Head Case (20 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Oko

BOOK: Head Case
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November 5 (A.D.)

One Year after My Death.

I know what you’re thinking. It’s like, great, woo-hoo, it all worked out. Polly orchestrated this hugely successful media splash, the Ziperal campaigns (both ER and TR) were halted, there was an investigation and Missy was indicted for a whole slew of things, my murder included (Novartny and Eugene, as predicted, got off scot-free. Shotkyn’s murder is still an open case, but I think we all know who did it). Mitya turned out to be a fairly decent guy (he recently moved in with Polly—I’m really okay with it. Truly). Dr. Warner saw to it that Zhanya continued to be appropriately medicated, and Ivan Petrovich even got some industry respect (and, if you can believe it, a teaching position at the Leary Institute). And, of course, Lillianne’s star only shined brighter.

I suppose I should be resting easy now. I should go flitter off to wherever it is that dead souls go to rest in peace, right? Well, screw that. I might not be alive, but my best friend very much is, and right now, I want to be there for her, however I can. And I can. Remember those party tricks? The candles and the apparitions, the moving mirrors and all that jazz? That’s nothing. Because this afterlife thing? Well, I’m getting pretty good at it. 

See, there she is now, Polly, pivoting in front of our mirror, trying to figure out what to wear. The gray flannel pants? The platform pumps? The fitted blue jacket? For the founder and CEO of a new non-profit that promotes the ethical marketing of psycho-pharmaceuticals (The Olivia Zack Foundation, thank you very much), I think she looks pretty good. She should probably wear something more comfortable for the train ride down to DC, though. She’ll need to be rested before that congressional hearing.

Polly studies the reflection in the mirror and notices that her sweatpants have fallen off the couch. “Thanks, Ols. I saw that,” she laughs, shaking the pants in the air.

So, yes, I might be dead. I might not have synapses firing or hormones swirling, but I still feel connected to Polly, and she feels connected to me.

There isn’t a pill in this world that can create a feeling like that.



This book started as an idea for a screenplay which my friend Jenny Weine
r Trewartha and I hatched just after college. Since then, the story has shape-shifted, been shelved, been resurrected, floated around, and—at various points—haunted me. It would not be here now, in your hands, without the support of many people.

Thank you to all of my friends and family, who have read, edited, cheered, and lent shoulders. I cannot possibly list everyone, but special acknowledgements are in order for Tula Karras (whose talent as a rap lyricist should be legendary by now), Jennifer Howze, Maureen Pao, Donna Oetzel, Alex Zapruder, Caroline Kenney, Erica Perl, Carrie White, Bronson Hoover, Julie Ziegler, Jan Trasen, Dan McGirt, Sasha Gottlieb, Susan Shreve, Elizabeth Shreve, Daniel Cohen, Stephanie Cohen, Christina Willis, Daniel Oko, Annette Oko, Ben Oko, and Helen Dimos.

Thank you to my agent, Stephanie Rostan, who has stood by me, inspired me, and been a calm source of encouragement for many years.

My parents, Sue and Arnold Cohen, have always been fountains of love, wisdom, and humor. I am so grateful.

The publishing of this book was made possible partly through funds generated by a Kickstarter Campaign. I was floored by the outpouring of support, and I owe a special debt of gratitude to Vivian Bower, Charles Barnett and Maureen Pao (again!), Annette Oko (again!), Joie Chen, Eric Soloway and Nicole Alifante, Rick Zednick, Caroline Kenney (double thanks!), Julie Ziegler (again! Julie, Girl Puppet sings for you!), and my parents (again!).

I am lucky to have a wonderful husband who believes in me and supports my desire to chase this peculiar career path. And I am simply blessed to have two young kids who already know how wonderful it is to read and write. I quote the card my son made in kindergarten: “My mom is a good mom bcus she rote boo
ks.” Thanks to all of this support, I intend to write many more.


One Last Request.

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