Read GrandSlam Online

Authors: Lily Harlem and Lucy Felthouse

GrandSlam (18 page)

BOOK: GrandSlam
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He must have sensed my acquiescence because he slipped his
arms around me, one at my waist, the other over my breasts.

“So you will apologize?” I asked a little breathlessly. “To

“Yes.” He kissed me again on my neck, then left a feathery
trail of his breath and touch as he moved up to my cheek. He caught my gaze in
the mirror. “We need to reassess these rules though,” he said. “So we can avoid
future misunderstandings.”

I swallowed and gripped his strong, tense forearm that was
locked over my chest. “We do?”

“Yep. No more dating other guys while we’re doing

I couldn’t imagine ever wanting anyone else again. “Okay, I
can live with that.”

“Good.” He nuzzled into my temple, sending a swarm of
delicious tingles over my scalp. “And also the lessons are going to change in

“They are?”

“Yeah.” He breathed deep, as though inhaling the scent of my

“Tell me.” I stroked his arm, the layer of hairs over skin
and taut tendons sifting through my fingers.

“Now it’s time to learn the difference between playing a
scene just for the sexual thrill and what it’s like to submit because you want
to please your Master, make him proud of what you can do for him.”

“I’m not sure I understand.” I shifted against him and his
erection prodded the hollow of my back. It was back, bigger, badder and harder
than ever, as though the Jacuzzi incident had only made him more hell-bent on

A small groan rumbled up from his chest and he squeezed me a
little tighter, trapping his dick between our bodies. “In the club you wanted
to experience a spanking. It could have been me, it could have been any number
of Doms who were there that night. It was the act you were interested in,
wasn’t it? Knowing what it was like to have your cute little arse burn with
heat as you got that head rush of being over a man’s knee.”

“Well, yes, but I couldn’t have done it with just anyone. I
could only imagine it with you.” As I spoke the words I knew they were true.

“That’s sweet of you to say, but I think you could have. I
have in the past played with people whose names I didn’t know and never found
out. It was all about the act, the game, the crazy, kinky fucking.”

“You have?” A nasty little knot of jealousy wound inside me.
I didn’t like the thought of Travis crazy, kinky fucking someone else. Not one
little bit. Even if it was just for the fun of it. A wave of regret crested
within me. I was experiencing what he had when I’d stubbornly agreed to come
out with Peter again. It would be tearing me in two if he were dating someone
else while we were in this “arrangement”.

“Yes, I have played, hundreds of times, and if I’m honest,
back in your office when you wanted me to teach you, I was up for playing
then.” He shrugged and I moved within his secure embrace. “But now…”


“Now I want you to be mine in and out of the bedroom.”

I glanced at the porthole, unable to look at him as a heady
mix of emotions spun through me. I wanted to be Travis’, really I did. He’d
become my first and last thought of the day. Every damn day. I came alive when
I was with him. Seeing him smile made me smile. I felt privileged to be
spending time with him, and that would be the case whether he was an
international star or not. It was Travis, the man beneath the gloss and the
trophies and the titles, who really did it for me.

“Babe, what is it?”

I looked at his reflection again. His brow was creased with

“I want to be yours in and out of the bedroom, but—”

“But what?”

“It’s complicated. I’m your psychologist, we have things to
do, work through. The first round of the Open is drawing nearer.”

“This isn’t about tennis,” he all but growled. “This is
about us.”

“But tennis has to be part of us. It’s part of who we are,
all day every day.”

He slid his thumb over my waist.

I trembled, wanting him to touch me all over, satisfy the
need in me that was growing by the second. But I needed to speak to him, tell
him what was in my heart. “I don’t think I can totally belong to you, as in
obey you at work or when we’re out like this. I’m too independent.” There, I’d
said it.

“I’m not asking you to.” He stilled, his heavy-lidded gaze
roaming my reflection. “It’s far too soon for that and to be honest I’m not
sure it’s something you’d ever want to consent to.”

“So what are you asking?”

“That you realize I have many things I can teach you. Things
you have readily said you want to learn. Baby, spend your days and nights with
me and trust me, I’ll make you so happy you’ll never want to let me go.”

I could almost hear the doors to my heart swinging open. I’d
have to be very careful. Travis Connolly had found the keys and was plunging
into the depths of my soul.

And as for letting him go, I already knew that wasn’t going
to be something I’d ever want.

Chapter Eighteen


Bloody hell, had I really said all that? The things that had
taken place since boarding the yacht had led to a dunk in the sea for me and now,
as I’d begged for Marie’s forgiveness, I’d also poured my heart out. Short of
telling her I loved her, she couldn’t possibly doubt my feelings for her.

Do I love her?
I stooped and propped my chin on her
smooth, bare shoulder and set to thinking. Everything that had happened between
us—was it just sex and fondness? Or was there more to it? It had all happened
so fast, my mind was spinning.

My heart rate increased. There had to be more to it. The way
I’d behaved, the way I’d pretended to be okay with her dating Peter when really
I wasn’t, the way I wanted to throttle any man who was even a hairsbreadth more
than platonic with her. Then there was the daydreaming, the wanking in the
shower, the way I simply couldn’t get her out of my head, even when I was playing

Fucking hell, I
in love with her, or at the very
least falling pretty damn hard and fast.

My eyes flew open and immediately our gazes met in the
mirror. She looked as shell-shocked as I did, as though she too had had some
kind of epiphany. Then I remembered what I’d said.

“So, whaddya say?” I did my best to keep it light, not to
let the emotion that I’d just unearthed seep into my words. I didn’t want to
overload her. I’d already said enough and I didn’t want to tell her how I
really felt in case she didn’t feel the same—effectively ripping out my newly
vulnerable heart and stomping on it.


“Aww, come on, babe, don’t make me say it all again. I’m not
the sort of man to bare all.”

“Don’t I know it. I’m the poor sod that’s supposed to make
you talk, remember?”

“Ha ha, very funny. Now shall I recap? I was talking about
spending your days and nights with me, me making you happy and so on. Remember
now? Please don’t make me say it again. I don’t think my ego can take it.”

“Your ego is just fine.” She started to turn in my arms but
I stopped her, pushing her slightly harder against the edge of the sink. My
erection continued to rage between us and I knew that no matter what she said
next, even if she rejected me, I would have to have her. God, I’d even take a
pity fuck, I wanted her that bad.

“Why won’t you let me turn around? You can’t avoid eye
contact, there’s a bloody mirror.”

“I know that, smart-arse. But as soon as our serious
conversation is over, I have plans for you. Or,” I said, shifting my hand lower
and stroking the skin just above the top of her bikini bottoms, “maybe even
now. Right now. So say what you want to say before I render you speechless.” I
dipped my fingers just below her waistband as a statement of my intent.

“I told you there was nothing wrong with your ego. What
makes you think you can render me speechless?”

I delved deeper into the bottoms, tugging lightly at her
pubic curls, then harder.

“Ah, ah, okay. Okay. Yes, Travis.”

“Yes what?” I released her pubes and swept my fingers,
barely touching, over her swelling labia, teasing.

“Uhh. Yes. Yes… Ahh… I’ll spend my days and nights with you,
learn everything you want to teach, let you… Ahh… Make me happy. Ooh!”

“That is the right answer, my sweetheart. And I mean it, you
know. I really will make you happy, even if I die trying.”

She fixed her gaze on me in the mirror and despite her
writhing and rapid breathing, her expression was deadly serious. “And I hope
I’ll make you happy too, Travis.”

I put my lips close to her ear. “You already do.”

With that, I kept my promise of rendering her speechless by
stopping the teasing and starting the full-on sensual assault. Her pussy was
already slick and grew wetter with every passing second. “God, you’re so sexy,
Marie. I’m so glad that you’re mine. All. Fucking. Mine.” I flicked her clit
with every pause and the sexy moans that issued from her beautiful lips
increased in frequency and volume.

“Hey,” I said, “as hot as you sound, you’re going to have to
keep it down if you don’t want everyone onboard knowing what we’re up to.”

She nodded so I carried on with what I was doing. My prick
was as hard as it had ever been and all I wanted to do was pull aside the
gusset of her bikini and thrust my cock into her warm grip, but first I wanted
her to climax. Wanted to watch her come, her gorgeous face contorting in the
mirror, her legs trembling and her cunt spasming around my fingers and covering
my hand in her juices.

“You know,” I said, increasing the pace at which I
stimulated that sensitive nub at the apex of her vulva, “you’re absolutely
fucking stunning when you come. Words simply don’t describe. Actually you’re
absolutely fucking stunning all of the time, but when you come you’re just…
God, I really can’t describe it.”

Her response was a lust-filled gaze in the mirror, a gaze so
smoldering hot and laden with intent that I almost shot my load right there in
my swimming shorts like a hormone-ridden teenager.

“Do you want to come for me, Marie?” Even as I spoke I
sought the particularly sensitive spot that drove her wild and focused my
attentions on it.

She nodded frantically. I could see that she was gripping
the edge of the sink so hard that her knuckles had turned white. I’d done that.
A surge of pride and machismo rushed through me. In spite of it, I realized I
had no right to be mentally crowing until I’d actually made her come. I knew
better than anyone that it was possible to be teetering on the very knife-edge
of orgasm, where a mere puff of breath could push you over, and still have
something pull you back. Fucking Peter. And I did not want to do that to Marie.
I wanted to send her tumbling into bliss. Then, while her internal walls were
still rippling, I’d push my cock inside her and feel the waves of her orgasm
crashing over my shaft. I could hardly wait.

I moved my other hand and stimulated each of her nipples in
turn through the thin material of the bikini top. They were rigid, straining
against the cotton. I pinched and twisted one of them almost cruelly,
replicating the movement on her clit, and she quickly pressed her hand over her
mouth to stifle her moans, then came apart beneath my touch.

“Marie,” I said urgently, not giving her even a second to
recover from the climax that still held her in its grip. “I absolutely have to fuck
you now.”

She said nothing, just nodded.

“Do you have a condom?”

An expression of utter disappointment crossed her face and
she shook her head.

“Fuck. I want you now. Right now.”

An apologetic look crept into her eyes and I knew she was as
sorry as I was. I was just about to look for something I could punch with
frustration when an idea crossed my mind.

“Can you stand?”

She nodded.

“Good. Stay there.” With that, I started yanking open
drawers and cupboards, letting out a quiet whoop of delight when I found what I
needed. “Thank fuck for posh people being prepared.”

I tore open the foil wrapper, pulled down my shorts and
sheathed myself in the rubber so fast my movements were almost a blur. I paused
for long enough to tug Marie’s bottoms down to her knees and then I was there,
guiding my cock into position and pushing. Pushing until I was seated so deeply
inside her that I fancied I could lift her off her feet just with my dick. But
there was no way I was going to start playing stupid games now—particularly not
with the well-being of my knob in question—so I waited just long enough to feel
a couple of receding ripples around me before I started to rock into her.

Resting my face against her head, I looked into the mirror
and caught her gaze, held it. The way her eyes widened when I sunk my cock deep
inside her pussy was almost as good as the sensation around my shaft as I did

“Keep your eyes open, Marie. Keep your eyes open while I’m
fucking you. While I’m… Making love to you.” Goddamn my runaway mouth. What the
hell had I said that for? Making love was for people
in love
although I’d had that revelation, no way was I ready to say it out loud. Or
even to write it down, put it in a text message, nothing. Bloody woman was
scrambling my brain.

A smile crossed her beautiful face and suddenly I felt
better. She was smiling at my words, not taking them literally and, most
importantly, not running away screaming. I squeezed my eyes closed for a couple
of seconds to get a hold of myself, to make myself focus on screwing Marie into
the middle of next week without saying anything else stupid.

When I opened my eyes again, she was still looking at me
intently. I returned her stare and suddenly nothing else mattered. Nothing but
the joining of our bodies, the mutual—and blissful—journey toward orgasm and
the ecstasy that would follow. The fact we were on a boat full of people, that
we’d had an argument, that an apology to Peter was in my near future—it all
fell into oblivion and I didn’t care. All I cared about was the here—right
here—and now. Marie’s divine body in front of me, her lusty expression
reflected so I could see the results of my ministrations, her perfect grip
around my shaft.

Soon it all became too much and I crept closer to climax.
Not wanting to come again without Marie having done so first, I moved my hand
from her hip and pushed it between the sink and her body, hardly caring that my
thrusting was pushing our combined weight onto my arm. Finding her swollen
clit, I dipped down and gathered some of her copious juices and smeared them
across her bud before stroking it in earnest.

Marie’s groans and pants morphed into keening cries as I
catapulted her body toward another orgasm.

“Remember,” I said, nipping her earlobe, “keep your eyes
open. I want to see you.”

“I—I’ll… Unh… Try. Ahh…”

With that, she tumbled into bliss, her mouth and eyes wide
as her cunt clenched my cock so tight I thought it would break. I could see how
she was struggling to keep quiet, especially when the spasming began, milking
my shaft until I too couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Fucking hell!” I said, moving my hand back to Marie’s hip
and digging my fingers into her skin hard as the sensation traveled from the
base of my spine into my groin, turning my balls into tight spheres, up through
my throbbing shaft and finally out of my slit in a breathtaking climax that had
me yelling and blaspheming like crazy, still maintaining my contact with those
soulful brown eyes.

I rode out the waves of my orgasm, my body slowly relaxing
and slumping against Marie’s. By the time I rested my chin on her shoulder
again, a dopey smile taking over my face, I was so blissed-out that I hardly
knew what was going on.

“God, Marie. That was incredible. I love you.” As soon as
the words were out of my mouth, I froze. I didn’t know what I wanted more, to
grab them and stuff them back in or to let them stay free and see what her
response was. I really hoped she wouldn’t dive into the sea and swim back to
shore. Not only was it such a long way by now that even the strongest swimmer
would struggle, but I found myself desperately awaiting her reaction, wanting
to know one way or the other how she felt.

If my hands hadn’t still been so tightly grasped around her
shapely hips, I’d have crossed my fingers.

Several seconds of silence passed between us as her widened
eyes continued to stare into mine. Then, “Travis, do you mean that?”

That had absolutely not been the response I’d been
expecting. “Yes, of course I mean it. At least I think it’s love I’m
feeling—I’ve never been in love before. What I mean is, I’ve never, ever felt
about anyone the way I feel about you, so it must be love. I didn’t mean to
blurt it out like that though. I’ve only just figured it out myself, so I was
planning to wait before I scared the shit out of you. But I guess it’s too late

Finally our eye contact was broken as I grasped the base of
my shaft, holding the condom in place as I pulled out of her. I snapped it off
and tossed it into the bin, then rearranged my clothes and moved over to the door.

“Hey,” Marie said, shuffling back from the sink and yanking
up her bikini bottoms, “where the hell are you going?”

“I-I thought you wanted me to leave.”

“And why did you think that?”

“Because you haven’t responded to what I said so I figure
you don’t feel the same.”

“God, Travis! You’ve just dropped a total bombshell on me
here. My brain is still catching up. Sit down.” She pointed to the edge of the
bath and I did as she asked.

Kneeling between my legs, she took my hands in hers and
looked earnestly up at me. “You, Travis Connolly, are a crazy bastard. You’re
arrogant, possessive, argumentative, bossy… The list goes on. But you’re also
gorgeous, fun to be with, kind, patient and really, really good in bed.” She
grinned at that last. “If I’m honest, I think we have a lot of things to work
out between us, and it’s not going to be easy. But having said that, I think
you, us, are worth it. Because I love you too.”

I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh of
relief. I broke into a smile. “Why the hell didn’t you just say so when I did
then, you evil woman?”

“Because I was shocked. Because I didn’t know if you really
meant it or if it was just your hormones talking. And because I was scared.”

I cupped my hands around her face and gave her a kiss so
heartfelt that it made my cock stir in my shorts and my heart pound so hard I
thought it would explode from my chest. “You, my darling, have nothing to be
scared of. I will never, ever, intentionally hurt you, except in the bedroom,
of course.” I winked at that so she couldn’t mistake my intent. “And as I’ve
already said, I will make you happy or die trying. I fucking love you, Marie
Sherratt. Will you just give me a chance? If it doesn’t work out and we end up
wanting to throttle each other, at least we’ll have tried. And we’ll never know
otherwise, will we?”

BOOK: GrandSlam
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