Harnessed (2 page)

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Authors: Ella Ardent

BOOK: Harnessed
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Josh was delicious. Athena indulged in a little fan-girl moment as she walked to the waiting limo. She remembered him coming to The Plume with his band, and noticed immediately he was the only one really into the ritual play. She wished she could have stayed on Windswept for his week there. There was something potent about a switch, and she would have liked to have witnessed his first experience of submission.

If not been a part of it. Athena could easily imagine Josh in his pony gear, and would very much have liked to have had him pulling her carriage across Windswept. Oh yes, that butt would look great, and the boots, well, she was sure he would love them.

She could only hope he committed to a repeat visit. If he did, she’d be sure to be there.

And maybe he’d email her afterward. Athena was quite certain that only she would be able to truly understand his thoughts and impressions about Windswept in a personal interview.

One on one.


At least overnight.

She smiled at the prospect, then gave Rafe a kiss. “Thank you, Rafe, for meeting me.”

“My pleasure, madam.”

She savored the scent of the leather seats inside the car. That smell always made the car seem new, and Rafe did care for it so well. The exterior gleamed, a few raindrops beading on the polished surface. “You cleaned the car.”

“Seemed a good opportunity to do so, madam, and I know you prefer it that way.”

“You are a treasure, Rafe.” She kissed his cheek again, then bent to step into the limo.

It wasn’t empty.

A man with silver grey eyes sat on the far side of the car, his gaze locked upon her. He was silent and still, dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and tie. He looked perfectly elegant, although Athena knew she also liked the way he wore a pair of jeans.

The Lone Wolf.

Her cell phone rang and she stood on the tarmac, holding his silver gaze as she answered. It was Rex, and she had no doubt the Lone Wolf was eavesdropping.

“Just wanted to welcome you back and let you know that I’ve made a new hire,” Rex said.

“So I see.” Athena smiled, almost hearing Rex wince. The air between her and the Lone Wolf began to sizzle.

“Shit. I didn’t want you to be surprised.”

“I’m not. Not really.” Athena bit her lip. “I did offer a tasty piece of bait.”

The man in the car bit back his smile and quickly averted his gaze. Athena liked that she’d surprised him a bit. He was watching her again a moment later, his eyes bright.

“I didn’t want to bother you at Windswept and knew you wouldn’t be able to hear while in flight.”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself. Your timing’s off by maybe five seconds.”

Rex sighed. “Five seconds can make all the difference in the world.”

Athena laughed. “True enough. By the way, Amy is showing great promise. I don’t know how you got through to her, but she’s fitting right in. It’s like she’s reading my mind. After just a day, I felt very comfortable leaving her to manage things.”

“Excellent.” There was real pleasure in Rex’s tone. “Look, I’ll probably miss you at the house. I called a cab because Rafe won’t be back in time to take me to Heathrow.”

Athena appreciated that Rex had left the limo for her. They shared a dislike of cabs. “Always a gentleman,” she teased and he chuckled.

“I never want to be on your wrong side.”

“And brilliant, too. Have a great flight.” Athena ended the call. Her smile broadened as she got into the car, and Rafe shut the door behind her. “Nothing like a surprise,” she said softly.

“Not an unwelcome one, I hope.” Her companion’s eyes glinted as he offered a small glossy box. It was black with a pink and white ribbon tied around it, the ribbon knotted into a bow on top. “I brought an offering, just in case.”

“An offering? Does that make me a goddess who needs to be appeased?”

His smile was furtive and wicked enough to make Athena’s heart skip. “Depends who I ask. It seemed the better choice to be proactive.”

“I like a man who thinks ahead. It’s an ideal quality in an assistant.” Athena settled in beside him, making sure her thigh was pressed against his own. She liked that he was warm, and also that he didn’t move away. Unless she missed her guess, his thighs were muscled to perfection, but she’d have to get him naked to be sure.

She was looking forward to that.

His watchful gaze gave her encouragement that the scenario was possible. She’d been pretty sure from the outset that he was a cop—if not, he was certainly a law enforcement official of some kind, associated with some country. Athena suspected he was American.

Their new technical advisor, Amy, had warned Athena and Rex someone was trying to hack into the computer systems of the new club, and had voiced her suspicions it was the police following a lead about human trafficking. Athena had noticed the Lone Wolf watching the house and following her, but instead of running, she’d confronted him.

And invited him to apply for a job as her personal assistant.

That had been five days before. She hadn’t been positive he’d take the bait, given that police officers in her experience were concerned with rules and regulations.

So was she, of course, but her rules pertained to pleasure.

And he was much more delicious than most cops she’d met.

He was either a rule breaker or a negotiator, both admirable attributes in her opinion. He wanted the inside information she had to offer, and wanted it badly enough to take a chance. That squared things up because he had inside information she wanted badly enough to let him get inside The Phoenix.

He—or his team—knew location of the Count, the man who had launched the investigation with his lies, almost certainly to get even with Athena for a parting in which she’d deliberately humiliated him. If the Lone Wolf was very good, she’d let him watch her take vengeance upon the unfortunate Count.

Athena stifled the urge to lick her lips, even as she considered the small box. Open it now or later? She’d never been any good at delaying gratification. She tugged the ribbon loose of the knot as the car began to move.

“I wasn’t sure you would apply,” she said, taking her time in opening the box. Pleasure was best savored, after all.

“It was the proverbial opportunity I couldn’t refuse.” He had the kind of low rough voice that always gave Athena shivers. Mercifully, he’d abandoned his feigned British accent and now sounded as American as she knew him to be.

“And Rex agreed,” she mused, surprised at that as well. They’d argued heatedly about her offer to this man. He must be persuasive, too, because Rex was fiercely protective of the information inside the club.

Athena drew the ribbon off the box, letting it fall to her lap. It was nice thick grosgrain ribbon, more than an inch wide, and long enough to be useful for bondage. How would her Lone Wolf look with his hands bound back in pink and white ribbon? Or maybe with it knotted around his cock, like he was a birthday present, just for her?

She glanced up to find his gaze locked upon her, his eyes more blue than silver. “Rex was eventually convinced that I’m only interested in the truth,” he said.

“And he knows that the truth will vindicate us.”

“Apparently so.”

“Yet you are waiting to see.” Athena opened the box to discover four large chocolates. They had to be truffles and they had to be imported. The chocolate was so dark as to be almost black, glossy and with such a heavenly scent that she nearly swooned.

“Per your request,” the Lone Wolf whispered. “Countess.”

Oh, Athena liked that term of endearment—plus it was a fitting reminder of what had brought them together. If he understood her this well already, he would do very nicely indeed.

“Rex told me to start by meeting your flight.” The Lone Wolf leaned a little closer, his voice dropping conspiratorially. “Given that I’m your new personal assistant.”

“He knows that I’d have plans for you.” Athena drew back to watch him. “Wrists, if you please.”

He lifted a dark brow.

“I need to ensure that you will be able to serve my needs. There is a small test before your employment is official.”

His eyes narrowed slightly before he did as she requested, holding out his wrists. He had terrific hands, strong and long-fingered. Elegant.

He also had an erection.

Athena removed his watch, then slipped it into the pocket of his jacket. She ran a fingertip over the skin revealed below his cuffs, noting the absence of body hair. “Usual for you or special for me?”

“I asked after your preferences, Countess.”

“Such promise and initiative,” Athena purred. “I am pleased.” She flipped the wide ribbon around his wrists with a speed that clearly surprised him, and knotted it tight. She passed the ends between his wrists, making another knot between them. They were securely bound and escape was impossible. Athena then lifted his hands so that his wrists were behind his neck and straddled him in one smooth and practiced move. If he was shocked, he hid it well.

She knotted the ribbon quickly to the loop embedded in the seat behind the headrest. His seatbelt was already fastened, so he was captive. She lowered herself onto him, smiling at the hardness of his cock against her puss. Even with layers of clothing between them, there was no mistaking his enthusiasm. “And prepared to fulfill your duties, too,” she added in a whisper. “Too bad it’s not that far to the house.” He opened his mouth, but she silenced him with a gloved fingertip. “Do you have a name?”

He smiled beneath her finger. “What do you think, my lady?”

“That you should tell me what it is before I feel compelled to punish you.”

His gaze flicked over her as surely as a touch. “That might be interesting.”

“It might be more than you’ve bargained for.”

“Spencer Steele. They call me Steele.”

“I bet they do,” Athena murmured, rolling her hips against him.

It probably wasn’t his real name, but it would do.

“I’ll call you Steele, too, then.” Athena lifted one of the chocolates from the box and considered it for a moment. “Almost too beautiful to eat.”

“I’ve heard that about you,” he murmured and Athena laughed again.

She lifted the confection before his mouth. “Bite and hold this for me,” she instructed, and Steele took it with care, his teeth just sliding into the dark chocolate coating.

There was curiosity in his eyes, a simmering curiosity that heated when Athena leaned closer and nibbled the chocolate from the other side. It was the perfect size, large enough that they weren’t touching, but close enough she could feel his breath. Their mouths were no more than an inch apart. She could see the shades of silver and blue in his eyes. She could smell the heady bittersweet scent of the dark chocolate, as well as his subtle but sexy cologne. She tightened her knees around his hips and twined her fingers in his hair as she settled in to nibble the sweet.

It was an embrace that wasn’t an embrace, a kiss barricaded by a candy, but their bodies were touching in all the right places. This was a consummate tease for both of them, so much temptation all wrapped in denial.

Athena loved it. She held his gaze, eating the confection in tiny increments, licking her lips and teasing him with her proximity. She made the feast last, and felt his arousal grow. He was emanating heat, his cock rising against her, his nostrils flaring as he tried to control his reaction. His gaze brightened as she steadily devoured the chocolate, and he caught his breath when her lips finally brushed against his.

She licked a bit of chocolate from the corner of his mouth with the very tip of her tongue, looked into his eyes, and then slid her tongue into his mouth to claim the last bite of chocolate. Steele inhaled sharply, and she swore she could feel the pulse in his cock beneath her labia.

“Lucky us,” she whispered. “There are still three more.”

She brushed her lips across his, removing the last of the chocolate, then ran her hands over his arms. His muscles were tense, as if he was struggling against his own impulse to fight. “Afraid you’ll break free and ruin the moment?” she asked. “Go ahead and try.”

He did, tentatively at first, then with greater effort. A red flush stained the back of his neck as he evidently realized he was bound tight. He fought harder, making no difference in his state.

“You’ll find that I’m rather good with knots.” Athena removed her coat and scarf as he fought his bonds, carefully placing them on the seat beside him. By the time she unfastened her blouse, he was vibrating with the conviction that he couldn’t free himself. His eyes were glittering like glass and she could feel his consternation.

He didn’t like being out of control.

Athena was more than ready to teach him the benefits.

“Now all you have to do is trust me,” she murmured. “And believe that a switch can be the most potent scene of all.”

There was a tic in his jaw and he’d gritted his teeth. His entire body was taut, but Athena could work with that. He was still as hard as a rock, after all.

“Take a deep breath,” she instructed, running her gloved fingers through his hair. He did as she instructed. “Accept your situation.” She smiled. “Remember that you want it.” She bent to kiss his earlobe and whispered. “Know that no one ever gets hurt.”

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