Hawk (Sex and Bullets Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Hawk (Sex and Bullets Book 2)
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A shout escapes me as I come again, my body convulsing, writhing on his cock. He lets out a surprised gasp as I rock on his erection, swallowed by pleasure, incoherent sounds falling from my lips, my face pressed to his chest.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” he finally whispers, shifting a little, and I find him still hard and swollen inside me. “Never thought my distraction would work so fast.”

Neither did I.

And then he begins to move.

Chapter Fifteen


She ripples around me, rocks on my throbbing dick, and I’m not fucking sure who’s distracting whom anymore. With the painkillers someone thoughtfully placed on the dinner tray, my muscles relaxed from the warm water, and my girl coming all over my cock—just from that, just from the penetration, the feel of my dick inside her—life is really fucking good.

Will get even better when I come. I’ve been hard from the moment she walked into the bathroom, naked and looking sexier than ever, her tits heavy, her nipples taut and dark, the sparse, pale curls between her legs calling me.

And then I got even harder when she started lathering me with the sponge, and then when I did the same to her, well… I grin when I remember how she came from the mere swipe of the sponge over her clit.

She’s hot.

Even hotter now that she’s panting, flushed and bright-eyed as she’s coming down from her high, those amber eyes widening when she discovers I’m still rock hard and buried balls-deep inside her.

I fucking love it.
Yeah, babe. We aren’t done here yet.

Not by a mile.

I rock up a little, and she gasps. It’s such a sexy sound. I wanna hear it again. I thrust my hips upward, and holy shit, that feels awesome.

Heat rushes into my balls and tingles start at the base of my spine, telling me I’m closer than I thought. I’m about to burst inside her and hope her contraception method is really effective, since I’m going bareback again—

—and then I remember she can’t have kids, and dammit, that sucks more and more.

Not for me. I like kids, sure, but it’s for her. I’ve seen the sadness in her eyes.

I’ll look into it. I’ll ask specialists. Or maybe she’ll want to adopt a kid.

With me.

The possibilities send another surge of heat into my balls, and my dick twitches, swelling more.

I’ll protect her. I’ll make sure she’s safe. And then I can be with her.

She settles her hands on my shoulders and looks down at me, her tits in my face, too tempting to resist. I lick them, suck on her nipples, first the right one, then the left, and she moans my name. Her head falls back, her long hair dragging in the water, as she starts riding me again.

Holy fuck, this girl.

She likes this as much as I like it. She meets me step for step, thrust for thrust. She gets me.

She wants me.

But is that all she wants from me? My dick deep inside her pussy, my mouth on her tits? Quick, hard fucks in anonymous hotel rooms? She came for me, stayed with me, saved me. That has to count for something, right? She has to be feeling something for me?

I fucking hate it, hate being so insecure for the first time in my life. I never wondered if a girl cared for me. Never wanted it, and now…

God, now she’s riding me faster, and I lean back, my mouth open on a groan as she grinds her hips and slows down again, the way I like it. She slides one hand behind my head, grabs a fistful of hair and tugs painfully.

I like that, too. The brief moments she takes control of me. She looks at me from hooded eyes, slowing almost to a stop, her lush tits gleaming wet, her rounded hips thrust forward. Pushing down on my shoulders, she lifts herself, pressing her knees into my sides, until only the head of my dick is inside her.

I draw a sharp breath, because it feels… there are no fucking words for this, for what I know is coming, for the moment when… ah fuck yeah, the moment when she starts sinking back down, sucking me back into her wet, tight heat inch by inch, until I lose it.

“Fuck, Layla.” I swear my jaw creaks. I’m gritting my teeth so hard as the orgasm hits me out of nowhere. It hits me so damn hard I swear I see stars, and then my hips rock up, and up, and my cock jerks and I burst into her.

It feels as if my whole body is turning inside out. My spine arches, and my mouth falls open without a sound, and I come and come, my breath stuttering. Pleasure shoots through me, licks at my balls, tightens my stomach muscles, makes me hunch over, each hot spasm in my gut better than the last.


I think I’m done, start to draw breath into my starved lungs, then groan when Layla clenches around me, hard.

“Oh God,” she whispers, and then she’s coming, too, coming again, squeezing my still hard dick until it jerks once more, wringing the last drops out of me.

I find myself zoning out, slumped back and staring up at the white ceiling, and she drops on my chest, breathing heavily.

“Distracted yet?” I try to say and am not even sure it comes out right.

She hums against my pec and I feel her smile.

Looks like she is, and I grin, snatching this quiet, calm moment with my girl from the chaos, my body sated, my mind clear.

This is how my life should be, once the Organization is beaten, and I’m gonna do my best to make it happen.


“You kids done playing yet?” Storm’s voice booms alarmingly close to my ear, and I snap upright.

And find myself sinking into tepid water.


“Don’t drown in the tub, buddy,” Storm calls out, the bastard, and then a slighter body collides with mine.

Layla wraps her arms around me. “You okay?”

“Fine,” I grumble, though her slick body against mine feels incredible.

“You fell asleep. Didn’t want to wake you, but the water is getting cold.”

“You didn’t wake me, that idiot did.” I send Storm a pointed glare.

“So you don’t need any help climbing out of that tub, do you?”

Asshole is having way too much fun with this.

And I can’t deny I do need help, because my muscles are like jelly, and I’m not even sure I can stand up from the water.

“How about this? I help you out, take you to the bedroom, and leave Layla to get out with some privacy and join you later?”

“Damn right you’ll give her privacy, motherfucker.” I’m strangely protective of her.

Strangely jealous of the idea of Storm seeing her naked. The thought makes me wanna punch him in the face.

“So come on then.” Storm beckons, and although it pains me, I let go of her and hold on to the rim as I make my slow way to the steps. Moving in the water is okay, but the moment I emerge from the water it’s as if my limbs have turned to lead.

Storm sometimes has the right idea in his immature, stupid head, I think as he bends over to help me out and then lets me lean on him and hobble my slow way to the bedroom, leaving a trail of water on the floor.

“Feeling human again?” he asks, seating me on the bed and reaching for a folded towel someone’s left there. “You look more human. Less like a werewolf that went through a fucking sewer.”

“Always with the fucking compliments,” I snarl and flop back on the bed, too tired to move another muscle.

“I do what I can. Get under the covers.”


“Move your goddamn lily-white ass, Hawk.”

Groaning, I roll over until I can get under the covers. “Happy now, Mom?”

“Fuck you. The things I do for you, douchebag.” He shakes his head at me and glances at the bathroom door. “Gonna leave you to catch some Zs now. You and your girl rest, and don’t worry about a thing, okay?”

, I think, already asleep.


I wake up a couple of times to find a warm, soft body curled against my side. Warm and silky and naked, a cloud of pale hair tickling my nose, smelling of vanilla soap.


It makes me smile, and I find myself rearranging her body to fit better against me. Until her back is pressed to my chest and her ass to my excited dick.

She shifts in her sleep, and I slip my hand over her hip, up her belly to cup one heavy breast.

, I think, rubbing my hard-on against the softness of her ass, the barbells in the head dragging on her skin, making me shiver.
All mine.

This must be what heaven feels like. Waking up in a soft bed with the prettiest girl in the world naked in your arms.

Never woke up with a girl before in my bed. Never went to sleep with one, either. We never did this shit together, only fucking for a few hours and going our separate ways. Too bad I can’t remember her crawling under the covers.

Next time. Next time I’ll be awake to witness it and take her before we fall asleep.

My girl.

I find her nipple and circle it with my fingertip, wondering if she’s murmuring something, or moaning softly. I resist the urge to turn her around, to see her face, to hear it.

I can read her body just fine. Like how her breath hitches under my hand, her breast rising and falling suddenly, when I pinch her nipple between my fingers, a light pinch, followed by a soothing caress.

Like how her ass rubs against my cock as she unconsciously seeks me out.

I’m here, babe. All here.

Bracing myself on my elbow to see what I’m doing in the faint light seeping through white shutters, I roll her nipple, squeeze her tit.

Wait to see what she’ll do.

She puts her hand over mine and presses back into me, until my cock slides up the crease of her ass, the barbells sending jolts of pleasure into my balls.

She turns her head toward me. “Fuck me?” she mouths, and I groan.

“You’re a goddamn mind reader.” I rock against her ass. “The most beautiful mind-reader I’ve ever met.”

“Met many, have you?”

“Okay, so you’re the first. Still the most beautiful, though.”

“Good.” I squeeze her tit again, and she moans. “I want you deep inside me.”

“As deep as possible.”

“Like this. On our sides.”

“Fuck, yeah.”

My ribs hurt, but my dick hurts worse with the need to come, so hard I can’t fucking stand it. I release her breast to guide myself into her pussy, and hell, she’s so wet already I can hardly believe it.

I sink into her, planning to go slowly, but it feels too good for pacing. I thrust all the way inside her in one go, and we both shudder and moan.

“Like that,” she says, and I seek her mouth with my fingers and my lips. I kiss her, then dip two fingers into her mouth and groan when she sucks on them.

“Oh fuck, Layla.” Her pussy is tight around my dick, her lips locked around my fingers, and I’m one second away from blowing my load. “Fuck.”

I slide my fingers out carefully and kiss her again, our tongues twisting together. Hell yeah, this is perfect. I rock into her heat, licking up her mouth, and slide my wet fingers down the crease of her ass.

I slip the tip of one finger into her back hole and stroke in and out in time to my cock thrusting into her.

“Oh God,” she gasps against my mouth, drawing back for breath. “Hawk.”

“You like this,” I murmur. I know she does.

“Yes.” She shivers when I push my finger deeper. “Ah.”

Her pussy pulses, muscles rippling, massaging my dick in a way that turns my vision white. “Damn.”

Feels like years since we last did this, since we last let go in a safe place, and God, I love it.

I love her.

And then I explode inside her, still not understanding what I just thought, what I just felt, what hit me straight to the brain, straight to the chest like a bullet.

I love this girl. Love her.

She’s not only mine. I am hers, too.

Chapter Sixteen


Slipping out of bed at some indefinite point during the day—marked as such by the faint sunlight filtering through the window slats—I stagger into the bathroom to pee. My stomach isn’t very happy with me again today, but I’m starving and am probably dehydrated.

I gulp down water from the sink tap and splash my face. My skin feels too warm, as if I’m running a fever.

No wonder I feel like crap. Probably caught a bug with all the stress and the cold of the warehouse.

I shudder at the memory, shove it deep into my mind.

Returning to the bedroom, I stare at Hawk. He’s sprawled on the bed, one muscular leg thrown over the covers, one tattooed arm thrown over his eyes. My gaze snags on the tent made by his semi-hard cock. With his smooth, strong body on display, that pale hair fanning around his head and that short, blond beard he’s just… lickable. All over.

I lean against the door frame and rub a hand over my hot forehead. God, I feel icky. And so hungry.

Surely somewhere in this mansion I can find food? And clothes? And some ibuprofen? Maybe not in that order. Even though the housekeeper saw me naked and pressed to Hawk’s equally naked body, I don’t feel brave enough to wander the house in my birthday suit.

I glance around the room and discover some folded clothes on a stool. It turns out there are clothes for Hawk and for me. Powder-blue draw-string pants and a T-shirt for me. Even a pair of black panties. No bra, though.

Everything’s baby soft, I discover when I pull it on, and I sigh at the novel feeling of freshly laundered clothes. Clean clothes.

Next priority: food.

Sending Hawk’s slumbering form one last lingering look, because honestly I’d love to crawl back under the covers and cuddle to his warm body, I set out to explore.

Beyond our room there is a TV room with comfortable looking sofas and a low coffee table, stacked with gaming magazines.

No food here.

My bare feet make no sound as I go down a wide passage with huge bay windows on one side, giving onto a small garden with bushes and flowers.

Crap, I don’t remember any of this, although I’m pretty sure I must have walked this way yesterday to get to the bedroom.

No recollection. Nada.

Scary stuff.

And just how big is this house? I’ve been walking down this passage for at least five minutes now. Doors dot its length, but what if I butt into someone bathing or sleeping or having sex?

BOOK: Hawk (Sex and Bullets Book 2)
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