Read Her Grizzly Outlaw Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Her Grizzly Outlaw (19 page)

BOOK: Her Grizzly Outlaw
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“I am so happy for you,
, and you’ll be a fantastic, kick-ass mom.”

found herself laughing at that
A mom.
stood, and they were embraced in a hug seconds later.

“No more crying or we won’t be
able to fix your make-up in time.”

smiled, and then started
laughing. She was happy. “I know, and I don’t want to be the chick wearing this
gorgeous dress with raccoon eyes walking down the aisle.”

Alexis smiled back at her, and
then pulled her in for a hug again.
closed her
eyes, needing this hug right now because she had felt so off balance since
finding out.

“Have you told your parents yet?”

God, no.
“Are you kidding? My dad will flip for sure.”

“I think your dad might be a
little more accepting than you even realize.”

Yeah, she was probably right, but
still, telling Dallas Stoker that she was pregnant seemed like a massive feat
all by itself. “I hope, and I kind of think he might be. He loves children, and
a grandchild?” She felt her smile widen. “Yeah, I think he might not have an
aneurysm when I tell him.”

Alexis, it’s time to start,” Molly said and poked her head through the opening
in the tent and smiled. “You ready?” Molly asked.

“As ready as I will ever be I

They hugged once more, and then
was following her out of the tent and to watch
Alexis get hitched.


The Reception

Lucas held
close, wrapped his arms fully around her, and inhaled deeply. His female was
going to have his baby. He said those words over and over again, thinking about
when she had showed him the picture just a short time ago, and not being able
to let those images leave his mind. It was a life-changing event for sure, but
he was ready. If it was with
he was ready for
anything. The song moved onto another slow one, and he swayed with her to the
music. He wasn’t a dancer, not at all, but when she had looked up at him and
asked him to take her to the dance floor, he wasn’t about to deny his female.

And here he was, holding his
woman, feeling her curves through the gorgeous fucking dress she had on, the
one she made impossibly more beautiful because
wore it. He felt like a sick fuck because all he wanted to do
was take her to a secluded spot and fuck her. She’d get curvier, too, as the
pregnancy progressed, and he couldn’t wait.

me,” she said with a smile in her voice.

“I can’t help it. You smell
incredible.” He inhaled again, just for the hell of it, and pulled her closer.
He was getting hard, God, was he getting hard for her.

“Lucas,” she said on a breath,
and pressed against his hard-on.

He groaned. “You can’t do that,
baby, because I’m going to be liable to take you to the lake, press you up
against a tree, and fuck you so good you won’t be able to walk to the

She gasped out, but it was so low
only he heard. “You are so bad.”

“Yeah I am, but you love that
about me.”

She pulled back enough to look at
his face and smiled. “I do love you, Lucas Landon.” She rose on her toes and
kissed him on the lips, and then rested her head on his chest again.

“And I love you, baby.” God, did
he love her, and he’d prove to her until he stopped breathing that he was worth
being in her life.



Baby time


was in pain just watching
in labor. He wanted
to be the one to make her feel better, but it was a no go on this occasion.

“Oh God, Lucas.
I hate you for doing this to
me,” she said, but he knew she didn’t mean it, because only a second later she
grabbed his hand and held on tightly to it.

doing so well,
baby.” He brought their
conjoined hands to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. He looked back at where
the doctor was getting ready to deliver their baby. They had gone to the
ultrasound four months back, but decided on waiting to see what the sex was.
Lucas was never one for surprises, but he figured they would find out
eventually. This baby came into their lives as a surprise, and he thought it
fitting he or she came into this world the same way.

light sheen was on
forehead, and he pushed
the strands of her blonde hair away. She tightened her hand, and he knew she
was having another contraction.

doing so well,

you ready to see your baby born?” the doctor said.

leaned to the side to watch as their baby came into this world. The whole
Grizzly crew was waiting out in the other room to hear the good news on whether
they had a boy or girl. His heart was near to bursting through his chest with
anticipation and excitement. And then he saw the head, covered in a thatch of
dark hair, just like his. He couldn’t help but smile.

more push and your baby will be here,
,” the
doctor said. The beeping monitors filled the room, but they weren’t as loud as
his pounding heart. He tightened his hold on

, watch as you have your baby,” the doctor said, and
pushed herself up. He helped her so he was holding
up her upper body, and then a shrill cry left tiny pink lips, and their baby
was being put on

a little girl.”

crying, and Lucas couldn’t help it. His
eyes started watering as well.

their little girl was cleaned up and
resting comfortably and holding her, Lucas smoothed his finger along her tiny

Lola Landon,”
whispered and leaned down and
kissed their daughter on the forehead. “She looks like you, Lucas.”

she did. “She’ll grow out of that.” He smiled when
started chuckling. Lucas took out his cell and snapped a few pictures for the
crew waiting outside.

family can come in two at a time,
,” the nurse
said and smiled. She left them alone, and he took a picture of
and the baby together.

better go tell everyone before they get kicked out by security because of their
rowdy asses. I’ll send your mom and Tawny in first.” He gave Lola and
one more kiss before heading out of the delivery
room and to where everyone was waiting. He rounded the corner, saw a wall of
hard muscle and leather cut wearing Grizzly males, and grinned. Everyone turned
and stared at him, the curiosity clear on their face. He broke out into a goofy
as fuck smile, held up his cell, and said, “Lola Landon has made her

was a loud chorus of cheers, which had a few of the other people in the waiting
room look over with a mixture of curiosity and fear. But hell, who wouldn’t be
afraid of them? The guys came up an clapped him on the back, and the old ladies
came up and gave him a hug, and then Dallas was standing there, his arms
crossed, this scowl on his face, and it brought Lucas back to when they had
told him that
was pregnant. The Grizzly
original member had nearly kicked Lucas’s ass right out of the door, and would
have broken a few bones in the process, but
had calmed him down. They had talked about it all for what seemed like hours,
and although Dallas hadn’t been one hundred percent on board at first, he had
grown warm to the idea as time passed. Lucas had wanted to marry
right then and there, because for him there was no
other female. But it had been her idea to wait until after the baby was born,
and he respected the hell out of her that she didn’t want to rush anything

moved forward, and everyone took a step back. For a few seconds they stared at
each other, but then this smile broke out on Dallas’s face, and he pulled Lucas
in for a big bear hug.

know you’ll take care of my girls, Lucas.” Dallas clapped him on the shoulder.
He pulled back, the smile still on his face. “And now you’ll know what it’s
like to have a daughter and have guys sniffing around.” Dallas started
laughing, which had the whole room of Grizzlies doing the same thing.

he definitely would find out what having a daughter meant, but he’d be ready to
knock some assholes down if they tried fucking with his little girl. They were
a family now, and he couldn’t have asked for a more perfect old lady and little
girl in his life. People that loved them, would fight to the death for them,
and would always have their backs surrounded them. There was nothing stronger
than a Grizzly taking care of what was theirs.


The End




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BOOK: Her Grizzly Outlaw
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