Greatest Distraction (Distracted #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Greatest Distraction (Distracted #1)
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Random clicking noises intruded our not-so-private moment and I pulled back, careful not
to look toward the sound. Dane must’ve been thinking the same thing – he merely looked at me.

“Chasers?” I asked him, my gaze
never lifting from his lips.

“Pretty sure.”

“Have a game plan?” Who knew we were here? Paparazzi showing up was definitely a surprise and to catch us during an intimate moment threw me; I wasn’t sure how to handle this.

Head it off on the front,” he said confidently, reaching into my back pocket for my cell phone. Flipping the camera on, he held it out, framing our faces. He kissed me softly, less intimately than we had a moment ago, and clicked the button, effectively taking a selfie of us kissing. A couple button pushes later he had the photo uploaded to my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account, tagging himself in it. Showing me the screen, I had to laugh at his caption:

Caught kissing in Central Park with @bdranucci. Oops. #sorrynotsorry #NYdistractions”

Grasping my hand, Dane led us down another path, our backs to the towering fountain
and now-yelling-questions paparazzi, while my mind kept playing over his tweet. How was it, that in only a couple days, he seemed to know my personality better than any guy I’d dated – even the men that had been in my life for much longer? If I hadn’t watched him type it, I could’ve actually seen myself write it. It was just so … me.

Brushing the inner questions out of my thoughts, I allowed Dane to lead the conversation
, happy when the voices finally faded out of earshot. We talked as we walked, about our favorite movies, music, pastimes. I was relaxing and I learned a lot about him. He was an only child, had been practically everywhere – Europe, Asia, Australia, you name it, he’d been there – and spoke three languages. I about died laughing when he tried to demonstrate his language prowess, which turned into every swear word known to man. Even
knew most of them. When I’d told him that didn’t count as speaking the language, he’d merely chuckled, shrugging in a way only he could make look good, and started moving again.

He told me how he’d built his business, some of his projects, his clientele. As the sun was setting, I felt like I knew him, really, truly, knew him. In turn, he’d asked me tons of questions, asking where I’d been – that was a short conversation, since I hadn’t been anywhere – what I studied in colle
ge. He asked about Elle and our friendship, my job, my home life growing up. I was surprised he hadn’t asked about my mom, but then, he avoided the whole “family” conversation, my father being the exception – I had my suspicions it was because he was ashamed of his own.

“Are you hungry?” Dane asked, pulling me out of my familial thoughts.

I was surprised to find that the sun was starting to drop in the sky, the colors morphing into the beauty of dusk. Before I could answer, my stomach rumbled loudly. I covered it with my hands, my eyes wide as I looked up at the man before me, who was laughing, his smile full and wide.

“I’m going to assume that’s a yes. Come on, pretty girl, let’s blow this
popsicle stand.” He grabbed my hand once more and led us to my apartment, which, to my surprise, wasn’t that far away from our position in the park. We’d come full circle.

As we made our way into the elevator
of my building, I could feel the draw to him, strong and heavy in the air. I became uncomfortably aware of the fact that I’d been outside all day, the sun warm against my skin. Dane looked scrumptious, small spots against his shirt showing color, while I simply felt gross. Despite it all though, I wanted him.

Uncharacteristically nervous, I glanced up at him, his handsome face tilted downward, gazing at me as the elevator came to a stop. He raised his hand, caressing it down my face and kissing my lips softly as the ding announced our arrival and the doors opened. I was at once frustrated we’d arrived on my floor as well as relieved. This girl needed to shower before anything.

At my door, he propped himself against the jam and stared down at me.

“May I come in?”

“I had assumed you would.” My words may have come out a bit breathless and hoarse; I was still recovering from the tension in the lift.

“I’ve got to shower before anything.” I sauntered toward the staircase. “Make
yourself comfortable,” I told him over my shoulder, before turning and making my way up toward water bliss.


Chapter Twelve


“Wasn’t I just here?” I asked aloud, to myself, as I stood beneath the warm spray for the third time in twenty-four hours. It felt so good and I allowed the water to cascade over me. I didn’t often shower more than once during the day, but after park shenanigans and the knowledge that Dane was in my apartment, I longed to feel clean. Closing my eyes, I savored the relaxation that seeped into me. Through the noise of the shower, I didn’t hear the door open and shut.

A shadow caught my eye through the glass of the shower door and I jumped, letting out a surprised yelp and covering myself with the
loofah in my hand. The shadow grew closer and the door opened, revealing Dane; revealing
of Dane. My heart, having paused in trepidation from before, caught up, hammering hard in my chest as I took in the view.

His stomach was the same, all tight and cut abs, as well as his chest, his tattoo seeming to stand out starkly against his skin. My eyes drifted to his feet, making their way up, taking in the strength and muscles of his legs. I couldn’t help but blush as my eyes traveled higher, finding him thick and hard, curving to touch his stomach. Dane cleared his throat and my gaze snapped to his.

“You said to make myself comfortable… Is there room for one more in here?”

He didn’t wait for my answer, instead stepping forward into the spacious shower
. Probably a good thing too, since I couldn’t find my voice. I shuffled to the side, allowing him to step up into the water, steeling myself to keep my mouth from hanging open. Standing behind him, I got a great glimpse of his butt, and I wanted to squeeze it, see if it was as tight as it looks. He
to work out.

I couldn’t help but stare as he turned, facing me. Water fell down his body, hypnotizing me, each droplet coursing a path along his skin. I wanted to trace them with my tongue, but couldn’t bring myself to do it.
There was something about him, something about this ridiculously great-catch of a man that turned me timid, almost submissive. It was a change, the nervousness he brought out in me, one I couldn’t decide was welcome or not, since I was usually dominant in all aspects of my life. Hadn’t I wanted an alpha-type man? Hadn’t I been bemoaning that I was the only one who had any gumption between Chris and I? Be careful what you wish for, indeed.

“Come here,” Dane summoned, his arm outstretched to me, his eyes
heated, roving my body just as mine had been his. I’d completely forgotten that I was nude as well, too distracted ogling him. Dropping the loofah that had been dangling uselessly from my hand, I placed my hand in his, allowing him to pull me close. Warmth filled me, and I shivered, unable to tell if it was the heat from his body or the water. Cupping my chin, he drew my face upward as he lowered his mouth onto mine.

His lips were
soft, warm, wet from the shower. The spray continued behind him, falling down his face to mine, doing nothing to cool me. I gasped as his other arm circled my waist, my body flush against his, and he took full advantage of the opening. Dane’s tongue circled mine before exploring my mouth and I couldn’t help the moan that sounded from my throat. He released me, his hand trailing over my shoulder and down to grip my hip, his strength evident.

Ryen,” he whispered, placing kisses on my temple, my cheek, my ear.

“Dane?” The word I’d meant to come out as a statement came forth as a question and he hesitated, meeting my eyes.

“Yes?” he asked, letting his hand fall to squeeze my ass. “Or no?”

The question wasn’t a hard one for me. I knew I wanted him; I’d wanted him earlier on the table, hell, I’d wanted him last night. Unfortunately, my brain was still on a hiatus and
I hesitated. He motioned for me to back up but I didn’t listen. Instead, I crushed my mouth back to his, my hand on his chest, caressing him. I told him yes with my body, pressing my breasts against him and wrapping my arms around his neck. Thank all that’s holy he understood.

Passion erupted between us and he turned, roughly slamming my back into the shower wall. I moaned as Dane grunted, our lips never parting. I let him press me there, kissing me, taking my
mouth as I wanted him to take my body. He was all muscle and strength between my legs, his body holding me in place as his fingers seared my skin. I was lost in the feel of him.

Abruptly he dropped
to his knees, bending to kiss my ankles, my calves, making his way upward, his hands following as he went. I shivered, knowing where he was headed. Part of me was embarrassed, I barely knew him, but another part of me, the winning part of me, wanted him more than I’d wanted anything. Nothing could’ve prepared me though, for the moment his mouth pressed into the most sensitive part of me. His tongue darted out, circling the tiny nub of nerves, and it was all I could do to stay standing. Using his fingers, he separated my folds, his tongue continuing its ministrations as he inserted one inside me, circling me, stretching me. The sight of him, kneeling in front of me, stray water droplets falling from his hair to his face, to me, was incredible.

“Fuck, Dane!” I squeaked, my legs shaking. It had been a long time, far too long, and if he kept doing what he was doing, I was going to collapse. My hands went into his hair; I wished there was more of it, give me something to hold on to.  He merely moaned
against my flesh, eliciting a hoarse sound from me, and inserted another finger, adding to the extreme pleasure I was feeling.
Too much, so good, not enough, too much.
I felt my body quicken, my muscles tightening – I was close, so close.

“Yes. Let go,
Ryen, I won’t let you fall,” Dane growled against me and it was enough. I felt my body come apart, crumble into a thousand pieces, before floating in space. Dimly, I became aware that Dane had stood, his body holding me up, keeping me from falling, just like he’d promised.

When the fog cleared from my brain, I noted he was hard against
me, his excitement evident, yet he made no move to grind into me. He rested his forehead against mine and kissed me, his lips barely grazing my lips.

“I want you,
Ryen,” he murmured, sending chills through me, right to my groin.

“So have me.”
I more than wanted him, I
him. My orgasm had merely dulled the passion and want I felt for this man; I wanted more, so much more. I wanted it all. I arched into him, capturing his lip between my teeth and grinding my hips against his.

,” he said huskily, starting to pull away, but I hooked my leg around him, forcing him to stay.

“I’m on birth control,
clean, don’t leave.” I sounded like I was begging, pleading with him, but I was pretty sure I was going to die unless he took me now. Sure, I was usually all for the double protection, but my period had just ended two days ago. That meant that I was at my least fertile, despite birth control, and chances of pregnancy were low.

Dane pulled back only slightly, looking at me, assessing my words.
Nodding, he lifted my legs and I eagerly wrapped them around his waist. Without saying anything further, or giving me any time to prepare, he thrust into me, hard, and I cried out.
Jesus he’s big

“Are you alright?”
The strain was evident in Dane’s voice as he stilled inside me, concern overriding the desire I could see in his eyes.

I nodded. “Don’t stop,” I whispered, tightening my hold on him.

He took me at my words and pressed me harder into the tile as he pulled out, only to slam back into me. His hands were gripping my cheeks, my back flush against the wall. Dane leaned forward and kissed me, not missing a beat in his punishing, rough,
, movement. I couldn’t stop the moans that escaped my lips on each stroke as he pushed me harder, further, driving my body to quicken once more. He smiled as he felt me tighten around him.

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