Hagen, Lynn - Hunter [Zeus's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove) (7 page)

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Hunter [Zeus's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)
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But there was something about Hunter that drew Quinn in. Tristan had the same effect on him. It was the same, but different. If his jellybean wanted Hunter here, Quinn would do as he asked. Anything Tristan wanted, Quinn would give him with no qualm.

He couldn’t understand where that feeling was coming from. That wasn’t like him.

Hunter’s jaw dropped to his chest. “Really? I thought…”

“There’s no trouble, yet.” He looked back at Tristan. His man was squirming on his leg, his eyes darting around, not looking at either of them. His pants were tented, and there was a large wet spot on the front. Quinn wanted to pick his jellybean up and mouth that tent.

Hunter stood at the door, looking lost. Quinn danced backwards, grabbing Hunter and pulling him into Quinn’s back. “I’ve never danced with two people, but it shouldn’t be too hard.” Quinn rubbed the back of his head into Hunter’s chest.

Hunter’s hands landed on Quinn’s hips, still not moving.

“Just go with it.” Quinn danced forward, rocking his hips, grinding his ass into Hunter’s erection. He didn’t care how much of a slut he looked like. Hunter had made his intentions very clear earlier, and Quinn was getting some of that hard cock he had felt when Hunter had bent him over the drawing table.

A fast-paced song came on, and Tristan hopped out of Quinn’s arms, his lips souring as he danced around, his body jerking around as his legs kicked out.

Hunter laughed, twisting his hips back and forth, letting Quinn go as he danced around Tristan. Wow, what were the odds Quinn and



Tristan would find someone who loved to dance and have a good time like him and Tristan did? This was fucking awesome and perfect.

“Watch, watch.” Tristan started swinging his arms up and down, his legs lifting side to side.

“Watch,” Hunter said as he did some kind of Egyptian thing with his hands. Quinn laughed, standing in place and clapping his hands to the beat.

“Watch.” Quinn got in on the fun. He pressed his fingers to his chest, making like paddles as he shocked his chest, his body bouncing as if being defibrillated. He repeated over and over as Tristan jogged in place with his arms swinging around wildly. Hunter snapping his hips back and forth, running his hands up and down his body. The three must look the sight. Quinn didn’t care. He was having a blast.

Hunter swung up behind Tristan, grabbing his hips and dancing with him. Quinn jumped in front of Tristan, his hands in the air as he left a mere inch between his body and Tristan’s.

Hunter’s hands left Tristan’s hips, his fingers splayed as they wandered up Tristan’s sides. Quinn’s eyes ate the scene up greedily.

Tristan looked like a living and breathing god standing there between them. His jellybean’s head was tilted to the side, his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted.

Quinn placed his hands on Tristan’s chest, tweaking his nipples as Hunter’s hands came back down and then came around to the front of Tristan’s waist, his hands dipping into Tristan’s waistband.

“Wait.” Tristan panted, pulling from between the two. “Wait,” he repeated in a panic-filled voice. He looked from Quinn to Hunter. “I need time. I’m sorry if I led you on, that wasn’t my intention…I don’t think—” Tristan spun and ran down the hall.

“What just happened?” Hunter asked with puzzlement on his face.

“Just what he said. He needs time.”



Lynn Hagen

Hunter stared down the hallway. He never meant to put his rainbow into a state of panic. He must have moved too fast. Hunter cursed mentally.

“Do you mind if I stay? I’ll sleep on the couch.” That wasn’t where he wanted to sleep, but he would take what he could get right now. Hunter also wanted to keep an eye on Tristan. Make sure he was all right.

Quinn dropped onto the couch, letting out a deep exhale. “I don’t mind. I just need to figure out how to get Tristan to trust me, us. He told me what happened.”

Hunter listened as Quinn retold Tristan’s story. If he ever ran into this Xavier, he prayed he was behind the wheel. Never in his life had he
thought of treating another the way Xavier had treated Tristan.

“Did he say where we could find Xavier?”

“I wish.” Quinn threw his arms over the back of the couch, looking defeated. “I would be there right now insuring that Tristan never laid eyes on the guy again.”

Hunter sat down next to Quinn, feeling the same way. Tristan seemed like a very sweet guy. His need to protect his mate made his wolf want to shred this Xavier guy to pieces.

He normally wasn’t a violent man, but his wolf wasn’t going to have either of his mates mistreated in any shape, form, or fashion.

And neither was Hunter. He slid a little closer to Quinn, enjoying his mate’s scent. As Hunter inhaled, he saw Quinn’s cock hardening in his jeans.

Hunter rolled his body until he was on his knees in front of Quinn.

“Hunter,” Quinn said in the most whiskey-laced voice Hunter had ever heard. It was low and husky, deep, and sensuous. He leaned forward and mouthed Quinn’s Levi’s. The bulge jerked and Quinn’s breath hitched audibly. Hunter reached up and relieved Quinn’s cock from its confines. His thumb traced the pre-cum, swiping it, and then Hunter placed his thumb in his mouth.




“Oh shit.” Quinn groaned. His arms remained on the back of the couch, his eyes hooded and fixated on Hunter’s mouth. Quinn lifted his feet one at a time as Hunter removed his mate’s shoes. He slid his hands into Quinn’s waistband, tugging at his jeans. Quinn lifted his hips, allowing Hunter to remove them. Hunter tossed them onto the floor, palming Quinn’s cock and leaning forward.

The scent hit his system like a drug.

Hunter ran his tongue over the engorged head. The taste of his mate’s body tore a moan from his chest. Quinn’s hands came off the back of the couch and landed on Hunter’s head, his hips powered up, his cock driving further into Hunter’s mouth.

“Hunter, fuck. Please.”

His hand cupped Quinn’s sac, holding them gently as he massaged them. Hunter could feel Quinn’s legs shaking, his thigh muscles contracting as Hunter snaked his hands under Quinn’s knees, lifting his legs high into the air, taking him down his throat.

Hunter tilted his head, lapping and sucking on his mate’s cock.

Quinn spread his legs apart, planting his feet on Hunter’s back.

Hunter’s hands skimmed up and down Quinn’s thighs, calves, and hips. His skin was soft, pimpled with goose bumps.

“Hunter, please.” Quinn writhed under him. Hunter used his saliva and wet his fingers, pressing them into Quinn’s quivering starburst. It was tight, the muscles squeezing around his fingers as they slid in to the knuckle.

“God, yes.” Quinn panted, riding Hunter’s fingers. Hunter’s own cock begged for release, pled with Hunter to enter Quinn’s tight flower.

Hunter released Quinn’s cock from his mouth, standing and kicking his shoes off. He pushed his jeans down, and stepped out of them, his eyes locked onto Quinn’s throbbing cock. Hunter pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside as he climbed onto the couch and over Quinn.



Lynn Hagen

Quinn’s body melted into the couch as Hunter’s body covered his.

The strong hardness of Quinn’s body was a contrast to his soft and succulent lips. Hunter cupped the back of Quinn’s head, holding his mate in place as he dipped his head. His kiss was slow, thoughtful, and tender as he took Quinn’s lips.

Hunter repositioned himself, lined his cock up to Quinn’s hole, and pressed in. Quinn bit Hunter’s bottom lip as Hunter inched his way in until he was fully seated.

“My god, you feel so fucking good,” Hunter crooned in Quinn’s ear. He pulled back and then slowly pushed back in. Quinn lifted his legs and wrapped them around Hunter’s waist, groaning as Hunter took him.

Hunter smelled Tristan’s scent and knew his rainbow had entered the living room. He could hear the shuffling of those bunny slippers across the floor as Tristan made his way over. Tristan took a seat in the chair and just stared at them. Hunter ducked his head down and looked over at Tristan.

His rainbow was watching them intently.

Hunter wanted his baby to join them, but from his reaction earlier, maybe just showing the slim man that sex wasn’t abusive or harsh would be the better route. Hunter whispered into Quinn’s ear. “We have an audience. Show him what sex is really about.”

Quinn nodded, raising his arms above his head, and then moaned loudly. Hunter sure hoped it wasn’t an act. He leaned back, pulling Quinn’s legs from around his waist and then lifting them into the air.

He thrust in and out, taking it slow but adding the right amount of snap to his thrust.

Tristan slid off the chair, scooting a little closer. His eyes locked onto the pair on the couch.

Hunter pushed Quinn’s legs toward his chest, damn near bending him in half. He sawed in and out, Quinn mewling and keening as Hunter fucked his ass.




Tristan scooted an inch closer, his hands splayed on the hardwood floor as he crawled closer, his lips parted.

Quinn grabbed his bobbing cock, squeezing and pumping it in his hand as Tristan slowly made his way to the coffee table. Hunter could see the tent in the front of his pajama pants.

Being watched was a new experience to Hunter, and considering it was his rainbow, Hunter was in heaven. His canines lowered, and his eyes shifted as he rocked back and forth, using restraint to take this slow. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten Tristan.

Hunter’s cock grazed over Quinn’s hot spot, making his mate thrash under him. Quinn pulled at Hunter’s shoulders, seeming oblivious to anything and everything surrounding him. Quinn buried his face in the crook of Hunter’s neck, his blunt teeth biting into Hunter’s flesh.

Hunter hissed. The feeling of Quinn trying to bite him drove him wild. He pulled Quinn’s head back, hovering over his lips with his own, and then took his mate’s mouth with desired passion.

Tristan slid onto the coffee table, his own cock in his hand as he lazily stroked it, his eyes locked on the area where Hunter’s body connected to Quinn’s. “I think Tristan is enjoying this.” Hunter smiled at his rainbow.

Tristan’s eyes lowered, a spiderweb of color spanning across his face. Hunter turned his head and sniffed then licked Quinn’s neck.

The need to bite him was fierce, but he managed to restrain the desire.

Quinn’s hand moved faster as his strokes became more uncoordinated. He was close. Hunter chanced it and sunk his teeth into Quinn’s neck. The scent of the dual arousal in the room drove him to his baser instincts.

Quinn bucked under him as he shouted. Hunter’s senses went nuts when he could smell his rainbow’s cum as well. He drove deeper, chasing that magical spell that the other two were under.

Hunter stiffened and threw his head back, crying out as his seed escaped his body and splashed Quinn’s inner, tight walls. His body


Lynn Hagen

jerked with tiny aftershocks as he rested his forehead on Quinn’s chest, hearing his mate’s erratically beating heart.

Tristan quietly left the room.

Hunter prayed his rainbow saw how good it could be and would be willing to let Hunter and Quinn show him soon. His wolf whined for his other mate, to hold him in his arms and show him what it was like to make love to his mates.

Quinn ran his hands over Hunter’s hair. “I think we made a good impression on him, you?”

“He came when you did. I think he got the point.” Hunter crossed his fingers that he was right as he kissed Quinn, slowly, tenderly.

His mate moaned as his legs lowered. Hunter hated to move. It felt too right to have Quinn underneath him.

He sighed as he moved, hoping that soon, all three would be in a bed and no one would have to move.




Chapter Five

Toby walked over to Tristan. He had heard from Sidney that Tristan needed friends, and who better than him and Jasper? The Alpha’s mates would help to ease the man into his new life in Pride Pack Valley.

“Hi.” He approached Tristan with bubbly exuberance. They were in Harold’s Deli, Tristan standing there with the hardware store owner, Hunter. Toby was warned not to comment on Tristan’s clothes, and he could see why.

Tristan had a large straw hat on with a large fake daisy on the front of it. His clothes looked like a train wreck. He wore a flower print shirt and hot pink shorts that stopped at his bony knees. Toby’s eyes wandered further down to see he had on argyle socks, and…sandals with cupcake designs? He looked like he woke up on the wrong side of the closet and dressed in the dark.

“Hi.” Hunter answered for Tristan, his body taking a protective step in front of Tristan. Toby wondered if they were mates, which meant that Quinn was possibly their mate as well.

“I like your outfit, Tristan.” Jasper chuckled. “It’s unique, like a rainbow on bad medication.”

“Jasper!” Toby pulled on Jasper’s sleeve when Hunter gave a low growl, but Jasper ignored him…as usual.

“I wasn’t making fun of you, Tristan. Okay…maybe I was. But if I didn’t like you, I’d ignore you.” Jasper chuckled.

What twisted logic was that? He and Jasper had been together for a few months now, but Toby still hadn’t figured the Timber wolf out.



Lynn Hagen

Toby wanted to crawl under a table. Sometimes Jasper spoke without thinking, and this was one of those times.

“In that case, I like your shirt as well, Jasper.” Tristan grinned. “It reminds me of those ink blocks shrinks show their patients.”

“Touché.” Jasper laughed. Toby growled, taking a step in front of his mate.

“Mine,” Toby snarled.

Jasper wrapped his arms around Toby’s shoulders, pulling his back close to his mate’s chest. “Isn’t he cute when he’s all Tarzan and shit.” Jasper kissed the side of his face.
I’ll give Jasper Tarzan if he
keeps flirting.

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