Happy Endings

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Authors: Chantel Rhondeau

Tags: #Horses, #waterfall, #Breast Cancer, #beach, #beach romance, #love, #vacation

BOOK: Happy Endings
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Happy Endings

(McCallister’s Paradise –1)

Chantel Rhondeau

Electronic Edition

Copyright 2015 Chantel Rhondeau


Cover Design: EDH Graphics


This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to an ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This book is a work of fiction. The characters, names, events, and places in this novel are used fictitiously or are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, or to places, businesses, or events, is entirely coincidental.


Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page



Chantel’s Books

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Author’s Note

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About the Author


n loving memory of my niece-in-law: Tara, you fought a courageous battle with cancer, and we lost you too soon. We love you!


great many people help during the process of my writing. I was pushed to finish this book by my writing bestie and good friend, Rachelle Ayala, as well as the other women who took the Romance In A Month class with me. Thanks for all the support and fun along the way!


y biggest thanks goes out to my great group of beta readers and proof readers. I can’t thank these wonderful people enough or repay them: Author Rachelle Ayala, Editor Sara Kay, Author Lyssa Lane, Nickie M. I couldn’t do this without your help.


y awesome cover artist is always on point, creating a beautiful package for my novels. Thank you, Erin at EDH Graphics. I’m so grateful to have you on the team.


’d also like to thank you, the reader. With each new book, I’m even more grateful for my growing list of fans and people who enjoy the same sorts of things that I do. I write because I can’t NOT write, but I also do this for you. Thanks for sticking with me.

Chantel’s Books

Romantic Suspense

Stand alone titles:


Always & Forever

Crime & Passion

Murderous Lies

Season For Love: A Christmas Romance Novella


Agents in Love Series:

Love & Deception – Book 1

Love & Redemption – Book 2


Boxed sets (limited time offers):

Killer Romances

Romancing Christmas

Heroes To Swoon For


Contemporary Romance

McCallister’s Paradise

Happy Endings –1

Diving Into Love –2

For Love or Charity –3

Love’s Ride –4

Cooking Up Love –5

Coming Next:

Lovers in Paradise (
5 book series)

Workers in Paradise
(5 book series)

Deadly Encounters
(Romantic suspense digital boxed set)

Chapter One

arissa Benner stared at the mostly naked man lying on the massage table. Had Quinn McCallister just asked her what she thought he did? She forced her eyes away from his shapely body, not allowing her mind to dwell on his sexy six-pack abs. Quinn was a handsome man and could likely get with any woman on the island. Why would he offer to pay her for that kind of service?

She tucked a strand of long brown hair behind her ear. “I think I heard you wrong, Mr. McCallister,” she said. “What kind of massage did you want?”

Quinn chuckled, a rich, deep sound.

Larissa looked at him again, despite her resolve not to. His gorgeous eyes caught and trapped her gaze. They were an unusual color, nearly a steel gray. Coupled with his jet-black hair, Quinn’s hotness jumped her pulse up a notch.

“You heard right, Larissa.” Her name flowed from his mouth in a sexy lilt, as if he caressed the word with his tongue. “I asked for a happy ending massage. I’ll pay extra. Maybe even a bonus if you’re good at your job.”

She swallowed hard and fought against blushing. How many women had been convinced to have sex with him, just by gazing into Quinn’s amused eyes? However, his request for her to get him off while massaging him was not at all amusing.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re asking,
.” She folded her arms tight against her body, trying hard not to display her disgust with his request. “I do many massage techniques, but that’s not something I offer. Ever. I have a brochure explaining what you can get from me if you’re interested in receiving a service I will perform.”

She hoped that sounded professional enough. After all, Quinn McCallister was technically her boss, even if his dad made the final decisions on the island resort.

He shifted on the massage table, propping himself on one elbow. Unfortunately, that caused the sheet draped across his nude midsection to slip down further, showing off the sexy v-shaped crease at his waistline. “Of course this isn’t a service you normally offer, Larissa. That’s against the resort’s rules. But I’m not just any client, I’m the boss.” His grin widened. “I dictate the type of service you’ll offer, if you know what’s good for you. And I want to be serviced.”

Larissa’s mouth dried out and she gazed past him to the large bay window beyond. The ocean was calm with gentle waves lapping against the pristine private beach. She’d always liked the fact that guests weren’t allowed to wander outside the spa complex, in order to better preserve the relaxing atmosphere for the patrons inside. Today she didn’t get a feeling of calm from the seclusion. She felt trapped and alone. No one was around to overhear what Quinn demanded she do.

Straightening her spine, Larissa looked back into his eyes unflinchingly. She needed to present a strong front and maybe he would back down. “What, exactly, are you saying, Mr. McCallister?”

The smile on his face never wavered. “I’m saying that if you want to stay on the island during the off season, obtaining the one full-time position we have open for a massage therapist, you need to show me what you can do. What can I expect to get when there aren’t many guests here? The off season lacks many women, after all. I don’t want my bed to be lonely.”

Suddenly, Quinn’s good looks were repulsive and his smile didn’t strike her as charming at all.

“Is that truly my option,
Mr. McCallister
?” she asked, spitting his name out like a curse word. “I get you off or lose my job?”

If he took affront to her tone, Quinn gave no indication. “Yep, that’s the choice. And it is a good deal, really. Take care of me, and I’ll take care of you. My father’s leaving the decision up to me this season for which employees to keep, but said you’re the front runner in his opinion. If you can make me happy, the job is yours.”

Tears pricked the corners of Larissa’s eyes. The elder McCallister, John, knew how badly she wanted the full-time position here. Living in a paradise resort on a private island would be the perfect job by anyone’s standards, but for Larissa it was more than that. She needed the insurance benefits that came with the full-time job. The insurance she had managed to pay for on her own would barely help in the case of a complete disaster.

Given her medical history, a disaster could happen at any time.

Still, she couldn’t do what Quinn asked. Under normal circumstances, she’d never fight back. Before understanding just how important insurance was for her, she would have just walked away quietly... but this was her life Quinn toyed with.

Entirely ignoring his body, Larissa met Quinn’s eyes again. “Mr. McCallister, I’m sure you’re aware that what you are asking for is illegal. Furthermore, threatening my job if I refuse is outright sexual harassment. I’ve earned this position by being a good therapist. I don’t need to massage your penis to prove my skill. Kindly, put your clothes on and leave, or I’ll report this conversation to your father.”

Quinn shrugged, his aggravating smile not faltering one bit. “Do you think he’ll believe you over me? Get a clue, Larissa. You’ll do what I ask or line up with everyone else catching a plane off the island tomorrow.”

Tears stung her eyes, but Larissa wouldn’t let them fall in front of him. The choice he gave her was unbelievable, but she had to consider it. After all, if her cancer came back and she was unemployed, how would she manage? Her parents practically bankrupted themselves paying for the treatment she needed last time.

She closed her eyes, trying to talk herself into just giving him what he wanted and getting it over with. After all, what would it cost her—other than her self-respect?

Her stomach curled with disgust thinking about it. “No.” She might be desperate, but she wasn’t a whore. “I want this job so much, but not if that’s a requirement. Good luck finding another therapist as good as me.”

Without waiting for his reaction, Larissa spun on her heel and marched out the door. She might as well go to her room and start packing. All the employees not staying on through the slow season would fly out tomorrow. Too bad she had to join them. As much as she loved the island and her job here, she’d find another way to get what she needed.

She wouldn’t touch Quinn McCallister for all the money in the world, let alone pleasuring him for a job with insurance benefits.


uinn watched Larissa walk away, surprised by the way the angry set of her chin and sexy sway of her hips attracted him. She was intriguing. And stronger than he thought she’d be—that made her even sexier.

With a shake of his head, Quinn made himself focus on the reason he came here. After all, he was second in command of the island. He didn’t have time for idle attractions to employees.

It was a great relief Larissa refused his demands. If she’d started touching him, Quinn would have had a difficult time ordering her to stop before he fired her. Being attracted to the employee he tested wasn’t a good thing. But Larissa was so different from his ex-wife—Quinn couldn’t help but think the changes were all to the good. Camille had been beautiful and knew it. Larissa was merely pretty, but in a way that drew his attention, especially since she didn’t act snobby about it.

He closed his eyes, picturing her again. Once she found out the full-time job for the off season and beyond was hers for the taking, he doubted Larissa would want anything to do with him. He’d never see her again privately, so it couldn’t hurt to indulge his attraction for a few seconds. Larissa’s brown hair was a little longer than shoulder length, framing her sweet, heart-shaped face. Even though anger had been apparent in her eyes when she glared at him, their greenish blue shade was enchanting.

Wholesome. That was the word which best described Larissa’s good looks. She’d proven it wasn’t only her looks that were wholesome by refusing his threats to her job and not servicing him. Not all women would have turned him down. That was an act of bravery Quinn admired.

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