Read Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series) Online

Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #Book Three of the Road to Hell Series

Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series) (40 page)

BOOK: Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)
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Her husband’s fingers pushed deep, found that secret spot inside her and rubbed as his tongue sucked her nub. The two actions combined were like an electrical discharge. Uncontrollable pink magic exploded from her and engulfed both men. Madison came with a low-grade scream, twitching in Nix’s arms as the climax rolled through her like a storm at sea.

Micah groaned. Nix joined him with a low-throated moan, his chest shuddering against her spine.

Her husband lifted his head and grinned. He placed a kiss to her belly and moved up her body, slowly, dragging his tongue. Shattered into a million pieces, she remained limp, sandwiched between her men.

Removing his fingers from her body, Micah took control of the tie from Nix and pulled her up against his chest. He looped her arms around his head and spread her release along her lips. He licked his fingers and kissed her. Madison tasted herself, her breathing uneven as the reality of what happened seeped into her subconscious.

She’d allowed Nix to hold her as Micah introduced her to his hellish ecstasy. And she’d taken them with her the second time around, forcing their release. This was only the beginning of what her men would do to her if she granted them permission.

Our men
, Usha corrected, purring like the kitten Micah called her.

Madison gave a mental flinch.

“I love you, kitten,” he said between kisses.

Dear God. She couldn’t stop the tremble that surfaced and wouldn’t abate.

“Madison?” He lifted his head and ran his free palm over the gooseflesh scattered across her arms.

Her voice trembled when she whispered, “You’re turning me into something I don’t want to be.”

“You’re exactly what you are born to be.” Feather-light fingertips traced her cheek.

“You only want me because of my DNA.”

“You cannot fathom how wrong you are. All I’ve ever wanted since I chased you down the street in my Porsche—after you walked out of that café on me—has been
. Your saucy sass won me over, kitten. No one had ever walked away from me. No one has since. You did it not once, but twice.”

She’d escaped him five years ago when she discovered he was the demon after them.

Her husband sat back on his heels and brought her with him. He lowered her slowly, his silk shirt abrading her nipples. He forced her to straddle his thighs, her pussy aligned against his erection. He’d come and he remained hard. She still pulsed deep inside and the outline of his cock against her—

Wonder if we could wear him out

Madison wouldn’t give her succubus room to expound on that contemplation.

Arms of support wound around her waist. She could only cling to him with her bound arms, making it impossible not to ride his dick with her seeping pussy.

By the gleam in his eyes, she could tell he was aware of her dilemma. “I misled my brothers into thinking I had to marry you to finalize your spot in Hell.”

“You can lie to them?”

“No. I told them the truth, that the Azura stones showed you’d be instrumental in the future. I cannot help they interpreted that to mean
future. Covenanting my life to yours guaranteed your safety if you failed my brothers’ expectations.”

His palm shifted up her spine and cupped her nape. “Raguel and Elias were furious with me for what they called a foolish action. They believe you make me weak. Lucifer said very little.” She got the feeling when Lucifer spoke, one needed to listen. “It was the only way I could think to assure your protection because they would’ve killed you as quickly as they did the other Genesis children. Swiftly and without remorse. I could
take that chance with your life. I pushed you hard—too hard—for this reason.”

Not a single flinch. Everything he said was the bald-faced truth.

“I can see by the look in your eyes you’re bothered by what just happened.” No point in denying that, so she said nothing. Naked in his fully clothed embrace, with Nix just as dressed behind her, she felt wicked and desired. And so fucking confused. “You’ve got to decide, do you want to live by your own rules or live up to the world’s expectations? You can only make one of the two happy.”

“This is too kinky.”
Way too kinky for me, even with my genetics.

I cannot believe we’re one person
. Disgust flavored Usha’s voice.
Our genetics eat kinky for breakfast and navigate into hardcore raunchy sex for lunch and dinner

Behind her Nix chuckled. Amusement created crinkles that fanned outward from the corners of Micah’s eyes. “Time has a way of changing one’s perspective.”

The nerve of the man thinking because they’d coaxed her into this escapade that they could alter her future outlook. To do that, she’d need lots more of what just occurred. “Release me this second.”

“There’s my feisty kitten.” Her husband stood. With the way her arms were bound around his neck, her body flattened against his, her toes skimming the floor. Dear God, the helplessness of the position was stimulating, and she suspected together, both guys would enjoy dominating her. “Care to assist me again, Phoenix, in calming her?”

“Don’t you freaking touch me, Nix.” Her heart rate spiked and her temper blazed. “It’s like Hell all over again. You two joining forces, thinking you have the right to coerce me into sexual submission.”

“You consented easily enough, baby.” Nix spoke directly behind her. He cupped her ass and licked up her spine.

“She liked that, Phoenix. Her eyes blazed pink,” Micah said as Nix nibbled on her nape and aligned the front of his body to the back of hers.

It’s a MicMadNix sandwich
. Lynx giggled. Madison wanted to murder her succubus.

Her stomach roiled.
Not again

“I’m gonna be sick.”

In one swift move, Micah yanked her arms over his head and portaled to the bathroom. She just did clear snatching the lid up before she hugged the porcelain and vomited magic. Someone pulled her hair back and held it for her since her hands were still bound. Only after dry heaving several times did the sickness abate.

A wet washcloth was pressed into her hand. “Thanks,” she muttered. A quick peek told her Nix was the one who held her hair. The way they worked in tandem to take care of her since the angel assault had frightened her.

“This has been going on since the attack. Happens all day.” Her Sherlock’s voice grew closer. She suspected he crouched behind her.

“Sterillium sickness.” Micah’s fingers touched her shoulder. “Although I didn’t suspect it’d linger this long.”

“Are you sure she’s got enough seraph and messian to heal correctly?”

“Yes.” Her husband sounded like he was tired of this repetitious conversation.

No one could be as weary of it as she was. “It’s getting better.” She ruined that revelation by retching into the toilet bowl again. Gawd, who knew magic would be as horrid to puke as bile.

“Obviously,” Micah said dryly.

“You said yourself no one knew how it would interact with my Lynx DNA. Or the Pandora bitch I chugged.” Madison tossed Micah a glare. “It
getting better.”

He threw his hands up in surrender. “If you say so, kitten.”



Chapter Thirty-Eight



After Mads brushed her teeth, she exited the bedroom—demanding they give her some time alone. By her agitated manor, it was easy for Nix to guess she felt like he’d betrayed her by assisting Micah in her pleasure. Soon enough she’d realize he helped her. The only way she’d decide between them was to get closer to the King.

Her husband faced him. “Why did you aid me, Phoenix?”

Nix shrugged. “Felt like it.”

A lie in so many ways, but the truth, too. Watching Mads come because of the fallen angel, it’d been as hot as he’d planned in Hell. But he wasn’t in the fiery locale any longer. He wanted Mads to himself.

“Bullshit. Six months ago, you would’ve sliced and diced me to keep me away from Madison. Now you expect me to believe you’re okay with me claiming her?”

Six months ago he’d been swilling cheap liquor and praying the fallen would grow a heart and release him from his covenant. No such luck. Lots had changed since then.

“Believe whatever you want, Micah.” The only way the King would be claiming Mads was if Nix permitted it.

He slumped onto the sofa and rubbed his eyes. Taz begged at his feet with chirping noises. He patted his chest. The mini-dragon executed a leap with wing action and climbed into his lap.

Beyond fucking tired, he hadn’t had a real night sleep since exiting Hell just over a month ago. Living with immortals was exhausting.

Unsure what had awoken him, something had triggered alarm to his subconscious, and his eyes flipped wide open. He’d spied Mads and Micah dancing almost immediately. He’d shifted Taz and watched them through slitted eyes. Jealous over the way they moved together, Nix had almost bolted out of the bed to put an end to the racy tango.

Then he’d grown aware of the intimacy of their movements. Not the way they flowed together—although that’d been intimate, she’d danced like that with Gage on her thirtieth birthday and there had been no emotional closeness—but the way their eyes talked to each other, the physical chemistry that’d thickened between them. It had been tangible.

In that moment, he’d realized Mads was not only attracted to her husband, but still felt something for him. They’d hit the love seat together, and Mads had used Nix as an excuse to halt Micah’s sexual advances.

It’d struck him then that Mads
to pursue both of them before she could make a decision. He wanted her and planned on keeping her, but he’d push every comfort zone she clutched as a security blanket so she’d realize what each of them offered. No more games, this was all-out war for her heart.

“You think this is going to help you somehow?”

“Might come as a shock to you, Micah, but my needs aren’t my priority.” Nix dropped his fingers from his eyes and focused on the King of Hell. “I did that to help Mads. Not you. It damn sure didn’t help me.” If anything, his actions set him back from winning her.

“For Madison, huh?” The King perched on the arm of the chair and crossed his ankles. “Not too long ago, you wouldn’t have done that for Mads. Period. End of story. You’d have killed yourself to keep me away from her. Instead, you talk her into letting me eat her pussy.”

He’d liked watching Micah go down on her too much. “Hell changed me.” The abso-fucking-lute truth. He’d never imagined kinky with Mads before Hell. Okay, well, maybe a little, but never with another man and certainly not her husband.

The King smirked. “Changed you enough you’d have fucked her with me just now.”

Nix didn’t look away from Micah’s direct gaze. He would neither affirm nor deny the King’s statement. “Mads wouldn’t have allowed it to go that far.”

“Why do you call her that ridiculous name?”

“Because she fought you like a mad woman.”

The other man crossed his arms over his chest. “I love her, Phoenix.”

“As do I.” His scruff buzzed when he scratched his jaw.

“So it comes down to which one of us will win her heart?”

“I already have her heart.” Nix wished he felt more confident of that.

“She needs me to survive.”

The Sherlock shifted uncomfortably. “So you say. That remains unconfirmed.”

“Hell revealed to you how much Madison means to me.”

“Hell revealed how big of a sick son-of-a-bitch you are, too. I gave my lineage for her. I went blacker than sin for her and thankfully came back. We—”

“Whoa!” The King held up his hand. “Don’t get too ambitious, Phoenix. You’ve not come back from your Fall.”

“I’m not out killing innocents to hunt Mads down.”

Mads’s husband smirked. “I see the look in your eyes. You’d do
for her. Before Hell, you would’ve caved beneath your morals.” He arched an eyebrow. “Do you presently have any morals you won’t break for Madison?”

“I’m not going to be killing innocents for her.” He didn’t need to read minds to know Micah thought that was bullshit.

“We’ll see.”

“Fuck you, Micah.” And the King’s Hell, too, because he was keeping Mads.

“If Sherlocks come for her, you’ll kill them to keep her safe.”

The fallen angel was getting on his nerves. “They’re not innocent.”

“What about angels? They’re innocent in Father’s eyes.” Micah went on when Nix glared at him. “Or the human she goes after when she’s starved? She’ll turn them into mindless creatures when she feasts on them. The humane thing to do would be to put them down like a lame horse.” The King canted his head slightly. “Innocents, Phoenix. They will be her target if she’s not fully fed.
am the only one capable of giving her what she needs.”

He ground his teeth. “I’m not giving her to you.”

“Then you’re an innocent killer. Proof you’ve not come back from your Fall.”

“I’m not playing your mind games.”

“You already are,” Micah said smugly. “Be comforted. I’ll keep you around so we both can enjoy fucking you.”

As if Mads picking him was a foregone conclusion. Or that he planned to sit back and let the King have her without a fight.

What if she picks him? Will I stay with them

Nix set Taz on the sofa and pushed to his feet. He took the one step necessary to be in Micah’s personal space. They stared at one another. Both dominant natures, how they’d ever fit together sexually he didn’t know. Neither of them had attempted to control the other.

He’d enjoyed being the King’s lover, reveled in learning his powers under the fallen’s tutelage, and had found an eerie freedom in the evil he’d spawned. Mads had erased evil from his psyche, but not his power nor his preference for the King. What did that say about him?

The world he’d left behind for Hell had been his haven. According to his family, Sherlocks were putting together a posse to hunt him down, all thanks to his demonic deeds in the honky-tonk bar. Behavior he’d committed for Mads with the fallen angel at his side.

BOOK: Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)
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