Read Grizzly Flying Home Online

Authors: Sloane Meyers

Grizzly Flying Home (10 page)

BOOK: Grizzly Flying Home
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“Shhh,” he said, reaching to put his arms around her and stroke her hair. “You do have amazing things to offer. And, if you let me, I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you how amazing you are. I mean it, Em. You’re something special.”

He held her there for a long time, until her tears finally subsided and she looked up at him with a small, sheepish smile. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m not usually such a big crier, I promise. I’m just a little overwhelmed with everything.”

Chance smiled at her. “Don’t apologize, babe. I don’t care if you cry, especially when you’re crying happy tears. Don’t ever feel like you have to hold back your tears or hide your feelings from me.”

Emily sniffed and wiped at her face. “I should wash my face or something. I’m a hot mess right now.”

Chance pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “You’re my hot mess, and you’re beautiful,” he said. He felt a rush of desire and a stiffening between his legs, but he pulled back. While he would have loved nothing more than to throw Emily down on the bed and make love to her all night long, he felt like he needed to give her some time to recover from the shock of what he’d told her.

“Do you want some space?” Chance asked. “If you want me to go back to my room and come get you in the morning when you’ve had time to process everything, I completely understand that.”

Emily frowned at him and crossed her arms. “No way, mister. Don’t think you’re getting off that easily. I’m not going to be happy with anything less than you cuddling next to me and keeping me warm all night long.”

Chance grinned. “Okay, then. I’m not going to argue with that. Let me run back to my room and grab something more comfortable to sleep in. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Sounds good,” Emily said, smiling at him as he stood up and grabbed his clothes before heading out the door still wrapped in a towel.

As soon as Chance was safely back behind the closed door of his own hotel room, he dropped the towel and did a fist pump. He had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. He could hardly believe that tonight had gone as well as it had, but he definitely wasn’t complaining. It looked like his homecoming to Alaska was off to a pretty damn good start.

Chapter Twelve


As soon as Chance disappeared from her hotel room, Emily jumped up and grabbed some clothes to sleep in. She changed quickly into her navy plaid flannel pants and long-sleeved gray t-shirt. Not the sexiest sleepwear ever, but, then again, she hadn’t planned on sharing her bed with Chance tonight. Or with a bear shifter, for that matter. Her heart pounded with excitement as she replayed the events of the evening in her mind. The shock she had felt at seeing Chance change into a bear had quickly become a feeling of awe. She was still wrapping her mind around the fact that there were humans who could actually change into bears, and around the fact that one of those bear shifters actually loved her.

Emily’s breath caught in her throat at the realization that Chance had actually said the words “I love you” to her. She felt badly that she hadn’t repeated the words back to him, but she’d been so scared that everything was a joke that she hadn’t been able to respond very well. And then the whole shifting conversation and demonstration had distracted her. Emily had to admit that she was scared. Not of shifting, but of a relationship. Last time she had fallen in love, the relationship had obviously ended badly. As much as she wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around Chance’s neck and declare her undying love back to him, she was feeling a little gun shy. This all felt too good to be true. Could she really trust his feelings for her?

Emily stepped into the bathroom and took in her reflection with dissatisfaction. She had little mascara streaks running down her cheeks, and her hair was a hopeless mess. Her face was red and puffy from crying, and she had dark circles under her eyes were her concealer had worn off. She sighed and turned on the water, quickly splashing her face to at least wash away the remainder of her makeup. Hopefully the cold water would tone down the puffiness as well. She didn’t have time to reapply her makeup before Chance came back, so a quick wash would have to do. She dried her face off and looked at her reflection again, then giggled.

She looked marginally better without mascara running down her cheeks, but she still looked like someone who had just had an all-out sob fest. And yet, she’d suddenly realized that it didn’t matter. Chance had already seen her looking less than perfect, and he hadn’t seemed to care. Why was she still worried about impressing him? He loved her just the way she was. Emily was filled with a deep sense of gratitude. She’d found one of the good guys. One of the few men left in the world who actually saw beyond her outer appearance and into her heart. She felt extraordinarily lucky.

A soft knock sounded at her door, and Emily bounded over to let Chance in. he was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants, and no shirt. Emily couldn’t help but stare at his perfectly sculpted six-pack and large biceps. Chance definitely had some things going for him in the looks department. Emily felt a momentary pang of inferiority. She thought she was okay looking, but she’d never considered herself gorgeous. How could she measure up to a man like Chance, who looked exactly like the image she’d always held in her head of a perfect man?

Emily didn’t have long to ponder the question, because Chance stepped inside and pulled her gently into his arms, wrapping her in a warm hug. He nuzzled his nose in her hair and whispered, “You’re beautiful. So goddamn beautiful.”

Emily’s heart pounded against her ribcage, barely able to keep up with the excitement she felt at his tender words and touch. She breathed in deeply, savoring the woodsy scent that clung to Chance’s skin. She wasn’t sure how he managed to smell like pine when they’d been traveling all day, but he did. She closed her eyes and tried to memorize his scent. She tried to memorize the way his palms felt against the small of her back. This was bliss. She’d wondered before whether she’d ever be able to truly trust a man to touch her intimately again. Now, she had her answer. Everything about Chance felt safe and warm. She didn’t feel scared. She felt protected. And she knew that as long as he was around, no one would be able to harm her. She relaxed into his embrace, and everything else faded away. All she saw was him. All she felt was him. She looked up at his blazing eyes and said the words she should have said an hour ago.

“I love you, Chance.”

He closed his eyes with happiness when she said the words. “I love you, too,” he whispered back huskily. Emily felt a thrill of electricity go through her. This was crazy, but she didn’t care. It somehow made perfect sense. It was like everything she had been yearning for was suddenly right here in front of her. Freedom, a beautiful place to take photographs, and a kind, gorgeous man who loved her.

Just when she thought things couldn’t possibly get any better, they did. Chance leaned down and placed his lips on hers, and Emily felt a shock of heat shooting through her body. His lips were strong and tender at the same time, a beautiful contradiction that left her desperate for more. She stood taller and tilted her head toward his, hungrily returning his kiss. Everything became a blur as he lifted her in his arms, placing his hands under her ass as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He slipped his tongue past her lips as he carried her toward the bed, never breaking their kiss. His strong tongue danced in her mouth, touching every tiny centimeter of her tongue, teeth, and cheeks. He traced circles on the roof of her mouth, sending fresh shivers of delight down her spine. Emily moaned softly as he threw her down on the bed and crawled on top of her. He had one hand on each side of her head as he continued to kiss her deeply. Emily could feel his stiff erection pressing into her groin as he began to nibble on her lower lip, and she gasped at how large he felt. Burning hot liquid spilled from between her legs, making her entrance slick and warm, ready for him. She moaned as he slid his left hand down the side of her ribcage and under the waistband of her pajama pants. He grabbed one of her ass cheeks with that hand and squeezed hard. The heat from his touch was unbearable. Emily felt like she was burning up on the inside, but she couldn’t keep herself from begging for more.

“Chance,” she panted out, unable to say anything more than his name. “Chance.”

Chance paused and pulled back from kissing her. His eyes looked pained. “Are you sure you want this?” he asked. “I know we’re moving really quickly. We can slow things down if you want. Just say the word.”

Emily knew the question was hard for him to ask. From the stiffness of his erection poking against her stomach, Emily could tell that turning back at this point would be nearly impossible for him. Yet, he was willing to stop, if she thought they were moving too quickly. Emily felt a rush of fresh gratitude and passion flood over her at his words. This was a new sensation for her, to know that her feelings counted. She wasn’t used to having her opinion matter, and she was genuinely touched that Chance cared more about her feelings than about fulfilling his own needs.

She couldn’t hold back a giggle, though, at the idea of actually wanting to stop. She didn’t give a damn at this point what the rules were about how quickly you were supposed to do things in relationships. All she cared about was having Chance inside of her. He had turned on an itch deep within her that desperately needed to be scratched. She knew she wouldn’t be able to rest until he made love to her.

“I’m sure,” she said. “Now take off your damn pants.”

Chance grinned, then reached down for the hem of her shirt. “Not so fast,” he said. “I think it’s only fair if we take your shirt off first, since I’m already shirtless.”

Emily didn’t protest as he pulled her shirt up and over her head. He threw it aside before reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra and pull that off, too. With her completely naked breasts in front of him, he paused for a moment and whistled.

“Damn, woman. How’d I get so lucky?”

Emily wanted to reply that she was the lucky one. But before she could get any words out, Chance had bent his head down to take one of her nipples in his mouth. The fresh burst of tingling heat that he sent through her body made it impossible to do anything except moan. He ran his tongue back and forth over the hard nub of her nipple, and then used his teeth to apply pressure that sent waves of fresh ecstasy coursing through her veins. He moved back and forth between her breasts, never giving Emily a chance to catch her breath as his touch caused a burning, tingling pressure to build within her very core.

The lights were still on in the room, but Emily couldn’t see anything. Her vision was filled with stars as Chance teased her nipples and pushed his erection harder against her pelvis. She was soaked in her own juices now, anticipating the moment when his rock hard dick would slide into her. She wanted to beg him to take off her pants and ease the pressure of passion that was becoming unbearable within her, but she couldn’t manage to get any words out. The only noises she could make were moans every time his teeth came in contact with her breasts.

Just when she thought she was going to explode, he pulled back and reached for her pants. He hooked his fingers around the waistband of her pants and panties at the same time, dragging them down and off. As he pulled them down, her soaking wet panties left a wet trail on her legs. He noticed and let out a low growl of appreciation.

“Look how wet you are for me,” he said. He blew his hot breath on the trail, starting at her ankles and slowly moving up the line until his face was right between her legs. The feeling of air on her wet skin sent shivers up and down her spine. Chance knew exactly how to take her just to the edge and stop right before pushing her over. It was the best kind of torture.

But now, with his face between her legs, he seemed ready to offer her some relief. His tongue, which he had used all over her body to carefully build her desire to a burning crescendo, he now slipped into her. He lapped at her juices, each flick of his tongue causing an additional shiver to pulse through her body. She moaned and writhed under the feeling of his warm tongue inside of her. She groaned at the delightful feeling of his face pressing against her pelvis, the stubble on his cheek tickling at her most sensitive skin.

She tried to hold back as long as she could. She couldn’t bear another second of this painful pleasure, and yet she wanted more. She continued to writhe and moan, the flames burning hotter and hotter within her until she exploded. With a long, loud scream of his name, she let go and let the waves of release flood over her. The tingling pulses came one right after the other, like the perfect storm. Emily gave in to the moment, letting herself be swept away by a feeling of gratification she had always thought was only a myth.

There were a lot of myths coming to life tonight. Her bear shifter not only existed, he had the ability to drive her wild. As the storm slowly subsided within her, bringing a sweet, peaceful calm to her body, she thought once again that she was the luckiest girl in the world.

But Chance was far from finished with her. With a satisfied growl, he pulled his face away from her body and hopped off the bed to pull his own pants off. He hadn’t put on any underwear beneath his pajama pants, and as soon as he removed them his erection sprang free. Emily’s eyes widened as she took in the view. He had felt big when pressed up against her through their clothing, but even that feeling hadn’t prepared her for what she now saw. His dick was rock-solid, proud, and enormous. Emily couldn’t believe that a man of this magnitude actually existed. The momentary relief she had felt from the heat of passion in her body was instantly gone as Chance climbed back onto the bed to hover over her. All she could see were his blazing, passionate eyes burning right through to her soul. And all she could think about was the fact that the most magnificent man that she had ever seen loved her and was inches away from being inside of her. She could feel a fresh wave of warm, wet liquid spilling from between her legs as her body responded to the desire coursing through her veins. She wanted Chance, and she was ready for him.

He didn’t make her wait. He threw back his head and let out a roar, then slowly, tenderly started sliding into her. Emily knew he was taking his time for her sake. His enormous dick pushed its way in gently until it filled her completely. The pressure against her inner walls was enormous, and she gasped again for breath as he started slowly sliding in and out. Each movement of his body sent fresh waves of tingling heat through hers. She bit her lips and closed her eyes, drinking in the feeling of ecstasy that was flooding her being. He brushed against every sensitive nerve ending inside of her, making her feel incredible in places she hadn’t even known existed.

She could feel herself being drawn to the edge again. The pressure within her continued to build, slow and hot, until she was nearing explosion once more. The room was quiet now, filled only with the sound of their breathing. Both of them panted out hot, heavy breaths as they drank each other in. Emily let the feeling within her rise to a perfect swell, and then let out a long moan as her release came crashing down around her again. Her inner muscles clenched hungrily around Chance’s dick, wanting more of him, claiming him as her own. Ripple after ripple of intense pleasure shot through her body, leaving her spent and happy in the afterglow. Her hair was plastered to her face in a sweaty mess, but she didn’t care. She had let go of the need to look perfect in front of Chance, because he thought she was perfect just the way she was.

As her body trembled beneath his, he let out a roar and then thrust into her one last time, stiffening his whole body and pushing deep into her as he came. He shot a hot stream into her, filling her with himself and making them truly one. After another loud roar, he slid out gently and collapsed onto the bed next to her, taking her into his arms. Neither one of them said anything. They just lay there, happily entwined as a sweaty, sticky mess. Emily’s body trembled occasionally with the aftershocks of pleasure, and Chance brushed a soft kiss against her forehead now and then.

BOOK: Grizzly Flying Home
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