Wiley found her. Even with her head-start, there was no escaping the vast inequality between human and Shifter physiques. The fact that her own blood was smeared into her skin and thus serving as a beacon to Wiley and any other predator prowling the woods did not help her cause any. Still, she ran, holding onto the foolish hope of finding help – a town, a cluster of houses, anything that would deter Wiley and his pack away.

At least, she had hoped to run a while longer before a large, powerful body slammed hers into the forest floor.

“Help!” Mary-Lou screamed, thrashing beneath Wiley. The man did not give an inch, did not care enough to even muffle Mary-Lou’s desperate cries. His victory was obvious, complete – Wiley slapped the human woman across the face, laughing to hear her jaw click loudly with the power of his blow. Momentarily stunned, Mary-Lou could do nothing as the Wolf grasped her leg and pulled, literally dragging her across grass and stone and fallen branches. It was painful, and it was humiliating; Mary-Lou collected her remaining strength, took a deep breath, and
– voice as loud and desperate as she could make it.

She did not expect to hear someone roar back.

Wiley dropped Mary-Lou at the sound, claws out and teeth bared as he twisted around to meet the familiar newcomer. He was too slow, much too late as Jonas was already there –large body smashing into Wiley’s, clawed hands grabbing and twisting the Wolf’s neck. Mary-Lou heard the crack of bone against stone, saw Wiley falter and flail beneath Jonas’ steadfast grip. She was reminded of another night, another place – remembered begging for Wiley’s life in a situation just like this one.

Mary-Lou would not plead anything of anyone tonight.

Jonas lifted Wiley by the throat so the two were face-to-face. Wiley could barely maintain eye-contact, blood streaming down the back of his neck and shoulders. The Lion Shifter roared, loud and dark and vengeful, and slammed the other Alpha against a nearby tree. A flash of steel, a howling whine, and the Wolf was pinned against the sturdy oak. Mary-Lou gasped, swayed to see the black handle of the ceremonial knife stick out of Wiley’s pale throat.

Jonas stepped back from Wiley’s thrashing form – haltingly, reluctantly, obviously torn between two actions. A part of Mary-Lou wanted him to finish Wiley, to end the Wolf’s causeless rebellion and the misery it caused. A larger, more human part of her was delighted when Jonas chose to stride up to her instead, to lift her into his arms and press a soft kiss onto her mouth.

“Take me home,” she told him, an echo of the plea meeting Wiley had torn from her a night a different life ago.

Jonas nodded. He gathered Mary-Lou in his arms and readied to run, not paying Wiley or his desperate growls any further attention.

Mary-Lou did. Mary-Lou met Wiley’s eyes – red, filled to bursting with blood-lust and anger and malice – and

“You lose,” she mouthed.

Wiley’s roar was choked, cut off by the blade in his throat and the wind that rushed around Jonas’ running figure.




Jonathon was waiting for Jonas and Mary-Lou at the bottom of the hill. Sharp green eyes fastened on Mary-Lou’s bruised face as soon as the couple came into view, eyes tight with barely-concealed panic. Mary-Lou raised her hand in an unsteady wave and watched the terror in her father’s expression melt away, to be replaced by dark, dark anger.

Jonathon did not speak – not to Mary-Lou, not to Jonas. His presence was meant to offer protection, to comfort, and that was what he did.  The Coyote Shifter  trailed behind them the remaining distance to his home like a faithful, vigilant shadow. The man’s silent hovering should have been unnerving; Mary-Lou found herself thankful for it, instead. The human woman was too exhausted to maintain eye-contact – speaking was well beyond her capabilities at the moment.

At the door, Jonas tightened his grip on the fragile body he carried. It took Mary-Lou a moment to realize that her mate was growling at her mother, the sound choked and instinctual and absolutely ridiculous in the current situation.

“Jonas,” she mumbled, “Put me down. Let her help.”

The rolling rumbling cut off. Still, Jonas made no move to release her; a glance upward confirmed that he was glaring – glaring! – at Irma, teeth bared in a snarl. Irma, on her part, was smiling. A wan smile, true, but there. Well, if Jonas’ over-protectiveness brought joy to her mother, who was she to meddle?

“Alright,” Mary-Lou sighed, “Feel free to carry me in and loom like a caveman.”

Jonas did exactly that.

Twenty minutes and an embarrassing shower later – Jonas may be her lover, and his presence may usually be more than welcome under a hot spray of water, but anxious hovering hardly helped with rinsing off soap – Mary-Lou felt a lot better. Snuggled up on one of the plush couches, Jonas warm and mostly verbal next to her, she
felt normal.

“So, everyone is safe?” Mary-Lou asked for what was likely the sixth time. She could not help worrying; not when she could not see her family, convince herself of their safety first-hand.

Irma did not deny her the comfort of words, at least. The older woman nodded, repeating what she had told Mary-Lou the very first time she inquired after her pack.

“Cara called about an hour ago. She and Sasha have secured the parameter,” Mary-Lou winced, knowing exactly what “secured” meant after being privy to the conversation in Wiley’s car. Irma raised an eyebrow, but continued without comment, “and have successfully relocated to Emma and Richard’s home. Katy and Jenna reported no disturbances on their end.”

Mary-Lou sighed in relief. “That is – that is great. I could not remember, I was not
, you see, not really. Not knowing,” Mary-Lou’s voice shook. The human woman took a deep breath, closed her eyes briefly. When she spoke again, her words were quiet and sincere, “I felt like I was dying.”

“The bond,” Jonas rumbled beside her. Mary-Lou glanced at him, relieved to see cognizant blue eyes gazing back at her. Jonas continued, “It sang to you, let you feel their terror and anger as your own. Do you know,” he gasped, voice falling low into a now-familiar growl, “Do you know what it felt like to
, losing you? Seeing you disappear without any hope of getting you back?” Mary-Lou shook her head, guilt and pain for Jonas and Cara and Sasha tightening her chest.

“Jonas,” Irma cut in, voice sharp. “Enough. She has suffered plenty.”

“I did not mean—” Jonas clamped his eyes shut, bit his lip to stem the flow of words. When blue eyes opened again, they were void of anger. “I am sorry,” he said to Mary-Lou, to Irma and Jonathon’s silent figures, “I overstepped.”

“You did not.” Mary-Lou teetered slightly as she rose to stand, legs still too weak to support her weight. Jonas shot up from his seat and grasped her arms, steadying her body with his. Mary-Lou grinned up at him, lips stretching wider when Jonas hesitantly smiled back. “Thank you,” she said to him, repeated the sentiment to Irma and Jonathon. “You just got back, are tired – and here I am again, dragging trouble in my wake.”

“Nonsense,” Jonathon grumbled. “It was hardly your fault, Mary-Lou. And even if it had been, what are parents for?” Jonathon smiled, expression tight with worry and determination.

Mary-Lou had nothing to say, nothing that would not make her feel even more ashamed. It was not often that she allowed herself to think of the two Shifters as her parents. That was obviously not the case on their end – she felt foolish, indeed. Petty.

“It’s alright,” Jonas whispered. Mary-Lou belatedly remembered their bond, its tendency to betray her emotions to her mate. She shook her head, plastered on a smile, even as she let Jonas feel exactly how not okay it all was.

“You need to rest,” Irma said, a command plain in her statement. For once, Mary-Lou did not argue. She nodded her head instead, let Jonas lead her out of the room and up to the second floor.

“We have to find him,” Mary-Lou heard Jonathon mutter, his voice soft and dark.

“We will.” Irma promised.

Mary-Lou wondered if they were talking about Wiley and if so, if the man would live to greet the morning.


Her room was as she had left it. Their room, Mary-Lou reminded herself as she watched Jonas shuffle about. She hid a smile as the Lion Shifter was temporarily hidden by a fluffy comforter. When Jonas walked close enough to the chair she lounged upon, Mary-Lou tangled a hand into his shirt and
– and Jonas let himself be reeled in, let her urge him down and into a soft, open-mouthed kiss.

They shared a few more hot, lingering kisses – bit and suckled at flesh still tender in the wake of a horrific fight. Jonas shifted until his hands fit around Mary-Lou’s waist, lifted his mate up and gently deposited her on the half-made bed. Mary-Lou needed sleep, and he needed Mary-Lou – it was a simple, straightforward decision to maneuver her into his arms, hold her tight and kiss her face as he urged her into sleep.

Mary-Lou had a very different idea.

“Fuck me,” the human woman whispered, voice low and urgent. Jonas felt a spike of lust tear through him, felt molten heat pool into his stomach. Still, he shook his head, mindful of Mary-Lou’s fragile mental and physical state.

Mary-Lou narrowed her eyes. Jonas’ stubbornness when it came to this, when it came to
, was often galling to the prideful woman. She was not weak. She was not a child, to be minded and coddled and told what to do. Mary-Lou hooked a thigh over Jonas’ hips and
, pressing the surprised Shifter flush against her.

Jonas groaned, the sound choked off – almost pained as Mary-Lou ground up into his hardness. “I said,
fuck me
,” the woman hissed into his ear, bit and chewed at his throat – in admonition, in desire. Jonas felt his eyes roll in his head, felt animalistic lust chase good intentions and caution from his mind. When Mary-Lou’s small, soft hand fumbled with the zipper to his pants he let it – ground into it, into the warm tunnel of her fingers as she pushed both slacks and boxers out of the way and took his cock in hand.

“That’s it,” Mary-Lou moaned, lifting her heaving chest to press soft breasts against Jonas’ hard body, “Let go. For once, Jonas, just – let go.” Jonas buried his face in her hair, drowned a rumble of desire in his partner’s skin. His hands mapped her body, lifted her shirt and unhooked her bra to palm at her full breasts. Mary-Lou bit her lip against a scream as careful fingers tugged at her sensitive nipples, her own hand tightening around Jonas’s straining erection. He was leaking freely now, wetting her hand and the thin pajama pants covering her thighs. Mary-Lou felt an answering wetness soak through her panties, felt herself ache and strain toward her mate in more ways than one.  She pulled her hand away, ignored Jonas’ questioning whine to push at the remaining fabric that separated their bodies.

“Now, now,
,” Mary-Lou chanted once she was bare from the waist down, her shirt and bra hiked up over the generous swell of her breasts, “In me, now!”

Jonas, large body gorgeously naked above hers, trembled with desire. He did not dare listen, but dared deny his mate even more. He pushed into her slowly, letting both Mary-Lou and himself adjust to the incredible tightness, the fullness of their joining. Mary-Lou clawed at him, whined in his ear as he filled her up – told him how good he was, how big he felt inside of her – Jonas snarled and slammed the last few inches home, balls deep in her wet warmth.

They moved together for long moments, for minutes that could have well stretched into hours. Mary-Lou rolled her hips with every thrust, gasped at every swipe of Jonas’ broad tongue over her lips, her collarbone, her hard nipples. Jonas’ own world had narrowed down to Mary-Lou’s body and how they fit together, the soft slick-and-slide of flesh against flesh.

Orgasm built up gradually, rocked through them gently but powerfully. Mary-Lou tightened about Jonas with a cut-off scream, body tumbling over the edge of pleasure without warning. She continued to moan and roll against her mate, body limp and pliant as Jonas took his pleasure in her flesh. When Jonas’ movements grew ragged, when his hips ground his cock deep within her then stuttered to a gentle, pulsating halt, she gentled him through his own fall – kissed his neck and cheeks and hair, whispered loving words into his ear.

They slept as they were, wrapped in each other in more ways than one.



Sharp, persistent knocking shook Mary-Lou out of the most pleasant dreams she had had all week. Mary-Lou moaned in displeasure, nuzzled her head in Jonas’ naked chest in a doomed attempt to cling onto the fuzzy nothingness within her mind. But the knocking continued, and soon her pillow was moving too – the very bed beneath her shifting as Jonas tugged her into a sitting position.

“Mary-Lou,” the Lion Shifter whispered, “It’s your mother.”

Mary-Lou nodded. Of course it was. Who else would be standing there while she lay in bed with her mate, buck-naked and sweaty and covered in love-bites? This, Mary-Lou groused, was her life.

“We are coming,” Mary-Lou groaned out in the vague direction of the door. “Just, just give us a minute.”

“Take your time.” Irma’s voice was tight, controlled; Mary-Lou shook awake, recognizing that tone from long nights spent poring over dusty books.

“You found something,” she said. Irma let out a soft hum, her steps receding down the hall and out of earshot.

“She definitely found something,” Jonas agreed, amusement clear in his voice.

The two stared at each other for all of a minute before scrambling off the bed and into the bathroom, laughter lighting their way.

It was good to forget, if just for a bit, what a great mess their life had become.


Mary-Lou and Jonas entered the kitchen just shy of half an hour later. Breakfast was already served, large mugs of steaming coffee set next to five plates of scrambled eggs and toast. Mary-Lou was about to inquire after the fifth member of the party when a deep voice boomed from behind her:

“Mary-Lou! How are you, my dear?”

“Nicholas!” Mary-Lou exclaimed. She gave the aged Shifter a tight hug, deeply happy to see him after such a lengthy separation. “Where have you been?” Mary-Lou demanded when she finally pulled away, a mock scowl twisting her lips. “You just up and left! No letter, no explanation – nothing!”

“I am truly sorry if I worried you,” Nicholas grinned, clapping a large hand against Jonas’ shoulder in greeting. “But you know how it is – life is unpredictable! You have to seize the moment when you can, or you end up regretting it forever! And I don’t exactly have forever; would be a shame to spend whatever time I have left on this Earth regretting.”

“First of all, stop it,” Mary-Lou shook her head, torn between amusement and denial, denial,
. “And second – do you hear yourself when you speak? Because I do, and I can tell you that you, my friend, said exactly
. Not where you have been, not what you have been doing—”

“Ah, ah, ah – but that’s a secret, you see?” Nicholas winked, “Nothing as appealing as a little
in a person.”

“Too much mystery, and people stop caring,” Jonas muttered. Mary-Lou shot him a look, barely refraining from barraging the other man with questions. It was not the time.

Mary-Lou narrowed her eyes. It better
the time soon; she was sick and tired of neglecting her mate for the sake of repulsive people like Wiley.

Irma entered the kitchen, Jonathon trailing behind her with a cordless phone pressed to his ear. “Thank you, yes – thank you very much,” the older man said before clicking the device shut,  focusing tired eyes on the group assembled in his kitchen. “Well,” Jonathon smiled wanly, “I think coffee is in order.”

Breakfast was consumed quickly, with almost mechanic efficiency. Irma and Jonathon quietly discussed something or another between bites of food, Nicholas and Jonas caught up on what was happening with mutual friends, and Mary-Lou largely concentrated on not drowning in her coffee cup.

“Alright,” Mary-Lou mumbled as the last of the dishes were cleared off the table. “What was so important that you dragged us out of bed at five in the morning?”

BOOK: Her Lion Guard 2 (Paranormal Shifter Romance)
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