Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2) (9 page)

Read Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2) Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Paranormal, #Sports, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Werewolves & Shifters, #sports romance, #Werewolves, #paranormal erotic romance

BOOK: Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2)
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He moaned her name, too lost in the pleasure to act. The wolf’s howl from within rattled his body, reminding him of his duty as her mate, but the moment was lost. He’d already come, and she wasn’t naked. There was no skin to mark. Next time.

He placed tender kisses on the top of her head. “Mine,” he whispered.

“Yours,” she murmured back.

He pulled back and his spent cock slipped out of her warmth. Brandon didn’t waste the moment, but crouched down and lapped up her release, tasting salty sweetness and the tang of musk. She moaned and squirmed but didn’t ask for another round. He stood up, disposed of the condom, and helped her down to her feet, only to pick her up once more.

“You know I can walk, right? Barely, but I can do it.” She laid her head against his chest as they made their way down the hallway.

“Don’t care. I love feeling you in my arms. Makes this real.” He laid her down on the bed and went about undressing her.

“This is just the beginning. Happy birthday.” She shrugged out of her blouse, unhooked her bra, and handed it to him.

“Thank you, my mate.” He paused to kiss her once more before going into the bathroom to undress himself. After a quick cleanup, he came back and wiped her down with a wet cloth.

She yawned. “Will shower later.” Kelly crawled under the covers, leaving his side open. “Come to bed, lover.”

“I’m not just your lover; I’m your mate. And I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He returned, tossing the towel into the laundry basket before joining her. Once under the covers, he hugged her to him, determined never to let her go.


Chapter Seven



Brandon opened his eyes. Dull sunlight filtered through the curtains of his bedroom. His arms flexed around Kelly, who shifted in his embrace. Her hair spilled over his shoulder, caressing his wounded flesh. The bite mark throbbed and the wounds on his back ached with each minute shift of his body. His shoulder didn’t hurt as much. Maybe more sex would heal him completely. He doubted it, but didn’t dismiss the idea. Instead, he focused on savoring the weight of her against his body, the feel of her curves pressed to his side. All the years of fantasizing and dreaming had come true last night. A surge of arousal took him, filling his gut and gliding along his limbs. His cock thickened, as his body readied itself to take his mate one more time. She’d claimed him, and in all the turmoil of fulfilling their needs, he hadn’t done the same for her. Not yet. He didn’t want to make her his mate in the heat of the moment. There was something he needed to do first.

With a kiss on Kelly’s head, he disentangled himself from her. She shifted in the golden glow, which illuminated the side of her breast, the dip of her waist, the curve of her hip, her rounded stomach, and the length of her leg. It was an enticing sight that made his wolf whimper. Cool air swirled around him. He missed the warmth of her body. The perfume of sex surrounded him, and he could smell her musk on his skin combining with his own. If it hadn’t been winter he would’ve gone out shirtless for all to see. Instead, he slipped out of bed, showered, and dressed in jeans and a sweater, careful of the wool against his wound. He couldn’t bandage it just yet.

When he came out into the bedroom, he found Kelly sitting up against a pile of cushions.

“Where are you going?” She crossed her arms over her chest, which drew his attention to her breasts. The tips were already tight buds. He licked his lips and tried to meet her eye, but continued to stare at the exposed globes.

“Um…” His brain refused to work. The only thing he wanted to do was climb back on the bed and lick the peaks until they were diamond hard and she was begging for him to fuck her again.

“My eyes are up here.” She waved a hand and gestured upward.

He managed to glance away and stare into her dark-brown eyes, which sparkled with amusement. Brandon moved around the mattress to crouch down at her side. “I have to go run into town and do some errands. I’ll pick up some breakfast and serve you in bed. How do crepes with chocolate filling and strawberries sound?” He leaned forward and inhaled, savoring the smell of his scent impressed into her skin. Her pheromones drifted up to meet his nose, telling him that she was still in heat and ready for him.

“Fantastic. But first, how about a little morning loving? Your errand can wait. I can’t.” She slipped a hand down the center of her body, over her mound to slip between her thighs. He watched with rapt attention as she parted her nether lips, showing off her thickened clit, before she shielding it from view again as she played with her pussy.

He groaned. His cock pressed against his jeans, insistent. He hovered between needing to be with her once more and doing his duty.

“Don’t you
this?” She drew out her words in a slow cadence. “Aren’t you
to taste me once more?”

“Fuck,” he groaned.

“Me. Fuck me.” She slipped first one finger into her sheath and then a second and then a third, fucking herself. “Look.” She withdrew them and held them up for inspection. “All wet. Want a taste?”

She lifted her hand up and smeared the evidence of her need on his mouth. He lapped up her juices. With her other hand, she cupped and molded her breast, tugging the nipple between her index finger and thumb.

An idea occurred to Brandon. He scrambled off the bed and headed out to the car, not caring that he didn’t have his jacket on, and opened up the back door. He removed the bag he’d stowed behind the driver’s seat and grabbed her purse from the passenger side. He returned to the bedroom to find Kelly finger fucking herself once again. His name was a chant on her lips.

He unzipped the satchel and withdrew the box before dropping the bag to the floor. “Use this.”

She released her breast and accepted his offering. She used a thumb to flick it open, not missing a beat. With an evil grin, she dumped out the contents and chose the vibrator before tossing the package to the side.

“I’ll use this if you stay and watch me.” She flicked the switch with her thumbnail and dragged the wide head across her distended tips.

He groaned. “Honey, you’ll be the death of me. I have to get out of here or else I won’t do what needs to be done.” He crawled forward and gave her a light kiss on her mouth. “I’ll be back with breakfast, but by all means get yourself ready. I want you dripping wet when I return. I plan on discovering every dip and curve of your beautiful body.”

With reluctance, he left her bed and then the room, grabbing his car keys and his jacket as he went out. He got into his SUV and drove toward town. His destination was Lou’s Diner, where he knew that Kelly’s father took his breakfast before going into the mountains. If he hurried, he might catch the old man before he went up to the mountains for his ice fishing trip with the elder statesmen of the pack.

As Brandon drove toward town on the well-worn trail, he thought of what had happened between him and Kelly the previous night. It had been more than he’d thought possible. The only hitch was that he hadn’t given himself up to the animal soon enough to claim her.

Claiming her might prove that she was his, but that wouldn’t stop others from trying for her. He had to move now, or he would end up fighting off members of his pack for the right to Kelly’s hand. His mind flashed to the smarmy smile on Alberto’s lips when Brandon had caught him at Kelly’s house. The social climber wanted to be alpha just for the prestige, Brandon was sure of it, not for the responsibility that came with the role. Brandon didn’t want the job, but that didn’t mean that he wanted someone like Alberto in the running. He had a plan in mind and hoped Martin would say yes.

The parking lot only had a few cars in it, but it would fill up fast. Brandon found a spot near the door and entered the eating establishment. Martin sat in the back, holding court next to the doors to the kitchens. Lou manned the front counter, talking with a few customers. Brandon nodded toward the owner and made his way over, placing his order before he went to pay his respects to Martin.

Approaching Martin’s table, Brandon dropped down to one knee and bowed his head. “My alpha.”

Martin made a grumbling noise that turned into a laugh. “Get up off the floor, son. You know you don’t have to pay homage to me. You’re family. Bowing is for kiss-asses. Get over here and give me a hug.”

Brandon smiled and rose. He wove around the various bikers and elder werewolves to lean down and give Martin a big bear hug. The familiar smell of tobacco with a hint of leather and sweat soothed some of his nerves.

“Boys, give us a few. Bran’s got some news to give me.” A twinkle in Martin’s eyes said it all.

Brandon slid into the booth across from his leader. “Kelly claimed me last night.”

“About damn time.” Martin threw a napkin onto his empty plate. “But far too late. Why are you here? I know you don’t want to be alpha, so I don’t see the point in this visit.”

Brandon’s stomach dropped, but he wasn’t deterred from telling Martin his idea. “You know I don’t want the title. I’d be a shit leader.” He paused to gauge the older man’s reaction. When Martin nodded, he pressed on. “So I think it would be in the pack’s best interest to offer up a new edict.” Brandon held up a hand to stave off any protestations. “Kelly marked me, but I haven’t returned the favor. I have a plan, and I don’t want some status-hungry asshole interrupting that. She’s mine, but this declaration fucks things up.”

Martin leaned back and folded his arms over his chest. “I know what it’s like to be so caught up in lust to forget to let the animal out. Scared the shit out of me when I forgot to mark Kelly’s mother.” He chuckled. “But that’s not going to get you or her out of this. You two can claim each other all you want, but I have to do what’s best for my family, my pack, and that means merging with Alberto’s pack.

Martin eyed him. Brandon shifted from one foot to the other.

“Either you man up and challenge Alberto for status, or you back off. I know you can make my girl happy. I have no doubts about that, but I have to think of my pack. Before I step down, my family has to be in good hands. Are those hands yours? You say you don’t want to be alpha. Fine. Have this time with her and let her go.

“Lou’s got your order ready. Go back to Kelly, say your goodbyes. Have this moment. Life is precious, son. Every moment matters.” Emotions flitted across the old man’s face and his eyes shone with unshed tears. “Now go. You have my decision. I have to get on the road. Mountains are cold as shit this time of year. Don’t know why I agree to this idiocy, but it’s a yearly thing. Besides, there will be booze, and I can smoke my cigars in peace.” With that, Martin slid out of his booth and signaled for his friends to follow him.

“Lou, my man, we’re heading out. Delicious as always. Brandon’s breakfast is on me.” Martin gave Lou a few bills before he left with his pack members.

Brandon picked up his food and left, feeling as if he’d been punched in the stomach. He’d had to try something to get Martin to change his mind. He could see his alpha’s point, but that didn’t matter to him. By Monday, Kelly would be lost to him. The only thing he could do was mark her and let her go. As Martin had said, every moment mattered. Brandon wouldn’t be wasting his last day with the love of his life.


Chapter Eight



Kelly lay in bed. Her stomach grumbled. Despite the arousal churning throughout her body, the idea of using a vibrator to keep herself primed for Brandon didn’t appeal to her. After last night, she couldn’t see how it would relieve anything. The wolf paced back and forth, frustration ebbing out of the animal and filling her up like a cup. Her hearing was primed for his return—taking in every creak as the house settling, every whistle of wind past the windows and chirping of birds—waiting for the familiar tread of his footsteps. Her skin prickled with energy as her anticipation built.

A heavy pulse echoed in her sex. Moisture coated her pussy lips and thighs. Her arms and legs twitched, ready to get up and rush him as soon as he returned. She was even willing to shift to give her even more of an advantage. She wanted to mark him again, maybe on his thigh, somewhere private where only she would see. An ache pierced her gums as her teeth changed, becoming thicker, longer. Pain shuddered up her fingers and spread through her hands as her claws grew, condensed and honed. Her senses expanded, trying to search for her other half but could only track him to the edge of the property. With a huff, she rolled over onto her side.

The vibrator lay discarded a foot away from her. It looked so innocuous. If he’d just called, they could’ve had phone sex while he drove into town. Then again, male werewolves weren’t known for their ability to multitask when sex was involved. A dull ring gave her a ripple of hope that rolled up her spine. Brandon! She scrambled off of the bed toward her purse and took out her phone.

Without checking the ID, she answered. “Bran? Get your ass back here! I’m horny, wet, and ready for you to fuck me senseless. We’ll use the vibrator later.”

“I’m going to need more than just wine to unhear that.” Clattering and the clinking of glasses could be heard.

“Shit, Reenie. I’m sorry. I thought—” Her face flushed. She made a mental list of all the ways she could bribe her friend to not bring this conversation up ever again. Reenie’s favorite champagne should be a start.

“Yeah, I know what you thought, and I hate to interrupt your cozy weekend, but I have an opportunity for you that we can’t pass up. I managed to snag a chance to talk to Madison Weston.” Reenie’s voice became high pitched. “And she may be able to help us, but we have to meet her at Shadows right now. It’s the only time we can see her. They’re putting together their annual ball. No worries, you won’t have to dress in anything special. It’s not open right now.”

“But I’m not a member.” Kelly had heard all about the private adult club, Shadows, owned the mysterious shifter Sully, but she had never been inside.

“No need to worry about that. Just get dressed.” Reenie hung up before Kelly could respond. The sooner she got this over with the better. She got up, took a quick shower, and put on a sweater, jeans, and boots.

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