Heaven Scent (21 page)

Read Heaven Scent Online

Authors: SpursFanatic

Tags: #romance, #love, #drama, #mystery, #historical, #doctor, #mother, #story, #heroine, #historical romance, #boston, #texas ranger, #hero, #heaven, #scent, #1800s, #physician, #womens rights, #midwifery

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“Of course.” His hands skimmed up her
waist to stop just below her breasts.

She caught her breath. Reaching back,
she hooked her arms around his neck. Her posture thrust her breasts
out in invitation. “Rafe…”

“What, sweetheart?” His hands inched
higher, resting at the underside of her breasts, as though waiting
for permission.

“Touch me, please,” she whispered,
“before I go mad.”

On an agonizing moan, Rafe’s hands
eased down the meager cover of her chest. Cool air brushed across
her sensitive breasts before his large, warm hands closed over

“I have thought of nothing else since I
saw you in this dress.” Kneading her breasts with greedy hands,
Rafe kissed the skin behind her ear.

“That was the intent.” Shutting her
eyes, Tarin leaned back against his hard shoulder.

Groaning, Rafe turned her to rest in
his lap, her back braced against his arm. His mouth closed over one
breast, while his hand teased the other, blocking out all rational
thought in Tarin’s head. She could only feel, completely focused on
the pleasure he gave her.

And heavenly stars, he was

Her fingers played in the thick, silky
hair at his nape while she selfishly encouraged him to indulge
quite literally like a man starved. He chuckled at her moan of
disappointment when he pulled his head away moments

“Do you trust me, Tarin?”

Her eyes popped open. She could faintly
make out his handsome face. She wanted to ask the same question,
but now was not the time.

“With my life.” She laid a palm against
his cheek.

The fierce kiss he planted on her mouth
surprised Tarin. Hooking her arms around his neck, she drank what
he offered. Long minutes later, while under the influence of his
deep, open-mouthed kiss, she realized his hand had glided up her
leg to rest on the tender flesh of her inner thigh. Of their own
volition, her legs had spread wider, inviting him

She had read enough to know of his
intentions. Though she knew her actions were most unladylike, she
felt no shame, no hesitancy.

This was Rafe. The man she loved. The
only man that would ever touch her this way.

“I won’t hurt you,” he

“I know.”

His deft fingers found the slit in her
drawers, found the moist, sensitive flesh nestled further

Tarin gasped. Though she had expected
his touch, nothing had prepared her for the riot of sensations that
barraged her. Every nerve ending centered on his masterful fingers.
Her skin tingled, her mouth suddenly bone dry. The scent of
forbidden fruits wafted in the air, hypnotic, drawing her further
into his clever web of desire. Her breathing suddenly heavy, she
could feel the intense heat radiating from his body.

Rafe’s arm tightened around her
shoulders as his forehead rested on hers. His breath came as though
he had run a long distance.

“You have no idea how hard it is for me
to resist taking you right here, right now.” His finger delved
deeper inside as he moved to kiss the spot where his forehead had

Moaning louder, Tarin no longer cared
where they were or who found them. She only wanted the reward his
touch promised. “Why resist?”

On a deep, guttural groan, Rafe went to
work. His fingers sure and deft, he quickly took her to a precipice
of avowed pleasure. Within seconds, she found herself falling into
a whirlpool of pulsating sensations that washed through her body
like rushing water. Tarin rode the wave of ecstasy, wishing it
would never end.

Rafe’s kisses on her eyes, lips, nose,
and forehead brought her down to earth. Oh my, she could get used
to this.

“Don’t move,” he whispered.

Tarin stilled, listening. “What is it?
Is someone coming?”

His chuckle was bitter as he
straightened away from her. “Damn, I hope not. I’m doing all I can
to prevent it.”

Tarin felt her face heat. Though she
didn’t quite understand the words, his meaning became clear. She
had no intention of this beautiful interlude remaining

Her hand glided to the front of his
trousers. He sucked in a breath.

“Tarin -” He grabbed her hand. “It has
been too long since I have been with a woman.”

Adding a touch of coyness to her voice,
she replied, “That is good to hear.” Her hand reached for a

He jumped, backing away from her on the
bench. She sat up, bracing her hands in front of her.

“Tarin, don’t tell me you have done
this kind of thing before…”

She scooted closer to him. “No, but I
have been busy reading that library you bought me. It has been
quite… informative.”

His voice sounded choked. “There were
books in there on… this sort of… education?”

She hooked her arms around his neck and
kissed his lips. “Oh yes, and I had you in mind as I read every

He cursed low and shot up off the
bench. “I’m sorry, Tarin. I’ll be right back.”

“Rafe…” She stood to block him. Finding
he had already freed himself, he hesitated a second before guiding
her hand to his hard length and showing her how to please him. It
was titillating to pleasure him, just as arousing as it was to
experience fulfillment herself.

He dropped his head back and groaned as
she felt him spill on their hands. Tarin kissed his

“Forget courtship. Marry me,

She smiled against his skin. “Yes,


Chapter 12


His body still thrummed several minutes
later when Rafe entered the ballroom. He had left his incredibly
enchanting fiancé safely ensconced in one of the toilet rooms the
Cabots had set aside for the lady guests. After doing their best to
make themselves presentable again, they shared a few kisses that
nearly melted the soles of Rafe’s boots before he came in search of
his mother. While Tarin had thoroughly immersed herself in their
intimacy in the garden, she did not condone Rafe helping her
redress in such a public setting.

Using his size to quickly maneuver
through the throng of people, Rafe found his mother with a group of
Brahmin ladies. Feeling unusually boisterous, Rafe greeted them
with an impressive array of gallantry and good humor that was sure
to please his mother. The proud gleam in her eyes warmed his heart.
It amazed him the small things that pleased her.

Excusing himself, he pulled his mother

“What is it?” Joy was evident in his
mother’s voice.

“Tarin needs your help.” Taking her by
the elbow, he guided her into the foyer and down the

“What has happened? Is she unwell?” Her
voice now held a note of concern as she kept up with his long

She’s fine.” Stopping, he
discreetly knocked on the toilet room door, hoping Tarin was inside
alone. When she asked them to enter, he knew all was

Standing before the mirror, Tarin’s
gaze met Isabel’s in the glass. Her cheeks flushed deep red. The
bodice of her dress was twisted, the top of her corset visible
above the misshapen fabric. Her hair was in slight disarray, the
strand of diamonds hanging limply on one side. His future wife had
never looked more beautiful.

“Tarin!” Isabel rushed to her. “What

Rafe didn’t think it was possible for
Tarin to blush more, but she did. Her eyes met his in the mirror.
She raised a brow as if asking ‘well, are you going to

He just grinned.

“Rafe Sutherland! Tell me you did not
dishonor this poor girl.” Isabel glanced back and forth between

His mother’s cheeks were flushed, too,
but Rafe guessed for an altogether different reason. Clutching her
by the shoulders, he smiled down into her blazing brown eyes.
“Mother, Tarin has agreed to be my wife.”

Catching her breath, his mother’s eyes
widened to the size of powder kegs. She studied him, as if looking
for sincerity, before she glanced back at Tarin.

Tarin smiled at her in the mirror. “I
hope we have your blessing.”

Squealing, Isabel slapped him on the
arm before she pulled Tarin into a tight hug. “Oh, Tarin. I could
not be happier.” Isabel pulled away to stare at her. “I cannot
imagine a woman more perfect for my son. Nor one I could love

Tears filled Tarin’s eyes. Rafe’s gut
tightened. He didn’t think he would ever get used to seeing Tarin

“You have no idea how much that means
to me.” Tarin hugged his mother again.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Rafe
studied mother and soon-to-be daughter. He had never considered the
importance of a mother figure for Tarin. His mother had always
wanted a daughter but had never conceived one. Perhaps, there was a
silver lining in this bargain, after all.

Isabel pulled away to stare back at
Rafe. He could see the gears turning in her head.

“Oh, you must make the announcement
tonight. The Brahmin’s most beautiful debutante and my son, the
national hero - it will be the biggest news to hit society in
years.” She looked back at Tarin. “Has Henry been told?”

Shaking her head, Tarin met Rafe’s
gaze. “No, Rafe was going to speak with him while you helped me…
pull myself together.” She gave a small smile.

“Well, get going,” Isabel cried, as she
tried to usher Rafe towards the door. “Henry has been looking for
you all evening, besides.”

Rafe wasn’t budging until he got
another kiss from his fiancé. He still couldn’t believe she had
agreed to marry him. Of course, with her consent was another set of
worries to contend with. But, he wasn’t going to dwell on them
tonight. Tonight, he was the luckiest bastard in the world and he
was going to enjoy it.

Leaning forward, he kissed Tarin
soundly on the mouth. “I will talk to Henry and find you inside.”
He raised her gloved hand to his lips.

Tarin bit her lower lip as she stared
at him through lowered lashes. There was enough heat in her vivid
green eyes to start a fire. Rafe almost made his mother wait

“Son, if you do not move, the evening
will be over.” His mother took him by the arm and led him to the
door. “Now, go find Henry.”




The card room overflowed with smoke and
rowdy male laughter. Waving his hand in front of his face to clear
the air, Rafe searched the room for Tarin’s father. He was
surprised to see Beau at one of the tables, considering the number
of women at the ball. Rafe gave him a brief nod before continuing

He found Henry on the far side of the
room having a drink with William Adams, one of the legislators.
Rafe gritted his teeth. With the news of the petition signatures
going to the State House, Worthington was most likely trying to
discourage Adams from voting for Gregory’s college. Rafe intended
to counter his opinion.

Walking up, Rafe greeted Henry before
introducing himself to Adams. When the man said he was honored to
meet him, Rafe made a point of mentioning his support for the
college. Henry’s eyebrows nearly fell into his glass.

Rafe didn’t care. He was marrying
Tarin, not Henry. And he would do whatever he could to ensure her
happiness. If that meant going against Worthington’s wishes, so be
it. They had an agreement and Rafe would fulfill his side of the
bargain within weeks, if not days.

“Sutherland, a word please.” Henry
excused them before he steered Rafe towards the balcony.

Rafe stopped to collect a glass of rum
from a passing servant before continuing on. Henry stood at the far
end, his shoulders stiff.

“What in blazes are you up to, man?”
Henry turned to him, his green eyes glittering. “I thought we had
an agreement.”

“We do,” Rafe replied, doing his best
to remain calm. He told himself he needed to let the man vent.
Henry’d had over an hour to build up this gust of hot air. Rafe
figured he’d have to let it out one way or another.

“You have not visited Tarin in a week’s
time, you arrive tonight with a woman on your arm, and you did not
come to me when I sent for you earlier this evening. It does not
appear we have a bargain at all.” He leaned towards Rafe, pointing
a finger at his chest. “And what is that blasted medical library
you bought her? I told you I wanted to discourage her interest in
the college. I cannot get her away from those books.”

Rafe smiled to himself. The
minx had been reading up on reproduction and thinking of him the
entire time. He was
luckiest bastard.

Glass in hand, Rafe crossed his arms
over his chest. “Were it not for that library, Worthington, I don’t
think Tarin would have agreed to marry me tonight.”

Staggering back a step, Henry’s eyes
widened. “You jest.”

Grinning, Rafe shook his head. “Mother
is hoping you will make the announcement tonight.”

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