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Authors: P. C. Cast

Goddess of Love

BOOK: Goddess of Love
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Goddess of Love

“Sexy, charming, and fun,
Goddess of Love
is the fantasy romance of the year! You will fall in love with this book. (I did!)”

—Susan Grant

“Touching, clever, and an excellent heiress to the Goddess Summoning series. Cast's ability to subvert misogynistic mythology…and reaffirm what makes women wonderful is always worth celebrating…I bestow my snarky blessings on this book.”


Goddess of the Rose

“P. C. Cast [is] well-known for her blending of mythological tales and romance…[A] beautiful adult fairy tale…Readers will be enchanted.”

—The Best Reviews

“Outstanding…magic, myth, and romance with a decidedly modern twist. Her imagination and storytelling abilities are true gifts to the genre.”

—Romantic Times

Goddess of Light

“A charmer…Cast continues her unique brand of delightfully mixing a modern-day romance with a mythological legend…creative.”

Midwest Book Review

“Pure enjoyment…Anything can [happen] when gods and mortals mix.”

(Rosebud of the Month)

“A fanciful mix of mythology and romance with a dash of humor for good measure…engages and entertains…lovely.”

Romance Reviews Today

Goddess of Spring
A Holt Medallion & Prism Winner

“One of the top romantic fantasy mythologists today.”

—Midwest Book Review

“As always, there's a dash of humor and lots of meltingly hot sex.”

Affaire de Coeur

“Gorgeous Technicolor detail.”

—The Romance Reader


—The Romance Reader's Connection

“[In] the Goddess Summoning series…P. C. Cast has created a veritable feast for readers who just can't get enough fantasy dished up with their romance. Mythology has never been so fun!”

—Romance Reviews Today

Goddess of the Sea

“Captivating—poignant, funny, erotic! Lovely characters, wonderful romance, constant action, and a truly whimsical fantasy make Ms. Cast's novel hard to put down…delightful. A great read.”

—The Best Reviews

“A fun combination of myth, girl power, and sweet romance [with] a bit of suspense. A must-read…a romance that celebrates the magic of being a woman.”

—Affaire de Coeur

“[An] adult fairy tale…the audience will cherish.”

Midwest Book Review

“Without doubt, one of the most innovative fantasy romances I've read. From beginning to end, the surprises in P. C. Cast's new page-turner never stopped. Its poignancy resonates with both whimsy and fantasy, leaving the reader with a childlike believability in the impossible. I loved it!”

—Sharon Sala, bestselling author of
Amen Trail

“Vivid and colorful…splendid blend of fantasy, history, intrigue, and passion…outstanding. Watch out for this author, she's sure to rise to the top of the romantic fantasy genre.”


“Suspense, fantasy, time travel, all topped off with a very healthy dollop of romance…The good news is that this is just the beginning…in the Goddess Summoning series.”

Romance Reviews Today

Goddess by Mistake
Winner of the Prism, Holt Medallion, & Laurel Wreath

“A witty retelling of the Beauty and the Beast myth with a dash of Celtic lore and a twist of ‘You go, girlfriend!'”


“A mythic world of humor and verve.”

—Publishers Weekly

“A high-spirited fantasy romp, wickedly funny and filled with action. P. C. Cast turns traditional fantasy elements inside out for a story you won't soon forget. Highly recommended!”

—K. D. Wentworth, author of
The Course of Empire

“I hated for it to end.”

—Romance Under the Rainbow

“A funny, sexy heroine…the story is well-written, rich with secondary characters, and peppered with humorous dialogue. In the battle of good against evil, modern conveniences against ancient culture, and a bit of
Beauty and the Beast
tossed in, readers will enjoy being transported into this fantasy world.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“If you like your fantasy novels tongue-in-cheek, you will enjoy
Goddess by Mistake
, the debut novel by an Oklahoma high school teacher with a vivid imagination and a wicked sense of humor.”

The Romance Reader

“Sassy…big points for originality, style, humor, and sheer exuberance of storytelling…a wild ride and a rollicking good time all around.”

—All About Romance

“A fun read.”

—Christopher Moore, author of
Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story

The Goddess Summoning Series by P. C. Cast






Goddess of Love

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Copyright © 2007 by P. C. Cast
Cover design by Lesley Worrell
Cover illustration by Matt Mahurin

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Cast, P. C.
    Goddess of love / P. C. Cast.—Berkley sensation trade pbk. ed.
      p. cm.
    ISBN: 978-1-1012-0585-3
1. Venus (Roman deity)—Fiction. I. Title.

    PS3603.A869G636           2007


With love for Christine Zika, goddess editor and friend.
I'll miss you!

BOOK: Goddess of Love
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