Hearts in Overtime: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (17 page)

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“Oh, I don’t know,” I said, wedging the phone between my shoulder and my ear as I pulled the dress from the closet to take a closer look. “It’s kind of a daytime look, don’t you think?”
“Normally I would say yes, but the guy’s taking you to a place that’s known for their outdoor seating. It won’t be dark until you’ve already been there for an hour or so. I say even though your plans are for dinner, you should think of it as a daytime thing at least as far as fashion is concerned.”

She had a point.

“Okay, but I think instead of the strappy wedges, I’ll wear my black pumps.”

“Why on earth would you do that?” she asked. “It’ll totally weigh your look down.”

I eyed my reflection in the mirror, running a hand over my love handles.

“Why do you think? So I can wear my Spanx,” I told Marie.

She groaned. “You and your gut-crushing tights. You really need to kick the habit, hon. Tell me this: did Mr. Fabulous see you in your office this morning?”

“Um…yeah. I already told you he did.”

“And were you wearing your Spanx then?”


“See where I’m going with this? He’s already seen your lovely self, and that was when you
wearing the gut-crushers. He knows what you actually look like and he likes it. Get it?”

I smiled. “Got it.”

“So, you’ll wear the outfit without the tights? And with the strappy wedges and everything?”

“Yeah, I will.”

Marie was right about how wearing the dress with black tights and heels would change the whole effect. And since it was my prettiest and most flattering dress, I really did want to wear it.

“That’s my gal,” she said.

We chatted for a couple more minutes about my upcoming date, but I was forced to cut the conversation short so I could get ready. This was really happening. I could hardly believe it.


* * * *


Steven was already seated at the table when I arrived. I followed the maître d' out onto the terrace and through the sea of beautiful people to a secluded little table right next to a trellis, covered with vines. Steven looked up with a smile when we reached him.

“Nicole,” he said, rising to his feet. “I’m so glad to see you.”

“Me too, Steven,” I said, reaching out to touch his arm as he kissed my cheek. Even through the fabric of his jacket, I could feel his granite-like arm muscles.

Once I’d taken my seat, Steven reached into the ice bucket stand next to the table and pulled out a bottle of Bollinger.

“Can I interest you in a glass?” he asked.

“Absolutely.” I smiled and handed him my flute—one of the many pieces of crystal that were flanking my place setting.

He filled it up, handed it back and then raised his own glass in a toast.

“To our good fortune,” he said.

“Cheers.” I happily clinked glasses and took a sip of the light, exquisite champagne.

“I’m so glad you came tonight,” he said. “I know I freaked you out a little with that hair tangled in your earring thing.”

I laughed. “Well, a little.”

“I promise it wasn’t a ploy just to get close to you. When I see something that needs fixing, I go ahead and fix it.” As he took a sip, his eyebrows came together in a slight frown. “Well, maybe to some degree it was a ploy to get close to you. I suppose I could have just told you about the earring and let you fix it yourself if I didn’t have an ulterior motive.”

Steven laughed quietly, but I could only stare at him in disbelief.
He tilted his head and gave me a perplexed look. “What’s on your mind?”

Where to begin? How do you tell a guy who looks like he’s never in his entire life had one single insecure thought cross his mind that you feel like you’re not good enough for him? I looked around the terrace and drank in the sight of our fellow diners—the women, to be more specific. And they were all very moneyed and stylish. And thin. I stood out by miles. How could he not have seen that?

“Hey. What are you thinking, Nicole?” he asked.

“Good evening,” said the waiter as he approached the table. I could have kissed him; I was so relieved by the opportunity to get out of answering Steven’s question.

He handed us our menus, and then started rattling off the night’s specials. Everything sounded delicious. I worried that I might feel awkward eating something substantial in front of Mr. Hardbody and wondered if it might be wise to go with a salad, but I quickly vetoed that idea. Like Marie pointed out, Steven already knew what I look like. Obviously he knew I didn’t look the way I did on a strict diet of greens and protein shakes. And the truth was it wasn’t very often that I had a guy take me out for a fancy, gourmet dinner. Seemed crazy not to actually order something I wanted.

“Shall I give you a few minutes?” the waiter asked.

I turned to Steven. “Actually, I think I already know.”

“Perfect. So do I.” He flashed me a smile.

“Excellent,” the waiter said. “What can I get you, miss?”

“I’ll have the grilled salmon with the rosemary potatoes.”

“And for you, sir?”

“I’ll go with the filet mignon, medium rare with the glazed asparagus.”

After ensuring that we were all set with our champagne and our waters, the waiter headed back to the kitchen.

“So, what were you going to say earlier?” Steven asked.

“Hmm?” I gave him my most clueless smile. I was so hoping he would forget about that awkward conversation. 

“You reacted in the strangest way when I said that whole tangled earring thing might have been a ploy—at least in part—to get close to you.”

Damn. I couldn’t figure out a way to get out of answering, and I couldn’t think of a single plausible lie that wouldn’t make me sound like a total freak. It looked like I was going to have to hit him with the truth.

“Okay.” After taking a nice big gulp of champagne, I laid it on the line. “I guess the whole thing kind of freaked me out.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did it bother you that I was in your personal space or something?”

“No, it’s not that.” I took another swig of bubbly. Why couldn’t Steven just let it go? “It just seemed unlikely that someone like you would be interested in someone like me. Okay?”

“Someone like me?”

I was starting to get irritated by that point. Which, on a positive note, gave me the courage to say what was on my mind instead of dancing around the point.

“Someone like you—a super successful, smart, wealthy, handsome and fit guy—why would you be interested in a someone like me—a big girl with a menial job? It doesn’t make any sense at all.”

He leaned back and gazed at me curiously with those electric blue eyes.

“It doesn’t make any sense that I’d meet a beautiful, sexy woman and want to get to know her better?” he asked.

I actually snorted with laughter. “Oh, come on.”

“Are you saying you don’t believe that I’m attracted to you?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” I took another sip of champagne while I tried to get my thoughts straight. “It just seems so unlikely. I mean, you—you could probably date supermodels.”

“I have dated supermodels,” he said. “They’re not really my type.”

“Oh, shut up.” I reached over to give him a swat on the arm. “Get serious.”

I loved the way his eyes twinkled when he smiled. He had such perfect teeth too. He was the perfect guy, or it
like he was. There had to be a catch.

“I’m completely serious,” he said, reaching over to take my hand. “I love a woman who’s soft, warm, supple. I’m just not that attracted to skinny women.”

I didn’t know what to say. I watched as he stroked the back of my hand and then reached up to caress my arms—my flabby arms. Was this really happening?

“Do you have any idea how desperately attracted I am to you?” he asked.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

“You don’t believe me, do you?” He tilted his head to the side once again, giving me that curious look I was quickly getting used to. “Am I going to have to prove it to you?”

“How would you do that?”

He arched an eyebrow and gave me a wicked smile. And then he moved his chair a little bit closer to mine, angled it more toward me and said, “Here’s how.”

Reaching down under the crisp white tablecloth, Steven’s hand came to rest on my thigh. I tensed. My thighs were big anyway, but flattened against the seat of a chair, they were truly massive.

Evidently, he didn’t think so. Or if he did, he didn’t see it as a bad thing. His expression was contented, almost serene as he rubbed my leg, massaging the flesh from my knee all the way up to the top of my thigh, inching gradually inwards as he progressed. As his fingers got closer to my pussy, I stared at him in awe. He wasn’t really going to go for it…was he?

Actually, he was. I watched his eyes darken as his pupils eclipsed the electric blue of his irises.

When Steven started massaging my mound with those wondrously deft fingers, I had to bite down hard on my bottom lip to keep from crying out, and it became even more of a challenge when he started teasing my clit, even through the thin fabric of my panties.

My chest rose and fell so dramatically, I thought for sure we’d get caught. I glanced around at the other diners, but thankfully none of them were looking our way. Even so, I didn’t see how we could possibly get away with this.

“What if we get caught?” I whispered, my eyes wide with fright.

“We won’t. Don’t worry.” He reached for my hand and planted a kiss on the back of it. Oh, his hands were so good. So good. “It just looks like we’re deep in conversation. I don’t suppose…”

“What?” I asked, breathlessly as my clit quivered beneath his fingers.

“Do you want to take these off?”

I gulped. Did I? Did I really?

Oh, yes.

My heart pounded. Shifting my weight, I reached down to slide my panties off my legs, and then I wadded them up and stuffed them into my bag.

Steven’s smile was so gorgeous. “Oh, that’s nice,” he said, sliding his fingers up and down my slippery wet lips.

I clasped a hand over my mouth to try to disguise the sound of my own whimpering. Steven’s fingers started circling my clit, and his speed and intensity was out of this world.

“Oh, god,” I whispered. “Oh, god.”

He took my hand and kissed it, and then he leaned over to kiss me on the lips. “You’re so sexy,” he murmured, as he teased my clit faster and faster and faster.

And then it happened. I jerked back in my chair and let the waves of pleasure come rushing down on top of me. My legs trembled and I forgot to breathe. I squeezed Steven’s hand as hard as I could, but it didn’t seem to faze him because he was so big, so manly, so…so amazing.

It took me a moment to put myself back together, but when I had my wits safely gathered around me, I turned to look at Steven, the gorgeous, glorious,
talented man next to me.

“Well…” I said, but that was all I could manage.

He reached over to stroke my hair, and then pulled me close for our first real kiss. His lips were strong and forceful; his tongue was agile and curious. I breathed in deeply, relishing that unique scent of his—the one that reminded me of a forest in winter.

When we pulled apart, the waiter was standing in front of us, looking slightly embarrassed with a steaming tray on his shoulder.

“Your salmon, miss,” he said, setting the delicious looking entrée down in front of me.

“Oh.” I turned to Steven.

“Actually, I’m afraid we can’t stay,” he said to the waiter. “If you would just wrap these up to go and bring me the bill, I would appreciate it.”

“Certainly, sir.” He scooped up my salmon and went back into the kitchen.

Impressed that we were of the same mind in terms of dinner, I turned to give Steven a long, lingering kiss. I couldn’t wait to be alone with him.


* * * *


Because his condo was completely empty, Steven had a suite at a ritzy hotel overlooking Central Park. I told him I thought that sounded a lot nicer than my cramped studio in Brooklyn, and he just laughed and said we’d get to the hotel quicker than we would to Brooklyn. That settled it. Both of us were eager to get to where we were going.

We held hands and kissed and laughed in the taxi, and we held hands and kissed and laughed in the elevator on the way up to the penthouse suite. I couldn’t begin to imagine how it was possible to feel that comfortable with a super hot billionaire I’d only just met, but I figured maybe it had something to do with the fact that he’d just fingered me. In any case, I felt like I’d known him for a while.

Seconds after he closed the door to his suite, Steven and I were all over each other. Unlike the friendly, playful kisses we exchanged in the taxi and in the elevator, our kisses were now infused with raw, naked lust. I frantically unbuttoned his shirt so I could sink my lips onto his muscular chest.

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