Heaven Between Her Thighs: Stealing His Heart (12 page)

BOOK: Heaven Between Her Thighs: Stealing His Heart
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Natalia knew as she followed Jaxon to the home that he shared so many years with his wife, that things were about to get crazy. She just had no idea how bad they were going to get. It was like God was steady telling her to turn around, but she ignored Him and listened to the devil that was riding shotgun. She wished God had shown her what was about to happen instead of just telling her to turn away, but what lesson would she learn in that? Either she was gonna listen or not and quite frankly, she doubted she would have turned away even if He did reveal it to her.

She knew that she was wrong for messing with father and son, but she was out to get what she wanted by any means necessary. The night she accompanied Qyree to an industry party she almost peed on herself when she saw Jaxon there and every time Qyree wanted to introduce the two of them she made sure to not be around. Either she had to use the bathroom or she needed something to drink. The last thing she needed was for Jaxon to blow up her spot. As the night went on she thought that she was in the clear. That was until she really did have to go to the bathroom and bumped right into Jaxon.

Thinking it would be hard to keep them in the dark about one another, proved to not be an issue at all. Jaxon let her know that night that he wasn’t worried about her messing with his son as long as he got what he wanted. With Qyree only coming around when he needed that one thing, she was able to balance the two. That’s why Qyree felt that she was so easy to get along with and didn’t expect much from him, and she didn’t. Well not at first. Jaxon was doing everything she needed so there wasn’t a need for her to be pressed about what his son was doing. Only when Jaxon started being distant after she told him she was pregnant, did she lean towards Qyree more, just for him to play her too. Natalia didn’t know if it was her hormones making her feel strongly for Qyree or if she had really caught feelings. That all changed though the last time she saw him. He had some nerve coming over to her house with another broad in the car with him, and had her out there looking stupid and fighting. He may not have known she was pregnant at the time, but it was still not a good look. Her nosy neighbors still gave her the side eye going on seven months later. Since her ego was bruised, she was going to return the favor.

Her whole plan flew out the window the moment she saw Chey walk into the room, and the look of shock on everyone’s faces spoke volumes.

“Chey, what are you doing here?” she asked.

“Unlike you, she was invited,” Zaria said, with each syllable she spoke laced with venom. Natalia couldn’t stand her and didn’t care nothing about the fact that she was the mistress and not Zaria. If anything, she was the one entitled to having an attitude because she was carrying the next heir to their royal empire.

Rolling her eyes, Natalia refocused her attention back to Chey, waiting on an answer, only to be hit with another smart remark from Zaria.

“Sit down you little troll. You might as well hear what I have to say considering I’m sure it has something to do with you, too.”

“Well if she stays then Chey and I are leaving,” Qyree said walking over to where her best friend stood. They may not have been as close as they had been, but she still considered them to be besties. However, from the look of pure disgust displayed on Chey’s face, she knew that friendship was a wrap.

“So this the new lil’ boo you tried to hide,” Natalia said.

“And with good reason, too,” Chey shot back.

“Girl, tell me you not still mad about Calvin,” she scoffed.

Calvin was Chey’s first love back in the ninth grade. They met in the church that both she and Natalia grew up in and were getting pretty serious by their junior year. When it came time to go to the Junior/Senior prom, Calvin thought that would be the night that he turned Chey into a woman, but she was not there for it. Calvin may have played the role of the innocent church boy who was still a virgin, but he hadn’t been a virgin since the fifth grade. The only reason Natalia knew that little bit of tea was because she was the one who assisted him in that area.

No one knew about what happened between the two of them and no one ever said a thing up until prom night. Throughout the years, Calvin wanted to take things to the next level with Chey, even though he was getting his needs met elsewhere the whole time. It was just something about Chey that he yearned for. Maybe it was the fact that she was pure in every sense of the word, and that was appealing to him. To know that no other boy had had the privilege to experience the heaven she possessed was what continued to draw him to her. But as soon as Chey told him what wasn’t about to happen, he flipped out on her and aired out all of he and Natalia’s dirty laundry, causing the two girls to fall out.

Being that they went to the same church and were practically sisters, eventually they got back on track before graduation. Chey was big on forgiving and moving forward; she just made it a point to never bring her man around Natalia again, especially if they were serious. But life had been so jam packed with school and working, Chey hadn’t pursued anything with anyone until now. Seeing Natalia brought back memories that she thought were gone but from the look on her face, the past was rearing its ugly head again.









Zaria walked over to the bar and poured herself another drink. She had lost count of how many she had thrown back, but she was still the only one in the room that looked unbothered. This wasn’t how she had planned to spill the beans, but so be it.

“So I called you all over today… well, all of you except the trash that the garbage man forgot to take out to the landfill,” Zaria said with a roll of her eyes. Natalia returned the nasty look with one of her own. To be sitting in the house of the woman whose husband and son she was messing around with and have an attitude, just further let both Chey and Qyree know that they were better off without her in their lives.

“I know you are all wondering why I stayed with Jaxon for so many years knowing all along he was no good. Well I’ll tell you. He wasn’t always a good for nothing whoremonger. In the beginning, he was so humble and loving. He treated me like I was somebody and not just a quick romp in the bed. It was me who was there to help him get started with his dream and once it became a reality and the money along with the women came into play, here I was being thrown to the side.

Night after night, I cried and I prayed that he would change, but what did he do? He poured his venom into our son. See, I knew that I couldn’t teach my baby how to be a man. That was something only his father could do, and by the time I figured out the type of man he was molding my baby into, it was too late. Qy, baby,” she said getting his attention.

Turning to look at his mother, he remained quiet. He didn’t know what she was about to say but he was beginning to feel like everything he had eaten in the past year was about to come back up at any moment.

“The last thing I wanted you to ever see or feel was that I was a weak woman. I know it may have seemed that way and with everything you were learning, it didn’t make me look any better.”

“Oh, cut the crap Zaria! You not about to stand here and feed my son lies just to make yourself look good,” Jaxon jumped in. He was fuming mad and it wasn’t just about this little charade his wife was putting on. Everything around him was starting to take its toll but he wasn’t about to take all of the blame.

“Isn’t that what you’ve been doing his whole life? Lying to him to make yourself look good. What kind of man raised his son to be a hoe?” Zaria yelled throwing her glass full of liquor in his direction.

Before Jaxon had a chance to respond, the doorbell rang again.

“You sure you don’t have anything you want to tell Qyree before you open that door?” Zaria challenged. All eyes were on him as he looked around clueless. That feeling that both Chey and Qyree had been feeling was now intensified. Whoever was on the other side of the door was already causing more problems and no one had even seen their face.

“Chey, baby, can you get the door for me, please?” Zaria asked. Chey was shocked as to why she wanted her to do it, but she obliged anyway. She could hear Jaxon and Qyree’s mother going at it as she pulled the heavy door open.

“Hi,” Chey greeted as normal as she could. She wasn’t sure who the woman and man was that were at the door, so she hoped they would either leave or not be too thrown off by all of the noise.

“Humph. Jaxon must have him another one,” the woman said pushing past Chey and walking into the house with the man hot on her heels. The two of them looked like they were on a mission and it was one that Chey wished God would step in and abort.

“Well look who we have here. If it isn’t the help and her bastard child,” Zaria said looking around her husband at the two people who had just walked in.

Chey noticed the look on Qyree’s face and he looked like he was about to snap at any moment. Natalia tried to be funny as she walked over to try and touch his arm so that he would calm down, but Chey wasn’t having that.

“Heffa, I wish you would touch him,” she said walking over to where he was standing. Natalia knew by the tone of Chey’s voice she wasn’t playing no games, so she backed down without a fight.

“What are you doing here, Toni?” Jaxon asked when he noticed them in the room.

“Zaria called us over,” the woman named Toni clarified.

“Yes I did,” Zaria told him while getting excited. “Since you claim to have always been upfront with Qyree, have you told him that the person you were putting in that A&R position was your illegitimate child? The one who you have been grooming since birth to take over your company one day?”

If looks could kill, Jaxon would have been two stepping into hell by now, by way of Qyree’s glare.

“This is unbelievable. I don’t even know what to say to you right now. Come on Chey, let’s go,” Qyree said pulling her by the hand.

“Qy, wait! What are we going to do about the baby?” Natalia blurted out causing them to be frozen in place. If Qyree thought for one second he was going to ride off into the sunset with his new boo, then he had another thing coming. She knew good and well there was no way that Qyree could be her baby’s father because the dates didn’t line up, but he didn’t have to know that.

“You know good and well that’s not my baby,” he frowned.

“So I slept with myself?” she asked, crossing her arms over her stomach like it was a prop. Since Chey thought she was so holy and no harm could come to her, the news of this baby would give her a rude awakening. She expected Chey to storm out of the house by her little so called revelation, but the joke was on her because the woman before her looked as cool as a cucumber.

Not bothering to reply to her comment ‘cause he already knew what she was doing, he began to walk away again. He couldn’t believe that his father’s motto “It’s all about the heaven between her thighs” would cause this much hell in his life. He now knew he had messed up but nothing could prepare him for the next thing that his mother said out of her mouth.

“Natalia, you and the help here,” Zaria started as she tilted her head towards Toni, “may want to go get tested before you have that baby. I’d hate for him to be born into this world like his step mommy.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked with an uninterested look on her face.

“I’m so glad you asked,” she said throwing a pill bottle on the table near Jaxon.

“Truvada? What is this?” he asked, picking the bottle up to read the label.

Chey knew exactly what it was because Von took the same medicine.

“It’s used to treat HIV/AIDS,” she said as Zaria took the whole bottle of Hennessey to the head.


To Be Continued…









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Mike Murk









BOOK: Heaven Between Her Thighs: Stealing His Heart
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