Goldie [Pyrate's Treasure 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

BOOK: Goldie [Pyrate's Treasure 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Pyrate’s Treasure 1


The last thing Caleb Slattery wants is to spend the summer as the law on Pyrate Island. That is, until he meets wolf shape-shifter Goldie Pyrate. He is instantly pulled toward the woman who keeps the truth of her life from him until it's too late and she has claimed him as her mate.

Goldie falls for Caleb at their first meeting on the ferry to Pyrate Island. Not sure how the alpha human will take the news, she hesitates in sharing that not only is she a shape-shifter, but also the alpha-to-be of the Pyrate pack.

Can she convince him to submit to her authority when they are with the pack? Can she fight her own dominant tendencies and submit to him in bed? Can they work together to keep the pack's secrets from being discovered when someone trespasses on the pack's private lands?

Contemporary, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves
24,407 words



Pyrate’s Treasure 1






Cooper McKenzie










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance




Copyright © 2012 by Cooper McKenzie

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First E-book Publication: April 2012


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To all the wild wenches!!!


Pyrate’s Treasure 1



Copyright © 2012






Chapter 1


“Who the hell did I piss off to deserve this?” Deputy Sheriff Caleb Slattery asked as soon as he closed the door to his boss’s office.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Sheriff William Thomas looked up from the stack of reports on his desk.

“I’m being exiled to Pyrate Island for the season. Who the hell did I piss off?”

Instead of sitting as he usually did, Caleb paced the small clear area between the door and William’s desk. He was known throughout the department as laid-back, calm in every situation, and able to deal with just about anything that came his way, but this transfer was not something he wanted.

“From what Packer said, a summer out on Pyrate Island is the next best thing to a five-month paid vacation. You work too hard and need the break.” The sheriff leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his broad, well-muscled chest.

That was one reason Caleb had signed on as a deputy for Carteret County. The sheriff led the way in keeping physically fit. No matter how many hours any of the men spent in the car, none of them carried the extra forty or fifty pounds that a large number of North Carolina patrol deputies did. It was not allowed. And if anyone started in that direction, he was encouraged and challenged by the others into extra workouts.

Before Caleb could refute William’s statement, the sheriff uncrossed his arms and leaned forward. “Why didn’t you put in for the assignment? You’ve heard how it is out there. Your own vacation cottage, you’re on call but there is no real crime to speak of, and lots of pretty, young women to liven up the scenery. Why wouldn’t you want to go? Hell, if Rebecca would let me, I’d go out there for the summer.”

“So why don’t you? Take Rebecca and have a summer of sun and fun.”

Even before he finished speaking, William was shaking his head. “I can’t. I’m the big cheese, and as such, the county expects me to stay here and shuffle papers. Besides, the mayor of the island demands we send a single male between the ages of twenty-seven and thirty-two years of age. Except for Micah and Joseph, you’re the only one who qualifies. Micah’s too green to be on his own out there. Joseph went last year and had too good a time from what I understand. So that leaves you. Congratulations, Caleb, you are the new deputy covering Pyrate Island for the season.”

Caleb blinked. He opened his mouth to refuse, but then reasoning kicked in. He needed this job. He was too old to try and return to the Marine Corps, even if they would take him, and the only job he had ever held longer than three months was military and this one. And he was good at his job.

But a tourist season stuck on an island that was serviced only by a twice-a-week ferry where there was no crime? He was used to running and driving and keeping active even when he wasn’t working. What would he do on an island for six or seven months until he could return home?

Taking a deep breath, he huffed a sigh. “All right, but I’m going under protest. You’d better season Micah up so he’s ready to go next year.”

William smiled, as if he knew Caleb would give in. “Who knows, maybe you’ll met some sweet little islander and decide to stay.”

“Ha,” Caleb snorted. “I’m not a beach bum. I’ve never been a beach bum. I’d rather be patrolling the county than the beach.”

William chuckled. “Yeah, come back and talk to me at the end of the season. Take the rest of the week, get packed, and take care of your personal business. You’re to head out on the three-o’clock ferry Friday afternoon. When you get there report to Mayor Edward Pyrate at the Pyrate’s Treasure Pub.”

“Mayor Pyrate, huh? Do they dress up like pirates and sing old sea shanties, too?”

“You can tell me when you come back at the end of the season. Now get out of my office,” William said before turning back to the paperwork before him.

“If I don’t die of boredom first,” Caleb muttered as he opened the door and walked out. He tried to ignore the small seed of excitement taking root that pushed aside the small seed of resentment he had walked into the office with.


* * * *


Goldie Pyrate sniffed the cool sea breeze. She blinked and sniffed again, her body snapping to attention. In a heartbeat she realized life as she knew it was about to change forever. Engine exhaust, fish, and the great outdoors almost masked it, but her nose, and her clit, twitched at the unmistakable scent of her mate. Orange and spice.
Taking an even deeper breath, she released it on a sigh as her pussy filled and overflowed.

“Mine,” she murmured.

The single word was just loud enough for her cousin, Silver, to hear over all the noise around them as the first weekend guests of the season boarded the ferry. They would be departing in a few minutes for Pyrate Island for the first “Singles Only” weekend of the year, and from the looks of the other passengers, it was going to be a busy weekend.

“Your what?” he asked. His tone remained soft as he looked around for a threat before turning back.

Goldie turned her head and met his questioning gaze. She raised one eyebrow as she continued to stare at him until his eyes widened with shock and understanding.

“Your mate? Really? Which one?”

His head swiveled wildly as he looked around the flattop ferryboat. The weekend’s guests milled around them. The electricity of their excitement was nearly tangible. Some stood at the railings admiring the views across the Cape Fear River and out toward the Atlantic Ocean while others hurried to the central passengers’ lounge to get out of the brisk, cold breeze that blew.

“I don’t know,” she said.

Instead of tracking his scent to find him, Goldie turned and grabbed hold of the railing. She watched the seagulls cawing as they flew aerobatics off the side of the boat, hoping someone would throw them a treat. As with each trip she made to the mainland, their antics made her smile and wish for a brief moment that she could fly with them. Instead, her special talent was the ability to change forms, from human to that of a black wolf.

Silver surprised her when the ferry eased from the dock to begin its two-hour trip to Wolf Island a few minutes later. Instead of going inside out of the wind as he usually did, her cousin remained by her side, ever the loyal Beta to her Alpha. Though she had yet to be confirmed and installed as her grandfather’s replacement as head of the Pyrate Island pack, her family already treated her as such.

After all, she was the oldest of the six cousins brought to Pyrate Island eighteen years earlier to be raised by their grandfather, pack Alpha Edward Teach Pyrate. Goldie had been ten at the time. Before that, she and her seven-year-old sister Emerald had lived in Raleigh, hiding the truth of their dual existence from the world and feeling very isolated because of the secret they could tell no one.

All that changed when Edward’s three sons, John, William, and Henry, decided to take their wives on a group skiing weekend in the mountains. A freak avalanche swept their van off a mountain road and crushed it at the bottom of the gorge. Everyone inside was killed instantly. Each couple left behind two children—Goldie and her sister Emerald, Silver and his sister Ruby, and Diamond and her brother Cash.

BOOK: Goldie [Pyrate's Treasure 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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