Hagen, Lynn - Tater's Bear [Brac Pack 22] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (15 page)

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Tater's Bear [Brac Pack 22] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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“What are you afraid of, love?”

Maybe this mind-reading thing wasn’t as fantastic as he originally thought. At the moment, it felt invasive. “My size, who I am now. What if I lose control and hurt you?”

Olsen growled as he sat up, straddling Tater’s hips. “I don’t think you have to worry about that. I can handle my own.”

Tater shot his hips up, nearly tossing Olsen off of him. “You were saying?”

“Caught me off guard, buddy. That won’t happen—” Olsen flew forward, his hands slapping onto Tater’s chest and his fingernails digging and breaking skin. “Will you stop that!”

Tater laughed so hard that Olsen was being bounced around. “I couldn’t help it. You left yourself open for that.”

Olsen slapped his chest as he pushed himself back. “If you keep it up, I’m not going to fuck you.”

Now that was a threat Tater was not willing to test. “But what if I—”

“Hush, you won’t,” Olsen said as he scooted between his mate’s legs. “By the way, I’m killing my brothers for letting you feed from them when you were naked.”

Tater could feel his entire body flush at Olsen’s reminder. He hadn’t been in control at the time, but now that he was, somewhat, he was going to die of mortification.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of, love…They, on the other hand, better hope I forget.” He had no clue where his bear got the lube from, but the tube was dropped down next to Tater as Olsen’s fingers breached him.

“Yes,” Tater hissed as his head rolled back.

“Fuck. You look sexy as hell with those fangs,” Olsen moaned as he finger-fucked Tater until he thought he was going to lose his mind. Although his mate was doing a fan-fucking-tastic job of making him forget his own name, Tater was still afraid to really move. He didn’t care what Olsen said. With this new hybrid body, he wasn’t sure what his capabilities were, and he wasn’t willing to take a chance and hurt the man he loved.

“Ow!” Tater yelped when Olsen smacked his hip.

“You better care what I say, mister.”

Tater narrowed his eyes, puckering his lips in a pout but didn’t think any negative thoughts after that. It helped that Olsen had plunged into him and made his brain cells scatter to the four corners. “Olsen!”

“I thought you needed help taking your mind off of things.” His mate chuckled, looking unrepentant. Tater’s eyes grew when his mate lifted his big, beefy legs up and tossed them onto his shoulders, showing Tater a strength he never thought Olsen possessed.

“I told you not to worry.” Olsen thrust deep on the last word, making Tater cry out with pleasure. Tater didn’t care that they were on the carpeted floor or that he was twice the size of his mate, as long as Olsen didn’t stop, fuck everything else.

“That’s right, baby. Fuck ’em all.” Olsen grabbed Tater’s hip and jackhammered into his ass, making Tater’s arm shoot out, trying desperately to find any kind of purchase to grab onto.

“M–Make me come, Olsen. Please,” Tater begged as he felt something start to build inside of him. His fear spiked to an all-new high when claws shot out of his fingers as his skin began to give off a slight hum.

“Olsen, something’s happening.”

“It’s called an orgasm, and I’m not stopping until you come all over me.” Olsen’s face hardened, determination etching into fine lines around his mate’s eyes as he hammered into Tater’s ass harder.

Tater’s back arched as an explosion of stellar proportion was set off inside of him, cum erupting from his cock so hard that Tater thought his balls were going to be pulled up into his body.

He jackknifed, taking Olsen down and sinking his fangs into his mate as Olsen did the same, his canines embedding into Tater’s flesh as his bear’s cock pulsed inside his ass, signaling his release.

Tater was breathing heavy, willing his fangs to let go of his mate. The harder he bit down into Olsen’s flesh, the harder Olsen bit into him.

It was a war of wills until finally the storm inside of Tater began to diminish, his senses coming back to him. He whimpered into his mate’s flesh as he eased his fangs free. “Olsen, I’m so sorry.”

Olsen growled around Tater’s neck, his body thrusting into Tater’s, knocking them both back, Olsen falling on top of him before his bear finally released him. “Are you okay, love?”

Tater thought it an odd thing to ask, considering he was the one who hurt Olsen. “I hurt you.”

Olsen chuckled as he rocked back onto his heels. “No, you turned me the fuck on with the power struggle. But, as I told you, you would be the one on your back.” Olsen smacked Tater’s bare hip as he winked at him. “Come on, babe. We need to go let the family know that you’re okay.”

Tater snorted, waving a hand down at his body. “You call doubling in size being okay?”

Olsen’s features hardened as his eyes perused Tater’s new form. “I call it being alive.”

Tater caught the meaning. His bear didn’t care what he looked like, as long as he still had his mate.

“You’re damn straight.”

Fuck, he hated the mind-reading thing.

* * * *

Olsen had to give his mate clothes to wear, considering Tater couldn’t fit any of his own. Actually, it was Chauncey who donated a few things. The twin was the largest of the sons and was about the same size as Tater’s new body.

“My things are still at the shelter,” Tater said as he walked down the steps behind Olsen. “I may not fit my clothes anymore, but I do have personal items as well.”

Olsen led his mate into the living room, where it seemed his entire family was gathered. His pa looked up, his eyes questioning.

“He’s fine.”

“Thank fuck. If I had to donate again, he was going to feed from my damn bear,” Bryce grumbled. “I don’t appreciate being tossed under you, Tater. No offense, but I like my men smaller than me.” He laughed the last part, giving Tater a wink.

Olsen growled, hating the fact that his womb mate had seen his Tater naked. He hated the fact that someone else had to help feed his mate, but in all honesty, he was glad it was one of his brothers.

He cocked his head to the side when he noticed Chauncey sitting off by himself, a scowl pulling his face down. Olsen glanced over at Chance, Chauncey’s twin, to see if he had the same expression. He wasn’t surprised when Chance had a large smile on his face. Olsen would never understand the twins’ relationship with each other. It was bizarre as hell at times.

“The wolf physician would like to take a few samples of your blood. Is that okay with you, Tater?” Pa asked as he stood from his recliner, walking across the room to stand in front of them. “It’s fine if you choose not to. It’s your body.”

Olsen reached out and placed his hand on his mate’s lower back when Tater moved an inch closer to him. “I don’t mind, but what’s he going to do with it?”

Pa smiled gently at Tater, his hand landing on Tater’s shoulder. “He just wants to see what’s going on inside of you.”

“Do you know why they attacked?” Olsen asked as he pulled Tater’s large body into his arms. It was strange cuddling his mate when Tater stood at least a foot taller than him now, but Olsen didn’t care. The fact that he
cuddle him, that Tater hadn’t died, was all that mattered.

“Well,” his pa said as he ran his hand over the back of his neck, turning to face the others. “From what Maverick told me, the blue guy—”

“Blue guy?” Riley asked.

Pa frowned at the eldest son. “If you hadn’t been up in your bedroom being antisocial instead of down here at the cookout, you would have seen him shimmer into the backyard.”

“I was reading a good book,” Riley defended grumpily.

“Anyway,” Pa continued after rolling his eyes at Riley, “the blue man told him that some very nasty people weren’t too happy about Alex’s stepfather, Tater’s uncle, disappearing and the drug lab being destroyed. Apparently they had invested a lot of money in what Clark was doing in that big red barn.

“It wasn’t a fucking drug lab. It was my refuge.”

Olsen felt the anger rolling off of Tater in waves.
“I’m sorry you lost it, love.”
And Olsen truly was. He hated to see anything upset his baby. After everything that Tater had gone through, was still going through, he wanted to make his mate happy.

“So they sent rogues to do what? Wipe the entire fucking town out?” Chance asked angrily. “What kind of fucked-up thinking is that?”

“I, along with the alpha, don’t know, son. But I have a feeling that this isn’t over. I want all of you, including you three”—Pa pointed to Alex, Steven, and then Tater—“to watch your backs. Keep your guard up at all times until this mess is resolved or we get the all clear. Got it?”

The room nodded, a few grumbling their answers as Olsen ran his hand up and down Tater’s back. “How is Christian?”

“What happened to Christian?”

Olsen liked the fact that they could talk privately like this. It made him feel closer to his mate. “When he had to convert you to save your life, he took in your tainted blood. We were kicked out by his mates when Christian’s body started freaking out. He changed into this weird thing and was raging,” Olsen explained out loud so everyone would know.

Tater turned toward him with his mouth hanging open. “Seriously?”

Olsen nodded. “I’m not sure what was going on, but his mates charged into the room and demanded that we leave. I was so worried about you, I didn’t stop to ask questions.”

“Damn.” Chauncey finally snapped out of whatever soured his mood, and whistled low. “That’s truly fucked up.”

“Yeah, it is,” Pa agreed. “I’m waiting on Maverick to call me. He said that as soon as he hears something, he’d let me know.”

Olsen felt terrible about the vampire. He had immediately jumped in, no qualms about helping to save Tater’s life, and now he may be damaged or insane.

Olsen had a feeling that whatever was going on had only just begun.

Chapter Eleven

Olsen cocked an eyebrow as Tater grunted. He wasn’t sure what his mate wanted to show him, but Tater had dragged him outside, telling Olsen he had to see

Whatever this was.

Tater shook out his hands, exhaling loudly, and then stood as still as a statue. Olsen slapped his hands onto his hips, waiting for something to happen. There was no way Tater brought him out here to show him how still he could stand.

“Hush. You’re breaking my concentration.”

Olsen chuckled. “I didn’t say a word.”

“No, but you’re thinking too loud.”

Olsen shook his head. That was the first time he’d ever been accused of something like that.

Tater thought in warning.

“Well, what do you want me to do? I can’t stop my brain from working.”

Tater growled and then became still again. Olsen leaned against the side of the house as Bryce and Gavin joined him. All three stood there silently and watched Tater.

Olsen jumped back, gasping as Tater’s skin began to glow an eerie shade of green. The same green that it had been when he was first converted.

“So he’s a lightning bug now?” Bryce asked as he cocked his head to the side. “All he needs are wings.”

Olsen’s hand shot out, the back of it slapping Bryce in his chest. “You’re not allowed to make fun of my mate.”

“Who’s making fun of him?” Bryce asked, but Olsen could see the mischievous glint in his eyes. “I think it’s cool as hell.”

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