Hard Target (9 page)

Read Hard Target Online

Authors: Marquita Valentine

Tags: #Assassin, #Russia, #espionage, #romantic thriller, #action and adventure, #terrorists, #London

BOOK: Hard Target
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He coughs a little. “About that. I was trying to put you at ease.”

“If at ease you mean turned on, frustrated, annoyed, and scared to death, then you are right on the money,” I blurt.

“I wasn’t trying to be on the money. I only…” He slashes his hand through the air. “We were putting on a show, but if it bothers you so much, I’ll stop. Okay?”

“Fine.” I move to the door, then glance over my shoulder. “Ben?”


“After we drop the flash drive at the bank, I fully expect a no clothes in bed kind of night.” Call me crazy, but I need something to look forward to. A happy thought to keep me going. Sex with the man standing so very close to me is the happiest thing to happen to me a very long time.

His gaze slid down my body before meeting mine. “Count on it.”

Chapter Eight


rue to my
word, I allow Dmitry to sleep on the sofa by the door while I share a bed with Morgan. I convinced her to take a shower—alone—and to take her time. I think she spent the greater part of an hour in there and when the door opened, steam billowed out. But it was good for her. Her eyes had lost much of the haunted look, and her body seemed less tense.

Now, she’s in my arms, snuggled up to me and breathing deeply. Sleeping peacefully while I stare at the shadows on the wall. I can’t remember the last time I held a woman like this. Honestly, I think Morgan has ruined me for other women, more than the last serious relationship I had ever did.

Hell, that relationship doesn’t touch this.

That’s not a slam to Kate, but rather a revelation on my part. I wanted too much, too fast, and I was too newly disconnected from the Bratva. They couldn’t trust me on my own yet, no matter what Grandfather had promised. While I didn’t think they would hurt her, the Bratva would scare her… make sure she would never betray us.

In the end, none of that mattered because that damnable woman went her own way.

Morgan shifts, pulling a shapely thigh over mine. The heat of her scalds my skin, ratcheting my desire to touch her, to give her pleasure, and hear her soft moans.

I can’t have her and not because Dmitry is close by either. I don’t deserve to touch her under these circumstances. While I know that Morgan taking the flash drive to the lab was circumstance, I can’t help but feel like everything that happened after that is completely my fault. Yet, if I hadn’t gotten involved, she would be dead. Her lifeless body found on the floor of the lab.

Her lips blue.

Her skin grey.

Blood pooling beneath her.

I close my eyes and pull her tighter against me. The flash drive that hangs from the chain around my neck seems to weigh me down, my own, personal albatross.

I can’t risk removing it though. It’s our only hope for survival.


The next morning
comes all too quickly. The three of us head down to breakfast in the hotel’s private café for VIP guests. I check my messages while Morgan and Dmitry alternate eating with eying each other across the table. Only Maxim has responded, saying that he can help us in London only. Outside of that, we’re on our own.

“Fucking brilliant.”

Morgan’s lashes flick up, her blue gaze assessing. She doesn’t say a word as she covers my hand with hers, attempting to comfort me. I don’t push it away. I crave the contact she so willingly gives me.

“Maxim is a no, I take it,” Dmitry asks.

“He’s a yes for London.”

Dmitry grunts. “That is of no help.”

“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”

Morgan taps my hand. “Don’t be so grumpy.”

“Who is Captain Obvious?” Dmitry asks with a serious face, but there is a gleam of humor in his eyes.

“Shut up.” I throw my napkin at him.

Dmitry flashes his gun.

“Boys,” Morgan says with a pointed glare. “Mind your manners and eat.”

I shoot off another email to Violet, then dig into the food. Who knows when we’ll be able to stop and eat again.

The television captures my attention and I can’t take my eyes off of it. I fully expect to see our image with the word wanted appearing underneath. But that never happens. Instead a morning cooking show fills the screen.

“Have you heard from Violet, yet?” Dmitry asks.

“No. It’s not like her to be silent for so long.”

“Who is Violet?” Morgan asks.

“Hacker with a background in biology. I thought she could decipher what’s on the drive.”

“Oh,” Morgan says lightly. “Are you close to her?”

I don’t miss the flash of jealousy in her blue eyes. “We’ve never met, actually.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. People have online relationships all the time,” she points out.

“I don’t even know her real name.”


“She’s a respected colleague in the hacker community.”

“Which means that you do know her.”

Dmitry keeps eating, his gaze landing on us every so often as he scans the room.

“You’re welcome to cut in at any time, mate.”

“You’ve got it handled.” He smiles at me, then winks at Morgan. “Go on, dig deeper, cuz.”

She blinks at him, like she’s just been dazzled. I can admit that my cousin is a handsome bloke. Women like him well enough, but I loathe the look on her face. Normally, that look is reserved for me. All right, so over the past four days that look has been for me alone.

White-hot jealousy flashes through me and I stand, grabbing Morgan’s hand as I do. “Come with me.”


“I need to take your mind off Violet.”

I stride across the room, my steps so long and quick that she nearly has to run to keep up with me.

“I was done with breakfast. Thanks for asking,” she says as we step inside the elevator.

“I didn’t ask.”

“You’re so obvious.”

Releasing her, I cross my arms and lean against the wall. We are the only people in here. I could fuck her right now and no one but the security cameras would be the wiser.

However, I won’t take her now.

Besides, she wants me just as bad. Her nipples are hard and poking through her thin shirt.

“As are you,” I point out.

The elevator doors open and I grab her by the arm once more.

“Stop grabbing me—unless we’re in danger.” Her face pales slightly. “We’re not in danger, are we?”

“The only danger you’re in at this moment is from me.”

“I thought you trusted me,” she says, pulling out of my grip.

“This has nothing to do with trust.” I hold the card to the door, waiting impatiently for the millisecond it takes for it to unlock. As soon as I hear the click, I shove open the door. “This has everything with you getting in bed.”

“We’re not waiting until after the package is delivered?”

I lean into her. “Not. A. Chance.”

Her mouth forms a perfect O before she licks her lips and says, “What if I don’t want to?”

“Then we won’t. I’ve done very bad things in my life, but to force myself on another… that is….” English words escape me as my past threatens to rear its ugly head. “
e. Unacceptable.”

She walks inside. “Shut the door, Ben.”

I do as she asks, then stalk her across the room. She’s trailing articles of clothing on the way, and I’m more than willing to follow that path. As she turns to face me, the backs of her legs hit the edge of the bed and she goes tumbling down. I follow after her, rolling us once so that she’s on top—for my viewing pleasure. Her breasts are full and her hips are gently curved. She has the body of a dancer.

Cupping the back of her head, I pull her down to claim her mouth. She opens up to me easily, sweetly. My hands roam her body, exploring the soft skin I crave so much. Caressing and listening to every gasp, every sigh that lets me know she loves what I’m doing to her. But my Morgan is no passive lover. Her hands are just as demanding, just as curious.

“My feisty woman.”

“My very jealous man.”

I nudge my erection against where she’s hot and slick. Welcoming. “Do something about it. Show me that you’re mine.”

She leans forward to position herself over me, and I seize the opportunity to take her nipple into my mouth, sucking hard. I’ve learned her breasts are sensitive, and I’m pretty sure I can make her come this way, but I want inside of her when that happens.

My eyes close in pleasure as her small hands wrap around my cock and guide me inside of her. My hands sweep down her back even as I thrust up, cupping her perfect bum to hold her in place. The feel of her warmth surrounding me is almost too much.

“I need a minute,” I admit, opening my eyes to find her smiling at me like the goddess she is.

She rolls her hips, sending me deeper.

Unable to stay passive any longer, I guide her movements, give her words of endearment in Russian and French. I don’t trust myself to speak her language. To tell her how I’m starting to feel about her.

No good will come of it.

I watch as her hands glide down the center of her body, cupping her breasts and then letting go of one to delve between her thighs where we are joined in the most intimate of ways. Her fingers brush against my cock as she slides along her skin.

She cries out as she touches her clit, rubbing it so hard and fast that I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up with her.

Her hair falls from its small bun to caress her jaw.

I love watching her like this, taking her pleasure and bringing me along with her. I meet each roll of her hips, thrusting to the rhythm she sets. She lets go of her breast and grabs the necklace around my throat, tugging on it until I’m sitting up.

She fists it, using it as an anchor while her breath starts coming in sharp gasps that let me know she’s on the verge of coming. I’m on the verge of rolling her to her back and fucking her, but I can’t.

What started out as a jealousy fueled move to show that she belongs to me has turned into something more. I caress the side of her face and kiss her again. This time, savoring her lips and the taste of her.

Nothing exists in this moment, but us. No Bratva, no flash drive, no threat on our lives…
. Yet this moment is everything. Something shifts inside of me, cracking in places that I try to keep hidden.

She smiles against my lips and breathes my name.

Her inner muscles ripple around my cock. She lets her head fall back, exposing the soft line of her neck as she lets out a low moan. I kiss her there, join my fingers to hers and help her orgasm along. She’s so wet, inside and out, that as she tightens around me, I give a hoarse shout.

I come inside of her in hot spurts that nearly take my breath away. She doesn’t stop moving until my orgasm subsides. Her body is slick and hot against mine. The smell of sex and her shampoo fills the air.

I search for her mouth again, kissing her with a passion that I can’t seem to shake around her. My body knows what my brain refuses to process. I can’t blame it really.

“Ben,” she says in a breathy voice. “That was the best sex ever.”

“For me as well.” I lean back to gauge her expression, then realize she’s still holding tight to the bloody necklace. “Let go, love.”

Staring into my eyes, she removes the chain and places it around her neck. The flash drive looks obscene hanging between her breasts. “Let me carry this burden for a while, okay?”

I nod, wanting more than anything to snatch the damn thing from around her slender neck. “But not too long.”

Her sweet mouth frowns. “You don’t trust me?”

“The burden is too great.”

“If we carry this burden
, it won’t seem so heavy,” she replies softly and lays her head down on my shoulder.

In that moment, I know the truth of everything. I know that I am unequivocally in love with a woman I have no guarantee will live to see the next day.


Later that night
while she is asleep, I join Dmitry in the main part of the suite. He pours two shots of vodka and slides one over to me.

“It’s not the best, but it will do.”

I throw the drink back and gasp a little. “It’s horrid.”

“Better than nothing.”

He’s right. We drink in silence and after a while the taste of the vodka doesn’t matter at all.

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