Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series) (41 page)

BOOK: Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series)
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Breathlessly she looked into his face. His bones were all sharp angles and
edges, while the only light she saw came from those glowing eyes of his. He
looked…demonic…scary, something she wasn’t prepared for, but she held her
ground, and him.

“I’m sorry. I knew it would be too much for both of us to handle…” he spoke and
Nadia could feel it under her feet. He practically vibrated the floorboards;
his voice was that deep and harmonious. But even as his voice became monstrous
and his face changed, deep in those glowing eyes was the same Drake she had
fallen in love with, and she knew she had nothing to be frightened of.

“I’m n-not scared of you. I never have been, and I n-never will be.” With those
words, she sunk to her knees before him, prepared to show him just how much she
wanted to be with him.

Drake thought he had died and gone to heaven.

He opened his eyes and looked down and realized that he was smack dab in the
middle of it and yes, it was really happening.

Nadia was on her knees before him. He wanted to reach down and pull her back
up, but yet he hesitated, sensing she was doing this because she wanted to, not
because he wanted it, and she was showing him how much she trusted him to control

Oh, he was in control alright. When they had kissed, he had maneuvered them up
against the bedroom wall, next to the bed. Now, thank God he had done that, his
hands were sunk deep into his drywall, keeping him from touching her when he
had no idea how far he could take things, and he sure as hell didn’t want to
hurt her. It hadn’t been like this before, this raw, because he hadn’t known
the full extent of her feelings until now, and how long she had been like this.
Now he knew, and damn, he needed something to tie him down, preferably
something metal and strong as heck, so that he didn’t overdo it and hurt her on

His Druid nature was riding him almost as hard as his arousal. Never before had
he felt this wired and uncontrollable, but it wasn’t as if the danger hadn’t

Emotions, raw feelings, swamped him, and he groaned, even before Nadia allowed
her mouth to settle a small kiss on his hipbone. When that occurred, he sunk
his fingers so deep into the wall that he touched a stud. He gripped the wood
thankfully, and sent every calming emotion he could think of inside his body.
Small dust particles drifted around his hands as he squeezed the wood with
strong hands.

Nadia’s hands twined around the backs of his thighs and Drake swore out loud as
his cock surged to even greater lengths. Fuck, he would have to come at least
once before he would allow his hands to go anywhere near her.

“I don’t know what to do Drake…can you…”

He stopped her immediately, “Honey, anything you do right now is good. But if
you want to touch it,
touch it, by all means,
please…” He bit off the last of the sentence when she gripped him with both

Drake saw stars. “Ah fuck, that feels good.” It came out sounding more like a
base animal growl than anything else, but who the fuck cared? All he knew was
that she was touching him, and it felt awesome.

Small, delicate hands framed his cock. Her inexperience was apparent, but she
could keep doing what she was doing, and Drake would come in minutes. It didn’t
matter if she was experienced or not.

“Tell me what you like, please Drake?” Her voice sounded pleading, and he realized
that she truly didn’t know, and she wanted him to explain.

He licked his lips as her hands explored. “Ah…take one hand and wrap it around
the base.” He felt her do so, took a deep breath and kept going, knowing he was
digging his own grave. “Now, with a tight grip, move your hand up and
down…fast.” Immediately, she started up a rhythm, and Drake groaned as his
balls tightened in pleasure. Damn, this wouldn’t take long at all. He felt fire
spread through his body and run down his spine.

She moved closer to his body, and kept up the stroke, but when she settled
closer to him her breast touched his thigh, and that was all it took for Drake
to surge against her hand. As he did so, he felt something wet. Looking down he
saw her hand furiously pumping him, while her tongue was at the tip, ready to
swipe away the bit of pre-cum that was perched there as if waiting for her
mouth alone. But she hesitated, and Drake realized that she wasn’t sure about

Wishing he could pull his hand from his ruined wall, but knowing he didn’t
trust his strength, Drake said, “Angel, I may rot in hell for this later but if
you want to taste me…you are more than welcome to do so. Think of it as payback
for what I did to you.” He saw understanding dawn in her eyes, and then all
thoughts stopped as her mouth enclosed the tip of him in hot, wet warmth.

Nadia allowed her tongue to swipe under the head of him as she settled her mouth
over the tip. She could feel him throbbing inside of her. She could feel the
excitement singing through his body, and she wanted him to explode. She wanted
that for him so badly.

With one hand still moving in a rapid pace, she explored everything with her
other one, the tight muscles of his butt, and the sculpted planes of his
thighs. She noticed that the wetness from her mouth eased her grip, so she
sucked him as deep as he could go and used that as a tool for her hand. The
taste of him was amazing. Her heart was racing, her mind had shut down, and she
was so turned on that she would probably come with him when he finally gave in.
His body was already jerking against her mouth, and she could feel that he was

She let her throat muscles go lax, and instinctively realized that he would
love this as she all but swallowed him. Particles of drywall rained down around
them as he vibrated the floor boards again with one of his shouts. But Nadia
held on, using muscles she hadn’t realized she had until now to massage every
part of him deep in her mouth. Suddenly he seemed to grow even larger, and then
a warm jet of liquid hit her in the back of her throat. Nadia swallowed
instantly, not even noticing the taste because she was too interested in this
raw, primal side of Drake she rarely saw.

He pulled from her, glistening in the moonlight that poured in from the cracks
in the curtains. His body was hard, striking, and warrior-like as he stood
before her, shaking from his recent orgasm.

Nadia sat back on her heels and felt the wetness of her own body. Images and
feelings poured through her and almost in seconds she felt her body erupt in
flames. Her breasts became heavy under the slip, so heavy that they hurt and
her nipples throbbed in time with her heart. She reached up to rub the ache
away, unknowingly, and the movement caused her core to rub against her leg.
Sharp little pinpricks of heat traveled down her spine, and she moaned aloud as
she moved, trying to catch that twinge of pleasure again before it left her

Drake stood, albeit carefully, still trying to regain his control after that
rocking explosion Nadia had given him. One glance down at her though, and his
control disappeared. She was sitting on her heels, her hips moving seductively
against herself with her eyes closed and her hands roving her upper body. Ah
God, she was so turned on she didn’t know what to do about it. She was going
with what felt good and as long as she was stimulating her clit, Drake knew she
would keep doing it until she came. Bad thing was
wanted her to come while he was inside her, not watching her.

With hands that still shook a bit, and also had dust from the wall all over
them, he reached for her, pulling her up to him and carrying her over to the

you going to do that to me too?”

He didn’t look at her as he pulled the straps from her body, baring her upper
chest to his gaze and the cooler air. Instantly her nipples pebbled. Drake felt
a renewed hardness slip over his cock and just that easily he could come again.
Thank God the first orgasm had taken the edge off and he could actually touch
her right now. Without much thought he pulled the tight as skin slip from her
body then groaned again when he saw she wasn’t wearing panties, which left her
with only those high heels on. His fangs throbbed.

“Angel, we are going to do much more than that.”



All he left on her were those ridiculously high heels.

Nadia squirmed on the bed, naked, and gloried in the sinful, lustful feelings
that were crawling through her body right now. Drake’s mouth was latched onto a
nipple, and his tongue was swirling and swirling, doing everything but sucking,
as she moaned and writhed under him.

His body was hard above
and so very large where
he was pressed against her from hips to knees. The heat that was moving between
them was enough to start a fire, but Nadia knew the fire was inside of her.

“You’re so ready, aren’t you?” He mumbled to her, his voice slipping gloriously
close to being so very deep and scary again, and Nadia knew he was beyond
turned on.


…hmm…” She mumbled, sighing when he finally
pulled with his mouth and let one fang scrape over her nipple. She almost came
up from the bed.

His large hand settled at her waist. “
teasing you, angel. Feels good doesn’t it?” He let his hand move south and
settle on the sensitive mound at the juncture of her legs.


She was out of her mind now. There was no going back, surely he would put her
out of her misery and slip inside of her body like she so wanted him to do. Her
hands tangled in his hair as his hand slid into the slippery wet folds that
shielded her core. Nadia’s hips rose from the bed and she cried out.

“I know honey, I know. Damn, you are so very wet…” Drake mumbled against her
upraised knee and then gave the sensitive skin there an open mouthed, wet kiss
as he slid a finger deep inside of her body.

Immediately Nadia gripped him deep inside with her muscles, praying that he
would give her his body instead of his fingers.

“Please Drake…I want…I want…” Why couldn’t she say it? Her head thrashed back
and forth on the bedcovers as his finger slipped even deeper inside of her. She
felt so full, so very stretched, but there was no pain. Then he slipped another
finger in, and Nadia thought her world might evaporate. She wantonly opened her
legs wider, accepting him even deeper.

“What do you want honey? What is it?” His deep voice rumbled next to her ear,
and she realized he was now hanging over her, teasing her with his voice just like
his fingers were filling her with magic. God, she was so full and it felt so
good; her hips couldn’t keep up with his movements.

“I want you…I want you…inside me, please.”

His forehead settled on hers. “Oh damn angel, damn…I don’t deserve you…and I
swear I won’t hurt you.”

Nadia immediately agreed, knowing she was about to get what she wanted. “No,
you won’t hurt me. Give it to me.”

His deep chuckle vibrated the bed. “Someone gets bossy when she’s turned on.”
His fingers left her body, and Nadia could have wept at the loss, but knew he
was coming right back.

“Don’t tease right now…not now.
I just need…” Again,
she felt so lost, floundering, until his palm settled on the side of her face.
Amidst all of the craziness of the moment, Nadia looked into his glowing eyes,
felt her soul break open and stepped into her future. Tears filled her eyes and
for one split second, time seemed to stop. “I love you.”

An instant later his mouth was on hers and there was no more thought. He pushed
her legs open to accept his hips and with a sure, straight thrust, he speared
into her body, breaking her heart and her virginity open to him.

Huge, monstrous fullness filled her along with a numbing pain. Drake stilled
for all of five seconds then moved tenuously, as though feeling if she was
okay. When she just laid there in shock, he tentatively moved his hips deeper,
and Nadia couldn’t stop the sigh of pain/pleasure that rose up from her throat
at that.

With her hands lying beside her head, she closed her eyes and kept her legs
open for him. She felt confused for a second, hating the feeling because she
had gotten thrown back to earth when the pain had hit, but then he shifted, and
put his hand on her thigh, pulling her hip towards him, and her leg over his

“Put your other leg up there, hold me with those sexy legs of yours,
my cock into you, angel…” When he growled those words
into her ear, Nadia felt a spark slide down into her core once again, and when
she did as he asked, his body slid even deeper, igniting that spark into a
flame and catching her breath at the same time.

BOOK: Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series)
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