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Authors: Ella Ardent

Haunted (2 page)

BOOK: Haunted
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There was all the proof he required that she liked the same kind of games Zach did.

How could he ask her about it, without frightening her—let alone suggest they play some games together. Luke had said Caitlyn hadn’t known he’d taken a picture of her. She was very private and would freak if she knew anyone else had seen it.

Given that Luke was practically sainted by now, if she found out Zach had the picture, she’d probably think he’d stolen it or something equally low.

Zach frowned, turned off the phone and threw it on the coffee table. He pulled off his sweatshirt and kicked off his jeans, intending to have a shower and jerk off so he could get some sleep.

The phone rang, right then.

Zach turned to look at it, torn. It was 2:30 in the morning. There was only one person who called him at such an hour.


He could ignore her.

But it would kill him to deny her when she needed him. He sighed, hating how these exchanges ripped his guts out, but unable to walk away.

Zach scooped up the phone, eyed the incoming number without surprise and answered. “Hey, Caitlyn,” he said gruffly, trying to sound nonchalant, even grumpy at being awakened. “Bad dream?”

“The worst!” she said and Zach winced as she began to weep. He couldn’t stand it when women cried, and Caitlyn’s tears destroyed him. “Oh, Zach, why does he have to be dead?”

There were moments when Zach thought Luke had died just to fuck up Zach’s life forever. He wouldn’t have put it past the hell raiser he’d known since childhood, but even thinking that was just mean.

And he was supposedly the nice guy.

“You want to talk about it?” he asked, sinking on to the couch. “Or did you want to go to that diner for a coffee?” Actually, Zach’s solution of choice would have been to make love to Caitlyn until she forgot all about Luke, but that didn’t seem to be an option. He wondered what she was wearing, and got hard all over again.

“Oh, Zach, I need a hug so badly,” she whispered and he caught his breath, imagining the sleepy sweetness of her tucked against his chest. She smelled like baby powder and perfume, a wonderful and beguiling combination, both sweet and spicy. Without the evidence of that picture, he would never have imagined that she liked a little bondage—even though he would have liked her any way she wanted. Her tone turned hesitant. “Would you mind if we went to the diner? I just don’t want to be alone right now.”

“No, of course I don’t mind,” he said. Zach let his voice turn teasing, hoping she would stop crying. “Who needs sleep on a random Thursday morning?”

She laughed, if only a little, then sniffled. “Well, you probably do. You’re so nice to me, Zach. I really appreciate that Luke had such a good friend.”

Zach grimaced at that and suggested he pick her up in twenty minutes. On the one hand, he didn’t want to console her with just a coffee. On the other, he couldn’t bypass any opportunity to see her again. It was only a matter of time until Caitlyn stopped grieving for Luke, and whenever that happened, she wasn’t going to need Zach in her life at all.

He tried not to think about that.

It was some kind of desperation to snatch at crumbs like this, but he wasn’t going to miss a single one.

* * *

It was late when Rafe drove the limo back to the townhouse that accommodated The Phoenix. Athena was uncharacteristically happy—she’d had a delicious dinner with a sexy man, and the night ahead was filled with promise. She’d had a little too much champagne and felt like she was filled with starlight.

When her thigh touched Rex’s leg so close beside her own and he didn’t move away, she felt a surge of desire. Her sex pulsed and she gave serious consideration to taking him in the back seat of the limo. She could just reach over and seize the back of his neck, pull him down for a scorching kiss, and slide one leg over his thighs…

“But we’re almost there,” Rex said softly, showing his uncanny knack for reading her thoughts. She glanced up in time to see his quick smile. “It’s been long enough. Let’s take our time about it.”

Athena smiled. “Sounds good to me.” She placed her hand on his thigh and felt the muscles of his leg tighten beneath her hand. The man worked out so that his body was sculpted to perfection. He’d taken the gift of great genes and honed his appearance so that people turned in the street to stare after him. Rex was black, about six foot four, proportioned like a Greek god, and had stunning green eyes. He was unique and unforgettable—and quite possibly the most experienced dom on the planet. His gift was discerning secrets, and making hidden wishes come true.

And tonight, after so many years of chaste relations between them, he and Athena would make love. She tingled with anticipation. Would it be different this time? It had always been great, but both of them had grown and changed. She didn’t want to disappoint him. On the other hand, she couldn’t wait to see what new tricks he’d learned.

“Who’s in charge this time anyway?” she asked, sliding her fingertips up and down his leg.

He closed the warmth of his hand over hers and bent closer, brushing his lips across her temple. Athena closed her eyes and savored his touch. “I thought we’d flip a coin for it,” he murmured into her ear, his breath making her shiver. He kissed her ear then, so slowly that he might have had all the time in the world, and Athena practically felt her bones melt.

The limo stopped and she opened her eyes with reluctance. Rex was watching her closely, his lips curved in a satisfied smile. “The old fire still burns,” she whispered.

“Did you ever have any doubt?”

“You certainly acted as if the coals were cold,” she accused and he chuckled.

“Because I know that waiting is better.” The confidence in his voice made her smile. She wouldn’t have put it past Rex to have planned their time apart, right down to the day, except he couldn’t have planned for his partnership with Michelle to be shattered by Amy.

She knew he had to be hurting, but he gave no sign of his emotions.

Maybe they would be making love as friends who understood and respected each other, as well as knew each other’s needs. That would be different from the raging passion that had driven them back to the bedroom over and over again, when they’d first met years before.

Rafe opened the door and handed Athena out on to the pavement. It was a bit chilly, although the skies were clear, although it had been warm for April earlier in the day. She surveyed the window boxes as she waited for Rex, thinking it was almost time to oust the spring bulbs. She heard Rex inhale, then turned to realize someone was huddled by the door to the townhouse.

“Don’t say a word,” Rex murmured, his low tone still carrying authority. He nodded to Rafe, who got back into the limo to drive it to the garage.

So, Rex wasn’t surprised.

And he wasn’t afraid.

Who loitered outside The Phoenix?

The small figure was crouched beside the door, arms wrapped around its body, but stood as Rex approached. Athena felt her lips tighten in dissatisfaction when she realized it was Amy, the little hacker who had wormed her way into The Phoenix, ruined Rex’s partnership with Michelle and then laughed at the desires of their clientele.

But Rex had said he had a plan of retaliation to get even with Amy. He must have expected her to turn up like this.

“You must have the wrong address,” he said to Amy. “Leave or I’ll call the police.”

“I might tell them all about you,” Amy said with defiance. “I might tell them what goes on in this place.”

“They already know, thanks to you and Steele,” Rex said.

“But I miss it!”

“Your mistake,” Rex said. “But then, many people don’t appreciate what they have until it’s gone.”

“How sad to become a cliché,” Athena added, unable to resist. She strode to Rex’s side, ensuring that her heels clicked loudly on the pavement. She put her hand in his, letting her fingertips slide across his palm. Rex smiled, and Amy looked between the two of them, her mouth opening in horror at the implications of the gesture.

Athena smiled at her. “I don’t blame you for missing this place,” she said as Rex opened the door. “Too bad you fucked it all up.”

Rick swept open the front door from the inside, granting a disparaging glance at Amy. “Good evening, madam, sir. I do apologize that she is still here.”

“I have nowhere to go,” Amy protested. “I don’t have any money…”

“Tactical error,” Rex said, ushering Athena into the foyer. “Thank you, Rick.” He followed Athena and she smiled at the way his eyes were twinkling. He was enjoying this, almost as much as Amy was not. Rick helped her out of her coat as Rex turned to close the front door.

“But I can’t forget this place,” Amy cried. “I haven’t had enough!”

Rick smiled, quickly and secretly, his impassive expression restored almost immediately.

“Nobody who belongs here ever does,” Athena wrapped her arms around Rex’s neck, pulling him into the middle of the foyer.

“Please! Just give me one more chance,” Amy entreated, her voice carrying through the keyhole. “I’ll do my best.”

“It wasn’t good enough the last time,” Rex said.

“I’m not going to leave!” Amy cried in desperation. “I’m going to sit here and beg every time you come in and out. I’m sorry. I made a mistake. I want to fix it!” Her expression turned stubborn. “I’m not going to give up until you let me have another chance.”

“Really.” Rex nuzzled Athena’s neck and growled a little, bracketing her waist with his hands. He was deliberately ignoring Amy, and Athena knew it would annoy the little piece of business even more. Rex really did know how to play people—including Athena. She was wet enough to come on the spot.

But that would spoil the fun.

“My turn to tie the knots,” he whispered to her and gave her a little squeeze. “I’ve missed tying you up tight.”

“Only if it’s my turn tomorrow,” Athena replied, her puss humming in anticipation.

He drew back a little to look into her eyes. “You’re not going to negotiate more than that?”

“You’re not the only one who sees secrets,” Athena teased. “I know you have to be first.”

“You don’t want to choose how, where or what pose?”

Athena smiled. “I’m your fantasy tonight, which makes it all your choice.”

“Hmm. I’m thinking your room.” He kissed her earlobe even as his fingers opened her dinner jacket. “Rope and duct tape.”

“So rough?”

“The contrast with your fine lingerie is fantastic. What are you wearing tonight?” He eased the fronts of her jacket back, revealing the black lace bustier she’d chosen with a kind of optimism. His eyes shone as he nodded. “White rope,” he said with such authority that she couldn’t wait. “And lots of it.”

“Hog-tied?” Athena asked with hope.

“No. Spreader bar. Those high heels. Hands bound behind your back and hung from the ceiling.” He ran his fingers over her mouth, as if he couldn’t resist touching her. Athena felt powerful and hot. She’d wanted to be Rex’s fantasy for a long time. As far as she was concerned, he could do whatever he wanted to her. “Lots of tape for that gag.”


He smiled even as his gaze heated. “I’m thinking there will have to be.”


“Riding crop. Do you still have that black leather one?”

“How could I be rid of your favorite?” Athena purred.

“Good.” Rex speared his fingers into her hair and drew her close. He surveyed her, then moved to kiss her. Athena closed her eyes, wanting.

“Please, Rex!” Amy cried from the porch, pounding on the door as she shouted. “I’ll do

“The magic words,” Rex said with satisfaction. He left Athena and abandoned the kiss before it started, then opened the door to survey a hopeful Amy. Athena gritted her teeth, hating that Amy had cheated her of his kiss.

Rex snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor. “In,” he commanded and Amy’s face lit with hope. “Naked. Knees. Now.”

Athena folded her arms across her chest, not liking this development one bit. If Rex thought he could take Amy instead of her tonight, he could think again. If he thought she was going to share him with this very bad former employee, he could also think again. In fact…

“I’ll do anything,” Amy repeated, her words falling over themselves as she tripped over her own feet in her hurry to get inside. “It doesn’t matter.”

“You’ll do what you’re told,” Rex said with force. “And you’ll do it silently.”

“Yes, master.” She stood, eyes bright, looking between the two of them.

“But she’s already disobedient,” Athena said, feeling the need to point out Amy’s shortcomings. “Didn’t your master give you several commands?”

Amy jumped a little. She quickly began to peel off her clothes and set them aside, hurrying to get naked and on her knees. Athena pursed her lips and considered her nails, trying to redirect her desire now that plans were changing.

And failing to stifle her disappointment.

“I get to punish her first,” she said, knowing Amy would pay dearly for this interruption.

Rex’s hand slid down Athena’s spine, then rested on the back of her waist. Even when she was annoyed with him, the man could set her blood on fire. “We’re too busy tonight for Amy to interrupt us,” he murmured, his voice dark with promise. She glanced up and he smiled into her eyes, the intensity of his expression making her heart flutter.

BOOK: Haunted
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