Helios Awakened (The Helios Chronicles #1) (18 page)

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“He made you hit yourself?” Madison asked, clearly pained by this revelation.

“Yes. He would make me get a switch and then make me, umm, you know.” He sighed and mimicked the motion of reaching his hand over his shoulder and acting like he was snapping something. “If I didn’t do it to his liking he would do it and if he did it I would generally bleed. I tried my best to do everything he wanted but he was crazy so it didn’t matter what I did because it was never going to be right. I think he liked torturing me,” he said looking down again.

“What about your mom? She let him do that to you?”

“My mom was usually passed out and when she would see the marks she would defend him. She told me I should do what I’m told.”

“My God, baby, that’s horrible. Where is your father now?”

“He killed a local drug dealer and got 25 years in the Michigan state penitentiary.”

“What about your mom?”

“She’s dead,” Andrew said firmly and tried to decide if he should tell her more. “She, uh, she killed herself in the mental hospital.”

“Ah, shit, I’m so sorry, baby,” Madison said, bringing her hand to his face and making him look at her.

“It was a long time ago,” he said solemnly and she could see that his eyes were starting to tear up.

“Is that what your nightmare was about?”

“Did I have a nightmare last night?” Andrew asked with sadness, now he understood why she looked tired this morning.

“Yeah, it was really kind of scary. I had a hard time calming you down.”

He closed his eyes. “Usually when I have nightmares they progress until I wake myself up screaming. I usually can’t breathe and my heart’s racing and I am drenched in sweat. It feels like I am having some sort of a heart attack,” he said, finally opening his eyes.

“You were like that last night.”

He nodded. “They are usually about my parents. I’m sorry I scared you.”

“Oh, baby, don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault.”

He nodded but looked down again, not making eye contact with her. Madison crawled back on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. She had a difficult time trying to fathom someone hurting him or, worse yet, making him hurt himself. She couldn’t understand the depravity of some parents. She sensed there was more to his story but wasn’t sure if either of them could handle it right now. What she did know was that she wanted to hold him and make him see that the world could be good and filled with love.

Andrew had told Madison more than he had ever told anyone else. She didn’t seem upset, but he felt odd. It was as if he had betrayed his parents and himself by telling someone. He considered talking about his mom but decided against it. He wasn’t prepared to go there as that part of his life seemed more traumatic than his father’s craziness. Andrew felt overwhelmed and suddenly exhausted, like he could sleep for days. He stood up, carrying Madison in his arms as if he were about to walk her over a threshold. She never moved and made no wise remark, there was no giggle or anything jovial. Madison just rested her head in the crook of his neck as he carried her into the bedroom and laid her down.

Madison looked up at him and then sat up, slowly undressing herself as he did the same. He was desperate for her, to connect with her, but at that moment the only thought he had was that he wanted to hold her, to feel her body close to his and feel her love radiate into him. He slipped in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist tightly.

“I love you, Madison,” he whispered against her neck.

“I will always love you, Andrew,” Madison replied as his grip around her tightened.


Madison awoke before the alarm with Andrew wrapped around her. She was now used to this position as it seemed to be Andrew’s favorite. She didn’t mind though. She felt protected with his arms wrapped around her tightly. The rule that Madison’s grandmother had made for them was that Andrew had to be gone by the time she woke up in the morning because she didn’t want to see him in her home so early and be reminded of what they were doing but, more importantly, she didn’t want her neighbors to see him leaving and making it obvious that he was spending the night. So, in reality, their routine hadn’t changed very much since Sunday except that now Andrew could come over earlier. It had already been a great three nights.

“Don’t ever leave me,” he mumbled against her shoulder.

"Do you think it is wise to attach so quickly to him? Don't you plan on going back to New York in a few months?"

Madison heard her grandmother’s words echo in her head but shook it off. She would deal with that later. She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him softly on the lips, jaw, and neck. He immediately pulled her closer, wanting to connect with her. He moved his hand between them and soon they were making love. Andrew loved waking up with her next to him but, more than that, he loved the idea that he could make love to her in the morning. As their love making escalated, her alarm started going off, informing them that their time was up. Madison moved her hand to hit the off button, not wanting it to get any louder while Andrew kissed her, drowning out their cries of passion. He picked up his pace until they had each been satiated and then slowly pulled away from her, out of breath.

“I better go.” He grinned as he ran his finger along her lips which always seemed to form the perfect pout whenever he said that.

“What time will you be back?” Madison asked, sitting up.

“Well, Jay wants to meet at his house at 11:00 and I need to see Jamal at 10:30. Do you want come along with me?” She arched her brows in defiance which caused him to chuckle a bit. “Okay,” he said as he pecked her lips once more. “I'll be here by 10:15.”

Madison nodded and then they both looked towards the door when they heard movement in the hallway and then the bathroom door closing. He turned to her and sighed and then kissed her softly on the forehead. Andrew jumped out of the bed and grabbed his clothes, tossing his boxers at her before he started to pull on his jeans. He heard her giggle and knew that she was slipping them on. He realized that pretty soon he would need to buy some new ones since he kept giving his to Madison. Not that he minded, of course. She looked exquisite in them.

“I’ll be back, baby,” he said, leaning in to kiss her. He then kissed the tip of her nose. “You smell like sex, missy.”

“So do you, you sexy beast,” she said, slipping her hand in his unbuttoned jeans.

“Stop before you get me in trouble,” he said with little to no force.

She tugged on his hair and ran her fingers along his skin. “Once again, your fault. Coming over here with those buttons undone with that sexy hair showing and…mmmm, well.”

She stopped as her fingers began touching him. His eyes rolled back and he groaned before finally stepping away from her, hearing her giggle in response.

“You’re wrong, Ms. Ellis. Just wrong, teasing a man like that.” He stopped at the door and smiled at her. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Now go before I have my wicked way with you again,” she said with a sexy smirk on her smug face.

She snickered as he walked out of her bedroom. She couldn’t be happier than she was right now. She recognized that she would need to address the New York issue at some point, but for now she was on leave and, as far as she was concerned, she could stay that way forever. She grinned as she pulled her pajama bottoms over Andrew’s boxer briefs that she was also wearing. She finished getting dressed and threw her hair into a messy bun before heading out to the kitchen to prepare her grandmother’s breakfast.

Two Hours later…

Andrew was excited. Not only had he had mind blowing sex that morning but he was going to get to work on a motorcycle today as well. Jayden had a couple of Yamaha WR 250’s that needed some tweaking, oil changes, etc. that he had asked Andrew to help him with. Andrew was actually hoping that maybe he and Jayden would also be able to take them out after they were done but he would need to see how things went. He took one more drag off his cigarette and dropped the butt on the ground, stomping it out with his boot. His aunt and uncle weren’t at the house so he quickly made his way to his motorcycle and headed over to Madison’s. As he pulled up, she opened the door immediately. He watched as she hollered into the house and was at the bike, slipping behind him, in record time. Andrew chuckled at the absurdity of it all.

“What’s so funny, Helios?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

“I feel like I’m having my adolescence now. You know, picking up my girl on my motorcycle, going to hang out at a friend’s house. You and Callie can do each other’s hair while Jay and I have manly talks,” he said, laughing riotously.

“Well, that certainly wasn’t my adolescence but sure, Helios, we can do that if you like, as long as we get to have sex afterwards,” Madison said, moving her hand over him.

He brought his hand over hers and squeezed before moving it back to his waist. He heard her sigh as she locked her fingers together. He loved that she always wanted to touch him and, although it was probably against his better judgment, he generally let her. He couldn’t imagine denying her anything she wanted. He grinned and then started his bike again. He pulled out of her driveway and within minutes they were at his probation officers building.

“I’m going to run to the bookstore over there,” Madison said as they got off of his bike. Andrew looked across the street hesitantly. “Oh, stop it, Helios. How much trouble can I get into in Bakersfield?”

He lowered his sunglasses and eyed her, thinking about all the trouble that had already occurred in Bakersfield and its surrounding areas.

“Helios, go see your scary P.O. I want to go check out the magazines while you’re in there.” She flipped her hair and placed her hand on her hip. “Like, how can Callie and I try out new do’s if we don’t have inspiration.” She flipped her hair to the other side in an exaggerated fashion. Andrew tried not to smile but he did. “Hah, I saw that smile.” She giggled and kissed him lightly. “I’ll be right back.”

He watched as she walked across the street. When she got to the door of the book store, she turned and blew him a kiss. He grinned and shook his head as she entered the store. Madison laughed as she strode into the bookstore. It was a nice, quaint store that she liked immediately. She moseyed over to the magazine section and immediately picked up this month’s Glamour magazine. She set it in her little basket that she had picked up near the entrance and grabbed the latest issue of Cosmo, flipping through it before tossing it and the recent Elle into her basket as well. As she picked up Allure, she saw two hands next to hers and felt a body move close to her. A body she knew was not Andrew.

“Maybe if I’m rough with you,” Jimmy sneered as he pushed her hair away from her neck, “then you would want me too. Isn’t that what you like, Madison?”

“Fuck you!” Madison replied fiercely.

He laughed and brought his mouth close to her ear. “I can tell you like to be taken. I know that’s why you’re with Harrison, a convicted rapist. Well...” He pulled her earlobe in his mouth and then whispered, “I can take as well.”

Madison’s stomach turned and just as she was about to kick him he was gone. Madison grabbed a hold of the magazine stand, trying to steady her breathing. She turned and noticed that there was no one around her; no one had seen their exchange. She sat on the ground and brought her knees up, resting her head there and wrapping her hands in her hair. 

“Think, Ellis, THINK!” She breathed in deeply and jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Are you alright, dear?” An elderly woman asked as Madison looked up at her.

“Ummm, yes, I’m fine,” Madison said, standing up.

She ran her fingers through her hair and picked up her basket, bringing it to the cashier. Once she paid for her purchases she quickly made her way across the street and sat on Andrew’s motorcycle. She was truly torn. What could she really say? Jimmy had not actually done anything and if she mentioned it to anyone he would deny it and it would look as if she was just saying that to get even with Jimmy for pressing charges against Andrew. And speaking of Andrew, how would he react if she told him? Madison didn’t want to keep secrets from him yet she didn’t want him to do something that might get him in further trouble with Jimmy.

“You okay, baby?” Andrew asked, noticing her forehead was wrinkled. He couldn’t see her eyes because of her sunglasses but he sensed she was upset.

She looked up at him. “You done?” she asked avoiding his question.

“Yeah,” Andrew replied, furrowing his brows.

She smiled. “Well, let’s go meet our friends. I have hair to talk about, remember?” Madison said with a strained chuckle and watched as Andrew slowly smiled and then got on his bike.

It didn’t take long to get to Jayden’s home and when they arrived the garage door was open. Jayden had already wheeled out both dirt bikes and was gathering some tools together while Callie looked on. Truth be told, Jayden didn’t need Andrew’s help but he wanted it. He had simply wanted to hang out with Andrew and Madison again. Jayden and Callie both turned as they heard the hum of the Harley approaching. Madison and Andrew parked and strolled up to them. Madison noticed the bounce in Andrew’s step as they quickly made their way up to their friends.

“Hey, Jay, these are great,” Andrew exclaimed with excitement as he simultaneously shook Jayden’s hand and kneeled down to inspect the bike more thoroughly.

Jayden laughed at his friend’s enthusiasm. His fathers indulged his 'all things motorcycle' obsession but they weren’t into it. They didn’t like him racing and couldn’t figure out why he wanted the two bikes versus just one. He had reasoned with them that it was a backup. Jayden was appreciative of his fathers’ generosity, as he knew his obsession was costly, but he wished someone was as excited about them as he was. Seeing the look on Andrew’s face as he ran his hands over the bike brought Jayden tremendous joy as he finally figured he had found a kindred spirit in Andrew.

“When we’re done we should test them out,” Jayden said, smiling widely as Andrew glanced at him and nodded.

“That would be fantastic! Let’s get started.”

Callie giggled as she put her arm around Madison. “That’s our cue to leave the boys to do their thing.”

Madison turned to her and nodded as they walked into the Bennett’s nice home. Callie immediately went into the kitchen and started playing around with the espresso machine, getting things out of the refrigerator and cabinet. She then looked over her shoulder.

“I make a mean latte. Would you like one?”

“Most definitely,” Madison said, sitting at the counter and watching Callie float around the kitchen.

“Any specific request?” Callie asked, displaying several bottles of syrup.

“Mmmm, ooh, Irish cream.”

Callie giggled and nodded.

“What?” Madison asked confused.

“You know, Liam is Irish, every time I see this one I giggle,” Callie said with a blush.

Now, Madison laughed. “Well, I bet he has some pretty hot Irish Cream,” Madison said, wagging her brows. “Hell, they both are smokin' hot. I nearly fell off the couch when Elias walked in. Talk about tall, dark and handsome.”

They both sighed at the same time and then started laughing profusely.

“Jay hates when I ogle them but I can’t help it sometimes.”

“I don’t blame you. I mean, I know they have got to be in their fifties but holy shit. They have aged well.”

“Like fine wine.”

Madison nodded. “Ya know, it’s weird because I can see a little bit of both of them in Jay, like he has Elias’s frame and body type but looks a lot like Liam. Is that strange?” Madison asked.

Callie handed Madison her Irish Cream latte. “Not at all. Jay is biologically their son.”

Madison stared at her. “How is that possible?”

Callie sat down. “Well, when they wanted to have children they had some hurdles to overcome.”

Madison gave her a questioning look.

“Back then, gay couples couldn’t really adopt so they sought out a surrogate, but even then they were denied. So after a lot of drama, Liam’s twin, Amelia, volunteered.”

“No way!” Madison said, sitting up. “So Jay’s birth mom is actually his aunt?”

“Yep, so he has both Bennett and O’Connell genes flowing through him.”

“Wow, that’s amazing and very cool. I just assumed he was adopted.”

“Yeah, everyone does.”

“So, how come you and Jay haven’t gotten married and had a bunch of kids of your own?” Madison asked, taking a sip of her latte, which could rival the big coffee chains.

Callie’s smile left her face and she set her coffee down. Madison immediately noticed the change in her friend’s demeanor.

“Oh shit! I’m sorry, Callie. Sometimes my mouth says shit before my brain can take it back.”

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