Harrison Towers, Memoirs of a Mogul (Glass Towers Trilogy) (9 page)

BOOK: Harrison Towers, Memoirs of a Mogul (Glass Towers Trilogy)
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All of the great restaurants are hidden in the alleys around Place-Royale and along the Upper Town artery as well as rue Saint-Louis. I intend on taking Adelaide to all the best hidden jewels in the city.


We end our last night in Quebec City taking a stroll atop the city walls. There are narrow stairways among the thick stone walls that allow access to the ramparts and bird’s-eye views of Quebec City’s twinkling lights reflected in the Saint Lawrence River.


We spent what seems to be hours in the outdoor hot tub on our terrace. I ordered champagne and strawberries, and we took in the glorious city lights. I made love to Adelaide again in the sizzling water high above the city. Our bodies wet gliding over one another under the moonlit sky.


I carry her inside wrapped in a warm fuzzy robe, and place her gently on the bed. I push the button on the wall and the flames of the fireplace begin to roar. It is our last night in Quebec City and I want to make it memorable for the both of us.


I make my way into the bathroom and grab the massage oil I had delivered to our room earlier from the gift shop. I remove the robe from her and start to pour massage oil up and down her body. Caressing every inch of her body from front to back. Preparing her body for what’s to come next. I begin to kiss my way from her belly button, to her neck and then her luscious lips. We must have made out for about an hour it seems like. We couldn’t keep our hands and other parts off one another.


We made love over and over again till our bodies were shaking and we were exhausted. That is the kind of love making I have been waiting all my life. All I want to do is be here, lying next to her. I feel safe and I believe I have fallen for Adelaide.


During the week when we are back in Montreal, we talked a lot by phone, as I had to fly to New York for a last minute business meeting. I missed her a great deal. I couldn’t wait for the trip I had planned for her. Initially I thought I would whisk her away to Whistler, but I decided on Mont Saint-Sauver. I know I mentioned it to her, but I kind of wanted to keep the location a surprise. This location is closer to us, then flying to the other side of Canada. This spot is located nestled in the heart of the Laurentian Mountains, right next to the enchanting village of Saint-Sauver.


We spent the weekend at the pool-spa, alpine coasting, shopping and dining. It was another wonderful weekend away. I rented a chalet for us for added privacy. Once again, we spent countless hours in the bedroom.


The last night I decided to cook dinner for Adelaide. Never in my life have I ever prepared dinner for a woman. Ever. This was a big moment for me. I made up the master bath with candles, music, and flowers for Adelaide, while I prepared our meal downstairs. If there is one thing I know how to do, it is grilling. I made a mean New York strip, asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. I created a spot near the fireplace lit with candles and soft music. I would have hired someone to do this, but something sparked inside of me and brought out this romantic side I really didn’t know I had in me.


I could hear Adelaide walking down the stairs into the great room.


“Oh my, this is just lovely. You did this all by yourself?”


I had to chuckle out loud. I know she probably didn’t think I had it in me. But I had to show her that I have more to me than the businessman I have become. I can also handle a meal and a little ambiance.


“Yes of course I prepared every bit of it. I will take all the credit
mi amour


Mi amour
huh! I like the sound of that.”


“I thought you might.”


I lead her into the great room and pull out her chair.


“I hope you like steak.”


“Yes, I do. Wow, this looks wonderful. I don’t think anyone had ever cooked for me before.”


“Well, this is a first for us both then my dear.”


“I am impressed Harrison. The candles, flowers, music, the relaxing bath...a girl could really get use to all of this.”


“Well, I think you should. This is only the beginning.”


“Only the beginning?”


“Yes, Adelaide. I know the best is yet to come for us, I feel it.


We finished the evening off with wine flowing, dancing in the great room and making love once again until the early hours of the morning. It was as if we were actors in a movie, and our dreams were becoming a reality. A fantasy I never knew had existed.




Chapter Eleven


Our romance continued at the same pace as in the
beginning but over the next two years, I fall head over heels in love with Adelaide. She completes me in a way I would never have thought that I would connect with another human like this. I hear those sappy love songs on the radio and think that’s only happens in make believe, but I am living proof that everlasting love does exist.


Adelaide is on her way to visit me in Portland. I’ve had a long stretch where I have not been able to break away to visit her in Montreal. I am tied up with closing a deal on buying my office building in downtown Portland. I think it’s finally time to go big with Towers Enterprises and expand my portfolio even more. She has been to visit many times before so she is less the tourist now days so we spend a lot of time at home in my condo or walking around the Pearl District neighborhood checking out quaint shops and eating at locally owned restaurants.


She has a small break at the school where she works so she is staying with me for a few days. It is never enough but I will take what I can get. In these instances, I fly her on a private jet to get her here and back without wasting all the time flying commercially can sometimes mean.


On this visit, I thought I might show her a little bit of what I do specifically developing raw property. I decide to stop by Whole Foods and put together a picnic and then take her to my waterfront property that I haven’t developed yet. We park in the middle of the property and pull out a blanket spreading it out on the hard ground. Facing the river we settle onto the blanket and enjoy the tasty morsels packed in the basket.


“So what is your plan for this place? It’s such a great location being river front property.”


“I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. I knew I wanted to develop it into a planned community where one could live and work. I have spoken to an architect and he has been working on plans for building not one but three glass towers. I have always had a fascination with water and glass and I sort of feel like they go hand in hand. What do you think?”


“That sounds interesting. What kind of towers?”


“We are talking about having the top floors as housing with the lower floors businesses. In one of the towers, I want to have a workout facility as an amenity. I may even have a rooftop pool, spa, and party area on one of the towers. The surrounding grounds would be ideal for coffee shops, restaurants, a green space and perhaps a private boat dock with moorage for our tenants.”


“I love it Harry. I think what interests me most is that you said this is reclaimed land, right?”


“Yes, it was a toxic waste site but after it was decommissioned, it has been detoxified and given a clean bill of health and therefore approved for public inhabitance. What would you think about my building the top floor of one of the towers into my personal residence?”


“Oh that sounds great! A penthouse, like the one in New York?”


“Exactly except this one will be more modern and sleek. As opposed to the one in New York with all its charm, this one will be outfitted with state of the art technology.”


“So what if you named each of the three towers after this river here and two other local rivers? And, if you haven’t named it already, call it the Three Rivers Project or maybe call it the Glass Towers.”


“You are brilliant Adelaide Thomas!” I plant a big kiss on her and share in her enthusiasm, “I like the idea of naming each of the towers after three rivers found here in Oregon. This one here is named the Willamette. There's another river named the Columbia that is between Oregon and Washington. I think I remember seeing another one called Rogue. So, there we go the three rivers project.” I wrap my arms around her as she squeaks from being squeezed.


“We make a good team Addy.”


She nods and snuggles into the crook of my arm. Everything about this feels right.


A few months later, I am back in Montreal.


I decide the time is finally right, and I have found my forever. I am going to ask Adelaide to marry me.


I plan it out to the last detail. I invite her to my house in Westmont and instead of cooking the meal; I hire a caterer to make a dinner fitting for a proposal complete with Polenta Fries for starters, a salad of arugula, shaved parmesan dressed with olive oil. The main courses is braised beef spareribs served with creamy spaetzle, and hunters sauce. For dessert, we are to enjoy a salted caramel cheesecake. I have candles lit everywhere and a cozy fire lit in the fireplace.


The food and wine are incredible and Adelaide looks the angel that she is. Wearing a black and white short jersey dress with a plunging neckline and a small belt around her tiny waist. I notice and extra sparkle in her eyes tonight. I think she knows I am up to something.


We dance to some old Marvin Gaye and I twirl her around with the skirt of her dress swirling around her legs. I dip her down and bring her up to where I can lean down and kiss her sweet lips. She responds letting me know that she is mine.


I bring her back to the sofa facing the fireplace. I get down on one knee, “It has been two years together now and I have completely fallen for you.” She looks at me tenderly smiling from ear to ear.


I grab her left hand.


“I know this has gone pretty fast for the both of us and has taken us by surprise. I am thankful for you every day of my life and I love you Adelaide. I have a deep love for you that has grown deep inside me. I love every moment we spend together, and when we are apart, my body and heart aches for you.”


She is no longer smiling and not talking at all. She is silent. I am not sure how to read her. She looks nervous.


“Harrison, this is... I have deep feelings for you too. I mean, I love you too, you know that. I can’t believe how close we have come and how right this feels. It’s been a long time coming.


“You have disarmed me but yet you put me at ease and make me feel like you and I are the only ones who exist. I want to take our relationship to the next level.” I pull out the red velvet box and open it, “Adelaide will you marry me?”


“Yes. I will marry you …yes, yes, yes!” I place the solitaire three carat ring set in platinum on her finger and she leaps into my arms pushing me back to the floor. I am fulfilled as I have found the one. Now, this is what love is supposed to be…this was meant to be.


We decide to set our wedding date for a year away in the late spring. I may have a hard time waiting that long to start the next chapter, but I know it will be here before long and we can start our happily ever after.


Or so I thought.


Two months later


The phone is ringing and ringing. I go back to sleep only to hear the phone ringing again. I look over and see that the red numbers on the clock read 4:43 AM. Who the hell would be calling me at such an hour? I reach over and snatch my phone off the charger. I squint to read the bright screen and see that it is Adelaide. I am startled into being wide awake and quickly answer...noting in my mind that its three hours ahead there. 


“Addy, what’s up, you okay?”


I hear sniffles, “Oh darling, the most terrible thing, I just went out to my car and all of my tires are slashed. I ran back into the house and barricaded the door. But I don’t know what I should do? Call the police?”


“Yes, you should call the police and then call the school and let them know what has happened. Obviously, you won’t be in for a while. This is likely the work of one of your students viewing it as a prank rather than destruction. It probably was not meant to scare you.”


“Oh how I wish you were up here. I am just not good with this kind of stuff. I get scared and turn into a blubbering idiot.”


“You are anything but a blubbering idiot. I too would be taken off guard to find my tires slashed. Anyone would. Now, let’s hang up and you make your calls. In fact, why don’t you text me your insurance information and I will start on getting a claim filed for you.”


“Oh right, see I hadn’t even thought of that. I really need you Harry. How much longer until we are living together?”


“Not soon enough
mi amore
, not soon enough. Once you are done placing your calls, I want you to call me back.” I hear her quietly crying. “Addy, don’t worry. It is likely just an isolated prank ok?”


She sniffs again, “I know, it’s just so disconcerting.”


“I know it is. Now, I’ll let you go and will expect to hear back from you in a little bit. Don’t forget to text me the insurance information. I love you.”


“I love you too.”


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