Heaven Made (16 page)

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Authors: Saralynn Hoyt

BOOK: Heaven Made
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But instead of allaying Freddy’s fears, Ford’s story seemed
to have made the boy even more alarmed. His eyes were wider than hens’ eggs,
and his skin was most assuredly paler than normal.

"Oh, all right," Ford said with a sigh. "Tell
Roland I need his assistance, if you please. And you may go find Mrs. Tremaine
and tell her to stop by when she has the time."

"Thank you, Mr. Northcliffe." Freddy’s relief was
palpable, and he was gone before Ford could change his mind.

Ford made himself comfortable in his sitting room and drank
his tea while he waited for his breakfast. Roland soon arrived with it and then
went off to find his master’s books from the lab. Soon, Ford was absorbed in
Laennec’s treatise on
Diseases of the Chest
that would have bored anyone
but a scientist to sleep. He was deep into the thesis when a timid knock came
at the door.

"Come in," he called out, thinking it might be
Freddy looking for something to do.

"Mr. Northcliffe." Sabrina stood in the doorway
looking awkward and about ready to run. "You’re looking much better."

"Please, call me Ford," he said, hoping she
wouldn’t take his invitation the wrong way. "After all, you did save my

"I don’t know if I actually saved your life," she
said, looking around for a place to sit down. "You weren’t nearly as sick
as Alice."

"Please, sit," Ford moved to one end of the sofa,
indicating the spot next to him.

Sabrina turned bright red, probably remembering the last
time they had shared a seat. But she sat anyway, remaining stiff and obviously

"I remembered what you showed me to do with the herbs,
and although I didn’t think you were as ill as my daughter, I prepared it
exactly the same." Sabrina gazed down at her tightly clasped hands. "I’m
glad you’re feeling better."

They sat in awkward silence for more than a few minutes.
Ford was remembering how she had felt in his arms and how sweet her lips had
tasted. For the life of him, he couldn’t think of a thing to say. But he knew
he had to say something.

"How is Alice?" Good start, he thought, keep it

"Much better. She’s even been able to sit in the lemon
parlor for most of today." Sabrina looked at her hands again. She couldn’t
seem to look him in the eye.

"That is wonderful," Ford said, still wondering
why this was so difficult. "And the rest of the household? Did anyone else
get sick?"

"No, everyone is in fine health, and the house is
practically running itself." She finally met his eyes. "I’m hardly
needed at all."

"Oh, I wouldn’t go that far," Ford said, beginning
to panic at the turn of the conversation. "It would all go to pot again if
you weren’t here, the silent guiding hand."

Sabrina smiled shyly and looked away. "Thank you, but I
would understand if you wanted Alice and me to go. You didn’t hire a child,
after all. And I’m certain that Miss Blakemore would be happy to find another
lady help for you."

"Mrs. Tremaine—Sabrina," Ford said, instinctively
moving closer to her on the sofa. "I have no intention of asking you and
Alice to leave. I realize that maybe you forgot to inform me about her
presence, and from your point of view I can see how that has complicated
matters, but I don’t see it as a problem. Alice is welcome in my house, as are
you. Please don’t think about leaving."

He took her hand in his and gave it a friendly squeeze,
meant only to reassure her of his sincerity. But once he felt her pulse begin
to race, he could barely restrain himself. She was so beautiful, sitting there,
just a few inches away. And he could smell the sweetness of her soft perfume.
Was it jasmine? It suited her, sweet yet subtle.

"Thank you, Mr. Northcliffe," Sabrina said softly.

She tugged her hand, but didn’t seriously pull it away.
Caught, as was he, in the web of attraction that was forming around them.

"Ford. Call me Ford, Sabrina." He couldn’t seem to
help himself and leaned in closer still. "I hope you can forgive me, for
the other day. I wasn’t thinking, and it just seemed so natural."

"I’m as much at fault as you," she said. Her
impossibly long eyelashes fluttered a little as she struggled to look away.

It was almost as if a magnet was pulling them closer. Ford
found it was impossible to stop. He had to kiss her again and taste the
sweetness of her perfect lips.

Ford reached up his other hand and gently stroked her cheek
with his thumb. "You are so beautiful," he murmured. "I can’t
stop thinking about you. How perfect you felt in my arms, and how amazing I
feel when you’re in the room. Sabrina…"

Ford couldn’t stop now unless she physically pushed him
away. God help him, he didn’t want her to, but if she objected in any way, he
would never touch her again.

"Ford," Sabrina whispered his name, her breath
fanning his lips. He was helpless and a soft moan escaped from somewhere deep
inside him.

He barely touched his lips to hers, a feather light press of
mouths, over and over again, until he was sure she was fully willing. Then,
with a sigh of surrender, he tilted his head to the side and pulled her mouth
firmly to his own, tasting Sabrina as if she were a delicate French chocolate
made to be savored. Ford murmured her name again as he pulled her closer into
his embrace. She fit so perfectly within the circle of his arms. And when she
wrapped her arms around him, her soft body pressed to his, as if they had been
made for each other.

"Oh, Ford," she said his name while tangling her
fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. It spurred him on, giving him
confidence in his seduction.

His lips caressed hers gently at first, then with more
pressure until he swept his tongue across her mouth, opening her to his
explorations. Willingly, she surrendered fully and the kiss deepened until they
were practically one. Not satisfied with simply kissing Sabrina, Ford’s hands began
the exploration of her every curve without restraint. She was softness itself,
with perfectly formed plump thrusting breasts, and a tiny cinched waist. Her
rounded hips begged to be fondled. He cupped her buttocks pulling her firmly to
him. Seemingly instinctively, she spread her thighs and straddled his leg. She
moaned, spurring him on, and Ford lay back on the couch pulling her on top of
him, running his hands up and down her soft backside, and then up to caress her
breasts. He couldn’t get enough of touching her. What he really wanted was for
her to touch him, though. He was hard and ached for her touch, longed to be
inside her. Finally, Ford had to pull away. He was breathing so hard he felt as
if he’d been fencing for an hour.

"Sabrina," he said her name reverently. Dear God,
this woman was so beautiful, so vibrant, she was everything he had ever wanted.
Would she accept him or refuse to continue along this road?

"Are you feeling strong enough for this?" she
asked, making him laugh. "I don’t want to wear you out."

"Oh, God," Ford groaned, taking her hand and
pressing it to his arousal. "A man is never too weak for this."

"Oh my," Sabrina said looking down at where his
trousers were stretched to their limit. "We shouldn’t be sitting out here
where anyone could just walk in."

"Mrs. Tremaine," Ford said, teasing Sabrina with
his formality. "Are you inviting yourself into my bedroom?"

"I would never presume such a thing, Mr. Northcliffe,"
she said with a wicked gleam in her eye. "If you want me in your bedroom,
it is you who must do the inviting."

"Well, then," he said and pulled her down for
another kiss. "I invite you, anytime."

His hand moved to the buttons that were conveniently on the
front of this blouse and he undid them while she continued her exploration of
his arousal. He was near frantic with need and was about to move them both into
his bedroom when a faint knock sounded and before he could make sense of what
was happening, Miss Cassie Blakemore entered the room.

"Oh, my," she said, looking as if she had walked
in on them playing whist instead of making love. "Well, I just came to say
goodbye and to see if Mr. Northcliffe was recovering. You do look in fine
health, sir."

The little twit was smiling from ear to ear. Ford struggled
to sit up while Sabrina buttoned her blouse. Damn, he had been so close to
freeing those exquisite breasts to his view and touch.

"Yes, thank you Miss Blakemore." He scowled at her,
hoping she would get the message and leave. "Is there anything else I can
help you with?"

"Well, now that you mention it," she said, still
smiling. "I was wondering if you have anyone you might want to refer to
me? Another gentleman in need of—lady help?" She sat primly on a chair and
proceeded to pour herself a cup of tea.

"I, uh, can’t think of anyone right now." Hell, he
could barely remember his own name, let alone one of his acquaintances who
needed house help.

Miss Blakemore sipped her tea, still grinning, looking very
much like a cat who had a fat mouse in its paws. Ford put his full
concentration into wishing the woman would go away. Please, please leave so I
can finish making love to Sabrina.

"May I walk you out?" The woman he’d just been
imagining naked in his bed said. Sabrina stood, pretending he wasn’t even in
the room.

"That would be lovely." Cassie set her teacup down
and followed Sabrina out of the room without even a fare thee well for Ford.

Suddenly, he was in a very bad mood.


Chapter Eleven




The Star, the Sun, and the Five of Cups—Wishes coming
true, happiness and joy. The most favorable cards in the tarot. Madame Lou
couldn’t have asked for better results. But still the spirits were being
bothersome. A major block was still in play and the two could never be together
forever unless it was removed. The mother had tried to contact her son on her own
and had gotten nowhere. Madame Lou could have told her that. She had experience
firsthand that the gentleman would have none of this spirit mumbo jumbo, as he
referred to it. No, reaching him was going to have to take the form of some
sort of concrete evidence. And although there were ways to prove things to him,
getting him in the door would be half the battle. She would have to work harder
on her plans for that, since her first attempt had been an abject failure.



Sabrina was mortified. If Cassie hadn’t walked in when she
did, Sabrina had no doubt that she would have allowed Ford to do anything he
pleased. And what he’d wanted was everything. Not that she would have stopped
him, or even wanted to stop him. No, she had been completely enjoying the moment.
Her body tingled involuntarily as she recalled every delicious second of the

"I’ll be by again tomorrow afternoon," Cassie
said, taking her hat and coat from Roland. "Alice is such a dear, I do so
look forward to spending time with her."

"And she loves having you visit her," Sabrina
said, grateful that the conversation was on this safe subject. "It makes
her feel like a grown-up."

"Speaking of grown-ups," Cassie said, finally
getting around to the little scene she had inadvertently witnessed. "You
should really lock the door if you need some privacy."

"I, um, we didn’t plan on—" Sabrina couldn’t think
of a thing to say.

"No need to explain." Cassie waved her hand as if
brushing Sabrina’s words aside. "I wouldn’t presume to be judgmental in
these matters. Let nature take its course, I always say. Just be ready for
anything to happen next."

Sabrina wondered what Miss Blakemore meant, but she didn’t
have time to respond anyway, since the young woman was already out the door,
calling goodbye. Sabrina stood motionless in the entryway contemplating her
situation. What should she do next? Go back to Ford and continue where they’d
left off? Or go about her business as if nothing had happened between them? She
knew what she wanted to do, but it wasn’t at all appropriate. No, she must go
find Alice and make sure her daughter was taken care of. Not that Alice wasn’t
being watched at every moment by one of the other servants, but it was
something to keep her busy and her mind off of Ford.

Making her way to the yellow parlor, Sabrina found Alice
dozing in a comfortable chair in front of the fire, with Mrs. Fitzsimmons
sitting nearby mending stockings. Sabrina stood there for a moment, looking at
her sweet little girl sleeping. Her heart swelled with love for her daughter
and for a minute she allowed herself the indulgence of a quick prayer of

Well, she obviously wasn’t needed here, Sabrina thought,
wondering what she should do with this unexpected free time. She had been
neglecting the correspondence these last few days. After all, it seemed
unlikely that Ford would be able to attend any parties for another week at
least. She headed to the study and began dividing the letters into stacks
depending on the date, type of event and finally she sorted them by rank of the
invitee. Several hours later she had a pretty good system in place. Musicals,
dinners, teas, the opera, and even a winter picnic were lined up and ready to
be responded to. She would graciously decline the most expedient ones, and then
sort through the others with Ford. It was the perfect excuse to go see him
again. She smiled to herself imagining going to him on the pretext of
conducting business, and then falling into his arms and allowing him to make
sweet love to her all night long. Just thinking about it was enough to make her
tremble with anticipation.

After Sabrina had shared supper with Alice and put the child
to bed, she made her way to Ford’s rooms. She knocked lightly and called out to
him. He invited her in and she entered without hesitation.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, hoping he
couldn’t tell how eager she was to be in his arms again.

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