Heavenly Angel (33 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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When Angel was able to move again, he slid from her body and lay down at her side. He nuzzled her throat and her shoulder and allowed Joaquin to draw close as her breathing returned to normal. She tipped her face to Joaquin and kissed him then Angel, and her warm lips felt fragile.

“Thank you. You’ve both made me
. I love you both so much…I—” Her eyelids slid closed over escaping tears as her lips trembled.

“Sugar, don’t cry,” Joaquin whispered.

She sniffled against Angel’s chest. “If I cry, it’s because you make me so happy. They’re a good thing.”

“We just need to kiss them away and love you more then, shouldn’t we?” Angel murmured as his fingers gently wiped them away and kissed her again more deeply.

After disposing of the condom, he returned with a fresh glass of water. She took it from him, drinking half of it before handing it back and thanking him. He knew it pleased her when they looked after her like this, and he could see the appreciation in her eyes.

She laid back down and snuggled back to Angel as he spooned against her with Joaquin cuddled to her front.

“Teresa, I think Angel would agree with me when I tell you that you’re our every fantasy come to life.”

She blushed as she replied, “I was worried that I wouldn’t be…
for you.”

Both men chuckled, and Angel said, “Beautiful, you’re more than enough. You’re everything.”


Chapter Twenty-six

Teresa smiled up at Joaquin as he wrapped her in a wool blanket where she sat on the beach towel next to Angel. He plopped down in the sand on the other side of her and helped Angel rub her to warm her up.

“Thank you, Joaquin. It’s cozy under here if you both want to join me,” she said then yawned sleepily.

Returning to their guesthouse a little while ago from the deep-sea fishing excursion, Teresa had noticed the brilliant hues of pink, orange, and purple as the sun set. On the boat, the first mate had mentioned that a storm would be blowing in during the night, and she was fascinated by the line of dark clouds that encroached on the brilliant sunset, leaving just a patch of a brilliant white cloud. She’d sat on the porch, taking it in until they’d suggested walking to the beach access point then finding a good spot to sit and watch.

They had the beach all to themselves. The wind that blew in over the water was chilly, but Teresa had asked to stay out a while longer, watching the billowing clouds as they rolled in, and the men had smiled and let her have her way.

They tucked the blanket in more securely around her and pulled it up to cover her ears. Teresa smiled at both and snuggled down against them.

“You take good care of me. Thank you,” she murmured, her eyes drawn by a flash in the dark clouds on the distant horizon. “Beautiful,” she whispered, waiting expectantly for the next flash.

“Yes,” one of them replied quietly, and she realized they were looking at her. Angel tucked a stray lock of her long black hair behind her ear that had blown loose in the wind.

She returned her eyes to the horizon and leaned into him. His lips brushed her temple in a light kiss.

Twilight arrived, and though she loved watching the light show from the vantage point of the beach, she knew they were cold, so she asked to go back to the house. Sharing the large walk-in shower in the master bathroom with them, she allowed them to wash her body while she shampooed the salt from her hair.

The men shooed her from the kitchen, and while they cooked the fish, she watched the lightning flash across the sky from the big picture window in the upstairs home theatre room. Every so often, she would hear a low rumble and surmised the storm was getting closer. The house they were renting had a metal roof, and she looked forward to hearing the rain pelting against it later.

The early morning was catching up with her, and she yawned as she heard footsteps on the stairs. She called out from the darkened room, and Angel appeared in the doorway.

“Hey, beautiful? Are you all right in here?”

His voice was low, and she could hear the love in his tone. “Yes,” she replied softly. “I’m watching the lightning. Come sit with me?”

“Sure,” he murmured. He sat down on the sofa and drew her easily into his lap, cuddling her to him. “Did you enjoy the dolphins today?”

“I loved it. I’m so glad I brought my camera. Today was so much fun,” she said, covering a big yawn with her hand.

Angel chuckled indulgently and squeezed her. “We’d better feed you, sleepyhead. You need to get tucked into bed.”

“It’s because I was sitting here in the dark. I’ll be fine once I get some food in me. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“No, it’s all ready. Come on,” he said and helped her rise from the sofa. They’d been in Port Aransas for three days, and her body and mind had finally agreed to unwind and relax a little.

Port Aransas was quieter in the winter months, which meant less traffic, but also less to do. They were all okay with that, preferring to spend the time exploring together on the beach and in the little tourist town. The men had been willing to go somewhere more exotic for their honeymoon, but Teresa had been reluctant to be too far away from Michael for that long.

Angel and Joaquin seemed to take great delight in discovering what she wanted from them as lovers. She talked openly with them about her needs and theirs, and they taught her what they liked. She loved their reactions each night when she would emerge from the master bathroom dressed in a different nightie.

She yawned again as Angel led her from the dark room and went downstairs. Joaquin came in from the back porch with a roasting pan laden with grilled fish and skewers of grilled shrimp. They had set the table, poured wine, and even lit candles.

As they enjoyed the meal, Teresa playfully said, “What color do you prefer tonight? Red or Pink?”

The men grinned at each other, and Angel said, “Joaquin and I talked, and we think it might be good if you rested tonight.”

Joaquin nodded and stroked her shoulder. “Every time we’ve been with you, you’ve taken us both. We love it, but you need time to adjust, and we realized we haven’t been as diligent as we intended because we want you so much.” Through the glass of the table top she saw for herself this was a sacrifice on their part.

She looked into their eyes and could tell that they were sincere, despite the demanding bulges they were both dealing with at the moment. “Oh. Well, all right. You’re sure?”

Angel shifted a little in his seat and smiled devilishly at her. “Despite what my cock wants, beautiful? Yes, I’m sure.”

“That doesn’t mean we don’t want you to have fun, though,” Joaquin said, the twinkle in his eyes speaking volumes.

“Oh? What did you have in mind?” she asked, shivers racing up her back as she felt their hands gliding over her, Joaquin’s at her shoulder and Angel’s over her thigh.

“We thought you might enjoy a massage,” Angel replied. His fingers left a tingling path as they stroked her upper thigh. A massage sounded perfect.

“I would as a matter of fact. I noticed my shoulders have gotten stiff and tense from the fishing trip today.”

Joaquin rubbed her shoulder, murmuring, “Well, we’ll just have to see if we can’t work the stiffness out of them.”

Maybe if I play my cards right, they’ll let me work
stiffness out.

“I’d love that. Can I still dress up for you?” she asked as she rose from her chair.

Angel grinned happily and said, “Sure. We enjoy seeing you model all your lingerie for us.”

Stepping out of the master bathroom every night dressed in something sexy had been an adventure for Teresa. The same went for her daytime lingerie, as well. They seemed to take great delight in seeing her in her push-up bras and lace thongs or panties before she dressed in the morning. She loved teasing them with reminders during the day about what lay beneath her clothing. “I really do love all of it. I may never wear plain white cotton briefs ever again.”

Joaquin said, “Sugar, we don’t mind what kind of underwear you wear, but it sure is fun when we’re wondering what you have on under your clothes.”

“Even more fun to find out,” Angel said, chuckling. “Why don’t you go change while we clean up down here, and we’ll meet you in the bedroom in a few minutes?”

“You don’t need my help?”

“No, sugar. You go make yourself pretty for us. We’ll be along shortly.”

“I’m spoiled rotten.”

“Just how we like you,” Joaquin responded before kissing her tenderly.

She went upstairs to the master bedroom, opened the dresser drawer that contained her lingerie, and began sorting through the selection she’d packed. She stepped out to the landing and called out.

“Red or hot pink?”

“Hot pink!” they both called back.

She gathered what she needed and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. After brushing her teeth, she wrapped herself in her dark-pink, silky chenille robe and returned to the bedroom. She lit candles, turned off the lamps, and opened the blind over the large picture window that faced the gulf. The lightning had increased and, combined with the romantic candlelight, set the mood for what was to come. Climbing on the turned-down bed, she arranged herself in the middle.

Teresa appreciated the obvious care that they had for her, and although she didn’t physically feel like she needed the night off, she did look forward to receiving a massage.

* * * *

Twenty minutes later, Joaquin came quietly up the stairs, finding Angel standing in the doorway gazing at Teresa. Joaquin thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, clad in a pink satin nightie, bathed in golden candlelight, lying on the bed sound asleep. Her hair was fanned over the pillow in the middle of the king-size bed, the robe open to the waist, revealing the tempting swell of her cleavage. As he stood by the bed with Angel, love swelled almost painfully in his heart. He looked up at his brother and saw the same love showed in Angel’s eyes.

Carefully, Joaquin and Angel slipped her robe from her exhausted limbs and covered her with the blanket. Angel blew out the candles then they both undressed in the dark and slid in the bed on either side of her.

During the night, a brilliant flash, followed by the crash of thunder and rain pelting the metal roof, woke her from a sound sleep. Disoriented, she bolted upright in the bed. Joaquin reached out to calm her as he whispered to her, “Shh. It’s all right, sugar. It’s just the storm passing over,” he murmured as he stroked her hip.

Teresa sighed and lay back down with him, snuggling back to him. Even straight from a sound sleep, her smallest touch affected him as his cock stirred and throbbed. He continued stroking her, and his hand itched to wander farther. He could tell by her breathing that she was alert, and she hummed softly, and pressed her ass against his hardening cock.

The bed dipped, and Angel drew close to her, as well. Joaquin caught the smile in Angel’s eyes as he looked at him and then leaned down to kiss her bare hip. Teresa moaned when she felt Angel’s lips, and the sound was like a siren song to his cock. Joaquin stroked along the back of her thigh then drifted upward to her cleft and growled at finding her slick, hot, and aroused. She whispered, “Please,” as she arched her back and pressed her ass against Joaquin’s cock more demandingly.

Angel nodded at him to suit up and give her what she wanted while he stroked her and kissed her. Joaquin sheathed his cock in a condom then returned to stroking her pussy with his fingertips. Soon she was begging for him to take her. Joaquin tilted her back against him and lifted her upper thigh, thrusting into her silky wet pussy from behind. Holding her thigh elevated, he nodded at Angel and said, “Angel is going to stroke your clit while I make love to you, sugar. Sound good?’

Teresa panted and moaned in pleasure. “Yes, Angel, please.” She shuddered as he pumped his dick deep inside her. Her pussy contracted tightly on his cock the moment Angel’s fingertips stroked her clit. She arched her back when Joaquin played with her nipples, which always drove her wild. She came with a wail as a lightning bolt streaked across the sky outside the window. Joaquin thrust hard into her clenching pussy one last time and came with a deep growl that was echoed by the rumble of the thunder as his cum jetted from him in long, hot streams.

Brushing her silky hair from her cheeks, Joaquin nuzzled her throat as Angel rose up and kissed her. After disposing of the condom, Joaquin cuddled up to her in the bed and listened as her breathing gradually slowed, and she drifted back to sleep. He stroked her deep into the night, unable to sleep as he marveled at the woman in his arms. She was coming into her own, beginning to understand she could ask for, or demand, what she needed from them without fear.


Chapter Twenty-seven

Teresa tried to hide her grin with difficulty. The joyful, expectant smiles on Angel’s and Joaquin’s faces were cuter than she could resist. They were sitting on the back porch, tools ready, instruction sheets spread out, and green molded plastic parts laid out neatly.

She couldn’t suppress her chuckle as she said, “He’s three.”

“The box said ages three to five. It’s perfect for him,” Joaquin said, his eyes twinkling as he watched her fight her amusement.

Gesturing to the large cardboard box that had been laid aside on the porch, emblazoned with the image of a pint-sized green tractor, she said, “This is too much for a three year old. It’s too expensive.”

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