Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5

BOOK: Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5
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Galactic Cage Fighters [5]
KD Jones
JK Publishing, Inc. (2013)

Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences.  Contains language and actions some may deem offensive.  Sexually explicit content.  MF

In book five of Galactic Cage Fighters: The Sledge Hammer is one tough, mean, and very huge fighter for the Galactic Cage Fighters Association.  He doesn’t take crap from anyone and if a person makes the mistake of pissing him off, they pay for it—painfully.  He prides himself on being able to handle any kind of situation that arises.  He is unafraid of anyone or anything—well except for the kids.

A terrible tragedy leaves the halfsie fighter the sole guardian of his sister’s children.  His life is about to be turned upside down and inside out.  No longer responsible for just himself, he must find a way to balance working the hectic schedule as a top GCFA fighter—with being a single parent.  He finds that it is not as easy as he thought.  How much trouble can three young children be?

 Molly Maynard is ready for a fresh start.  The divorce she has been waiting two long years for is finally within her grasp.  She wants a new life for herself, free of her lying, cheating ex-husband.  When she ends up homeless, jobless, and with limited funds available to her and with few choices remaining, she agrees to take a job traveling with the Galactic Cage Fighters' Association as a nanny for one of their fighters.   

Hammer expects the usual nanny the company sends for replacements—the stuffy, uptight, old, and half-senile.  The nannies never last long around his kids.  He doesn’t think the newest nanny will be any different.  It’s a real shame because Nanny Molly was hot!  He needed this nanny so he was imperative he keep his mind and—his hands—off the nanny and her curvaceous body.   

Will Molly be able to ignore her growing attraction to the enormous fighter?  Will Hammer be able to keep his relationship with Molly strictly business?  And will either of them survive the kids?





Galactic Cage Fighters

Book Five


by KD Jones


© Copyright December 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.


All cover art and logo © Copyright December 2013 by JK Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved.


Edited by ML Hill

Artwork by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.



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I would like to take a moment to thank all my readers. I would be nowhere without all of your support and your loyalty. I want to give you all a great story that keeps you coming back for more. Thank you.



Table of Contents






Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight


Chapter Nine


Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve


Chapter Thirteen


Chapter Fourteen


Chapter Fifteen


Chapter Sixteen


Chapter Seventeen


Chapter Eighteen


Chapter Nineteen




Books by KD Jones


Excerpt from Rage


Excerpt from Katieran Prime





“The Sledge Hammer slams the Slurchan to the floor! He had better watch his back because the Slurchan managed to wiggle his body enough to tag out and now his fighting partner is heading toward Hammer. He’s a full Beastial and he looks pissed.”

“Look at that Johann! Both of them have Hammer pinned to the mat trying to get the referee to count it down.”

“This is incredible and it is only round one!”

"For those of you just tuning in, Welcome to the GCFA. You missed a great first round but stay with us, you are not going to want to miss the rest of this match. Are they, Johann?"

"Not on their lives, Poland. This is turning out to be a great showing for the Biclops."


The commentators continued to give stats on the opponents while waiting for the bell to ring, signaling the start of round two.

Hammer ignored the crowd as he pushed his way back to his feet when the bell rang for the start of round two. He was larger than either of his opponents, but the Beastial was almost as strong as him. His fighting partner for the match, Zen, was calling from the sidelines trying to get him to tag him in. Hammer shook his head. He needed to get the Beastial tired out first as he headed straight for his opponent.

Hammer countered a left hook from the Beastial and traded jabs. He tagged the body consecutively while the Beastial tried to counter the left hooks. Hammer threw a few good combinations and managed to get the Beastial to the fence. Then he was able to hit him in the back of his head with his large hands. The Beastial used his abilities and his body grew bigger. He was now almost a match for Hammer in size and strength. The Beastial took advantage and worked behind his jab as Hammer advanced. The bell ended with round two.

Zen gave him a towel to wipe his sweat off with. “Are you tagging me in any time soon?”

Hammer grunted. “Just trying to tire the Beastial out.”

Zen turned toward the crowed and pumped his arms. Females cried out to him. “Zen! You are so hot!” He waved at them and turned back toward Hammer.

“Want me to get us some female company lined up for tonight?”

Hammer gave him a crooked smile. “Absolutely.”

“You finish this match, and leave the ladies to the Zen master.” The bell rang again.

When the bell rang for round three the Beastial came out fast, landing a kick and a counter left hook. Hammer pushed him into the corner and briefly roughed him up. The Beastial right handed him and then tied him up. Hammer gave a left hook downstairs and a solid right over the top. The Beastial responded with a long straight, then countered a charging Hammer with the right. Hammer landed another left up top and jabbed the body.

He noticed the Beastial was breathing hard. He was finally tiring him out. He tried to tag his partner, but Hammer was blocking his pathway. The Beastial tried to dodge him. Hammer stalked forward. He landed a series of jabs and one more blow that knocked the Beastial down. He mounted him and continued delivering blow after blow. The Beastial was unable to get Hammer off him. One last left hook and the Beastial was out.

Hammer stood and waited for the referee to count it down. The referee, a mechanical arm with monitors, surveyed the downed opponent. It counted down and then called the match. The bell rang and Hammer and Zen had won the pair match.

Hammer lifted his arms toward the crowd and there was a roar of applause throughout the arena. Females were screaming for him. He smiled showing off his dimples.


“The Biclops has defeated the Beastial!”
Johann and Poland yelled.
“Look at how the crowd has gone crazy.”

“Hammer has proven once again why he should be feared in the cage. He is something to see,”
Poland announced.


Hammer left the cage with Zen trailing behind him working the crowd. He frowned when he saw Davies, the head of security, waiting for him.

“Hammer, I need a minute of your time!” Davies tried yelling over the crowd.

“Let’s go to the holding room,” Hammer said and motioned his way down the hallway.

Hammer grabbed a towel once he got in the empty room. Everyone else was out near the sidelines watching the final match for the evening. Zen plopped down in a nearby chair.

“What is it, Davies?” Hammer asked, watching the TV screen.

“There’s been an accident, with your sister and her husband.”

“What kind of accident? Are they hurt? Are they in the hospital?” Hammer felt a prickle of fear.

“They…didn’t survive the wreck.”

Hammer felt like someone had knocked the wind out of him. What was he going to do now?

BOOK: Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5
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