Hagen, Lynn - Torem [Zeus's Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove) (8 page)

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Torem [Zeus's Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)
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“Answer me, Sidney.” Chey gave him that familiar look. The one that said he knew Sidney was avoiding the subject.

He snapped his head around, making sure no one was around before leaning closer to Chey. “No, I’m waiting for the right time.”
Like June of never.

“Tell them,” Chey warned.

Sidney leaned past Chey and looked up the steps. He really did need to get up there. If Torem or even Dino had to come looking for him, they would ask questions. “I will. I was right in the middle of devising a plan to do just that when you interrupted me.”

“You’ve never been a good liar, so stop trying to pull the wool over my eyes.” Chey huffed. “Tell them.”

When Chey got his teeth into something he felt adamant about, the guy wouldn’t let it go. “I will.”


Damn, the man knew him too well. Sidney’s hand ran over the can in his pocket. “Okay, I will. Now I have to go before they come looking for me.” Sidney sidestepped Chey and headed for the stairs.

“And Sidney?”

Oh man, he had almost escaped. “Yes?” He didn’t bother turning around. Sidney knew what was coming.

“Lay off the energy drinks.”

Sidney mouthed his best friend’s predictable words the same time Chey said them. The man had been a broken record for the last six months since Sidney tasted his first Red Bull and became instantly addicted to the things.

He walked up the steps and down the hallway slowly, counting each door as he went along. When he reached the sixth door, Sidney poked his head in. Torem and Dino were standing in the middle of the bedroom talking.

Dino looked relaxed enough in Sidney’s opinion.

Shit, he was going to have to tell them…later.

Much, much later.

Chapter Five

Torem watched Sidney slide into the room and shut the door quietly. His eyes zeroed in on the can protruding from his mate’s pocket. “Let me have it.” He waved his hand at Sidney to give him the can.

Sidney turned sideways, blocking any view of the can. “Have what?”

“What’s in your pocket, Sid?”

Sidney dug into his pocket and produced what looked to be a receipt from a store. “Here you go.” He took one step toward Torem and held out the piece of paper between his fingers. Torem snagged his mate’s hand and pulled him into his arms.

“You know that’s not what I was talking about.” The little devil’s face flushed, and Torem could scent his arousal growing stronger. He slid his hands over Sid’s back, leaning in to kiss him.

“Hey.” Sidney looked up at Torem with a pout when Torem’s hand came away with the can, handing it over to Dino.

“Red Bull? I thought it was beer.” Dino smirked. “That explains his edginess.”

“Get rid of it, please. Sid gets too hyper when he drinks it.” Torem could see his mate wanted to argue but twisted his lips up in disapproval instead.

Dino took the can to the bathroom as Torem cupped Sidney’s face, leaning down to kiss him. Sidney closed his eyes and pulled Torem the rest of the way down, smashing their lips together. He ran his fingers through his mate’s hair and tugged, breaking their lips apart. “We have to explain the concept of mates to Dino.”

“Later.” Sidney panted and tried to lock his lips onto Torem’s again. Sidney’s right leg came up and wrapped over Torem’s hip. “I want more of that cock you hide behind your jeans.”

Torem felt the lust double in the room and saw Dino standing by the bathroom door, watching the two. The front of the construction worker’s pants were straining.

Torem pulled his mate off of him and spun him around, pressing Sidney’s back to his chest and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. That should hold him still, for five seconds. “Mates are people fate thought would be perfect for one another.”

Dino held his hand up. “I watch enough animal channels to know what a mate is in the wild kingdom. Is it the same for you two? That’s all I really want to know.”

“Yes, all three of us are mates,” Torem confirmed for Dino. Dino leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom. He studied both of them intently.

“So we have a ménage mating?”

Torem proceeded with caution. He wasn’t sure what that look on Dino’s face meant. Sidney fidgeted around, and Torem held him tightly. If this wasn’t what the guy wanted, he didn’t want Sidney running to Dino to try and convince him. Too many things were forced upon him throughout his life to do the same to anyone else. “Yes, we do.”

Sidney tapped his nose. “It’s all in the scent. I knew as soon as I smelled you. It was like jellybeans and hot chocolate for me.”

Torem chuckled. Leave it to Sidney to describe it that way. He kissed his mate’s hair and smiled at Dino. “We Grey wolves can scent our mates.”

“And I stunk, huh?” A small smile pulled at Dino’s lips.

“Oh, hell no, you smell better than fresh laundry.” Sidney pulled, but Torem held. He was waiting for Dino to give the green light, to accept what was being explained to him.

“So you two are it for me?” Dino asked.

Torem growled. “There will be no one else.”

He had to take a deep breath. His eyes were shifting at the thought of another man touching Dino.

“If you thought the scene in the deli was cute, then you’ll think I’m sexy as hell if I catch you with another man.”

Torem could feel the hairs on Sidney bristle as he growled out his threat.

“What about a woman?”

Torem caught the teasing gleam in Dino’s eyes, but obviously Sidney hadn’t.

, you’re kidding right? I’ll bitch slap her with my claws if you even think about it.” Sidney stomped his foot and pointed his finger at Dino. Torem rocked as his emphatic mate tried to take a step forward.

“You are sexy when you’re pissed.” Dino chuckled, and then his eyes rose to Torem questioningly.

Torem gave a slight nod and Dino pushed away from the doorframe. His swagger was enticing as hell. Torem scented Sidney’s arousal as it spiked higher, his chest expanding and contracting at a higher rate.

Torem didn’t let Sidney go. The idea of holding Sidney in place while Dino explored their mate had him hard as hell. If Sidney asked, he would release him. But Sidney’s hands curled around Torem’s arms instead, as if holding Torem in place.

“Let me get this straight.” Dino’s hand cradled Sidney’s face. “I get to have both of you all to myself?” Dino’s lips were mere inches from Sidney’s as he asked the question.

“Uh-huh.” Sid’s body leaned forward, puckering his lips for Dino’s.

Dino quickly glanced up at Torem, as if asking permission to move forward with Sidney.

“You don’t need my permission. You need his.”

Dino’s nostrils flared, his eyes churning with lust as he closed the gap and kissed Sidney.

This would be so much better if they were naked.

Sidney moaned and gripped Torem’s arms tighter, his ass pressing into Torem’s erection.

Dino broke the kiss and stepped back, licking his moist lips. “That was real nice.” A crooked smile displayed sexy-ass dimples, and Torem’s cock leapt at the sight. “I’ll let you guys know.”

Torem stood there stunned as Dino walked out of the bedroom. What the fuck just happened? “Wait.”

Dino stopped at the door and shoved his hands into his front pockets, his tongue running along his inner bottom lip. “Look, this is a lot to take in. First I find out we got more than humans living here, which by the way, my brain hasn’t worked that out yet. And second, you tell me we got this cosmic thing between the three of us.” Dino pulled one hand free, running it over his head as he exhaled. “Give me time to think about this. That’s all I’m asking.”

“How will we know what you decide?” Torem asked.

“I’ll come to you.” Dino walked out of the bedroom, the door shutting behind him.

“I feel like I’ve just been slapped, flipped off, and kicked in the balls and all the guy did was kiss me.” Sidney’s voice trembled.

“Give him time. He’s right. That was a lot to take in.” Torem held on to his mate, wondering if Dino would accept what had happened and what they were to each other, or if the man was going to decide this was too much and walk away.

Torem released Sidney and dropped to his knees as his head exploded in pain. He gripped his temples as images shattered through his mind.

He was no longer standing in his bedroom with Sidney but in the backyard of the mansion, staring down at a man that Jackson said tried to kill him.

“I beg you. I didn’t try to kill your Alpha. He’s lying.”

“You’re calling me a liar?” Jackson snarled. “Kill him, Torem.” Jackson turned his head and glared at him. Torem could see the madness in his Alpha’s eyes. He couldn’t do it. This wasn’t who he was. His hand trembled as he raised it to run through his hair. There had to be a way out of this place.

Torem cried out as Jackson backhanded him. He was caught off guard, or he would have never uttered a sound. Jackson extended his claws and laid it at the man’s throat. He slowly turned back to Torem, insanity clear in his eyes.

“This is what will happen to you if you disobey a direct order again.” He pressed the tip of his claw into the man’s throat. The man cried out and begged Torem with his eyes to save him.

The Alpha snapped his fingers, and a few of his radical followers forced Torem to the ground. His jaw clenched and his stomach twisted as they cut off all of his hair. A painful knee dug into his back as Torem braced his hands on the hard earth and tried to dislodge the shifters, but there were too many.

“Kill for me, or be killed, your choice.” Jackson snapped his fingers again, and Bald Eagle was forced to the Alpha’s side. “Better yet.” Jackson looked around at all the soldiers, his eyes landing on every one of them. “Disobey a direct order again and Eagle will pay the price.”

Jackson removed his claw from the man’s throat and laid it against Eagle’s flesh. “Now, do as I have commanded.”

The knee lifted from Torem’s back, and he stood. His eyes glanced up from the man on his knees to Eagle’s. What the fuck should he do? The soldiers were outnumbered three to one. Torem would go down fighting, but Eagle’s throat would be torn out before he had a chance to make a move.

Torem stared into Eagle’s terrified gaze and extended his claws, swiping his arm out as he heard the gurgling sounds of death from a man he had never even met before.

* * * *

Sidney watched the horror play across Torem’s face. What was happening to him? His mate was on his hands and knees, as if someone was holding him down. Torem cried out, and Sidney freaked out.

He ran across the hall and banged on Chey’s bedroom door. “Chey, get your ass out here now.”

“What’s wrong?” Chey came into the hallway and looked around. “Have you been drinking those Red Bulls again?”

Sidney didn’t have time for this. He grabbed Chey’s arm and pulled him into Torem’s bedroom. “He just collapsed and started doing that.” Sidney pointed to Torem who was standing now, his claws extended.

“He touched me, hugged me tight. The healing has begun.”

“That doesn’t look like healing to me,” Sidney argued.

“He has to relive his past in order to heal from it. Whatever he has gone through, he’s reliving it.”

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