Read Hara's Legacy Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General, #Paranormal, #Contemporary, #Science Fiction, #Human-Alien Encounters, #Adventure, #Western

Hara's Legacy (8 page)

BOOK: Hara's Legacy
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She cried out as Justin increased the pressure, stroking her harder than Caleb ever had, and deeper. She looked up at Justin with love, seeing the strain on his chiseled features, feeling the hot desire coming from him and his two brothers as they watched. It was mind-blowing and



almost more than her sensitive empathic senses could take, but she realized in that moment it was something she could easily become addicted to.

“Harder, Justin. Please!” she cried, knowing he needed to hear her acceptance of his violent loving.

“Shit!” Justin swore as he lost control. Feeling Jane taking him in and seeing the acceptance on her face as she begged him for more was like nothing he’d ever experienced. He felt her pulsing around him, felt the nearly desperate milking of her inner muscles and he couldn’t hold back any longer.

He slammed into her with more force than he wanted to subject her to, but she liked it. Hell, he realized, she loved it! Jane came in a rush, jerking his cock and coaxing him into a blinding release as he collapsed over her. He was so wrung out, his knees wouldn’t support him at first. But he could feel her kissing his neck with small pecks of adoration that had his cock twitching in the aftermath, still cradled within her warm body.

“Give us a minute, will you, boys?” He heard her say, and then dimly heard Mick and Caleb walk away.

He dragged the remnants of his strength together and lifted up as much as he could to look down at her.

He didn’t know what he would have said in that moment, looking into her eyes of love, but it didn’t matter in the end when she reached up and kissed him so sweetly he could have cried.

“You needed that, Justin. And so did I. I don’t ever want you to hold back with me,” she whispered just to him, his brothers out of range to hear what they were saying. “I’ll always know.” Her eyes twinkled up at him and he groaned as he reached down to kiss her sweetly.

“Damn,” he said after a moment, looking up to see where Caleb had got to. He and Mick were leaning against the counter on the other side of the big kitchen. “How do you deal with her always knowing what you’re feeling, man?”


Caleb smiled and his green eyes went hot. “It took some getting used to, but if I know her, she’ll ride you hard until you wouldn’t even dream of holding out on her. And she’ll make you want to tell her every damn last thing on your mind too.”

Justin pushed up, his strength returning, and traced her breasts because he just had to. He loved the shape and feel of her and he could tell from the smile in her eyes, she damn well knew it. And liked it.

He pulled out, knowing his brothers were waiting, but he also knew she would be in his bed all night long and probably for several nights to come until they were sure she was pregnant with his baby. He stroked her smooth belly, a joyful light entering his eyes. This was very different than the stud service he’d performed for Mara. This time, he knew he would see his child be born and grow, receiving all the love this generous woman had to give. He knew his brothers would be good to the child, love it as he would and teach it how to survive in this world gone wild.

“I think Justin’s liking the idea of fatherhood,” Caleb teased as he moved back to the table.

Jane hummed and nodded as Justin stroked her skin. “I’m liking it too. I like the idea of giving you all children and raising them here on our ranch, safe from the rest of the world. We’ll start our own colony of little O’Haras.”

“Starting with Justin’s,” Caleb agreed, looking down into Jane’s eyes as he put one hand beneath her back and helped her sit up.

Justin stayed close, his hand moving to her hip because he couldn’t quite bear to let her go just yet.



Chapter Six

Jane looked for Mick and found him sitting in a kitchen chair, watching them all, his hand barely covering a thick erection, and realized she’d left two of her men hanging?quite literally. A devilish light entered her eyes as she looked from Mick to Caleb to Justin. He winked and she knew he understood. He let go of her and watched as she took Caleb by the hand, then turned to Mick and led them down the hall to her bedroom. She liked the emotions coming from Justin as he watched her rounded ass stroll down the hall between his two brothers. She liked the passion she felt from him, as well as the heated need Mick was generating and the hot admiration coming from Caleb. All together, the feelings they were broadcasting made her hot and damn near as insatiable as Caleb had claimed she was.

Pleasing these men pleased her, as it always had. Just now, it was sexual pleasure they all sought and she was more than willing to accommodate them. Caleb had been right to tell them about her hunger. Caleb could please her, she knew well, but he’d needed to find a way to let his brothers know she could take all they could give. He’d needed to make this easier on all of them and he knew they wouldn’t accept her word for it. They knew she would do anything for them, including lie about her own desires. But Caleb wouldn’t lead them astray. He never had and she knew they trusted he would always have her best interests at heart. She knew all that, but she still felt bad Caleb had to downplay his own sexuality even the tiniest bit to help his brothers along.

She would make it up to him, though. They both knew it. But for the moment, she was learning the feel of Justin and Mick in a whole new way. And the emotions coming from Mick were turning desperate. He


needed her so badly and was very reticent about claiming her. Turning to Caleb as they entered their bedroom, she gave him a pleading look. He let her hand go as he sat on the bed. She held on to Mick’s hand tightly as she led him near the single window, taking a seat on the old wooden chair and positioning him in front of her.

With gentle caresses, she lowered the zipper on the jeans he’d hastily pulled up. He trembled as he watched her pull the pants down, freeing him from his briefs as well, never leaving off touching him for a single moment. She leaned forward to kiss the tip of him and he groaned. She smiled and moved to caress his balls. They tightened.

She took him in her mouth then, knowing he was near the edge. He’d waited so long with little or no relief and he could wait no more. The earlier release in the kitchen had only dulled his need. He was a desperate man. She needed him to find his pleasure and she didn’t care how quickly it came, just that it came for him now. He needed it as the other brothers hadn’t. He was the youngest and the one who’d had the fewest women in his time before the cataclysm. But she had him now, and over time she would make sure he experienced everything he’d missed. She drew him deep and sucked, gently fingering his balls, thinking about how he might feel when he finally took her pussy. It was enough to draw the moisture from her hot folds and make her squirm. A groan from the other side of the room made her eyes open.

She caught her breath when she looked up to see Justin watching from the doorway. He had one long arm braced on the doorframe, the top button of his jeans undone, and she could see the zipper straining over his rigid length. The look in his eyes as he watched her go down on Mick was amazingly hot.

Amazingly tender too, in a mix that confounded her and tightened her nipples. He didn’t miss that either as his gaze caressed her breasts, jiggling and bouncing as she moved up and down on Mick’s cock.

She tore her gaze from Justin to find Caleb stroking his dick with a profound smile on his face. He rose and came near the window, placing one large hand on her back, as if urging her to increase her pace on Mick’s quivering dick. She did so, looking up at Caleb, drowning in the


feelings of admiration and incredibly hot passion coming off him in waves. She then set her gaze on Mick, letting him know she was there for him in that moment. For him alone.

His blue eyes shone down into hers with a wetness that could have been tears of relief. Caleb took Mick’s hands and placed them on her hair, showing him silently how to massage her scalp in the way he knew she liked. She groaned around Mick’s hard length and felt him begin to come. Staying with him, she took him as far down as she could, sucking hard to encourage his release. At the same time, she squeezed his balls gently, in the way Caleb had taught her and was gratified when she felt the first jets of Mick’s seed spill down her throat.

She swallowed over him and continued to suck, knowing the convulsive action of her throat added to his pleasure. Or maybe it was just the idea of her swallowing his cum that turned him into a rampant fireball in her mouth. Either way, she was well satisfied with the results as he released his load in her mouth for the second time that day. He shouted and trembled and would probably have collapsed had Caleb not been there to catch him around the shoulders and usher him to the bed.

“You did good,” she heard him say to Mick, patting him on the shoulder. “I know you never had many women, before. Don’t worry.”

Only then could she identify the uncertainty that had emanated ever so slightly from Mick all night long.

She’d come to realize that of the three brothers, he was the only one who had found some way to successfully mask his feelings from her, but she would break down his walls. She knew she would.

She went to him now, sitting at his side as he recovered on the bed. “Did you ever have a girl suck you back in the old days?”

“Jeez, Janie. Give me a little credit!”

She smiled as she stroked his thigh. “I’ll take that as a yes. But I’m betting it wasn’t often. And maybe you never had any girl swallow before, huh?”

Mick continued to look uncomfortable, but she could tell Caleb was loving the dirty?and necessary?talk.

She stroked Mick’s abdomen with




her gentle fingers, soothing him. “It’s okay, Mick. You missed so much. But I promise you won’t miss anything from now on. I promise you, okay?” She kissed his cheek to seal her words, but he took her by surprise as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a drugging kiss.

His tongue swept into her mouth with a magic all its own and a kind of desperation she’d felt in him before. She soothed him as best she could, pressing her breasts to his chest and returning his kiss until he seemed satisfied. He let go of her mouth only to hold her tightly against his chest, kissing her temple and down to her ear as he whispered to her.

“I love the taste of me in your mouth, Jane.” She squirmed as his hot words drove her higher. “Thank you, sweetheart. I’ve never felt anything half as good as your mouth on me.” He let her go with a final caress and stood, leaving the room.

“Will he be all right?” Justin asked when he was out of earshot.

Caleb shrugged and looked at her.

Jane nodded slowly. “It’s been hardest for him, I think. Somehow he’s learned to hide his emotions from me, and I didn’t quite realize. But he’ll be okay, I think.” She returned to the chair, crooking her finger to Caleb who was still clearly eager to feel her wet mouth.

She began to caress him with her hands in the ways he’d taught her and was pleased to hear his breath catch.

“Mick never had the same rampant sex life as you two before the cataclysm. He had fewer experiences to back up his imagination and help him find relief.”

“But you’re going to change all that, right?” Caleb said with a pleased smile as he cupped the back of her head, coaxing her to his cock.

She smiled up at him. “You better believe it.” She allowed Caleb to guide her then, in the subservient way he sometimes liked. She gave over control of her head to him and made the purring noises in her throat she knew made him tremble. It wasn’t long before she felt him take up a


smooth rhythm to fuck her mouth and she held on for the ride, sucking and purring as she’d been taught.

“Jesus, Caleb,” she heard Justin swear as he came right up beside them. “You trained her to do this?” Caleb’s affirmative answer was a long and heartfelt groan as he tightened further still. She knew he wasn’t far away from orgasm now. She sucked harder and then gasped in delight as Justin’s hard hands came around her from behind to pinch her nipples and play with her breasts. Her pleasure increased as did her suction on Caleb’s cock. With a shout, he came in her mouth, forcing her to swallow his cum.

She enjoyed every minute of it, but the old activity had a new twist to it now with Justin stroking her breasts, adding to her pleasure. Caleb removed himself from her mouth, allowing her to suck the final drops from him, then Justin grabbed her around the waist and lifted her to her feet. He held her from behind, stroking her breasts as Caleb leaned down and kissed her deeply.

“I’m taking her to my room,” Justin said, almost as if he were daring Caleb to argue, but the older brother nodded in acceptance.

“Take care of her, Jus,” Caleb instructed as Justin swung her up into his arms and carried her down the short hall to his own room.

She’d never really spent any time in his private domain, only entering to drop off laundry or bring him something he’d requested. She giggled as he threw her down on his oversized bed. He’d had to build it special for himself since he was taller than average and he’d wanted a comfortable bed. She’d always wondered how it would feel to sleep on such a grand platform and now it looked like she was going to find out.

Justin looked down on her for a moment, naked before him and then she felt the first stirrings of his telekinetic power again as he looked at her arms and spread them above her, then did the same with her long legs, spreading her pussy wide before him with only a thought. He smiled and licked his lips.

“I’ve come inside you twice already tonight, sweetheart,” he reminded her. “I can see my sperm mixed in with your juices.” Her stomach


muscles rolled as his words excited her. “You have a beautiful body, Jane, and I never knew what a dirty girl you really were under that innocent exterior. Caleb’s been a lucky man.” She felt what he felt as he teased her, his aim only to push her to her limits and see how far she might go with him. Little did he know she was prepared to go wherever he led. But she’d make a believer out of him eventually and she relished the thought of convincing him.

“Tell me what you like, Jane,” Justin watched her soft skin shiver as he rasped his hands over her delicate ribs. He sat at the side of the bed, caressing her with his hands, his eyes, while she looked up at him, almost dazed with resurging pleasure. And just from the touch of his hands! Damn, but she was responsive to him. It amazed and humbled him.

“Anything you want, Justin.” She swallowed visibly as he continued to tease her skin, his fingers roaming the undersides of her sensitive breasts.

“Anything, Jane? Really?” He quickly tweaked a nipple and she gasped in shock. He looked carefully for any trace of fear in her eyes, but there was none, amazing him yet again. But he wouldn’t push her.

This was Jane, after all. She was delicate and sheltered. She’d only ever had one man before tonight. He knew damn well that she’d come to Caleb a virgin.

She nodded up at him. “Anything,” she repeated, breathless now as his fingers played with her nipples, pulling at them, squeezing them, then caressing them after a hard tug.

He was so tempted, but this was Jane. She was to be protected at all costs?even, perhaps especially?from him and his own selfish desires. He didn’t want to hurt her or scare her. He wanted to cherish her and let her know how special she was to him.

“I don’t think you’re ready for some of the things I want to do with you, sweetheart.” He bent down to lick one of her straining nipples, sucking the peak into his mouth. She popped free a moment later and he




blew air across the wet tip, making her shiver in delight. “Let’s stick with the things you know for now, just until we get used to each other a bit, okay?”

Slowly, she nodded. Her eyes were half-closed in her pleasure, but he could read excitement there. He didn’t really know how far Caleb had gone with her. Aside from a penchant for being sucked, Justin didn’t know all the particulars of what his older brother liked or expected from a woman. But that all had to change now, if they were to survive this unorthodox arrangement.

“Do you like it doggy-style?” he asked in between licks of her other peak. She started at the blunt question and he smiled as he applied his teeth ever-so-lightly to her nipple, adding to the pleasure she was feeling.

She moaned her agreement. “Caleb doesn’t do that too often,” she said on a gasp. “But I like it.” Justin sat back then, watching as she strained to follow him, arching her back, eager for his touch.

“All right then,” he said with relish as his eyes sparkled over her. “Get on your knees and spread your legs wide, sweetheart. I want to cover you.”

She laughed then, knowing the ranch term. “Like a stallion covers a mare?” He nodded slowly, holding her eyes. “I might even bite your neck, if you get frisky.”

“Is that a promise?” she asked flirtatiously, reassuring him and driving him wild at the same time.

He was amazed to learn that shy little Jane was a wildcat in bed. He felt the same protectiveness toward her he always had, but it was spiked now with a sharp stab of lust. He’d always wanted to protect her from his darker desires. Hell, he still did. She was just not ready for some of the things his twisted mind could come up with, but damn if she wasn’t hot for him, eager to please. And please her he would, stretching her boundaries, but never dragging her sweet innocence into the dark desires that burned in his soul.

BOOK: Hara's Legacy
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