Heated Beat 02 - Lucky Man (2 page)

BOOK: Heated Beat 02 - Lucky Man
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Finn groaned into Danny’s mouth. “I’ve been thinking about this since the lights went up and I saw you staring at me.”

“I don’t believe you.” Danny punctuated the words with kisses on Finn’s arched throat. “It was dark, full of people, and you had your eyes closed when you started playing. You couldn’t have seen me.”

Finn chuckled and pushed Danny’s jeans over his hips. “Okay, you’ve rumbled me. Maybe I was watching the crowd before the show started. Maybe I saw you come in with your mates.”

“You saw me come in?”

“Better than that.” Finn kicked Danny’s jeans away and pulled his T-shirt over his head. “I saw you get off the bus. I was looking out the window, hoping you’d cross the road and come to the show. I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw you in the crowd.” Finn did away with his own T-shirt without waiting for Danny to recover his power of speech. “Wow. You’re even hotter without clothes.”

Heat flooded Danny’s cheeks. With his eclectic mix of Welsh and Chinese genes, he knew he was fairly interesting to look at, but as he absorbed Finn’s leonine beauty, he couldn’t help averting his gaze. The last bloke he’d slept with had been gone by morning, and they’d never got round to exchanging names. Finn’s wide-eyed stare got under his skin, and he didn’t know where to look.

Get a grip, dickhead. You can face busting the door of a crack den, but not this?

Finn caught Danny’s chin as he looked down. “Oh no you don’t. You’re fit as fuck. Don’t be ashamed of it.”

Danny stared. The room was dark, but Danny could see the outline of Finn’s cock bulging in his jeans, and his own dick ached with long-neglected need. “You’re gorgeous too.”

Finn smiled and released Danny’s chin. He took a few steps back and sank onto a double bed. “Come here and fuck me, then.”

Danny blinked, frozen for a moment. He was versatile, but given Finn’s dominance until that moment, he’d assumed
would be the one getting fucked. He cast his gaze over Finn again and a thrill ran through him. Finn McGovern was the guy every man dreamed of sliding inside. Body hair, tattoos, and a scruffy beard—he was the stuff of fantasies. At least Danny’s fantasies. “Are you sure?”

Finn reached into a bedside drawer and tossed him a box of condoms. “I’m sure.”

Okay, then.
Danny’s nerves and apprehension evaporated. He crossed the room in two strides and grasped Finn’s jeans. He made short work of yanking them down Finn’s legs, and it wasn’t long before their remaining clothes became a forgotten pile on the floor.

The air shifted then. Danny kissed every inch of Finn he could reach: His throat. His chest. The line of golden hair that led to his groin. Finn smelled amazing, like clean sweat, smoke, and pine needles. Like Danny imagined a naked man in a forest would smell like. He was responsive too, more so than any man Danny had ever been with before, and his throaty grunts and growls went straight to Danny’s dick.

Danny covered Finn, grinding their cocks together. Finn dug his fingers into Danny’s back and arched his body. Their lips met in another bruising kiss, a kiss that went on and on until Finn broke away.

“Man, come
. I’m bloody shaking here.”

Danny looked down and saw Finn was indeed trembling. The sight, though one of the hottest things he’d ever seen, threw him. Was Finn scared? Or did he really want
that much? Either way, Danny shivered, and anticipation rolled through him. He squeezed some lube on his fingers. Finn scooted back on the bed and raised his legs. Danny slipped a cautious finger into him and the world stopped. Danny circled his fingers and stretched Finn, absorbing his sharp gasps until Finn stilled his hand.

“Enough. I’m ready.”

Danny rolled a condom on, lubed up, and spread some extra lube on Finn’s dick for good measure. Finn shuddered and bucked into Danny’s touch. His eyes fluttered closed. Danny had never seen anything like it. He rose up on his knees and grasped Finn’s strong thighs, raising them, and parted them enough to slot in between them. Then he eased inside Finn, smooth warmth enveloped him, and for the second time that night, his head spun. The urgency between them had faded a little while they’d taken the necessary precautions, but it was back now full force, and it was all Danny could do not to cram himself inside Finn and pound him for the three seconds it would take to blow his load.

But he didn’t. He moved with care, testing the waters as Finn braced himself against the headboard and raised himself from the mattress. Finn rolled his pelvis in time with Danny’s thrusts, and the sight of Finn’s stomach muscles rippling with every pulsing circle of his hips just about did Danny in. He hadn’t topped in forever, and Finn blew apart his memories of the last time he’d felt the tight, hot heat of a man clamped around his dick.

Danny dropped his palms to the bed and overrode Finn’s movements with a series of jabbing thrusts.

Finn’s mouth fell open and his eyes rolled. “Oh fuck, yeah.”

Encouraged, Danny moved faster, harder, fucking into Finn until he found a rhythm that made them both groan. Finn wrapped his long legs around Danny’s body. Their contrasting skin looked good together…

Danny growled. Finn tugged on Danny’s hair and threw his head back. The arch of his throat was too alluring to ignore. Danny fused his lips to Finn’s Adam’s apple and swirled his tongue in gentle contrast to the punishing roll of his hips.

The gesture was Finn’s undoing. Harsh breaths mingled with grunts and moans until his heady sounds cut off. He arched his back and closed his inked hand around his cock. “Gonna bust.”

The words had barely left Finn’s mouth before he came, and Danny stared in wonder, watching and feeling as Finn’s body tightened and flexed. He watched the flush on Finn’s chest break out with sweat. Watched the vein in his neck pulse. Watched him pump his dick until he spilled on his own belly.

Danny slowed his pace. Finn dug his fingers into Danny’s thighs. “Keep fucking me. You’re close. I can feel it.”

So could Danny. He grabbed the headboard and slammed into Finn. The bed groaned in protest, but Finn urged him on, his lips at Danny’s ear, raking his nails down Danny’s back.

Danny couldn’t take it for long. He came with Finn whispering dirty things in his ear, his mouth open and slack in a silent scream.

He fell to the side and collapsed in a sweaty heap. His arms burned and ached from the effort of holding himself up, and he felt utterly boneless.

Somewhere beside him, Finn let out a rumbly moan. “Wow.”


Finn chuckled. “I wasn’t even sure you were gay. Guess I know now. Can’t believe I pulled a bloke as fit as you.”

Danny laughed too, though it was muffled by whatever he’d mashed his face into. “You’re the bloody rock star.”

“You’re joking, right?” Finn yanked the pillow from beneath Danny and forced him to look up. “You’re way hotter than me.”

Argument bubbled up Danny’s chest, but the need to dispose of the sticky condom and clean up made itself known. “Keep dreaming, mate. Got a towel?”

Finn fell back on the bed and flung his arm vaguely toward the door. “Bathroom is second on the left. Don’t worry. There’s no one else here.”

Danny crept across the landing anyway. The whole world could’ve come home to Finn’s house while they’d been fucking and he wouldn’t have noticed. He chucked the condom, cleaned himself up, and grabbed a flannel for Finn. When he got back, Finn wiped himself down and crawled into bed. Danny looked around for his clothes, taking his dismissal.

“What are you doing?”

“Um, looking for my clothes?” Danny didn’t know why he’d answered a question with a question. Finn seemed to have that effect on him.

“What do you need clothes for?” Finn held up the duvet. “Get in.”



with his face smushed between Finn’s shoulder blades and his arms tight around Finn. Their positioning felt natural, like they slept together all the time, and it took Danny a moment to remember he was wrapped around a man he’d only known a matter of hours.

He pulled back, his bladder aching even more than his pounding head. At some point in the night he’d heard Finn’s housemate come home, so he dressed in the first clothes he found on the floor and tiptoed across the landing to take a leak.

When he got back he realized he’d pulled on Finn’s T-shirt. It smelled of him… of rock-star sweat and smoke machines. Danny considered making a dash for home still wearing it… keeping it as a reminder of the best sex he’d had in years, but with Finn’s housemate banging around downstairs, he didn’t feel like doing the walk of shame just yet.

Instead he entertained himself poking around Finn’s room while Finn slept on, searching for clues about the man who’d surprised him so much the night before.

Yeah. That’s right. Danny still couldn’t quite believe he’d fucked Finn McGovern.

He wandered around peering at photographs and picking up this and that. Ornaments. Books. An ashtray made from seashells. That piqued Danny’s curiosity. He knew from their alcohol-fueled conversation last night that Finn didn’t smoke, and that had surprised him. His gravelly voice put an image of a chain-smoking lout in Danny’s mind, but in reality there was far more to Finn than a stale cliché.

He moved on. The room was large, typical of Victorian townhouses, with a high ceiling and a big bay window. It even had an unused fireplace, complete with a mock fire that seemed to be built entirely from drumsticks.

That made Danny smile. Finn’s music was everywhere he looked—guitars, vinyl records, concert photographs. There was even a small electric piano in the corner by the window. Danny pressed a few keys, tracing out a rough version of a classical piece he’d once known. He hadn’t played in years, and he’d never been particularly good.

“Do you play?”

Danny jumped and glanced over his shoulder. Finn was sitting up, rubbing his eyes, disheveled and gorgeous. “Not really. My nan taught me some when I was little, but I’ve forgotten it all now.”

Finn shrugged and slid from the bed, nude. He drifted off to the bathroom like he walked around naked all the time. Maybe he did.

The front door slammed. Danny looked around for his clothes. He was yanking his jeans up his legs when Finn came back in the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Where are you going?”


“Got stuff to do?”

“Not really.” He had just come off a week of night shifts. He was free as a bird until Tuesday morning.

“People to see?”


A faint smile played at Finn’s lips. “Then come back to bed.”

Danny deliberated only a moment. It was almost too easy to let Finn undress him and coax him back under the covers. Again Finn knew exactly what he wanted. He rolled onto his stomach and tugged Danny over him. Danny covered him and fucked him slow and deep, transfixed by their clasped hands and Finn’s low cries of pleasure. It wasn’t the fantasies he’d dreamed when he’d been alone late at night, in his flat, or working the mean streets of Nottingham. It was better.

After, Finn stretched out beside Danny and rubbed his belly. “Man, I’m so hungover. I need a nap and a roast dinner.”

“You just woke up.”

“Hmm. Well, you wore me out.”

“Takes two to tango.” Danny let his eyes drift closed. The sex had been sweet and intense, and he was still basking in the afterglow.

Finn hummed again and traced patterns on Danny’s forearm with his rough fingertips. He said no more, and it wasn’t long before they both dozed off.

Danny woke a little while later to find Finn wide-awake and entirely serious about the need for a good roast dinner.

“We could go to the White Horse. It’s quiet and they do wicked Yorkies in there.”

Danny hesitated. Just because he hadn’t known Finn was gay, that didn’t mean no one else did. He rubbed Finn’s silky hair between his fingertips, hiding his indecision with a kiss. “We could stay in and I could make you one?”

The compromise seemed to make Finn’s bright smile wider than ever. “Really? Homemade?”

Danny let Finn’s good humor seep into him. A night on the beer had given him a raging headache, but the light in Finn’s face made him feel warm. “I can do a mean roast chicken.”

Finn pounced on him, rolling him around the bed like they’d been lovers for years. Danny pulled away for air. “What about your housemate?”

“Jack? Nah, he went to his boyfriend’s this morning, and then he’s off to Berlin for the week. Won’t be back till Friday.”


“Yeah. Jack’s a DJ. Beat Jak. Ever heard of him?”

“Nope.” Danny tucked a stray lock of hair behind Finn’s ear. “So you’ve got the place all to yourself?”

“Yep.” Finn kissed Danny again, but with them both recently satisfied and fairly hungover, it wasn’t long before Danny found himself borrowing Finn’s shower and schlepping down the road to the local Tesco Express.

After an afternoon of cooking, kissing, and… other stuff, bodging a full roast with a perfect stranger turned out to be the best idea he’d ever had.

Chapter Three


tucked his Gibson into her case and stretched his arms over his head. It had been a long day. His shoulders ached and his fingers were sore, but in spite of an ill-advised weekend on the beer, he felt good… really good. The kind of good that only came from an epic studio session or a mind-blowing fuck, and in recent days, he’d had both.

He packed up the rest of his gear, making small talk with his fellow musicians, but his mind was elsewhere, like it had been all day, back at home, watching over the inky-haired streak of muscle he’d left in his bed that morning. He wondered if Danny would still be there when he got home. The bloke had proved a bit of an enigma, and after a weekend spent mostly in bed, Finn had crept away from him with the sense that he was about to fall headfirst into something crazy.

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