Gay Amish 03 - A Way Home (28 page)

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Authors: Keira Andrews

BOOK: Gay Amish 03 - A Way Home
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“No.” Isaac teased the dark hair on David’s forearm.

His lips lifted. “Liar.”

“There’s no rush. Go back to sleep.”

“Mmm.” David blinked and smoothed his palm over Isaac’s chest. “Morning.”

“Morning.” He pressed a kiss to Isaac’s shoulder. “Do you think they’ll mind if we take our time this morning?”

“No. Our flight’s not until tonight, and we just need to go to the hospital before we leave. Plenty of time.”

“I wonder…no. Never mind.”

“What?” Isaac turned onto his side and looked into David’s blue eyes. “Tell me.”

David sighed and stroked Isaac’s arm. “I wonder if my mother will come today. Your parents know we’re leaving, and they surely told her and Eli.”

“Definitely. You know how quickly the rumor mills works in Zebulon. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” He traced circles on David’s skin. “Do you want her to come?”

“Yes. No.” He shook his head. “I change my mind every minute.”

“I know. It’s strange to think this really might be the last time we see them.”

“Do you think your parents really will let Danielle email you and Aaron about how Nathan’s doing?”

“I hope so. They told her she could, and it wouldn’t be like them to go back on their word. Especially since Aaron’s bone marrow might save him. Still, I hate leaving him while he’s stuck in there.”

“He understands. We all have to get back to work, and you have school.”

Isaac hooked his leg over David’s and rubbed idly. “I have to admit I’m eager to get back. Is that bad? I should want to stay for Nathan.”

“It’s not bad. We have to get back to our own lives now. It’s time.” His eyes danced. “I’m excited, Isaac.”

Isaac grinned. “Tell me more.”

“I want to try sushi again. And go to that museum you were talking about, with the modern art. I was reading that there’s a cable car museum downtown. It’s free, and you can see how the cables work and where they go underground.”

“Really? That sounds awesome. Where did you read about that?”

David blushed a little. “On my phone. I used the Google.”

“Look at you! Using your phone for more than an expensive paperweight.”

Laughing, David tickled Isaac’s ribs. “I know, I know. I was a little slow getting used to technology. But I’m learning.”

“I’m proud of you. And yes, I want to go to the cable car museum. I want to go everywhere. With you.”

David kissed him softly. “Sorry. I haven’t brushed my teeth.”

“I don’t care.” Isaac kissed him back. “I love your morning breath.”

“That’s two lies you’ve told this morning.” David nudged Isaac’s nose with his own.

They kissed lazily for another minute, mingling their stale breath until Isaac could only taste a mixture of them. He pulled back and traced David’s stubbly cheek with his finger. “I hope your mother comes today. We should get to say a real goodbye this time.”

David’s smile faded. “I hope so.”

“I’m glad our parents know the truth, but it still sucks to see them so hurt, doesn’t it?”

“It does.”

Isaac thought of David’s poor mother, and all she’d lost. “What do you think we’d be doing right now if we stayed in Red Hills?” They’d wondered before, but the question still haunted him sometimes.

David’s voice was quiet, and he stroked his palm over Isaac’s hip. “We might have never really known each other. It’s way bigger, so there are more carpenters. You might have gone to work for one of them.”

The thought made Isaac’s insides ache. “We might be marrying women if we’d never gotten to know each other. We might be married already.”

“Or you’d be in love with another carpenter,” David teased. “Like Daniel Eicher.”

Laughing, Isaac slapped David’s shoulder. “Ugh. He must be sixty by now, and I bet he still goes cross-eyed and gets chicken caught in his beard. No way. I’d rather be alone. Although it might be better than marrying a girl, I suppose.”

“Maybe one day we can marry each other.”

Isaac’s heartbeat skipped. “We actually could in California, couldn’t we?” A bubble of joy swelled in him. “I’ve never really thought about it. It seemed too far away.”

A smile lifting his lips, David shrugged. “It still is. It’ll be a few years until we’re really settled. You have school, and we have to save up some money first. But then we could. We could really get married, Isaac.”

Isaac found himself grinning so hard his cheeks hurt. “We will.”

David beamed. “It’s a deal.”

We’re going to get married.
It was years away, but Isaac felt the certainty of it deep inside. He couldn’t really imagine what their wedding would look like, though. A thought struck him. “Do you think when we get back we could try a new church? We’ve both avoided thinking about it the last few months. I felt like there was so much going on, and…” He cupped David’s face.

“What?” David rubbed his rough cheek against Isaac’s hand.

“When I thought about going to church, I remembered what the Bible says about men lying with men. About us going to hell. But now we know we’re not. I want to be close to God again.”

David nodded. “When I thought about it before I’d have that panicky feeling. But now it doesn’t come.”

“I feel God’s love again. It’s not about a book full of rules. There are churches in San Francisco that will accept us.”

“Yes. Let’s find a new church.” He kissed Isaac and then groaned. “I guess we should get up now.”

“Soon.” Isaac drew his leg higher over David’s thigh.

“Mmm.” David raised an eyebrow. “Did you have something in mind?”

“Always.” Isaac rolled David onto his back. “I’ll do the work. Okay?”

Lips parted, David spread his legs. “Anything.”

“Anything?” he teased.

But David only nodded seriously, and Isaac kissed and kissed him, his heart so wonderfully full. They were both smiling as he gave his attention to all of David’s body—sucking his nipples and nuzzling his inner thighs, licking the hollow of his throat, and stroking down to the sensitive soles of his feet.

Their smiles faded as he lapped at David’s heavy balls, pressing his face to the wiry hair there and skating his finger around David’s hole. When he took David’s swelling shaft into his mouth, David thrust up with his hips, biting back a whimper. Isaac watched him through his eyelashes, loving how David’s head was thrown back, his eyes closed as he panted.

David’s thighs trembled, and Isaac was tempted to finish him with his mouth. But his own cock throbbed, and he wanted to sink into David and be part of him. Lose himself in him. He pulled back, a line of saliva hanging from his mouth to the head of David’s cock.

“Oh,” David murmured. “So pretty.”

Isaac looked up to find him watching, and he blushed as he fumbled for the little jar of petroleum jelly. David was splayed open, boneless as Isaac pushed a slick finger into him. He was tight and hot, gripping Isaac’s finger, and Isaac stretched him as slowly as he could bear until David was red and arching up his ass.

“Please, Isaac.”

The temptation to tease vanished as David lifted his knees to his shoulders and opened himself as much as he could, completely exposed and trusting, looking at Isaac with such love and need. Dizzy desire had Isaac slathering his cock with the jelly and slamming straight into David in one thrust even though he’d planned to go slow. They both gasped, and Isaac saw stars as David’s incredible heat clenched around him. He was about to stammer out an apology for going too fast, but the words died on his tongue as David squeezed around him.

“More. Eechel, please, more.”

Bracing himself with one hand on David’s shoulder and the other holding open his thigh, Isaac fucked him with short, choppy strokes. They panted and grunted softly, and along with the tang of sex and sweat, he smelled the sweet hint of June’s chocolate chip pancakes. David’s eyes opened and closed, and he rolled his head back and forth on the pillow. “Is it too much?” Isaac asked.

Eyes wild, David focused on him. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.” He was leaking between them, and he reached down to stroke himself.

“Uh-uh. I’ll do the work, remember?” Isaac drew David’s arm over his head, and then grabbed the other for good measure, holding David’s wrists in one hand awkwardly. David’s eyes widened, and Isaac was about to let go when David shuddered and squeezed Isaac’s cock inside him, moaning low in his throat.

“Yes. Like that.”

David’s excitement sparked in Isaac, and he drove into him, their skin slapping together, breath harsh in the silence. He gripped David’s wrists, keeping his arms locked above him, and even though David was stronger and could get free if he wanted, Isaac hummed with the thrill of David’s acquiescence and trust.

Isaac wanted to scream and shout, but he couldn’t in June’s house with the others right downstairs having pancakes. The pressure was building, and he groaned. “David. You feel so good. Just for me. My good boy.”

David’s cry echoed, and Isaac slapped his hand over David’s mouth. David’s breath came in wet gusts against Isaac’s palm, his nostrils flaring, and it seemed to spur him on. Isaac still held David’s arms up over his head with his other hand, and he rammed his hips, smothering David’s scream as David splashed between them, squeezing down like a vise on Isaac as he came.

Isaac’s fingers dug into David’s wrists, and he was so close as he watched David spill. After a few more pumps, Isaac emptied inside him, the pleasure burning as he shook and gasped.
Isaac spurted a last time and dropped his head, and they shivered together, sweaty and sticky. When Isaac let go of David’s wrists and lowered his hand from David’s mouth, they stared at each other, chests heaving.

“You liked it like that?” Isaac’s throat was dry.

Fresh blood colored David’s cheeks. He nodded. “Did you?”

“It was okay, I guess.”

After a moment, David burst out laughing, and Isaac grinned and kissed the end of his nose. “Now let’s have a shower and get some pancakes before they’re all gone.”


“We’re going to hold you to that, June. You’re coming to visit us in San Francisco this summer—no ifs, ands, or buts.” Jen hugged June tightly by the rental car. “That extra guest room is screaming out for a visitor.”

A twinkle in her eye, June raised her hand in a salute. “Aye-aye, captain.” She hugged Aaron gingerly. “You follow doctor’s orders now. And by doctor of course I mean your wife.”

Aaron chuckled. “Always. I’m feeling much better. Your pancakes every morning are the best medicine. Maybe you can give Jen the recipe.”

“Isn’t he adorable, thinking he can get me to cook? In the morning, no less? Darling, I love your optimism.” Jen patted Aaron’s cheek.

June turned to Isaac and David. “Remember I’m only a phone call or email away.”

Isaac nodded. “Thank you. And you really do have to visit.” He hesitated. It was still an odd thing to hug grown women like this, but he opened his arms and she gave him a squeeze. She smelled like lavender and flour.

“Now David, I expect a weekly update.” June gave him a stern look.

“Yes, ma’am.” David swallowed hard. “I…thank you. For everything. I don’t know what I would have done without you before, and the past couple weeks you’ve been so generous to us all, driving us around and feeding us. Thank you. It doesn’t seem like enough to say that.”

June smiled tightly, her voice thick. “Oh, my boy, it’s enough. More than.” She held him close.

“Goodbye.” David’s voice was muffled in her shoulder where he bent his head.

“Just for now. More like a see you soon.” June rubbed his back and stepped away, waving her hand. “Shoo now before you make me cry. Have a safe trip home.”

They’d piled their bags in the trunk already, and Jen got behind the wheel. June stood in her driveway and waved, and Isaac and David waved back through the rear window until she was out of sight around a bend.

Jen kept up a patter of talk about nothing in particular on the way to the hospital, and Isaac was grateful. He, Aaron, and David all seemed lost in their thoughts until Jen said, “Uh-oh. I think I took a wrong turn. Sorry.”

Isaac peered out the window, and his breath caught as they passed a familiar field. “David, look.”

The Sky-Vu was still closed for winter, its white screen lonely without rows of cars in front of it, and the concrete rectangle of a snack bar looking dingy. But Isaac smiled as he read the big black letters on a white sign by the entrance.

Opening Soon in May for Another Season of Movies and Friends

“That’s a good place.” David looked back through the window wistfully.

“Our very first date.” Isaac laughed. “It all seemed so glamorous.”

Tangling their fingers together, David smiled. “It was. Zebulon glamour.”

“What movie did you see?” Jen asked.

They talked about movies and nothing important as she got back on the right road, and Isaac could breathe a little deeper when they reached the hospital’s now-familiar parking lot.

“Ready, gang?” Jen asked. “We’re in the home stretch. Let’s do this.” She climbed out, and they followed, letting her lead the way.

In his bed, Nathan smiled wanly, his head completely bald now. But his skin had more color than the day before. “Mother and Father said I can write to you. Will you write back?” Nathan asked.

“Of course.” Isaac reached for Nathan’s hand. “Of course I will.”

Nathan looked to Aaron. “I know I’m not supposed to talk to you, but thank you. I feel better already. They said they think it’s working. Maybe God doesn’t want me in heaven yet after all.”

Aaron smiled softly. “I sure hope not.”

“I wish we could stay.” Isaac squeezed Nathan’s fingers. “We’ll still be here with you in our thoughts.”

“I know. You have to get back to the world.” He lowered his voice. “I’d want to get the heck away from here too.”

Isaac had to laugh. “You will. Soon you’ll be home again. I know it. I’ll pray for you, Nathan. Every single day.”

“Do you still pray out there?”

Isaac knew Aaron didn’t, but he answered for himself. “Not as much as I should, but that’s going to change.”

Danielle appeared in the doorway. “Hey, guys. Better wrap this up. Too many people in here at once. Gotta let Nathan get his beauty rest. But I’ll be in touch with you soon, okay? Keep you up to date.”

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