Her Bear and a Baby: BBW Bear Shifter Baby Paranormal Romance (Who's the Daddy? Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Her Bear and a Baby: BBW Bear Shifter Baby Paranormal Romance (Who's the Daddy? Book 2)
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Smiling at her eagerness, he at last flicked his tongue over her clit, and she nearly exploded right then. She cried out, small mewling noises as he took his time to lavish attention on her. Over and over his tongue lapped at her sex, tasting her juices, before his teeth grazed her clit, sending her wild, hips bucking as her head rolled from side to side.

She wanted to come, but he made her wait, prolonging her pleasure until he could sense it was too much. With two fingers, he probed her sex, while his mouth returned to kiss and lick her clit. With a shudder, she crested the wave of her desire, and came, his mouth sucking her until she was utterly spent, lying on the soft mountain grass, her cries filling the air.

He had satisfied her completely, and now he wanted nothing more than to take her hard and rough, and claim her as his own.

Chapter Thirteen – Elise

Wow. Just. Wow.
Her brain could not think any clearer than that. It was still too fogged up by the feel of his mouth on her most intimate places. She blushed at the thought of just how it had been. The sensation of warmth spread across her cheeks, and then threaded its way through her body, and ignited her passion for him once more.

Opening her eyes, which she had screwed up tight for some reason, she saw him smiling down at her. The heat in her body kicked up a notch. How could a man want her so much? But when she examined her own feelings, she knew how. Because she was his mate, and it was for that same reason she wanted him. Now.

Threading her hand between their bodies, she wrapped her fingers around his cock, and stroked him, squeezing him, her nails grazing his sensitive skin just enough to make the breath hiss through his teeth, and he bit his lip and groaned in a mixture of agony and ecstasy.

“Damn it, Elise, I’m going to come,” he said and closed his eyes as if he could hide what her hand was doing to him.

“Then come,” she said silkily.

“Not yet. I want to come inside you. Do you have any idea how much I’ve wanted that since the first day we met? Having you so close, and yet not knowing if you felt the same, if you wanted me.”

“I’m sorry,” she said hoarsely, her behavior making her blush for a different reason.

“It’s OK.” He kissed her lips, his body moving, hovering over hers. She guided him towards her aching sex. She wanted him, wanted him to be inside her. He wasn’t going to argue.

Flexing his hips forward, she felt the first pressure of his cock entering her, her lower lips parted, and then she was gripping him, her sex tight around his wide girth. Damn, he was big. Damn, it was good. Stretched, her sex yielding for him, as he filled her inch by unrelenting inch. He didn’t pull out, he didn’t rush; he made her lie there and take every bit of him until he was buried to the hilt.

The whole of her body was focused on him, the way his skin felt under her fingertips, the roughness of the sprinkling of hair across his chest, the smoothness of his neck, the fullness of his lips. She stroked him, explored him, while he did the same, his body stilled, his cock deep inside her, not moving, making her inner muscles cramp up in the most incredible way.

He kissed her, first her lips, which she parted to allow him access, his tongue moving in and out, in the way she wished his cock would do in her sex. Slowly, deliberately, he increased her arousal until she wanted to beg him to move, to do something to ease the tension in her, so taut she thought she would snap, and she didn’t want to snap, she wanted to bend, to dance with him in the way men and women did as they made love.

Then a rumble went through him, beginning in his chest, and spreading out until his whole body shook. He was laughing at her. “You have more patience than I thought.”

She slapped his arm. “This is a test?” she asked hotly.

“Yeah, I wanted you to know how it’s felt to wait for you. But I think you’re stronger than me.” He moved then, his hips moving back and he slid out of her just as slowly as he had slid in, and she swore she could feel every contour of his cock against the walls of her sex, which seemed to have spawned a million more nerve endings since he had entered her.

Unconsciously, she gripped his arms, needing something to ground her, the sensations threatening to knock her senseless, leave her lying here like a doll beneath him. But she didn’t want that, she wanted to be his equal in all things, so she moved with him, her back arched, her hips rocking, adjusting to his thrusts, which grew faster, harder, the intensity between them reaching a peak, and then it was too much, and she came, her voice ringing out across the mountainside as he ground out his pleasure, before exploding inside her, filling her with his seed.

As the aftershocks left her body, she wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly, wanting to make sure he didn’t drift away on the mountain breeze. It was hard for her to believe that they were together, that her life had some balance, that she wouldn’t raise Connor alone, because he was here and would support her through everything, just as she would support him.

They were mates.

We are mates
, her bear agreed, and a smile formed on Elise’s lips. She felt whole, as if the two parts of herself which had become fragmented since her sister died had come back together.

If only she could walk away with him now. If only they could both leave the past in the past, and look to their new life together in peace. But she knew the specter of Gable and what he had done would hang over them forever unless they found a way to resolve it.

The weight in her heart descended, not quite as heavy, but it was there. The man who had caused so much pain had to be stopped, not only for their sakes, not only for revenge, but to stop it happening to anyone else. To prevent anyone else losing a daughter, or a mother or a sister.

“Are you OK?” he asked, and brushed her hair from her face, kissing away the tears which were flowing down her cheeks.

“Yes.” She nodded, and then took a few moments to control her breathing. “I just wish this was all over.”

“It will be soon,” he said and then kissed her lips. “Come on, we should get back. The sun is going down, and Connor will wonder where you are.”

He pulled away from her, the breeze chilling her skin once his warmth had gone. She stood up and pulled her clothes on, watching as he dressed too. He was perfection, his strong back rippling with muscle, his arms bulging as he flexed, yet even with all that strength they might not be a match for Gable.

When they finally tracked him down, would he have armed guards? A place where he holed up that they couldn’t penetrate?

She shook her head. One way or another, they would find him, and together, they would bring him down. Because they were strong together.

“Ready?” he asked. He was fully dressed and had stood for one last moment looking out across the clearing to the world below them.

She came to stand next to him, her fingers threading through his. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

“So do I,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “But we can’t. Can we?”

“No.” She shook her head sadly. “No, Beau, we can’t.”

Chapter Fourteen – Beau

Beau had always lived his life doing what he thought was right. It was why he was here now, alone, while Elise was back at Brad’s house oblivious to the fact he had crept out of their bed at two in the morning and driven off in his truck, heading for the address Brad had lifted off police records as the last known whereabouts of Gerald O’Dowd. Also known as Gable O’Donnell.

He was here to take care of business; he was here to take care of the man who had caused both of them so much misery. Was he here to kill the man? Maybe he was.

It wasn’t what he intended, but he was sure Gerald O’Dowd was not the kind of man to cave in to threats. If the only way to shut down this business was to commit murder, then so be it.

His bear was objecting furiously, and he couldn’t blame him; after all, they had abandoned their mate, the woman they had promised to protect.

That’s what I am doing
, he ground out in his mind as his bear scraped his claws across the nerve endings, making it hard for him to concentrate.

This was his way of saving Elise. He had seen the look in her eyes, which so mirrored his own. She wanted to deal with O’Dowd, and he was scared she would end up hurt, if not physically then emotionally. What would happen if O’Dowd found out about Connor and decided to take him away from Elise? It would break her heart into a million pieces all over again, and he couldn’t bear the thought of that happening.

So what would be the alternative? She would come here and live with O’Dowd, be the mother to Connor she had promised to be, and mourn her own mate. Or would O’Dowd give her this Niq It, and wipe Beau out of her memories, and put himself in his place as her mate?

No. This way was the only way. Elise would forgive him. She would understand, because she would do exactly the same thing for him. That, too, he had seen in her eyes.

The address turned out to be a warehouse by the docks. Whereas the name Harborside had conjured up images of cool renovated apartments overlooking the sea, the reality was a sprawling complex of warehouses that had once been used for manufacturing, but had fallen out of use. Perfect for hiding your illicit business.

He swung his truck around and rode past the entrance a couple of times. On the second pass he kept going, aiming to park his truck, and then enter on foot. Or on paws. He couldn’t decide which would be best. He kind of didn’t want them to know he was a shifter. But then it might work in his favor.

A plan had been forming in his mind, but he wasn’t sure if he could pull it off. His rusty talents of playing a role, impersonating a character who was expected to be in a certain place at a certain time, were his best course of action. But could he pull it off?

Parking his truck, he walked back towards the Harborside complex, and skirted the perimeter fence until he found what he was looking for, a hole in the fence. It had been repaired, but was no match for his bear claws. Shifting quickly, his bear tore at the wire, a sense of satisfaction at destroying property sweeping over him.

What? This is where the bad guys hang out
, his bear said defensively.

Beau let it go. They had to work together to get this job done.

Squeezing through the small gap was much easier in his human form. He ducked low and kept running until he reached the side of a large building. Flattening himself against it, he consulted the map of the area on his phone. Knowing where he was headed, he straightened up and walked towards it, as if he belonged there.

According to his ID, he did belong there. Before he left his truck he had rifled through the fake IDs he kept in a hidden compartment in the floor. If Brad knew, he would most likely arrest him, or at least confiscate them, but the lawman wasn’t there right now.

John Abraham Rollings, all-round bad guy and drug dealer if anyone asked, or bothered to look him up on the Internet. These days a fake ID didn’t do much unless you had the necessary online presence to go with it. Social media profiles were only the start of it. Beau had learned to be incredibly convincing.

But you’re rusty
, his bear said.

Like riding a horse
, Beau countered.

His bear huffed in disgust and went back to sulking.

Here we go
, he said to his bear, as two men appeared around the corner of a warehouse, and approached him.

“Hey there, fellas.” Beau found in these circumstances it was always best to make the first move; it seemed less likely you were skulking if you went up and introduced yourself with a how-do and a handshake.

“Hi there.” The tone was meant to be friendly, it wasn’t. “What can I do for you?” A flashlight hit him in the eyes, temporarily blinding him before it the beam was aimed at the floor.

“I was looking for Gerald O’Dowd. I came to talk business with him.” Beau grinned broadly, and looked from one to the other of them. It was hard in the dim light, but he wasn’t looking to see how pretty they were; instead, he was assessing them. If this came down to a fight, he wanted to be sure he could hold his own.

“Have an appointment?” one of the guys asked, while the other circled around him.

“No sir, but I know he’ll want to see me, I’m in the business for some of what it is he is selling, and I have the reputation to forgo an appointment.”

“So give me your name and I’ll call his secretary and ask if he’s in.”

Beau’s smile widened. “Funny man. I like a man with a sense of humor.” Then he let his smile drop. “But not when you are wasting my time. Now tell your boss I’m here, I’ll pitch my deal and then be on my way. I do not have time to stand around talking to lackeys.”

Whether it was what he said, or the way he said it—and he knew he had always been good at delivering his lines ever since he got the lead in the school play in eighth grade—but one of them dragged a phone out of his pocket and dialed a number.

They stood looking at each other as a minute ticked by and Beau began to think the number either hadn’t been dialed, or O’Dowd wasn’t picking up. Were they simply buying some time, waiting for back-up?

“Hi. Sorry. There’s a guy here who wants to talk to you. Says he has a business proposition. No, he doesn’t have an appointment.” His eyes darted over to Beau’s. “Got any ID?”

Beau held his hands up, and then slowly reached inside his pocket. He had seen this part of proceedings go wrong before when a trigger-happy henchman thinks a gun is about to be pulled. A bullet in the brain right now was not going to do anyone any favors.

He slowly pulled out his wallet and then flicked it open. “Here.” He passed over his driver’s license; he was now John Abraham Rollings.

It was snatched out of Beau’s hand and the flashlight shone on it, and the details read out. Then silence. Beau could imagine someone somewhere doing the necessary checks. They would see he was a badass, known for cutting both cocaine and pieces off his enemies. He hoped he wasn’t going to have to prove that part to anyone tonight.

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