Read Her Lion Billionaire Online

Authors: Lizzie Lynn lee

Her Lion Billionaire (6 page)

BOOK: Her Lion Billionaire
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She was embarrassed that Daniel knew she was wet. So very wet.

Yet Daniel seemed to be delighted when he found her like that. “Sit on my lap. I want to see all of you.”

Giddy, Charlotte obediently did what he asked. Daniel sank himself on the bed and she climbed on to his lap. It felt strange to be naked like this while he was still fully clothed. His bulging erection pressed against her bare sex. He was hard. Untamed. She wondered if he was as excited as she was.

Daniel’s gaze burned on her skin. He ran both hands from her shoulders to her thighs. “You have such lovely skin. Do you see anything when I touch you like this?”

Do I see? Oh, he means if I’m able to see the premonition or weird stuff.

“I…” She shook her head. “I wasn’t paying attention.”

“It seems your overly-sensitive stimuli reception must have been dulled by continuous body contact.”

“What does that mean?”

“That means, my dear, we have to do this more often if you want to live a normal life.”

Charlotte snickered. “Ain’t that convenient?”

He only purred like a contented cat. With a swift motion, he pushed Charlotte onto the bed. She squealed. He climbed on top of her, wedging her body between his powerful thighs.

He kissed her lips. Her chin. A fluttery kiss on her eyelids. The shell of her ears. Her neck. Her breasts.

She gasped when he sucked her nipple again. She grabbed his shoulder and dug her nails into his expensive designer suit. She didn’t care if she ruined it. Her heart danced in a wild tribal beat. The pleasure was so exquisite.

He ran his hand along the juncture of her thighs, touching her wet pussy. He stroked her curls, feeling her wet folds. He let out a noise of delight as he played with her slickness. Daniel rubbed her clitoris then rolled it between his fingers with such tenderness. The wanton aches intensified. Her pussy contracted.

She bit her lip, closing her eyes. She didn’t see any vision at all, as if the power of her third eye had been shut temporarily. She only could see what she wanted to see. Feel what she wanted to feel at this moment, like a normal person should. And at this moment, Charlotte could only feel pleasure, see pleasure. Before long, molten ecstasy surged through her at a dizzying speed.

He let go of her nipple. She opened her eyes. Their gazes collided.

He touched her entrance, the source of her frustrating aches. “Does it still hurt?”

Charlotte shook her head.

“You sure?”

She nodded.

She could see his Adam’s apple bob. Her breath froze in her chest when he penetrated her with his finger. She’d anticipated a slight pain, but there was none at all. Her liquid lust made it easy for him to bury his digit in her.

“So tight.” Daniel’s eyes blazed. He pushed in a second finger.

Her pussy contracted around his intrusion—a pleasant intrusion.

His gaze cut to her again and he inquired, “Hurt?”

“No.” A whisper.

“You sure?”

“Yes, yes.” Charlotte wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer. She kissed him brazenly.

Daniel looked surprised, then he replied with an ever-more passionate kiss that almost made her faint.

He then undressed himself in a hurry and laid down on top of her. He showered her with tiny, feather-light kisses.

Acting purely on instinct, she found his mouth and kissed him again. They mauled each other. She was acutely aware of the nakedness between them. Their bare skin pressed together. Nothing in between. Just them and their lust.

Daniel felt her all over as he trailed kisses down to her stomach. Her heart raced when he pushed her legs down and spread her wider. She opened up her eyes. His cock rested on her pubis. Hard and hot. A sudden shiver swept through her. She remembered their fiery lovemaking last night. How full he made her feel. She thought he was going to take her, but she was mistaken. He leaned down and kissed her pussy.

Her scream froze in her throat.

He kissed her down there like he kissed her mouth. He swept his tongue over her vulva then danced across her seam, teasing and twirling. She shuddered in ecstasy. She couldn’t find the words to describe it. Only pleasure. Thick pleasure. Red hot pleasure burning every fiber of her being, making her lose her mind.

She writhed. Her back arched, matching the rhythm of his licks. He captured her clit with his fingers and rolled it gently. His tongue speared into her entrance, licking her deeper and deeper…

The pleasure was maddening. She couldn’t take it anymore and stopped him. “No more, please.”

Daniel stopped. She pulled him on top of her and kissed him on the mouth. She could taste her own femininity on him. Her scent and his muskiness strangely made her even more aroused.

He pressed against her pussy. The tip of his cock nudged her entrance where Daniel had fucked her with his tongue just seconds before. Her pussy clenched upon contact.

Daniel clenched his jaws and thrust in, spearing her open. New fire engulfed her. She lost her breath. He pushed in another inch and sheathed in until he hit home. His cock felt so hot, brimstone encased in velvet, pulsing in her depths. He was so damn fucking big, and the way he stretched her made her speechless for a long moment.

“Babe,” Daniel croaked in low voice, “you okay?”

He pulled out slowly. His rock-hard cock ground against the walls of her vagina. His heat, pure male, seared through her.

She loved it, the way their bodies became one. It felt so intimate having him inside her like this. He picked up his pace. His cock slammed into her without reserve. The pleasure intensified with his every thrust, so fierce and pure it had to be a sin. Daniel pounded, yanked, lunged, and pushed with sheer savagery, battering her pussy until she could only feel fire.

Sweat beaded his temples. His eyes blazed with lust. He watched her the whole time he fucked her hard. His lips peeled back grimly as if he couldn’t contain his own atavistic lust. The pleasure gathered fast.

Daniel growled and slammed her brutally, hammering her with hard, primal fucks. The pleasure climbed higher. He slammed faster. The storm crashed.

She came, and her ears rang. Her breath was cut off in her lungs. Her body quaked as a powerful tide of climax washed over her. But Daniel didn’t stop. He kept fucking her across the bed, as brutal as a man who’d been deprived of his primal need for a long time. He chanted her name over and over as if it were a mantra. She couldn’t do anything but surrender to his torrent of vicious fucks. Her head dangled from the edge of the bed. His powerful body loomed before her.

He slammed and slammed again. And suddenly, another violent climax ambushed her. Charlotte shouted

When she crashed back to reality, she saw his face was a mask of pleasure. Daniel stiffened. She could feel his cock spasm in her depths, ejaculating.

A moment later, he rolled off her. The two of them went silent, catching their breath.

Daniel looked at her. He smiled. “I guess we need a shower before we go.”

“That’s a good idea.”

Chapter Six



Charlotte felt as if someone had written “Just had sex” on her forehead when she met Anika and the others. Daniel’s sister eyed her knowingly with a wide smile.

“So how was it?” Anika asked her teasingly.

Charlotte pretended she didn’t know what Anika meant. “The drink? It’s too strong for my taste.”

Anika laughed and lifted the glass. “To Charlotte. Our new sister-in-law.”

Everybody toasted in return. Charlotte felt awkward. She was rarely in the company of as many new people at once.

Daniel had introduced her to his stepbrother Jeremy and his girlfriend, Sandy. Liam Ruska, the company’s chief legal officer. Ray Bennet, Addington’s vice president and his wife Georgianna. It became clear to her that this was Daniel’s circle of close friends. Everybody had treated her nicely, but Charlotte sensed a veiled disapproval from Daniel’s stepbrother Jeremy. He looked shocked when Daniel announced that Charlotte was his mate. Jeremy might be smiling like the others, but his eyes didn’t match his smile. Charlotte could read people like Jeremy with her extra-sensitive perception. Usually, she’d just withdraw herself and blend in with the background. In this situation, she couldn’t.

Halfway through the dinner, Charlotte excused herself to go powder her nose. She spent a good twenty-minutes idling in the bathroom stall and another ten washing her hands. She dreaded returning to the table. Having become accustomed to avoiding people most her life, this kind of social gathering made her very uncomfortable.

She decided to return and put her game face on.

She was about to push the door open when she heard someone mention her name in the corridor. She stopped and couldn’t help eavesdropping. It was Anika and Jeremy, and they seemed to be arguing in a hushed tone.

“What the hell is he thinking bringing a girl like her into the family? Daniel must have lost his mind.” Jeremy’s voice sounded angry.

“Don’t be like that.” Anika’s voice appeased her brother. “She’s kind of interesting.”

“Mother wouldn’t approve of her.”

“Do you think Daniel would give a shit what Mom would say? Daniel’s his own man. He always has been.”

To think I have to bow my head to a common human like her.”

Charlotte didn’t want to hear the conversation anymore. She quietly returned to an empty stall and sat on the toilet. When she heard the bathroom door open, she lifted her feet from the floor and stayed as quiet as a mouse. She could hear Anika humming a song as she used the sink.

She waited until Anika left before returning to the table. Jeremy’s chair was empty.

“Where have you been?” asked Daniel. “You’ve been gone an awfully long time.”

“Oh, I just needed to stretch my legs a bit,” she lied. Daniel bought her fib.

Jeremy came back a bit later and smelled like burnt tobacco. She had a sensitive nose. He must have had a smoke break.

Charlotte silently pretended to enjoy the reminder of the dinner. It was hard to do. Normally, she’d have come up with an excuse and ditched everyone. She didn’t this time. She knew that this dinner was important for Daniel. He wanted to show her off to them. If she hadn’t grown to like Daniel, she’d have bailed the moment she sensed any hostility.

She couldn’t have been happier when the dinner ended. They were all guests in the hotel, so Jeremy and his girlfriend shared an elevator because their room was on the same floor. Charlotte accidentally dropped her purse when she got out of the elevator. Jeremy helped her, and at that moment, he touched the part of her arm that wasn’t covered by her glove.

Instantaneously, she was sucked into Jeremy’s memory.

It was only a fraction of a second, but at that moment, it became clear to her that Jeremy’s dislike of her was beyond disapproval. He also loathed his own stepbrother, Daniel, with all his might.

With Jeremy’s memory reel flashing before her eyes, Charlotte could see that Jeremy harbored ill intent towards Daniel. Jeremy was jealous that Daniel was the alpha of their pride. Daniel had inherited the family fortune and the position as the head of the family.

In one particular memory frame, she could see a vision of Jeremy talking to his close friends about killing Daniel. Jeremy was in a drunken state, but his intention was far too real. It would be easy to sabotage the jet that Daniel used for his business trips. If Daniel’s Gulfstream went down in flames before the London gathering, Jeremy would be nominated as the next alpha of the Addington pride.

Charlotte pulled away in horror. She couldn’t speak for a moment as Jeremy offered her the purse back.

“Are you okay?” Daniel helped her stand up.

She flustered. “I’m fine.” She took her purse from Jeremy’s hand carefully.

Jeremy noticed her quirk. “I wash my hands often, you know,” he said in a cheery tone.

Charlotte knew better. “Sorry.”

“She doesn’t like to be touched,” Daniel explained. “You’ll have to excuse her.”

“Phobia of germs?” Jeremy asked.

“No,” Daniel laughed. “She’s a Dream Eater.”

There had been no discussion of what she really was at the dinner table. Jeremy’s girlfriend was human, she sensed. And so was the vice president, Bennet, and his wife.

“Dream eater?” Jeremy’s girlfriend chirped. “What’s that?”

“She’s sensitive,” said Daniel. “Like psychic.”

“Oh yeah? You have to give me a reading sometimes,” Sandy said. “I’m into Tarot and stuff.”

Charlotte forced herself to smile wide. “Maybe next time.”

The only person who didn’t laugh was Jeremy. There was semi-terror in his eyes when he found out that she wasn’t an ordinary person as he’d perceived.

Charlotte pretended she didn’t notice, but she felt a chill creep up her neck as they said goodbye for the night and headed into their own room.

Jeremy’s eyes were unsettling to her nerves.

They were murderous.

BOOK: Her Lion Billionaire
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