Read Genesis Online

Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy

Genesis (17 page)

BOOK: Genesis
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She’d never thought she would find herself in a position where she was too civilized to have a fighting chance of survival, but she had. She wasn’t going to cling to proper social etiquette if it meant she was going to feel compelled to behave like a lady when she needed to be a savage. When the time came, when her moment was upon her, she was going to be tough, wily, and strike like lightening, and they were never going to know what hit them!

He settled his hands heavily on her shoulders when she would’ve stepped away. “Not help. Get killed.”

Her heart sank, but she refused to accept that she couldn’t make a difference. Her lips tightened. “How would you know? You don’t know anything about me!”

His grip on her shoulders loosened. She thought he meant to release her altogether. Instead, he traced light circles over her collar bone. Her belly spasmed. Her breath hitched in her throat. Slowly, holding her gaze, he slipped his hands along her arms and uncurled her fingers from the edge of the towel. It promptly fell to her feet.

Afraid to do or say anything for fear he’d change his mind, she held her breath as he carried her hands to his chest and pressed her palms over his pecs. The cold metal of his nipple rings dug into her palms, making her fingers itch to explore the taut flesh her hands cupped. Dragging her gaze from his after a moment, she stared at the swirling, intricate tattoo that covered most of his upper chest.

It said a lot for the changes in her that she was more intrigued than repelled by the tats and rings. She would’ve fainted dead away if she’d found herself this close to such a rough looking character on Earth. She would’ve been scrambling for a way to escape, not waiting in breathless anticipation to see what he would do next.

If she was honest, she would’ve been simply paralyzed, probably so loathe to create a sordid scene that she would simply have stood quivering like a lamb to the slaughter while he did any damned thing he wanted to her--up to and including cutting her throat.

Kole was no tattooed street thug with needle tracks on his arms, though.

He was the one the Sheloni had picked to breed her with, and she was desperate to get that done.

So desperate, she realized abruptly, that she hadn’t spent any time at all considering the act itself, only the result.

It occurred to her that she had avoided thinking about the act because she hadn’t been comfortable about her reaction to him before. She hadn’t been comfortable reacting at all when she’d been staked down like a mare being serviced by a stallion--and watched. How could she have felt
but repugnance in such a situation? How could she have felt any desire at all for this being who was so different from her?

It was unavoidable that she didn’t know herself as well as she’d thought she did, because she didn’t just feel relieved that it seemed he meant to have sex with her. She felt her body react with welcome, grow tense and expectant.

Reluctance moved over her as he caught her face in one hand, hooking her chin in the L between his thumb and forefinger and tipping her face up. She didn’t want
! She wanted to be fucked, so she could put it from her mind as a disgusting incident that she’d endured for Cory’s sake.

She tensed as he shifted, hunching his shoulders as he lowered his face closer to hers. She closed her eyes.
Just do it!
She screamed inside her mind as it exploded into chaos.
Don’t make me feel things I don’t want to feel!

It was too late, though. He released a gusty sigh, as if he’d been holding his breath, and as she took his essence inside of her it decimated even chaotic thought, made her feel weak and heavy, eager, needful even before his lips brushed hers, opened over them.

The little resistance she still clung to crumbled as his tongue breached the barrier of her lips and raked along hers, filling her with the taste of him. Her fingers dug into the flesh beneath her palms reflexively. For several moments more, she remained completely passive, so enthralled by the heady effect of his taste and touch, she lost awareness of everything else. But as she felt him withdraw slightly, she closed her mouth around his tongue and sucked.

A shudder went through him. He slipped his palm from her cheek to the base of her skull, spearing his fingers almost painfully through her hair, caught one cheek of her buttocks with his other hand and drew her higher against his body, closer. Her breasts brushed his chest with the movement, and her nipples instantly stood erect, grew exquisitely sensitive with the blood that engorged them.

Her arms, crushed between their bodies, prevented her from feeling more than a teasing touch of skin against skin. With a determined effort, she managed to dislodge them and hooked her hands on his shoulders, drawing herself upward, closer, but focused almost entirely on the heat of his mouth and the stroke of his tongue as he explored her mouth thoroughly.

She wavered dizzily when he released her abruptly, lifting her heavy lids a slit to peer at him as the sound of tearing fabric reached her ears. She saw that he’d parted the closure of his trousers, shoved them from his hips. They clung for a moment, caught on his erection rather than his hips and fell away as he reached for her again before she managed more than a glimpse of his swollen member. Snatching her off her feet, he brought her tightly against his chest, turned, and strode toward the sleeping platform. In two strides, he reached it and almost dove onto it, somehow managing to settle both of them on top of the hard surface without completely breaking contact.

A moment of doubt arose as he pressed his body against hers and she felt the hot evidence of his arousal. He banished it when he slipped downward and opened his mouth over hers again. The hunger and urgency of his caress sent a shaft of need straight through her core. Her belly clenched, warmth flowing through it.

Dizzy and disoriented with the heat rising inside of her to fever pitch, Bri clung, then released her grip to explore any part of his body she could reach, unable to identify anything beyond smooth skin and taut muscles … until she felt the hard, almost spiny ridge of flesh along his arms. The unexpected discovery parted the veil of desire briefly, but before the alien feel of it had even fully registered in her mind, his exploring hand found her moist cleft. A jolt of keen sensation went through her as he parted the tender folds and zeroed in on her clit unerringly. The first stroke of his finger over the sensitive nub knocked the breath out of her.

He stilled at the sound she made in her throat, at the hard jerk that went through her. Breaking the kiss and withdrawing his hand at the same moment, he stared down at her with a mixture of confusion and uneasiness. Squeezing her eyes closed, she grabbed his wrist, pushing his hand between her thighs again, arching up to meet his touch.

She could feel his gaze on her face as he carefully searched again for the nub. She bit her lip against a groan as he found it and another hard jolt of pleasure shot through her. “There! Yes,” she gasped, catching one of his fingers and guiding it in the motion that drove her toward mindlessness.

Releasing a harsh breath, he shifted to burrow his face against her throat, upper chest and breasts, stroking the smooth skin of his cheeks against her as if he wanted to coat his skin with her scent. She was hardly aware of anything beyond the feel of his finger until his lips closed over one engorged nipple. The stroke of his tongue across the almost painfully sensitive tip dragged a shaky cry from her, though, almost sent her over the edge when she hadn’t realized how near she was to coming.

She fought it, reaching down to stroke his head, to urge him to continue even while she fought to stave off her climax just a few moments longer.

Disappointment flickered through her when he stopped abruptly and shifted over her, but it was replaced with eagerness to the point of desperation when she felt the probing of his cock head. This was better. She dug her fingers into his arms, lifting her hips to meet him as she felt him lock with her body, felt the skin stretch.

She skidded up the platform as he thrust.

Thoroughly confused by the lust raging inside of her, he’d already repositioned himself for another attempt before Bri even realized what had happened. The second thrust inched her upwards again. Her hair, trapped beneath her shoulders, jerked her head backwards at an uncomfortable angle. She bucked, lifted her head in an effort to free herself from the tether, but Kole was near mindless in pursuit by that time. Every time she almost managed to free her hair, he thrust again. And each time he thrust, instead of making headway at claiming her, he shoved her further up the bed.

They were both coated with the moisture of their efforts by the time they hit the wall, their skin clinging one moment, slipping the next.

Fortunately, since Kole was taller, his head hit first.

The loud ping of skull against metal distracted her momentarily, but Bri was too focused on freeing her head and engulfing his flesh within hers to register much besides the sound.

Uttering a frustrated growl, he caught her hips and dragged her down the bed again, freeing her hair, much to Bri’s relief.

It didn’t last. They waltzed their way up the bed again. Bri lost her frantic grip on his shoulders with the jolt as his head connected with wall and plowed eight furrows across his skin with her nails, eliciting a pained grunt from him. This time, though, Bri was so wet and frantic, he managed to penetrate her just enough to drive both of them beyond reason. Giving up on trying to dig her heels into the bed enough to gain leverage, Bri lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist at the same moment he seemed to realize the dilemma and wrapped an arm around her hips to hold her for his next thrust.

She gasped as he slipped deeper, panting at the sense of fullness as his flesh forced her muscles to part for him until she began to think she would pass out. He withdrew and pushed again, fighting his way inside of her like a salmon trying to swim upstream.

Bri caught her breath at the quiver of sensation that rocked through her as his cock touched her g-spot, tensed with the certainty that the next thrust would push her over the edge. It didn’t. It came maddeningly close, but no closer. She needed him deeper.

She’d just begun to have the sinking feeling that he wasn’t going to make it when he stiffened all over, sucked in his breath and held it for a fraction of a second. The jerk of his cock was a split second warning that things weren’t going quite the way she’d hoped. Uttering a strangled groan, he began to shudder and quake, pumping his hips in jerky movements as his body yielded up his seed.

Disappointment and anger washed through Bri. Her belly clenched hopefully around his cock, she teetered on the brink, and then slid down the slope again as he went still, supporting himself above her on shaking arms.

Feeling perilously close to tears, Bri gave herself a mental kick. She hadn’t wanted to enjoy it! She should’ve been relieved it had ended badly for her.

She wasn’t, though. She’d been so close she’d
she was on the verge of having her first climax ever, damn it to hell!

Chapter Eleven

It took all Bri could do to refrain from boxing his pointed ears when Kole, instead of pulling out, heaved a heavy breath and eased deeper inside of her. “Get off,” she growled through gritted teeth.

He lifted his head, studied her for a long moment and said, “No.”

Narrowing her eyes at him, Bri planted her hands on his shoulders and shoved. She might as well have been pushing against a mountain. It didn’t budge him one inch, but he grabbed her wrists, pinning them to the platform on either side of her head and hunched his shoulders, seeking her lips.

She turned her face away. He covered her ear instead, exploring the cavity with his tongue. Goose bumps erupted all over her as heat rushed through her. The muscles along her passage clenched around his flaccid member in reaction, thrusting it outward. He lifted his head to look at her in surprise, but the effect on his cock was almost instantaneous. It swelled, resisting her involuntary efforts to evict it.

She caught her breath as he curled his hips, pushing slowly until the head of his cock bumped her womb. It contracted, sending pain through her, and he eased off again, watching her face intently as he moved within her.

Her anger and disappointment evaporated as she felt her body stir to life, unfurl and tense with his stroking caress until she felt again the distinct, heady rise of passion. Closing her eyes, she lifted to counter his thrusts as pleasure moved over her, through her, winding more and more tightly.

He released his grip on her wrists, shifting his weight to one arm so that he could stroke her with his free hand. Cupping the nearest breast, he plucked at the taut tip with his fingers, and Bri found herself making little noises of pleasure as she gasped and held her breath and then sucked in another breath as darkness swarmed through her mind.

Lifting her now freed hands, she dragged her palms down his chest and then around him, stroking the small of his waist and digging her fingers into the top of his buttocks. God it felt good! It felt soooo good!

She tightened her arms around him, pulling herself more tightly against him, tightened her legs to meet each jarring thrust as he began to move faster. One moment she was clinging in desperation to the edge of release and the next her body began to spasm with the most unimaginable pleasure. She uttered a choked cry as the first wave hit her, gasped in a lungful of air and cried out again as another wave hit and then another.

She was the next thing to unconscious by the time her climax ceased to erupt within her, barely aware of the quaking and shuddering of Kole’s body as he came in her wake and sagged limply against her.

Too weak to cling any longer, Bri’s arms and legs slipped from him and landed with a thud on the platform when she made no attempt to break the fall. She didn’t have the strength to do so even if she’d been mindful of it. Her heart was pounding so hard it was all she could do to continue to breathe.

Finally, becoming aware that Kole hovered above her still, she cracked an eyelid to look up at him. A chuckle escaped her at the look on his face. “Not dead,” she muttered in a slurred voice.

BOOK: Genesis
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