Healed: True Mates Book 3 (Wolf Shifter) (A Craggstone Paranormal Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: Healed: True Mates Book 3 (Wolf Shifter) (A Craggstone Paranormal Romance)
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He groaned, his entire body tense above me, muscles undulating as his hips moved with teasing slowness, rotating and thrusting. Braced above me, I could see the small beads of sweat on his chest, the sheen coating his skin, as he fucked deep inside of me in slow, controlled movements.

I didn’t want controlled, I wanted uninhibited. Forceful. I wanted him to unleash his power and

I raked my nails down his back, digging into his hips, thrusting up to meet him. “I know you can do better than this,

The implied insult hung between us for a second, then his eyes narrowed, his mouth twisting into a smirk, one of naughty promise.

“Oh, I
I can,
” he growled, his eyes flashing silver, then without warning, he picked me up, turned me over, and thrust back into me with a force that had the couch sliding several inches forward.

With one arm hooked around my breasts, he held me up, forcing my ass into the air, one knee on the couch, my other leg desperately searching for something to brace against. He grabbed my hip, his large fingers holding me trapped, splayed open for him, and then he started to move.

This time there was nothing slow about it, and all I could do was hold on, my fingers blindly reaching back, grabbing onto his thick biceps, as I accepted his cock. Relished it. Needed it.

Heat began to build, our bodies slick with sweat, the slap of flesh against flesh loud in the quiet room. My moans were forced from me, his grunts of answer the only sound I needed to hear. The sweet scent of him soaked into my skin, grapefruit and ginger, his pheromones surrounding me in a haze-inducing cloud of lust.

His cock slid along the bundle of nerves buried deep inside my core, and part of me wanted to crawl away—it was almost too much, the sensations too strong, but he held me tight, giving me no choice but to absorb and feel, forcing me to ride the wave that carried me toward certain bliss.

With a roar, he pushed me facedown into the couch, the cushions absorbing my cries, his strokes becoming jerky and stuttered.

Pleasure, almost at the point of pain, burning like fire, ripped through me, through my core, pulsating out through my legs. Biting down into the soft cushion, I could hear Tarq speaking, the sound distant and tinny. I struggled to make out the words, my addled mind knowing they were important.

“…to be my true mate. I will—”

He was claiming me!

“No!” I threw one arm back, shielding my neck from any bite, struggling to push him away.

He froze mid-stroke, falling silent, and I peered over my shoulder, scared of what I might see. What his eyes might make me want.





She felt so right, like coming home, her pussy squeezing my cock, pulling me toward inevitable release.

I felt her convulse around me, clamping down tight, and I lost it, the primal urge to mate and claim thundering through me, wiping away all pretense of civility.

I heard the words leave my lips, though it was as if I was watching from afar, my wolf leading me in this final dance. But I wanted it—deep down, I could admit it—I wanted to tie her to me, make her see this was
The thought floated through my mind, and for the first time in my life, my wolf and I were at war.

Then, she thrust her arm out and screamed, breaking through the hold my wolf had on me. I froze, grinding my teeth together to not complete the claiming.

Every cell in my body was at war, my dual natures fighting each other for control.

to claim my mate. I was buried deep inside of her, it was only natural.

But, it was
She hadn’t accepted me. Hadn’t consented. Dammit, I wasn’t going to turn into
, no matter how much my wolf wanted to claim his mate!

She shifted beneath me, her sapphire eyes peering over her shoulder, and that slight movement set me off, my release thundering through me, sweeping all reason away.

With a strangled cry, my head rocked back on my shoulders, my torso tensing as I came, again and again.

I tried to hold back, a small part of me shouting that I shouldn’t do this, but unable to stop myself, I lurched forward, sinking my teeth deep into her flesh, the feel of her body bucking underneath me with orgasmic aftershocks all I cared about.





“Get off me!” I shoved at the dead weight pinning me to the couch, our sweat slicked skin radiating a heat that was nearly suffocating. I shoved again, and this time Tarq must have heard me, because he rolled to the side and promptly fell on the floor.

I peered down at him, watching as he blinked several times in confusion, then looked up at me, his face drawn in shock and horror.

And so he should be—horrified, that is. After what he had done.

me!” I hissed.

His mouth opened and closed several times, but nothing came out. Then, he finally answered, “I didn’t mean to. I couldn’t help it!”

“You couldn’t
help it?
” My voice rose until it was a high-pitched squeal, and Tarq winced, scratching his chest in perplexity.

“Yeah, I couldn’t. It was like my wolf knew that I wouldn’t, so he took control, forcing me to—”

you to bite me?”

He winced, then nodded. “Didn’t you feel like biting me, too?”

“No. I didn’t.” I crossed my hands over my chest, his eyes following the movement with interest.
But I hadn’t been facing him. And I had bit the cushion…

He winced again, glancing at my arm. “Sorry I bit you. I tried to…” His voice trailed off as he eyed the teeth marks in my arm.

I had to give it to him, he had avoided my neck. I sighed, wondering where we could go from here, if anywhere.

“I know what to expect now. How insistent my wolf will be—”

“There won’t be a next time.” I cut his protest off with a glare. “It’s too risky.” The words came out of my mouth but my body already yearned for him again.
Way too risky.

“You could see it as the Mother of All telling us we belong together?”

“I’m sorry.” And I was. He was a good guy, any woman would be lucky to have him.

My wolf sprung up inside of me, her claws sharp against my skin, lips pulled back in a snarl of defiance.

No one is claiming our mate!
she growled.

Whoa! She never spoke to me—not since we’d lost Max. We communicated in body language and feelings. Not words. I was stunned into silence as I mulled her words over in my head.

“You’re sorry?”

I could only nod, not trusting what I might say. What might slip out.
I have a promise to keep, dammit!
I didn’t deserve happiness with someone like Tarq, not after what had happened to Max.

“I’ll keep trying, Amanda. You can bet your ass on that, I’m not giving up on us. Maybe eventually you’ll be able to let go of the past, set your ghosts free. Until then, I’m sticking by your side. I’m your Beta, and we have a pack to straighten out, a couple of bad guys to catch, and a traitor to uncover.” He hauled himself upright, stretching his arms to the ceiling and rolling his head in a way that spoke of tension.

It was like deja vu, him standing, me at groin height. I tightened my grip on my ribs, digging my nails into my sides. I was
going to reach out and drag him to me, no matter how much I wanted to. But damn him for looking so sexy and edible! And double damn him for not giving up on me. I studiously ignored the small part of me that was quivering with relief.

Not wasting any time, he grabbed his jeans off the desk and pulled them on. Looking around, he searched for his t-shirt. I could see it hanging off one of the bookcases, but I didn’t trust my mouth, so I just pointed in the vague direction.

Tilting his head in thanks, he scooped my jeans off the desk, tossing them to me before sauntering over to grab his shirt.

Fine. We were going to do this in silence then? I pulled my panties on, then struggled into my jeans, zipping them up. Realizing that my bra was ruined, I tossed it in the trash and pulled my top over my head.

I strode over to the desk, the dampness between my legs serving as a constant reminder that I’d had this man deep inside of me, his seed filling me. I sent quick thanks to the Mother that shifters needed to be claimed before we could bear pups. If I had Tarq’s pup growing inside of me, swelling my belly fat and round…I don’t think I’d be able to hold out against him. And I dreaded to think of how he’d react.

It was just the longing for a pup, that was all. It had been like this for a while now, the urge to have a child rearing up inside of me—someone to love, in the only way that I could love, mother and child. I didn’t care about leaving a piece of me behind, no, I yearned for the fulfillment of meeting someone’s every need, to have someone to care for, nurture and protect. Someone who didn’t judge me, just accepted me. I wouldn’t need to explain myself or defend my actions. Therefore, I didn’t really need the father, except for the obvious part, of course.

What I had been thanking the Mother of All for just seconds ago now made me want to tear my hair out in frustration. No artificial insemination for shifters. No, we
to be mated to be fertile.

“What’s going on in that golden head of yours, babe?” Tarq’s deep voice pulled me out of my internal ramblings, and I saw that he had pulled up the same chair as earlier. We might have traveled back in time, except for the heady musk of arousal that permeated the room. I crossed my legs quickly. And

“Just thinking about our plan. I think it will still work, but it’ll have to be convincing…”

The lines furrowing Tarq’s brow faded and his face split in a wide smile. Steepling his fingers under his chin, he replied, “Oh, I think you’ll have no problem convincing everyone that we’ve had a fight, and I’m sure I can dredge something up. But just remember, it’s not real. I’ve got your back.” Then he winked at me, the fun-loving, cocky act back in place.

The man confused me, backing off so easily was not in a shifter’s nature—especially when it came to true mates—and he could have quite easily forced the claiming, still blaming his wolf afterward.
So, what was he playing at?

Forcing the question to the back of my mind, I pulled out a notepad and flicked to a clean page. I had responsibilities now, people relying on me. My people,
my pack
—my family. And I wasn’t going to fail them.

“Let’s plan.”





Having given enough time for Amanda’s arm to heal, we headed upstairs to wash away the scent of sex and musk. Living with a pack of shifters, their heightened noses would have sniffed out the ruse in no time, so I packed her off to the shower and arranged to meet her downstairs in twenty.

Alone, I let the hot spray wash away Amanda’s sweet scent, hating every fucking moment. I wanted to wear her scent with pride and let every male shifter within a ten mile radius know that she was

But she isn’t
, a voice nagged inside my head, and I bumped my head against the cool tiles in frustration. Knowing Amanda, she was still perusing candidates for a mate. For potential sperm donors.

Hating the knowledge with every ounce of my being, I still had to admit that her strength and determination was hot as hell—the woman knew exactly what she wanted, and no man, or wolf, was going to stand in her way. Frustrating, but hot—that was my mate.

Switching off the shower, I roughly dragged a towel over my body, then shrugged into some clean clothes. We’d figured out a plan, finalized the details. But something was nagging at me. I struggled to trap the elusive thought, but it vanished. I knew what we were about to do was right, was going to work, had even been my
idea! But it didn’t mean I had to like it.

Resigning myself to whatever was going to happen in the next ten minutes, I headed out of the door and made my way downstairs.

I followed the sound of voices, pushing open the door to the living area, and spotted Amanda lounging in one of the many couches.

The plan was that I approach her, pull some inappropriate—her words,
mine— moves on her and she would blow up at me, going all Alpha on my ass. Then, I would storm off, taking my ego and wandering hands elsewhere.

have worked, if she hadn’t already gotten three men hanging onto her every word, their tongues almost lolling out of their mouths as they drooled over her.

What the fuck?

Her eyes flicked to me, then away, the movement almost imperceptible, and I wouldn’t have caught it if I hadn’t already been staring, but that fraction of a glance had told me everything I needed to know. She was playing the game
searching for a mate.

BOOK: Healed: True Mates Book 3 (Wolf Shifter) (A Craggstone Paranormal Romance)
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