Hadley (The Club Girl Diaries Book 3) (11 page)

BOOK: Hadley (The Club Girl Diaries Book 3)
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I lowered my face, capturing his lips. Our tongues dueled, the battle becoming more desperate as Leo began to increase his pace, the thrust of his hips slowly building and building.

I pulled away, gasping for air and throwing my head back. “Oh God,” I groaned as he hit me with one powerful slam of his hips before slowing down once again.

He lifted his head, his beard brushing against my neck as his lips sucked at the skin. “Can’t stop thinking about you,” he growled as our bodies moved in perfect sync. “You’re consuming me.”

His words crashed over me, totally catching me off guard. One of his hands slipped from their hold and moved up to my face, tilting my face down so he could see me. He pulled me down, pressing my forehead against his.

“You feeling this, too?” he asked.

I licked at my dry lips before I answered, “Yes.”

My answer seemed to be exactly what he needed, his hips beginning to thrust relentlessly, forcing his cock inside and stretching me to my limit. I moaned loudly, the pressure being exactly what I needed to heighten the already amazing feeling of pleasure that had been building slowly.

I knew exactly what he meant, and how he was feeling. Because it was coursing through me, this ache to have him. The attraction had been there since the start, but since we were first together in the church room, things have only snowballed. I wasn’t prepared, even though the signs of this crazy attraction between us had been clear, I’d never expected it to hit me this hard.

Like a damn avalanche.

I matched every powerful hit, moving my hips with him. The arm that was around me shifted, and I used the opportunity to push up onto my hands, holding my body above him and allowing him space to slip his hand between us, his fingers strumming at my clit.

I arched my back at the contact. “God, Leo.”

My breathing became rapid, and the new angle brought a whole new round of ecstasy. It was when he lifted his head and his mouth latched onto my nipple that my body exploded. It was like I’d been doused in gasoline and Leo had lit the match that sent me up in flames.

I moaned loudly, the rush of heat filling me in seconds, burning at my skin. My world was flipped upside down, and I was thrown onto my back, my body melting into the covers of Leo’s bed. He fell over me, his hands bracing himself above me, a sheen of sweat covering his beautiful body. His mouth went to my neck as he used my body to search for his own release.

My arms reached around his neck, and soon I felt the last few powerful thrusts and his deep groan vibrated against my neck. We were both motionless for what seemed like minutes, his cock still filling me, but both completely content in each other’s arms.

His lips began to kiss at my neck and move down my shoulder as he slowly began to fall to the side and onto the bed.

“Fuck,” he groaned.

“You’re telling me.” I laughed softly, moving to get up. I didn’t make it very far before his hand grabbed me and rolled me toward him. His arm went around my shoulders, and I pressed my head to his chest, just over his still racing heart.

I didn’t argue, I wouldn’t.

I wanted to be near him.

His gruff voice filled the silence. “Meant what I said.”

A smile grew on my face and I buried it into his chest, kissing it softly. “Me too.”

Chapter Seventeen



With my head on Leo’s chest, I’d be content to not move forever.

My fingers danced across the intricate tattoos. He had them up both sides as well as across his chest. The club emblem adorned his entire back, showing his dedication to this life he lived. There were several that sparked my curiosity. Ones I wanted to ask about, but I decided it could wait for another day, being far too comfortable with the silence to disturb it.

Unfortunately, we weren’t so lucky, and a knock shook the door.

I cursed. “Fuck, I left Macy with Harmony.” I wrestled out of his arms and dashed around the room, pulling on my clothing as he just laughed, casually throwing his legs over the side of the bed and pulling on his jeans over his naked body. Thankfully, he made sure I had my shirt over my head before he pulled open the door.

Skylar, another club girl that I’d become fond of, stood grinning on the other side. “Harmony said I might find you here.”

I frowned. “Really?”

“Yup,” she answered happily.

Leo turned to me. “She saw me come in before she went outside. Probably figured you’d find me before you made it to see Chelsea.”

“She’s sneaky.”

He laughed. “You don’t know the half of it.”

“We’re on dinner tonight, thought you might wanna start a little earlier since there’s extra mouths to feed,” Skylar said.

I nodded, grabbing my shoes off the floor as I headed to the door. Skylar disappeared back down the hall. Just as I went to step out the door, Leo wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back inside. His beard brushed against the sensitive skin of my neck, tickling me.

“I’m gonna go spend some time with my baby. I’ll see you at dinner,” he spoke softly.


His free hand turned my face toward his, and he claimed my mouth. My rush to get to the kitchen to do my duties and help Skylar, seemed to disappear as I melted against him. Whatever feelings he’d had when I’d stepped inside this room, appeared to have vanished, and the confident man I knew was back in place.

I hated seeing him look so broken, thankful that he was back now.

A sharp slap on my ass had my body jolt, and I pushed him away with a glare. “Ow!”

He smirked. “Go… do your shit. I’ll see you for dinner.”

I poked my tongue at him, his laughter following me as I dashed down the hallway to the stairs.

Skylar was already pulling things from the pantry and fridge by the time I rushed in, apologizing profusely.

“It’s okay.” She giggled. “I know how those guys can get.”

My stomach twisted as I thought of her words. She’s right. I wasn’t special. I was just another club girl like her. I tried to fight back the uneasy feeling inside and switch my focus.

“How was school today?” I asked Sky as I started attacking the potatoes with the peeler.

She shrugged. “It was okay. I need to talk to Op about having the night off, though. I have a test tomorrow, and I’m completely unprepared.”

“What are you studying again?” I asked.


Pausing, I looked over to where she met me with a wide smile. “Ew.”

Sky laughed. “Yeah, most people see me as a dumb blonde.” She flicked her long wavy blonde hair behind her shoulder and giggled loudly. “I play the part pretty well, huh.”

“So why a club girl?” I asked, turning back to my potatoes.

“It’s everything my family hates.” She snickered. “My dad is the pastor at our local church. And my mom, well, don’t even get me started. To them, science is practically a sin, so they refused to pay for college.”

I grunted. “Science is the reason we have medicine to keep people alive.”

“Exactly!” Skylar crowed. “It’s a crazy world but I love it. So if they weren’t gonna help pay for it, I was going to find my own way. And being here, I get to piss them off twice as much by spending all my free time either screwing or studying.”

I laughed at her enthusiasm to make her parents angry. “That’s the spirit!” I joined in.

We prepped dinner in silence until the door to the kitchen flew open, and Slider slipped inside with a quiet smile. “Hello, beautiful ladies.”

We both rolled our eyes and continued with our food prep. “Hadley, can I talk to you for a sec?” he asked, walking closer. I looked over to Skylar, who gave me a smile.

Sighing, I turned to Slider. “It’ll have to be quick.”

He pressed his hand against my back, guiding me through another set of doors and into the empty dining room. His body slumped the second we were alone, and I instantly felt bad.

I reached out and touched his arm. “How are you feeling?”

He had held himself so sure and solid a minute ago, but the moment no one could see him, it was like he could almost drop to the ground.

“Every day I feel worse. I almost passed out last night while I was coming back from X-Rated on my bike,” he answered softly.

I looked him over, his skin was slightly pale, and the beads of sweat were gathered on his hairline. “Slider—”

“Don’t say it, Hadley.”

“No, this is stupid. And I’m gonna say it until you start to listen. Tell them…” I said sternly. “What if you do crash your bike next time?”

He snorted. “Rather go out like that than let this shit kill me slowly.” He was giving up. I could tell. Slider couldn’t see the future anymore, it was blurred by unsuccessful medical treatments and doctors’ visits and the idea of death.

“You’re gonna be okay. Just keep fighting,” I told him softly, taking his sweaty hand in mine.

He looked down at our hands. “I just want it to be over, Hadley,” he whispered sadly. “I hate this.”

Tears welled in my eyes. “If you talked to them—”

He snatched his hand away. “I’d rather ride my bike off a cliff, and them never know how weak I was.”

“You aren’t weak!”

The door from the kitchen flew open, and Slider instantly straightened his back. Laughter flowed in followed by Skylar and Camo.

“Hadley! The boys want fucking burgers
now.” Skylar groaned. Camo grinned. He groped at her ass and she swatted him away.

“We don’t have shit for burgers,” I told her, stepping around them and walking back into the kitchen.

“Well, the boys want burgers,” Camo laughed.

I grabbed a potato off the counter and pointed it at him. He held his hands up in mock surrender. “You’re telling me, we’re halfway through dinner prep and now you want burgers, which we don’t have meat or buns for.”

“Just the messenger, Had!” He grinned before ducking around me and out the swinging doors.

Skylar sighed. “Fucking men. Never happy.”

I huffed, taking my potato with me as I headed out the doors after Camo. Voices carried inside from out on the patio so I followed them outside. “Burgers? Really?” I asked loudly, gathering the attention of the group of brothers.

Harmony laughed. “Uh-oh.”

“Last minute thing,” Kit answered looking somewhat apologetic.

Harmony piped up again from her place on his lap. “Tell them to fuck off, Hadley.”

The boys all laughed loudly.

I huffed and looked over at Leo, who was sitting on the ground doing a puzzle with Macy. He smirked up at me.

“Give me your keys,” I demanded, holding out my hand.

He laughed loudly, Macy startled for a second but soon joined her father, giggling with him.

“I’m gonna need something to drive if I’m going to go all the way into town to get shit for fucking burgers,” I growled.

A cheer went up from the other boys, and they started chanting. “Burgers! Burgers!”

I couldn’t help but laugh, shaking my head.

Leo rolled his eyes and pulled his keys from his pocket, tossing them to me. “You hurt my baby, it’ll be the last thing you ever do.”

Macy jumped up off the ground, ran over and clung to my leg. “Drive!”

I looked over at Leo, who just shrugged. Picking her up and settling her on my hip, I smiled. “Come on then, let’s go. Maybe we should get ice cream, too. Lots. Just for us. None for these assholes.”

“Asshowes!” Macy beamed loudly.

I cringed, backing back through the doorway before I saw the look on Leo’s face.

Ham followed us into town on his bike. Standing outside the supermarket while I tucked Macy into a cart and zoomed her around the store, much to her delight. After filling the entire thing with meat, hamburger buns and a bunch of other shit that I thought the boys might like, we checked out and loaded all the crap back in Leo’s truck. The trip was only short thank goodness, and on the plus side, the men always grilled the burgers outside, which meant I didn’t have to cook.

I drove extra slowly, not caring if Ham got annoyed following behind me because I wasn’t about to put any kind of scratch or mark on this truck and have to feel Leo’s wrath. That, and it really was quite a beautiful vehicle. It would be a shame to hurt it.

Macy sung loudly in the backseat to The Wheels On The Bus, and I joined in occasionally, laughing as she la, la, la’d her way through the words she didn’t know.

Just as we were heading out of town, a car floored their engine and pulled out to pass us. Because I was driving reasonably slow, and the road was basically empty, I didn’t take much notice of them as they flew by the window. But suddenly they swerved right in front of me and slammed on their brakes. I followed suit, praying in my mind that Macy was strapped in tightly and that Ham had quick reflexes and could brake in time without hitting us from behind.

Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t quite stop in time and ended up nudging the back of their car. Cursing under my breath, I quickly turned to check on Macy, who was a little stunned by the sudden stop but looking around. I took a deep breath, glad I didn’t break both of Leo’s babies.

The people in the car hadn’t got out yet to check the damage. I hoped they weren’t hurt, but I hadn’t hit them that hard and it was their fault for cutting me off.

The passenger’s door flew open, and Ham ducked his head in frantically. “You guys okay?”

I nodded. “I think so. Don’t think I can say the same for Leo’s tr—”

As I was talking, my eyes caught movement from the car and my heart stopped. “Gun!” I screamed.

BOOK: Hadley (The Club Girl Diaries Book 3)
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